View Full Version : MAXs to be able to drive vehicles

2012-06-26, 10:34 PM
Based off of this video

PlanetSide 2 -- E3 Theater Presentation - YouTube

released today the Devs are going to allow MAXs to pilot vehicles aside from aircraft...This worries me around 2:40

"The tradeoff is they are a little less versitle, you cannot pilot aircraft"

hmmm mechs jumping out of tanks is going to be really irritating...

2012-06-26, 10:37 PM
I also remember them saying at E3 they wouldn't be able to drive anything at all only get rides, atleast I hope they did.

2012-06-26, 10:37 PM
im sure theres a comment around with higby saying something about killing a tank and having a max poping out, and that would be silly so they're not going to have that. but i CBFed finding.

TLDR: tanks popping out of tanks: no.

2012-06-26, 10:38 PM
I think you may be going a little too literal minded on this. Especially when the commentators on the E3 streams went out of their way to constantly insist MAXs wouldn't even be allowed INSIDE most vehicles at all, let alone have them piloting them. The video here is from E3, so it's not overriding anything they said there.

I think they were a little too careless with their wording, not that they're actually letting MAXs drive tanks.

2012-06-26, 10:38 PM
it has been said that max units wont be able to drive anything. but this is only what i have heard. it may all change but i think it will be too op if a max can drive a tank ect. and they would never fit in the drivers seat lol

2012-06-26, 10:40 PM
Matt also stated in the dev commentary with Totalbiscuit that MAXs wont be allowed to pilot vehicles. So I think it's a bit to literal of an interpretation

2012-06-26, 10:41 PM
This is the same narrator that says "two squads" in a Galaxy. I wouldn't put too much stock in it.

2012-06-26, 10:42 PM
I dont think so. Just because he says they cant pilot aircrafts doesnt mean they can drive vehicles.

I noticed that in the E3 videos there happened to be MAXs piloting aircrafts and it was mentioned that they would not be able to do that in the final game. It was only possible because of the current build.So maybe thats the reason why he mentioned that specifically...it is already assumed that MAXs cant drive tanks. they just wouldnt fit

Mr DeCastellac
2012-06-26, 10:44 PM
If I say "I don't like chocolate", that doesn't mean that I enjoy every other food except chocolate.

In the same way, them saying that MAX units can't pilot aircraft doesn't mean that they can drive vehicles. I can guarantee they won't be able to.

2012-06-26, 10:45 PM
Well, i hope not. I also listened to all of the E3 coverage and heard them all talking about how they diddnt expect MAXs to be able to pilot anything. But that was weeks ago, and this video gets released today revealing new info about the engineer, whos to say that the info relating to the MAX isnt also new and accurate?

2012-06-26, 10:46 PM
Maybe it is possible for them to drive certain vehicles? I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sidegrade or two that allowed a MAX on a flash.

2012-06-26, 10:46 PM
Pretty sure Maggie said that they wouldn't be able to drive anything during the E3 commentary. I've watched it all a few times through now, so I'm fairly certain.

2012-06-26, 10:48 PM
Maybe it is possible for them to drive certain vehicles? I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sidegrade or two that allowed a MAX on a flash.

So if they hit a ramp while driving one, would you call it a Jumpin' MAX Flash?

2012-06-26, 10:48 PM
Yeah, I mean im pretty well versed in the videos, ive seen everything total biscuit has released, and watched all of the E3 streams. It just seems like this couldnt have slipped through the cracks unnoticed...i donno

2012-06-26, 10:54 PM
Well in pretty much every video they say everything you see is subject to change. We have no choice but to go with what we hear in the latest release.

2012-06-26, 10:56 PM
Well in pretty much every video they say everything you see is subject to change. We have no choice but to go with what we hear in the latest release.

Yeah, thats kinda my point. I hope this isnt the case but ionno

2012-06-26, 11:06 PM
Based off of this video

PlanetSide 2 -- E3 Theater Presentation - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goNh81Duz90&feature=player_embedded#)

released today the Devs are going to allow MAXs to pilot vehicles aside from aircraft...This worries me around 2:40

"The tradeoff is they are a little less versitle, you cannot pilot aircraft"

hmmm mechs jumping out of tanks is going to be really irritating...

I was thinking the same thing. I hope they change that during beta!

2012-06-26, 11:07 PM
Yeah, thats kinda my point. I hope this isnt the case but ionno


It is older than what we were told in the E3 interviews. Being shown to people at E3, it was also recorded before E3, so everything in that video is older than what the commentators told you in E3.

2012-06-26, 11:23 PM
I think it is quite new, as the engineer has the ability to drop ammo, which it hasnt had for the entirety of the older videos including E3.

2012-06-26, 11:25 PM
This is a prime example of taking a statement completely out of context. Nobody should be worried about max units piloting, driving or gunning anything. It's not going to happen so have no fear.:)

2012-06-26, 11:43 PM
Matt also stated in the dev commentary with Totalbiscuit that MAXs wont be allowed to pilot vehicles. So I think it's a bit to literal of an interpretation

I do recall that video I believe they will follow suit with PS1 when it came to MAXs and vehicles but we are still in alpha so won't really now til beta/launch!

very unlikely though IMO!!

2012-06-27, 12:01 AM
They've said every single time that MAX units will not drive vehicles.

They also stated in several of the videos that currently MAX units could enter vehicles (at the time of the said videos), but that was only because of the stage of development they were at or some other nonsense regarding the developers.

2012-06-27, 01:54 AM
So if they hit a ramp while driving one, would you call it a Jumpin' MAX Flash?

it's an araxium, araxium, araxium.

I think it is quite new, as the engineer has the ability to drop ammo, which it hasnt had for the entirety of the older videos including E3.

i thought i was just remembering that wrong when i saw it. i thought light assault was a little too awesome anyway

2012-06-27, 01:57 AM
I think it is quite new, as the engineer has the ability to drop ammo, which it hasnt had for the entirety of the older videos including E3.

If I recall correctly the engineer was always listed with the ability to deploy "Re-supply Terminals" Thus: ammo, among other things. While the light assault was only able to drop a small ammo box.

Vanu Techpriest
2012-06-27, 04:10 AM
He was just giving an example in the video. MAXs aren't going to be driving tanks, stop jumping to conclusions.

Talek Krell
2012-06-27, 04:10 AM
Even in the unlikely event this wasn't just a poorly worded statement, it will take about 6 seconds of beta testing before it's on the nerf list.

2012-06-27, 04:27 AM
They wont, it would be stupid if they could. The PS community wouldn't let it stand.

2012-06-27, 04:42 AM
Maybe it's the title but this thread really getting to me.

Why is anyone jumping from "max armors can't drive jets" to "OMG MAYBE MAX CAN DRIVE TANKS????" Despite a dozen specific dev statements opposite, people keep posting as if it's even remotely considerable and they might have to remove it in beta or something.

Seriously? Don't even consider it. Waste of time, move on. You have to trust the devs not to be braindead otherwise you have to consider making new threads with topics like "Vanu will be shooting bananas" every time someone finds out that vanu ammo is not made of bullets. Not bullets? MUST BE FRUIT. That's about how much sense this thread makes.

When can we start having smart threads again? I could really go for another discussion of DPS vs alpha strike and whether dps is a proper metric for FPS guns balancing. How about something about why medics and engineers of different empires can't have slightly unique roles? Or maybe something on which bases seem easier to defend, that would be nice. Just not this.

2012-06-27, 05:48 AM
A Max with a Vehilce would be unfair it has Armor Enough !
Gal -> 2 Max Slots ;)

2012-06-27, 07:36 AM
Hey, why stop there...

The commentator also didn't mention anything about the MAXs not being able to do backflips, make sushi or play the accordion...so obviously that's something we'll see a lot of MAXs do in the game. :rolleyes:

This thread is a schoolbook example of how to take things out of context and jump to conclusions.

It's also failing deductions and outrageous headlines like these which define the very term "poor journalism".

Has OP even considered the pace of the video? It's pretty apparent that the commentator is struggling to keep up with the visuals, so there's even a perfectly natural reason for him mentioning one graphic example of what the MAXs can't do...as opposed to listing all the 786 impossible things for the 3 people at E3 who wouldn't get the point.

The thread title is extremely misleading as there are no solid facts to support its claim. At the very best, it's highly speculative and as such the title should have a Huge Ass (pun intended) question mark at the end of it.


2012-06-27, 08:19 AM
Vanu will be shooting bananas
Sounds par for the course for Vanu to bring a banana to a Raptor-fight.

2012-06-27, 08:28 AM
Hey, why stop there...

The commentator also didn't mention anything about the MAXs not being able to do backflips, make sushi or play the accordion...so obviously that's something we'll see a lot of MAXs do in the game. :rolleyes:

This thread is a schoolbook example of how to take things out of context and jump to conclusions.

It is more of a logical assumption considering he mentioned aircraft specifically rather than vehicles in general...

What is funny is I think you are the one who is taking things out of context and jumping to conclusions. Your post wouldn't make sense unless you thought we brought this up under different terms. Such as, "He didn't mention that exos couldn't enter vehicles, maybe that means they can!'

2012-06-27, 08:58 AM
It is more of a logical assumption considering he mentioned aircraft specifically rather than vehicles in general...

What is funny is I think you are the one who is taking things out of context and jumping to conclusions. Your post wouldn't make sense unless you thought we brought this up under different terms. Such as, "He didn't mention that exos couldn't enter vehicles, maybe that means they can!'

It is a kind of ridiculous assumption. We've heard more conclusive statements such as "platoons will be able to have 100 players in them," but when we hear the contrary in most other places, it's reasonable to assume that the statement was wrong, and platoons will only have 30 players like in the first game.

In this case, we didn't even get a firm statement. We just got a quote which could be taken one way, but never actually said it. Considering that, again, we've heard lots of times that MAXes absolutely will not be able to drive any vehicle, why jump to the conclusion that they will be able to based on a minor omission in a random presentation?

MAXes would look ridiculous on an ATV. Are we just to assume that they will be able to drive every land vehicle except an ATV?

No, it's safe to assume that what we've heard that MAXes wont be able to drive anything is true, until we get very hard confirmation to the contrary.

2012-06-27, 09:08 AM
TLDR: tanks popping out of tanks: no.

Aye it would be like a matryoshka doll.

Kran De Loy
2012-06-27, 09:13 AM
im sure theres a comment around with higby saying something about killing a tank and having a max poping out, and that would be silly so they're not going to have that. but i CBFed finding.

TLDR: tanks popping out of tanks: no.

hahaha I wanted to thank you're post because it gave me the idea of that one meme "Hey bro I heard you like tanks so we put a tank in your tank so you can tank while you tank.."

2012-06-27, 09:17 AM
Pretty sure they wont be able to in the Beta and further

At least i hope not...wth!

2012-06-27, 09:21 AM
It is more of a logical assumption considering he mentioned aircraft specifically rather than vehicles in general...

What is funny is I think you are the one who is taking things out of context and jumping to conclusions. Your post wouldn't make sense unless you thought we brought this up under different terms. Such as, "He didn't mention that exos couldn't enter vehicles, maybe that means they can!'

No it is not.

It's speculation and guessing at best...nothing more.

All I did was post a very silly response to a very silly claim for the sole purpose of addressing the obvious lack of solid grounds for OP's statement.

I wouldn't have done that, nor would there have been any need to do so, had he/she just posed this as a simple question or possibility instead of an already established "fact".

Also, given that neither OP nor any followers of this "theory" can present anything of true substance to back up this claim...combined with the fact that you'd rather attack my obviously overly exaggerated response than put any real effort into defending it...speaks volumes about how weak and unsubstantial it actually is.

As I still don't see any Huge Ass question mark ? at the end of the thread title, I will simply repeat my previous statement: This thread is purely speculative and there's absolutely nothing supporting its claim... n o t h i n g.


The Degenatron
2012-06-27, 09:43 AM
TLDR: tanks popping out of tanks: no.


2012-06-27, 09:56 AM
Also, given that neither OP nor any followers of this "theory" can present anything of true substance to back up this claim...combined with the fact that you'd rather attack my obviously overly exaggerated response than put any real effort into defending it...speaks volumes about how weak and unsubstantial it actually is.


I have no reason to defend these claims. I don't particularly care if exos can drive... I just saw your condescending and poorly formed post and attacked it as you said.

2012-06-27, 09:56 AM
Well one speculation and definitive assumption I can claim that will be correct about MAX's, is that they have stated in one or two videos Empire's will share the same MAX capabilities. Essentially, the NC-MAX Shield, and the TR-MAX Lockdown will be mainstream which makes complete sense considering they're using the same technological template...

If it isn't known already, MAX's must still possess their previous sprint ability from PS1 which made up for their inability to pilot anything, which screams of imbalance completely if they could now.

Imagine MAX's air-dropping from fighter aircraft. The only vehicle system a MAX should be allowed to enter and exist is a Galaxy and land-sized variant.

It would be stupid if the MAX's in PS2 didn't share Lockdown and Shielding. I also hope the Vanu's unique jump-jet ability for their MAX's is universal as well. At least the Terran and Conglomerate deserve one MAX-type that can air-lift itself for tactical diversity. If anything, the Vanu's version should be superior in endurance and speed.

2012-06-27, 10:06 AM
Well one speculation and definitive assumption I can claim that will be correct about MAX's, is that they have stated in one or two videos Empire's will share the same MAX capabilities. Essentially, the NC-MAX Shield, and the TR-MAX Lockdown will be mainstream which makes complete sense considering they're using the same technological template...

If it isn't known already, MAX's must still possess their previous sprint ability from PS1 which made up for their inability to pilot anything, which screams of imbalance completely if they could now.

Imagine MAX's air-dropping from fighter aircraft. The only vehicle system a MAX should be allowed to enter and exist is a Galaxy and land-sized variant.

It would be stupid if the MAX's in PS2 didn't share Lockdown and Shielding. I also hope the Vanu's unique jump-jet ability for their MAX's is universal as well. At least the Terran and Conglomerate deserve one MAX-type that can air-lift itself for tactical diversity. If anything, the Vanu's version should be superior in endurance and speed.

They have stated that they are still considering what weapons and abilities will be common pool for all MAXes and which ones will be empire specific. Right now, the TR MAX is the only one with lockdown harpoons on its legs, so while that isn't conclusive, I wouldn't say it's outside the realm of possibility that it could still end up as a TR exclusive. But there will be multiple abilities that you can choose from, so TR won't be stuck with lockdown if they don't want to use it.

But no MAX will have jump jets of any kind, not the VS, not any of them. The base designs take too much advantage of vertical gameplay now, so it would be horribly overpowered to give them that ability. Light Assault are the only class that gets jump jets now, and all empires have access to that class and it's ability.

We have not yet heard what they are thinking of for possible ES VS MAX abilities to replace the jump jets, assuming they decide to have any ES abilities for MAXes.

2012-06-27, 11:02 AM
But no MAX will have jump jets of any kind, not the VS, not any of them. The base designs take too much advantage of vertical gameplay now, so it would be even more horribly overpowered to give them that ability. Light Assault are the only class that gets jump jets now, and all empires have access to that class and it's ability.
Added the bold to fix your statement. :D

2012-06-27, 11:12 AM
MAXes will not be piloting or driving anything.


2012-06-27, 03:19 PM
MAXes will not be piloting or driving anything.

This. You guys have to remember that devs are human too, sometimes people just slip up and say something when they meant to say another without even realizing it. We're just so excited about how close beta seems to be that our minds are making big deals out of little things.


2012-06-27, 04:12 PM
How would a Vanu MAX even pilot a vehicle? They have no hands!

2012-06-27, 04:15 PM
How would a Vanu MAX even pilot a vehicle? They have no hands!

dude, ALIEN CRAB CLAWS are pretty versitile

2012-06-27, 04:15 PM
Old PlanetSide player here.

I just wanted to give some quick input on an obvious answer.

During the twitter beta key give away, MissMurder specifically asked, "‏@planetside2 Alright tweeps! It's time for round two! What can the Max unit NOT do? Why? http://bit.ly/Mwn7wo <3, MissMurder"

I provided the answer, "@planetside2 Get in a vehicle! Why? Because thats like trying to fit a tank in a tank."

And I won a beta key for that answer :-p If that tells you anything.. sure its not a 100% confirm anything, but this in my opinion should not even be a question.

Edit for link: https://twitter.com/JFenk/status/217663509960470528

2012-06-27, 07:20 PM
I think he just said not pilot aircraft as an example. He should have said they can't drive vehicles in general. They will probably have the sprint mode just as in the first game an be able to ride as passenger in sunderer and galaxy that's all.

2012-06-27, 07:24 PM
I think he just said not pilot aircraft as an example. He should have said they can't drive vehicles in general. They will probably have the sprint mode just as in the first game an be able to ride as passenger in sunderer and galaxy that's all.


Also remember people who are giving the presentations arent necessarily the ones developing the content. So as far as his knowledge yes that could have been the case.

2012-06-27, 07:30 PM
maxs have never been able to pilot any kind of vehicles whatsoever. I truly doubt they are going to add that feature now.

2012-06-27, 07:32 PM
Amazing what silly stuff some will try to read and inject between the lines! Maxes cant drive. Imagine getting in a tank fight with another tank, your armour is both down real low, And then an anti-tank specc'd max hops out of the drivers seat fresh and new. It just does not make sense from a game balance point of view. So much of this crazy speculation or requests are so counter to the idea of balance it makes me wonders, THEN I remember about reality of the internet...

2012-06-27, 10:05 PM
How would a Vanu MAX even pilot a vehicle? They have no hands!

They have hands. They are just hidden by the guns. Some of the first screenshots we saw of the VS MAX showed its hands.

I believe it's the only MAX that actually holds it's guns, instead of having them strapped to it's forearms.

Max need to be able to ride in more than just Galaxy and Bus. The Lib is big and looks like it can fit a max. Devs should give it a go during Beta.

They really don't. MAXes will be fine as defenders and occasional attackers.

But I'd be willing to test it out in beta none the less.

blue oktyabr
2012-06-28, 01:14 AM
He simply stated that they wouldn't be able to pilot an aircraft. That's all it means. This statement shouldn't be extrapolated to mean anything else.

2012-06-28, 01:28 AM
So...uhhh... are we nixing the idea of the LA inside the max suit inside the lightning inside the sund inside the gal?

2012-06-28, 01:42 AM
Why does this have so many posts? MAXs won't be able to drive vehicles. Just stop.

2012-06-28, 03:49 AM
Max need to be able to ride in more than just Galaxy and Bus. The Lib is big and looks like it can fit a max. Devs should give it a go during Beta.

All extra cargo space is filled up with ammunition.:p

2012-06-28, 04:19 AM
they were allowed to drive vehicles at E3 for the sake of things, but they will not in the real game. they will have to be transported.

2012-06-28, 05:32 AM
Obviously, MAX units will get the Plainsrunning ability...

2012-06-28, 05:37 AM
Obviously, MAX units will get the Plainsrunning ability...

yes, and rather than riding an atv to the next objective... you can ride your teammate! jump on that friendly MAX's shoulders and he'll get you where you need to go!