View Full Version : What aspect of PS2 are you most excited about? Poll inside

2012-06-27, 02:52 AM
If you had to pick one aspect of planetside 2 that you were most excited about what would that be? Please vote and explain below why you are the most passionate about this particular aspect. Im sure i will miss some aspects of the game so im adding an "other" option to the poll and you can list whatever i didnt add to the poll by replying to the thread below.

2012-06-27, 02:56 AM
No poll ....

Tihihihi I love to do that. :) :)

2012-06-27, 02:57 AM
Definitely looking forward to moving people around in Sunderers and Galaxies. Logistics is one of my favorite things for some reason.

2012-06-27, 02:58 AM
Well, since they took away my first choice, which was conquest... I'll have to go with the fact that it is a vehicular FPS with a lot of customizability.

It is tough though... Even though it was more of a carrot on a stick, it was still there. It really is a lot easier to get into the game when you have an overarching goal as you play the game. In this case it was kill the enemy, take over the world.

2012-06-27, 03:00 AM
Really excited for the gun customizations and in game VOIP.

2012-06-27, 03:01 AM
No poll ....

Tihihihi I love to do that. :) :)

LOL okay NOW its finished!

Like i say too i realize i probably left out a ton of things but the poll only allows 10 options so....

2012-06-27, 03:04 AM
I selected massive battles but I am also looking forward to the persitence of the world. :)

2012-06-27, 03:04 AM
I'm looking forward to all the engineering abilities, and the ice/ snow continent

2012-06-27, 03:05 AM
Definitely looking forward to moving people around in Sunderers and Galaxies. Logistics is one of my favorite things for some reason.

Yeah thats what i love about this game too, is how its got so many options in ways you can play it, and still be helpful to your empire.

2012-06-27, 03:11 AM
I selected the massive battles option, but more specifically I'm looking forward to the feeling of being part of something bigger. That there is a massive war raging along side me and I am adding simply one small story to that war. The fact that my actions can range from merely being a footnote on the greater scheme of things, or the critical headshot/supply drop off that secured us the base. It's something very FEW games have gotten the feel of, and only the original planetside actually accomplished.


Definitely looking forward to moving people around in Sunderers and Galaxies. Logistics is one of my favorite things for some reason.

Totally looking forward to that as well. :cool: Everyone in the Party Bus! We goin to war! :D

2012-06-27, 03:26 AM
Why isn't it multi choice? Because i will be looking forward to teamwork, (i voted for that) the customization, the teamwork, the large scale battles, being a supporting character or a heavy assault character, graphics would be nice, but i will be playing on very low detail, so that won't affect me :( and i guess the varied vehicles and weapons.

Should have been multi choice ;)

2012-06-27, 04:05 AM
Why isn't it multi choice? Because i will be looking forward to teamwork, (i voted for that) the customization, the teamwork, the large scale battles, being a supporting character or a heavy assault character, graphics would be nice, but i will be playing on very low detail, so that won't affect me :( and i guess the varied vehicles and weapons.

Should have been multi choice ;)

Well i figured it would give better data if you could only choose one, i mean me myself i would check all ten options lol so that wouldnt really tell me anything if everybody picked all ten.

2012-06-27, 04:23 AM
All of the above!

2012-06-27, 04:24 AM

2012-06-27, 05:44 AM
I'm mostly looking forward to the customization. It seems like it's far more extensive than any other game on the market. I've often spent hours in character creators in other games though rarely do they let you customize your gear. Customization of gear and vehicles just adds a deeper sense of ownership over them which greatly magnifies immersion in my opinion.

"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine."

2012-06-27, 06:26 AM
I wanted to choose everything.

2012-06-27, 06:54 AM
Mosquitoes top the list, as you can probably tell by my siggy and avatar.

After that comes awesome fps combat, (then flying a Gal), and then playing with a ton of people.

I wanted to choose everything.
That feel bro.

Kran De Loy
2012-06-27, 07:00 AM
I was really stuck between the Massive and the Persistence options. Spent nearly 5 minutes debating with myself which to pick. Finally went with Massive, but only because that was the firs thing I thought of when I clicked on the thread title.

I wanted to choose everything.
I dun wanna have to pick just one either. However the poll does ask which is the MOST exciting.

Edit2: Btw: 50+ people and no one gives a shit about the VOIP or the Graphics. GG, poll.

2012-06-27, 07:08 AM
For me it's about massive combat and persistent battles on large landscapes. That's the one thing no other game has.

Team work is nice and I'm sure it'll be just as in PS1 if not better.

Meatball Mobeus
2012-06-27, 07:16 AM
Actual Hit Boxes, and no more hot swapping.

2012-06-27, 07:39 AM

The three faction persistent world conflict

2012-06-27, 07:56 AM
Teamwork - everything else comes after that.

2012-06-27, 07:56 AM
I'd say what I love the most is the synergy between massive, social and fun. Planetside 2 will a great environment to both have fun, meet PS1 friends again and play in exciting massive FPS battles.

The 3 factions is great and it just wouldn't be the same thing not fighting for Vanu against those pseudo-rebels and delusional imperialists !

2012-06-27, 08:18 AM
Barrel Rolls!!!!

2012-06-27, 08:23 AM
huge combat and team work. too many fps's have ignored team work and rambo style play is done far too much. i like playing in a team and i like the idea of a lot of vehicles rolling/flying in to kick ass :)

2012-06-27, 08:35 AM
Hard to pick just one, but I guess the relevancy of them all depends on the 2,000 players so I picked that!

2012-06-27, 09:04 AM
It was hard to choose one. I went with Teamwork, because when you really drill down on it, the reason I'm looking forward to most of the others is because of how it will support or be enhanced by the teamwork.

VOIP? Will be awesome, and facilitate Teamwork. Massive scale? Highlights the necessity of Teamwork -- if your empire doesn't leverage it, the other guy will stomp all over you when he does. The varied guns and vehicles? All fit together in a well organized Team effort. Social aspects? I meet people on my Team, and makes friends with them, bonding over our love of pitching in together and doing something fun and effective. Customization and Classes? Fitting my equipment and class better to my playstyle will better enable me to fulfill my role on the Team.

That said, being a gorgeous game with persistence is pretty damn awesome, too.

2012-06-27, 09:07 AM
New weapons and vehicles, especially the Scythe! Yet, honestly, all the above, graphics, social, thousands of people, persistence...

2012-06-27, 09:15 AM
Most excited about: free to play.

I could not justify paying for PlanetSide 1
and playing twice a month for one hour.

2012-06-27, 09:23 AM
The massive battles. You just don't get anything that compares to that anywhere else other than Planetside. As long as they can capture the same scale as the first game (along with the added perk of improved gun play and graphics), I'll be happy. Having the game be on an even larger scale than the first game is just a bonus.

There are a lot of other things that I'm excited about, like a return to the massive scale team playing, piloting a Scythe, jumping around as a Light Assault, all of the customization options, the persistence, etc, but for me the massive battles are the single most important aspect of Planetside and the thing I'm most looking forward to experiencing yet again, only hopefully even better this time around.

Playing PS1 with high populations again this month should be a nice teaser.

2012-06-27, 09:40 AM
The PlanetSide 2 part.

2012-06-27, 09:43 AM
The PlanetSide 2 part.

Funny, that is what I am looking forward to the least out of everything up there.

2012-06-27, 09:57 AM
What aspect of PS2 are you most excited about? Poll inside

To crush muh enemies, to see dem driven befoah me and to heauh de lamentation ov de vimmen

2012-06-27, 10:04 AM
To crush muh enemies, to see dem driven befoah me and to heauh de lamentation ov de vimmen

Best post ever, why is this not an option on the poll?

I voted for the battles of 2000 people, because everything else essentially revolves around those (Besides graphics etc).

2012-06-27, 10:08 AM
No single aspect... Just everything!



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2012-06-27, 10:09 AM
Massive battles. Massive battles = massive tank battles = more stuff to shoot at with my tanks.

And tanks. But tanks weren't an option in the poll so I went with massive battles. Massive battles with tanks.

2012-06-27, 01:44 PM
Hard choice between teamwork, customization and persistence.

To crush muh enemies, to see dem driven befoah me and to heauh de lamentation ov de vimmen

Epic! :lol:

2012-06-27, 01:46 PM
I voted for other.

What I am looking forward to the most is jumping back into a new game as Vanu. Having the original factions is what I am most excited for.

2012-06-27, 02:03 PM
I'm surprised that I'm the only guy who's voted for in-game VOIP sofar (out of 126 voters).

I've been playing PS1 again nightly for a month now, and have really noticed the so many missed opportunities with no useable in-game VOIP.

1) I can't talk to all of my online outfit people by voice (only the ones logged into TS)
2) When I'm a gunner or passenger I can't talk to my driver by voice (or even figure out who's my driver)
3) I can't talk to my squad mates by voice (unless they have listened to our spam and have joined our TS)

Bottom line, it's much more effective to be able to say to your galaxy pilot (as a tailgunner), "enemy aircraft, 6 o'clock. I can't get an angle on him!!" than just spam "Inbound enemy vechicles!" until you die a firey death that you can't do anything about.

I do like the voice macros though, btw.

2012-06-27, 04:09 PM
Team work used n conjunction with vehicles = my favourite aspect. The number of players is a close second and it being in a persistent world.

Ugh... it's hard to choose but vehicles is number 1 :)

2012-06-27, 04:30 PM
Varied weapons and vehicles. The customization aspect is fantastic. I get the gun I want and the tank I want.

Also blowing shit up with my ps1 outfit :D

2012-06-27, 04:35 PM
the massive battles will be fun. But will be great i seeing our whole outfit back again in one game. It will be a blast running with at least 1 too 2 platoons again.

2012-06-27, 04:59 PM
Other: I just want to kill me some TR & VS

2012-06-27, 05:06 PM

I played PS1 for a little while. However, I was a lone wolf. so I experienced the big battles but not the sense of massive victory. It'll be different this time around. Teamwork will put the "mass" in "massive" for me.

I've got to say, though, lately I've been getting hypnotized by the trailers and screenshots. Loving the atmospherics. Also, looking forward to getting lost in the cert tree.

Another thing is that I see a lot of aircraft dogfights where the tail bubble has no gunner in there. I see myself as that tail gunner. You come up behind my plane and I will tear you up! I imagine my teeth rattling from the recoil. Then you eject, with a nervous grin on your face. Then I let you have some more. As you await your squad respawn timer, I watch your lead-ridden ejected corpse crash on top of your teammates. Then we come around for a second run.

2012-06-27, 06:04 PM
I've voted for the teamwork aspect, because I think this game will really become fun for me once I've joined an outfit. Succesfully executing different strategies with people that could become (or already are) your friends is just satisfying.

And there was no option to wreck havoc with a Mosquito! :trrocks:

2012-06-27, 07:28 PM
This is a pretty loaded poll. Obviously the given answer is massive battles. It would be interesting to see the results sans that. Massive battles is a given...

2012-06-27, 07:45 PM
the whole day to night and back to day transitions,and the night fights,are what im looking forward to the most

2012-06-27, 07:48 PM
I choose massive battles. But really it's everything.

2012-06-27, 07:57 PM
I like teamwork and coordination. Something about calling out targets over voip jsut gets to me.

Joe Soldier
2012-06-27, 07:57 PM
All of the above, but I am mostly exited about the classes and customization.

2012-06-27, 08:09 PM
Has to be the scale.

2012-06-27, 08:25 PM
picked other: I cant wait for all the support roles in this one and how much more effective they will be now

2012-06-27, 09:18 PM
Most of the list we have seen in PS1 or other games so...

I vote Other!

The in game weather system!

I can't wait to see the implementation of how the weather will work with the effects on players, vehicles, and the idea of possible environmental changes.

Example: heavy rain could cause flooding in parts of the battlefield or lightning strikes on air vehicle when flying through a storm think it would add an interesting element IMO.

2012-06-27, 09:28 PM
Persistent massive warfare. Makes me really get into it and really excited for doing things that actually have an impact. Plus beating other players, I'm pretty competitive.

Then there's the camaraderie that comes with it all.

2012-06-27, 11:05 PM
Massive battles, a persistent world, and teamwork are all great, but before PS2 you would've had a hard time getting me anywhere near an MMO. What PS2 offers me is the chance to experience all those things whilst giving me the opportunity to tailor the game to my own personal playstyle, rather than obsessively grinding and min-maxing just to have a fighting chance. That's why I voted customization.

2012-06-28, 04:28 AM
Most of the list we have seen in PS1 or other games so...

I vote Other!

The in game weather system!

I can't wait to see the implementation of how the weather will work with the effects on players, vehicles, and the idea of possible environmental changes.

Example: heavy rain could cause flooding in parts of the battlefield or lightning strikes on air vehicle when flying through a storm think it would add an interesting element IMO.

Aw man i KNEW i forgot something on the poll lol, damnit, thats one of the things i was really excited about too. I remember higby in one of his interviews , i think actually it was the one hamma did about where you could fly into a lightning cloud and it actually break the missle lock, and sandstorms screwing with the radar. Things like that really draw you in and make the game immersive. I love that feeling when im in a game and somebody sneaks up on me and because im so into it i actually jump out of my seat because they scared me lol. It sucks getting snuck up on but i mean just that whole immersion aspect of it. Thats what i believe is really going to set this whole thing apart is the feeling of being there and being a part of something. Anything when people work together toward a common goal, even in a video game is amazing too. My personal goal in this is to really get invested in this game. Im hoping it will be my shooter i play for the next 7 years.

I met a lot of my online gaming buddies i game with to this day through this game from 2007 called enemy territory quake wars (played it for 4 years, never got boring) and it was all about objective based teamwork. Right now all shooters are about go stand on this point, or run this flag back to another point. Im tired of shallow game mechanics, im hoping they make the base captures really strategic and in depth. I only played the first planetside briefly but that whole thing about more than one way to achieve a goal really appeals to me and makes it more true to life i think. Most shooters now adays dont offer that. PS2 will be different i hope.

BTW thanks to all who voted on the poll so far.

2012-06-28, 04:30 AM
massive battles and hopefully teamwork

voip will be turned off straight away i dont wanna listen to some little whining nobhead i dont know

2012-06-28, 04:37 AM
massive battles and hopefully teamwork

voip will be turned off straight away i dont wanna listen to some little whining nobhead i dont know

Yeah im wondering about that myself. I think itll be more helpful than annoying though once the community gets into the flow of things. Hopefully it has an ignore feature for those really annoying people though.

2012-06-28, 05:40 AM
Should have been a multi-poll really. Teamplay and massive battles. HUGE gal drops ftw :)

2012-06-28, 05:50 AM
persistence, voip, logistics and teamwork, massive scale, character roles and unlocks.

2012-06-28, 06:06 AM
In case someone hadn't said it yet, Being able to play the damn game.

2012-06-28, 06:09 AM
people are lying if they say anything other than the scale because I can get everything else in other games. now you could be looking forward more to some of these items, but scale will make everything a 100 times better.

2012-06-28, 07:48 AM
I'm mostly looking forward to two specific things, jet-drifting with a Reaver and piloting a full-on gunboat(lib)! However, I did vote for persistance as that is a feature I just love.