View Full Version : Damage from collision seems way too high

2012-06-27, 09:50 AM
So after watching the E3 videos for probably a 3rd time,i cant help but notice how rediculosly high the collision dmg is.
I dont mind collision dmg beeing in the game,i even like the idea,but right now it seems rediculos.
Heavily armored tanks get dmg from the slightest bumps while moving with 20km/h,jeeps explode while moving with 20km/h instantly and landing an air vehicle on low health is completely out of the question even if you land with 0,00000000000001km/h on the flattest terrain possible.

If you are going with a full speed with a buggy i can understand geting blown up if you hit a wall.
Air vehicles dieing instantly while flying with high speed and colliding with something,that's the way it should be really.

But right now the deadlies faction BY far seems to be the terrain itself.

2012-06-27, 09:51 AM
Devs have stated they're working on it.

2012-06-27, 09:51 AM
alpha footage

2012-06-27, 09:51 AM
Please search for threads before making new ones... There is a 5+ page thread about this created shortly after E3.

Edit: In before the bin!

2012-06-27, 09:58 AM
- Alpha footage.
- Beta will help with balancing.
- Please be patient.



2012-06-27, 01:27 PM
Devs have stated they're working on it.

Ok i didnt knew that.
I was worried they might be liking it the way it is now ^^
The bf3 developers(DICE)had a tendancy of ignoring broken mechanics and saying they are working as intended.
I hope ps2 wont be like that(and so far the dev team is really doing great in my opinion:) ).

2012-06-27, 01:30 PM


2012-06-27, 01:31 PM
Ok i didnt knew that.
I was worried they might be liking it the way it is now ^^
The bf3 developers(DICE)had a tendancy of ignoring broken mechanics and saying they are working as intended.
I hope ps2 wont be like that(and so far the dev team is really doing great in my opinion:) ).

This could be one of a thousand things that change between now and launch. When you hit Beta definitely let us know what you think about it.

2012-06-27, 01:31 PM
TREES OP, NEED NERF! I bet the damage will come down, don't worry about it

2012-06-27, 01:35 PM
LOL! I still think we should NERF Teh Trees in PS1

2012-06-27, 01:55 PM
But right now the deadlies faction BY far seems to be the terrain itself.

A fair amount of that was just player inexperience with the flight mechanics. I'm pretty sure everyone crashes their first aircraft.

OTOH, I seem to remember seeing some ATVs do stuff that should have Messed Them Up, and they got away without so much as a smudge on the paint job. Somewhere.

2012-06-27, 02:01 PM
TREES OP, NEED NERF! I bet the damage will come down, don't worry about it

Why are your cat's lips so incredibly dry?

2012-06-27, 02:03 PM
This could be one of a thousand things that change between now and launch. When you hit Beta definitely let us know what you think about it.

I will definitely be watching this. Collision damage should be VERY minor, like 10-15% damage. Currently it seems like you can take almost 50% damage from it which is just frustrating. Beta will sort this out really fast.

2012-06-27, 02:16 PM
If the trees and rocks weren't lethal to every vehicle it wouldn't be PlanetSide.

2012-06-27, 02:40 PM
If the trees and rocks weren't lethal to every vehicle it wouldn't be PlanetSide.

Maybe nerf the terrain a little bit from what we saw at E3... But personally I still like the idea of solid inanimate objects being deadly if you mess up too badly. I'd rather see a Mosquito explode when he accidentally steers into a cliff instead of him just bouncing off of it and continuing to fly around.

2012-06-27, 02:53 PM
If the trees and rocks weren't lethal to every vehicle it wouldn't be PlanetSide.

Heh, aye.

2012-06-27, 03:45 PM
It honestly didn't look to bad to me, possibly too low IMO. I know I saw a gal hit an archway in a video somewhere and it only took about 1/8th damage.

IRL, you hit anything, you're going down. Granted this is a game, but seriously, you hit anything, its gonna be pretty severe.

2012-06-27, 04:05 PM
It honestly didn't look to bad to me, possibly too low IMO. I know I saw a gal hit an archway in a video somewhere and it only took about 1/8th damage.

IRL, you hit anything, you're going down. Granted this is a game, but seriously, you hit anything, its gonna be pretty severe.

For aircraft maybe. I've seen videos of tanks running right over trees...

2012-06-27, 05:28 PM
For aircraft maybe. I've seen videos of tanks running right over trees...

trees? how about reinforced concrete bunker walls :D

2012-06-27, 06:40 PM
In beta I will try out my sneaky Light Assault kill tactic.

1) Get an enemy vehicle to chase you
2) Sprint towards a fairly large rock. Doesn't have to be too big though (hopefully your character obscures the rock from your chaser's viewpoint
3) At the last minute jump pack up and let the chaser crash into the rock and explode

Too bad I won't get the kill credit though ;(

2012-06-27, 06:46 PM
I personally don't think an ATV should explode from a collision unless at high speed. What would be better is if your vehicle is low on health and you smack into something at medium speed, you don't explode, instead your engine shuts off and won't turn over until you get a repair.

2012-06-28, 12:13 PM
Why are your cat's lips so incredibly dry?

LMFAO. This made me spit out my YOOHOO. :groovy: All over my keyboard.:cry:

2012-06-29, 01:41 AM
LMFAO. This made me spit out my YOOHOO. :groovy: All over my keyboard.:cry:

I'm both happy it made you literally LOL...But I feel bad your your keyboard =(