View Full Version : Hallucinations of Planetside2's Future

2012-06-28, 07:21 AM
Needless to say this thread is for complete speculation. Give the readers an idea of what you would like to see over the evolution of Planetside 2, and how you'd like the dev's to approach the game's future.

Alot of this is what I would personally like to see. Some bits I truely believe they will put in!

- Massive effort for gameplay tuning.
- Massive and unexpected player influx.
- Quick realisation that PS2 will require more capacity for players than expected.
- Release of 2 more continents.
- Empire specific buggies released. Vehicle carrying aircraft released.
- More weapons. MANY more customisations.

- 2 more continents released as player numbers increase and more wish to join the servers. More weaps. More kit. More vehicles.
- "Hacking" reviewed, hacking of enemy vehicles added.
- "Engineering" reviewed, more items of equipment focusing specifically on expanding overarching strategic capabilites.
- Player deployable fortifications (towers) added.
- Social aspect improved. More emotes.

- Maybe sanctuaries (of the orbital variety) get introduced.
- Experimental all-empire-co-op PVE continent released (horde-mode - think Starship Troopers)... I think this would be an awesome add-on if this game gets super-massive...
- Competetive "Arena" style continent released (to give those craving their round-based FPS combat something to take the shakes off). Players and Outfits can challenge each other in a controlled environment. Idling players can spectate in-game from the stands.

I am personally expecting this game to be MASSIVE. I can almost forsee an FPS revolution where all the CoD/BF3 players starts selling their consoles en-masse to get pimped out PC rigs as soon as they realise PS2 exists. I believe that PS2 will be referred to as the WoW of FPS eventually (in terms of scope, player numbers, and wonga generated ;D).

The really big ideas I'd like to see mentioned above are the Competetive Arena, the Social Zone, and the co-op PVE continent. In particular the last.
These three ideas make sense to put in years laters after release, when the core-game is robust, and when some players are tiring somewhat of the original game-format. All three of these ideas also allow SOE to branch out and collect hardcore-competetive, social, or PvE players into the mix! That would be a very good move for everyone!

I know there are some who object vehemently all three ideas, because they are loyalists to the true Planetside experience. Some peeps argue that they don't want players being torn away from the main battle. I struggle to understand the argument.

If someone wants to PvE, or Socialise, or do some competetive matches, if the facility is not in Planetside 2 they're just going to load a different game to itch that craving. My point is that players are going to leave the main battle anyways - by logging off. Thats what I do, so whichever way you look, you're going to loose a player to your main-battle.

If they can keep these players and bring new ones into the PS2 client then they more likely to spend their dollar, which is almost impossible to overlook by SOE with their F2P model.

They've already got all the assets for PvE its literally just the mobs, a new continent, and an AI script away. Social and Arena conts would be smaller and simpler to put together than main battle conts. Wouldnt be too difficult for the net gain.

Thats why I think we will see them enter these realms BIGSTYLE, for ceirtain, in the games future. It will be a shooter at its core. But the business model will depend on offering choice and temptation to the whole spectrum of online gamers.

Should the PVE or Socialist crowds ever enter the real battle, you're likely to make mincemeat out of them anyhow right? Those PvP noobs will be Cannonfodder for you. Players should be happy to have the foreigners, if only to pad their own killcount and earn xtra resources :D

I am keen to know what you would like to see in Planetside 2's glorious future!!

BR31 CR5

2012-06-28, 07:30 AM
i don't see them going the route you have for year 3 as far as pve and arenas go. this game is pure pvp and not instanced.

i'm in support of pretty much what year 1 and 2 lists.

2012-06-28, 07:32 AM
"Social aspect improved. More emotes."

Holy cow, what has HelloKitty and those Ponies done to the gamers ?
Emotes ? Gimme more ammo and strap needless junk like Emotes.

2012-06-28, 07:33 AM
sounds good but dont see the need or the story for PVE. the rest however looks cool. some good thinking there pal. cant wait for this game to explode. not been this exited for a game in a long time

2012-06-28, 07:46 AM
No offense but I don't like your control vision you had.

What I mean by this I don't like Arena and PVE....I don't like those controlled environments.

If anything changes in this game...I believe is going to go the EVE route...is only get even more sandboxier and I believe outfits are going to grow more powerful.

The Planetside team already said they have like a 5 year plan, and they said they want to go the EVE route....So yeah Sandbox PVP FTW!

2012-06-28, 07:48 AM
PvE?!? Lord I hope not...

I'd rather see us expand to sea or space before we start trying to make World of WarSide.

2012-06-28, 07:50 AM
sounds good but dont see the need or the story for PVE. the rest however looks cool. some good thinking there pal. cant wait for this game to explode. not been this exited for a game in a long time

Fully prepared to tank some criticism for year 3. Most players on this forum are hardcore PVPers and I completely understand the sentiment. Most people posting here will have no "need" for anything in year 3. It wouldn't be for everyone. No offence taken Dreamcast.

Year 3 is literally for "branching out" and to collect players from other realms of online gaming. And after 3 years of solid mega-battle PVPing, I would spend atleast a little time in all of the conts suggeted if the choice was there.

The story has room for "Alien encounters" =D NPC animals were present in some of the Planetside 1 Alpha screenshots.

When people referr to the "EVE" route I have trouble imagining it. I can see how EVE can have a bolt-on FPS game, because EVE is by far the "bigger game". They already have the macro open-ended spacefaring universe. I can't really see how Planetside can have the "EVE" bolt-on without 10x the amount of work required. Can anyone provide clarification on what exactly the "EVE" route is?

Im right with you RSphil on the exitment m8!!!!!


2012-06-28, 07:52 AM
Fully prepared to tank some criticism for year 3. Most players on this forum are hardcore PVPers and I completely understand the sentiment. Most people posting here will have no "need" for anything in year 3. It wouldn't be for everyone.

Year 3 is literally for "branching out" and to collect players from other realms of online gaming. And after 3 years of solid mega-battle PVPing, I would spend atleast a little time in all of the conts suggeted if the choice was there.

The story has room for "Alien encounters" =D NPC animals were present in some of the Planetside 1 Alpha screenshots.

Im right with you on the exitment m8!!!!!


Say it with me... Space combat! Naval combat!! That's your 3+ year plan.

2012-06-28, 07:53 AM
Big a*s space battles.
That's what i am hoping for the most :)

2012-06-28, 07:56 AM
Big a*s space battles.
That's what i am hoping for the most :)

I think ports and naval combat with submarines and battleships would be cool...

2012-06-28, 07:57 AM
I was expecting some sort of mad, LSD inducing rambling, and slightly disappointed at lack of such, but I think OP has some nice points there despite this :D

2012-06-28, 08:01 AM
they said the idea of eve online in reverse was their 5 year plan (eve going to fps, reverse = ps2 going to outfit created/controlled bases/continents)

so think at where you imagined new continents. now imagine them as 100% null sec. so not just 3 factions, but scrap that and go for all out outfit warfare where you could get outfits to group up and join alliances and help each other defend their player created bases... ?

2012-06-28, 08:01 AM
Maybe I should have hit "Submit Reply" before the first edit ;-D

2012-06-28, 08:02 AM
I don't like the thought of PvE ....it's pretty boring and there are a lot of other titles out there for that. Keep each genre seperate imho.

I can see Arenas being in the development speculative list. It would allow a rerun of outfit wars and the possibility of e-sports and as we know Higby is a fan of that.

2012-06-28, 08:04 AM
I don't like the thought of PvE ....it's pretty boring and there are a lot of other titles out there for that. Keep each genre seperate imho.

I can see Arenas being in the development speculative list. It would allow a rerun of outfit wars and the possibility of e-sports and as we know Higby is a fan of that.

I do see instanced 'arenas' being used in tournaments such as the Outfit Wars but I'm currently advocating them strictly as annual events, so as not to disrupt general game play. I think we'll be seeing a lot of other community and SOE-led events however....

2012-06-28, 08:05 AM
Needless to say this thread is for complete speculation. Give the readers an idea of what you would like to see over the evolution of Planetside 2, and how you'd like the dev's to approach the game's future.

All these will only be possible if the player base stick enough to the game and in order to do so many people has to change their mind about free players we need them and will always need them iam willing to pay as long as i dont have to play in a empty continents with just a 200 to 500 players based !

So yeah the futur of this game will all depend on How good the suport will be for free players because they are the most important In game contents !

2012-06-28, 08:25 AM
Casual(ties) players will be the fuel of this game, the more hardcore players usually use the cash shop a lot and will feed on noobs :3

2012-06-28, 08:29 AM
Casual(ties) players will be the fuel of this game, the more hardcore players usually use the cash shop a lot and will feed on noobs :3

the more hardcore players pay but whos willing to pay in a game that u cant play ?

their is tons of awesome games with a dead players based are you going to buy this game ? if their is barely no players to play in it ?

NO you will not !

Freeplayers will be for me the most precious value in this game iam willing to pay as long as the players based is consitent and as long as i dont run into a 100 to 250 players continents this will be boring as hell so yeah

Take care of the free players and the game will have a infinit amount of money comming from everywhere

As long as a players based is huge the game will get a huge suport from the devs and from the players thats factual !

2012-06-28, 08:52 AM
50v50 or 32v32 CTF arenas.

A base on either side, first to 3 captures wins. Both sides need to protect and repair things like their gate, their turret control rooms, their elevator and forcefield generators, all while attacking the enemy base.


2012-06-28, 09:00 AM
i will settle for beta atm,
what i'd like to see full game is strong teamplay, not just squad/platoon wise but across the whole faction, this would be more important if we could lock conts which is a win scenario, i know the devs are against this tho so it won't happen

2012-06-28, 09:02 AM
i will settle for beta atm,
what i'd like to see full game is strong teamplay, not just squad/platoon wise but across the whole faction, this would be more important if we could lock conts which is a win scenario, i know the devs are against this tho so it won't happen

Yes, we really need some god damn win scenarios. Even if it is a carrot on a stick, they need to give us something.

Maybe a point system... I don't know.

2012-06-28, 09:07 AM
50v50 or 32v32 CTF arenas.

A base on either side, first to 3 captures wins. Both sides need to protect and repair things like their gate, their turret control rooms, their elevator and forcefield generators, all while attacking the enemy base.


GTFO.....Tribes is that way---------------->

Guys this is going eve sandobox style...not some damn server 50 vs 50 match up....At least I hope not, that will truly destroyed the meaning of Planetside and the Planetside Universe.

Planetside Universe has so much potential...don't ruin it.

2012-06-28, 09:13 AM
OH GOD NO. NO PVE. I almost punched a baby when I saw that.

2012-06-28, 09:13 AM
Guys this is going eve sandobox style...not some damn server 50 vs 50 match up....At least I hope not, that will truly destroyed the meaning of Planetside and the Planetside Universe.

Planetside Universe has so much potential...don't ruin it.

How would that ruin it in any way possible? It may be hard for you to fathom, but it is possible for these two things to both work at the same time.


2012-06-28, 09:13 AM
In the future there is only Planetside.

2012-06-28, 09:15 AM
Yes, we really need some god damn win scenarios. Even if it is a carrot on a stick, they need to give us something.

Maybe a point system... I don't know.

I think if they went the GW2 wvw route that would be perfect. Make the matches end every 2 weeks-month and the side with the most points win. Honestly I want to try the it the dev way before I have a strong opinion.

2012-06-28, 09:18 AM
I think if they went the GW2 wvw route that would be perfect. Make the matches end every 2 weeks-month and the side with the most points win. Honestly I want to try the it the dev way before I have a strong opinion.

i prefer persistance myself with no resets, just want the ability to take a cont, at least then it feels like some achievement

2012-06-28, 09:20 AM
How would that ruin it in any way possible? It may be hard for you to fathom, but it is possible for these two things to both work at the same time.


No is not....Not if they want true Sandbox gameplay like they are claiming.

Thats like Eve having a little arena where the starships fight......I never played EVE but it sounds like that shouldn't be possible lol.

If they make servers where people just play on limit teams then it ruins the Sandbox experience....They want outfits to be powerful in Sandbox world...not server world.

2012-06-28, 09:21 AM
the more hardcore players pay but whos willing to pay in a game that u cant play ?

their is tons of awesome games with a dead players based are you going to buy this game ? if their is barely no players to play in it ?

NO you will not !

Freeplayers will be for me the most precious value in this game iam willing to pay as long as the players based is consitent and as long as i dont run into a 100 to 250 players continents this will be boring as hell so yeah

Take care of the free players and the game will have a infinit amount of money comming from everywhere

As long as a players based is huge the game will get a huge suport from the devs and from the players thats factual !

Does anyone else find this incomprehensible?

Paraphrase 'free players will bring an infinite amount of money', nope, it's still nonsense.

i prefer persistance myself with no resets, just want the ability to take a cont, at least then it feels like some achievement

Agree ... and most definately no matches or resets.

2012-06-28, 09:22 AM
hate arena stuff and i dont think it has a place in planetside as this will make like the rest of the fps's out.

navel combat would be cool. enjoyed the limited navel combat in Aces High 2 and would love to see it in the future for planetside 2

2012-06-28, 09:25 AM
No is not....Not if they want true Sandbox gameplay like they are claiming.

Thats like Eve having a little arena where the starships fight......I never played EVE but it sounds like that shouldn't be possible lol.

If they make servers where people just play on limit teams then it ruins the Sandbox experience....They want outfits to be powerful in Sandbox world...not server world.

You clearly didn't understand a word of what I said, and you probably don't even understand what you, yourself are saying.

2012-06-28, 09:28 AM
You clearly didn't understand a word of what I said, and you probably don't even understand what you, yourself are saying.

Yeah that they could do both and they will work side by side....Sorry they won't.

Sandbox is completely opposite of servers....Sandbox is about freedom and consequences....About a persistent world.

Server is just to play and divide the Planetside community into servers of 50 vs 50 people....That ruins the Sandbox experience.

So like I said, it won't work because it splits up the community.

and like I said Tribes is that way-------------------------------->

BTW Devs said they want to go EVE style..EVE=Freedom,Sandbox, and consequences...........Not Server Arenas where none of that happens.

2012-06-28, 09:39 AM
I was with you till the 3rd year. NO to any sort of PVE.

2012-06-28, 10:20 AM
Hahahaha, plenty of hate for the third year. I knew it.

Everyone is thinking rather selfishly I feel. Year three is all about reaching out to more players.

The "I dont want it so others shouldnt have it." mentality is shining through. The free-to-play model is going to depend upon SOE keeping things fresh ya know. I dont particularly want these elements, I don't think its fundamental to the game. I just wouldn't mind seeing them added as an extra.

Just because some of you personally don't like a suggestion, just consider that these ideas might actually mean more players reach Planetside, and more money lands in the coffers for future development =D

If having these elements meant more players ended up on Planetside, would you object? Why? Because they're not in your PVP clique? Maybe if players had a PVE zone to get to grips with the game, they might migrate to the Meat'n'2'veg PVP of Planetside later on. Same for the socials, same for the competetives... =D


2012-06-28, 10:36 AM
i'd just say that your year 3 pve and arena stuff goes against what the devs are doing with this game. goes against their vision of a pure pvp (non-instanced) game. aka dont get your hopes up. aka they don't want to introduce multiple modes or gametypes to segregate the community.

i'd suggest go back to page 1 and read my 2nd reply. tell me what you think about that, as i think that is what soe has in mind for their 5 year plan, hinted at during their earliest ps2 interview. that is a pretty bold change from ps1 and quite intriguing.

2012-06-28, 10:38 AM
Hahahaha, plenty of hate for the third year. I knew it.

Everyone is thinking rather selfishly I feel. Year three is all about reaching out to more players.

The "I dont want it so others shouldnt have it." mentality is shining through. The free-to-play model is going to depend upon SOE keeping things fresh ya know. I dont particularly want these elements, I don't think its fundamental to the game. I just wouldn't mind seeing them added as an extra.

Just because some of you personally don't like a suggestion, just consider that these ideas might actually mean more players reach Planetside, and more money lands in the coffers for future development =D

If having these elements meant more players ended up on Planetside, would you object? Why? Because they're not in your PVP clique? Maybe if players had a PVE zone to get to grips with the game, they might migrate to the Meat'n'2'veg PVP of Planetside later on. Same for the socials, same for the competetives... =D


Is not..Is dividing the game and breaking Planetside.

They already said they want to make a Sandbox like eve where outfits have more power...If they make Arena's and PVE thats taking away from the sandbox experience of freedom.

Just because it has Arena's people won't be like "OMG I didn't like the 2000 battles, Ill play it now because is 50 vs 50:D"........It won't bring new players at all...Instead like I said it will most likely break the game or split the community.

What will bring more people in is a bigger Sandbox world, where players have more control....That will bring much more gamers.

2012-06-28, 10:45 AM
Year one: Planetside 2 is a huge smash hit success. Millions more dollars are poured into further development to take it to the next level.

Year two: Planetside 2 becomes self aware. It takes control of our nations military facilities and uses our nuclear weapons to start World War 3.

Year three: Tramell Isaac has led humanity to the brink of victory. In desperation, Planetside 2 sends an Infiltrator back in time to kill Matt Higby's mother before Matt is born. TRay sends back Matt Higby's hair to defend her.

2012-06-28, 10:56 AM
Infected, why cant they work both angles? Develop outfits capabilities in the Sandbox as well as having side elements to entice other players? These things can exist side by side without affecting each other.

It will not split the community or break the game. It would encourage a larger more diverse community I feel.

I would like people to think outside their own limited perspectives for one moment, as not every player is the same.

Its clear that there are some players who are loving the PVP "Sandbox" as you call it. Equally there's people who want their competetive arena stuff. So your answer for them is "Wrong game, take a hike"? SOE would rather accomodate them and have their money I think.

Personally I have trouble imagining how they're going to split the 3 factions to allow freeform Outfits vying over land in an EVE no-sec "Sandbox style" like you're suggesting. Seems like a lot of work to go through designing the models and textures, sounds and empire specific weapons, vehicles and equipment if they're gonna divvy it all up and create unlimited factions later on down the line.

I find it hard to imagine being able to separate away from your original empire. Maybe you can elaborate on your EVE style no-sec hallucination for Planetside =D Afterall thats what this thread is for.

(Nice post Xyntech ;))


2012-06-28, 11:28 AM
I see some very short sighted people lurking about. The addition of a controllable competitive arena would only HELP Planetside 2. As the OP stated, there are many players that enjoy arena play, and they will just log off PS2 and get thier "fix" elsewhere. Why does it have to be that way? Why can't an arena be another meta game to PS2?

An arena may also attract players would have never played Planetside 2. If the gunplay in PS2 is top of the AAA FPS market, they would be stupid to not implement a competitive arena & ladder down the road, that's just putting up the middle finger to increased revenue.

However, I do think the arena should be part of the game world, and persistant. Not that the arena continent would have capturables, but it could reflect the current state of the server shard. If TR are winning, the arena get coated in TR love & vanity decorations. The other thing I would say is, that for the norm, you would have to "earn" your arena access. How they do that, I dunno, maybe you have to earn so many points fighting for your empire and being productive, and that gives you an XX hour pass into the arena, to compete, or be a spectator.

The bottom line is I really don't see how this would negatively effect the core-game so stop being bittervets about everything.

2012-06-28, 11:32 AM
its an fps, not an rpg. it won't happen. if you want to fight arena style, this isn't the game for you.

you will however find that in this persistent world you will quickly become familiar with the other players and outfits, good ones in particular. you will commit their names to memory. :)

2012-06-28, 11:41 AM
What if instead of having a separate arena continent, it was more like an isolation zone that covered a part of a regular continent?

So when the arena match was started, a suitable hex area would be selected. Maybe it would be a currently uncontested piece of land near the front lines of both the empires involved in the arena fight.

A shield would go up, preventing anybody from going in or out. All participants would be spawned into the area under fair conditions. Winner takes the hex.

I'm sure there are a lot of problems with the idea, but at least it would both be a part of the persistent and strategic game world, as well as being held under more suitably balanced arena conditions. It could be lame to have a hex grid that you don't get to fight over for a time, but the matches wouldn't go on forever. As long as the matches always occurred near the front lines of both empires involved in the match, it's not like it would screw up the continental strategy much either, while still giving the victorious side a tangible advantage in the regular game world.

2012-06-28, 11:55 AM
All these will only be possible if the player base stick enough to the game and in order to do so many people has to change their mind about free players we need them and will always need them iam willing to pay as long as i dont have to play in a empty continents with just a 200 to 500 players based !

So yeah the futur of this game will all depend on How good the suport will be for free players because they are the most important In game contents !

I agree. The PS community needs to be open minded and embrace incoming players, regardless of their opinions on game mechanics, gaming background, etc. If everyne can get past the attitudes and jingoism, I think this could be one of the biggest things in PC gaming since BF2. If not, it'll just be a bunch of pissed off PS1 vets surrounded by Combat Arms fremium junkies :P

2012-06-28, 12:01 PM
If not, it'll just be a bunch of pissed off PS1 vets surrounded by Combat Arms fremium junkies :P

I congratulate you sir. I have felt nothing but happy that PS2 would be F2P ever since I first heard the announcement, but after reading that last sentence of yours, I got my first bad feeling towards it that I've ever had.

Not that I think it will end up that way, just that the thought of PS2 turning into that kind of environment made me physically ill.

Nicely done. ;)

2012-06-28, 12:10 PM
What Im hoping for is space wars and all out interplanetary warfare(inter server).

2012-06-28, 12:25 PM
Infected, why cant they work both angles? Develop outfits capabilities in the Sandbox as well as having side elements to entice other players? These things can exist side by side without affecting each other.

It will not split the community or break the game. It would encourage a larger more diverse community I feel.

I would like people to think outside their own limited perspectives for one moment, as not every player is the same.

Its clear that there are some players who are loving the PVP "Sandbox" as you call it. Equally there's people who want their competetive arena stuff. So your answer for them is "Wrong game, take a hike"? SOE would rather accomodate them and have their money I think.

Personally I have trouble imagining how they're going to split the 3 factions to allow freeform Outfits vying over land in an EVE no-sec "Sandbox style" like you're suggesting. Seems like a lot of work to go through designing the models and textures, sounds and empire specific weapons, vehicles and equipment if they're gonna divvy it all up and create unlimited factions later on down the line.

I find it hard to imagine being able to separate away from your original empire. Maybe you can elaborate on your EVE style no-sec hallucination for Planetside =D Afterall thats what this thread is for.

(Nice post Xyntech ;))


Devs said they were moving in the direction of eve and mentioned Outfits having a bigger role....I don't think outfits will split from empires but I don't know.

They mention making it more of a Sandbox game.

As for the Arena..I don't think it will bring lots of players in....and it won't add to the core of the game...What I mean by this, is the persistent world of the game....It won't add to the war the empires are having.

Unlike for example space battles or moon battles etc in the Planetside universe...would add to the game empire war.

Also Like I been saying, it will either not be used much so it will be a waste of time for devs....Split the community into Arena people and Planetside people(which effects population etc)....or breaks the game some how.

Also having a Sandbox game with consequences...only to be able to join a server where you can just play and have no consequences is kind of wrong IMO.

2012-06-28, 12:27 PM
PvE for the Planetside franchise should be done as its own separate MMO, tied to Planetside 2 by lore alone.

Planetside Galaxies: Beyond Auraxis

Essentially, some people got fed up with the war entirely and fled their factions to the other planets and asteroids in the Auraxis star system. The three factions ignore them, as they are no match for their military might and would be shot on sight if they set foot on Auraxis. So, the free peoples of Middle Ear... I mean, so the refugees of Auraxis work on forming their own societies without the help of the precious auraxium resource.

Making a traditional NPC/PvE game like this would likely be far more successful than adding NPC/PvE combat to the "PvP Shooter Game" that is Planetside 2. And when you think about it, it's the best of both worlds - every kind of scifi mmo/shooter player would be serviced by the Planetside franchise - in a non-conflicting manner.

I think ports and naval combat with submarines and battleships would be cool...

Underwater combat would be very interesting, especially if I could fly my Scythe into the water and sink a submarine! I'm thinking of that episode of Star Trek: Voyager where they "flew" the Delta Flyer into a world that was mostly water. Anyhow, water based combat would add a new dimension to the game for sure.

2012-06-28, 12:33 PM
PvE for the Planetside franchise should be done as its own separate MMO, tied to Planetside 2 by lore alone.

Planetside Galaxies: Beyond Auraxis

Essentially, some people got fed up with the war entirely and fled their factions to the other planets and asteroids in the Auraxis star system. The three factions ignore them, as they are no match for their military might and would be shot on sight if they set foot on Auraxis. So, the free peoples of Middle Ear... I mean, so the refugees of Auraxis work on forming their own societies without the help of the precious auraxium resource.

Making a traditional NPC/PvE game like this would likely be far more successful than adding NPC/PvE combat to the "PvP Shooter Game" that is Planetside 2. And when you think about it, it's the best of both worlds - every kind of scifi mmo/shooter player would be serviced by the Planetside franchise - in a non-conflicting manner.

I think what they are asking for is some kind if horde mode while you are still trrying to kill the other factions.

2012-06-28, 12:43 PM
I think what they are asking for is some kind if horde mode while you are still trrying to kill the other factions.

So Faction V Faction V Faction V Horde, essentially a 4 way battle?

2012-06-28, 12:47 PM
I think what they are asking for is some kind if horde mode while you are still trrying to kill the other factions.

Honestly, I think it's better not to muddy the waters.

One is a PvP FPS game.

The other is a PvE/PvP MMO (likely with a FPS / targeted hybrid combat system like SWG had when it closed).

Play one or the other (or both, if you like). It's not the world is over flowing with sci-fi mmos, let alone good sci-fi mmos... :)

2012-06-28, 12:49 PM
you have no idea how much i would want space/ sea battles pve id hate to see in this game

The Kush
2012-06-28, 01:11 PM
Yea year 3 won't happen

2012-06-28, 01:38 PM
I started to read until my eyes came across PvE.....

2012-06-28, 01:45 PM
Big a*s space battles.
That's what i am hoping for the most :)

Fuck yes.

Battlefront II style.

2012-06-28, 01:55 PM
Think battlefield 2142, remember those big ass ships in the sky that had to be captured. Well now change those into outfit controlled ships that are staging platforms and they can be taken over from the inside or destroyed. I think if they got this to work in PS2 it would be extremely bad ass.

2012-06-28, 02:23 PM
Space ships and aliens!!!

Pillar of Armor
2012-06-28, 03:30 PM
I would rather see PlanetSide expanding on what it already has to offer (massive combat): Things like naval "continents" that are mostly islands that can sustain land/air/sea battles with new vehicles like futuristic naval fast attack craft, corvettes, and frigates (cruisers and everything on up might be OP), and space "continents" with multiple space stations that are big enough to sustain tank battles and have outer space combat with spacecraft. Giant docking areas or open space decks with bubble air shields could enable aircraft, tanks, and spacecraft to fight in the same area...

Anyway... now I'm just spitting out ideas. What I ultimately want to see out of PlanetSide2 is never ending expansions and improvements on the core aspect of the game: Massive FPS. If it takes implementing stuff like my ideas above, awesome. If they figure out something else, awesome. I just want PlanetSide2 to stay fresh and to keep being what it is: a massive open FPS combat game (can't say that enough today).

2012-06-28, 03:42 PM
Year one: Planetside 2 is a huge smash hit success. Millions more dollars are poured into further development to take it to the next level.

Year two: Planetside 2 becomes self aware. It takes control of our nations military facilities and uses our nuclear weapons to start World War 3.

Year three: Tramell Isaac has led humanity to the brink of victory. In desperation, Planetside 2 sends an Infiltrator back in time to kill Matt Higby's mother before Matt is born. TRay sends back Matt Higby's hair to defend her.

And I thought I couldn't be any more hyped about this.

2012-06-28, 03:55 PM
If out aircraft could run out of fuel..I would be more excited about the prospect of water navy fighting. But as it stands now with unlimited fuel boats in the water are dead ducks. Now space naval warfare with corvettes frigates and the rest yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

2012-06-28, 03:58 PM
Fuck yes.

Battlefront II style.

If this game takes off, I expect to see Lucasarts finally get off its ass and get around to developing a Battlefront MMO. After all, they won't launch a game until someone else has done it first.

2012-06-28, 04:11 PM
I highly doubt they will do Arena and PVE. I certainly hope not anyway. This isn't WoW

2012-06-28, 05:02 PM
Replace Sanctuaries with massive empire specific space cruisers. Here are some features:

Battle-cruisers remain in orbit and allow capacity for planetary bombardment (think Orbital Strike).

Battle-cruisers can enter atmosphere and join the battle planetside (pun intended, think Titans from BF2142) and act as a mobile fortress / sanctuary but the empire loses the OS capability in this mode

2012-06-28, 05:04 PM
Replace Sanctuaries with massive empire specific space cruisers. Here are some features:

Battle-cruisers remain in orbit and allow capacity for planetary bombardment (think Orbital Strike).

Battle-cruisers can enter atmosphere and join the battle planetside (pun intended, think Titans from BF2142) and act as a mobile fortress / sanctuary but the empire loses the OS capability in this mode

Higby actually was tweeting about an idea very similar a few weeks ago.

2012-06-28, 05:10 PM
So your plan will take like 3 years to give us as many continents as the first game had at release? I hope not. I realize this being a free 2 play instead of premium game might change the development budget. But i'm hoping they roll out continents on a pretty consistent basis until we have at least 7 or so on Auraxis. Then start thinking about adding new planets with different more alien environments. Buggies an vehicle entry/exit animations would be nice too. Which I would wish to see all that done before the end of 2013.

Ideally I think in 2 years time the game will need more than just weapons. It will need an expansion of some type. I think space combat would be the coolest. Not a rip off of Eve either something more twitch skill based. I'm not entirely against PvE content. But I think they should put all their focus on expanding the metagame, and sandbox elements first. It's not like there isn't two other MMOFPS games already going the PvE route which will have a head start.

2012-06-28, 05:16 PM
So your plan will take like 3 years to give us as many continents as the first game had at release? I hope not. I realize this being a free 2 play instead of premium game might change the development budget. But i'm hoping they roll out continents on a pretty consistent basis until we have at least 7 or so on Auraxis. Then start thinking about adding new planets with different more alien environments. Buggies an vehicle entry/exit animations would be nice too. Which I would wish to see all that done before the end of 2013.

Ideally I think in 2 years time the game will need more than just weapons. It will need an expansion of some type. I think space combat would be the coolest. Not a rip off of Eve either something more twitch skill based. I'm not entirely against PvE content. But I think they should put all their focus on expanding the metagame, and sandbox elements first. It's not like there isn't two other MMOFPS games already going the PvE route which will have a head start.

I love everything you have except that the planets we need to go and couquer really need to be the other servers. Year three-interplanetary warfare.

2012-06-28, 05:21 PM
I love everything you have except that the planets we need to go and couquer really need to be the other servers. Year three-interplanetary warfare.

So we'd be visiting the same lands we've always played, just owned by other people?

All the continents are really different servers anyways, only there's a chat server and portals connecting all 3.
Just add more maps/sub-servers to each meta-server long term, increase the overall meta-server max pop, and merge meta-servers if the game's not growing fast enough

2012-06-28, 05:33 PM
So we'd be visiting the same lands we've always played, just owned by other people?

All the continents are really different servers anyways, only there's a chat server and portals connecting all 3.
Just add more maps/sub-servers to each meta-server long term, increase the overall meta-server max pop, and merge meta-servers if the game's not growing fast enough

Yes to both if that makes any sense, why I think interplanetary wars would be fun isnt that you would see the same continents but that you would potentially be fighting outfits on there home turf from around the world. When your cruiser shows up off of their homeworld and starts dropping assault pods in a massive onslaught of space marines, yes this is what I want to see in year 3.

2012-06-28, 06:34 PM
I want to see a second planet/continent where outfits basically rule and the three major factions are absent. You could still fight for your faction like usual when you return to the warzone but in this new area there would be no real rules. You can fight former comrades and ally with outfits of opposing factions.

For plot you could say this new area has not yet been colonized and high command is too busy fighting the real war to care so they delegate the task to autonomous volunteer units (outfits). Once the outfits turn on each other high command just shrugs and employs a "what happens over there stays over there" policy.

2012-06-28, 07:24 PM
I would like to see several things.

1. 2-3 continents released per year (can be other planets).
2. Eventual introduction of space and naval combat.
3. Return of buggies and perhaps faction variants of the sunderer (more than paint and guns).
4. Introduction of faction specific replacements for liberator.
5. Home continents that can be invaded with only 1 true safe zone. Capturable warp gates.
6. VR training areas.
7. Eventual goal of merging down to a one-world server once the technology can be perfected and the world can grow to a large enough expanse.

Your idea for arenas, I do not support.
Your idea for PvE is very interesting but is not very Planetside. The game would have to mature and the community would have to grow for a bit to determine whether or not this should be implemented.

I would love to see Planetside become super-massive and eventually have a free-flight eve to support the ground game (opposite direction of dust and eve). You could eventually have hundreds of planets with even more solar systems in one giant server. This of course would take years, but I think it could be amazing.

2012-06-28, 07:28 PM
1. 2-3 continents released per year (can be other planets).

This worries me. Indar is super detailed and quite large, and I'm sure took lots of skilled man-hours.

PS2 will be releasing all of its new maps and continents for free. Most games recoup a lot of that development money in the form of expansion packs and DLC.

I don't know if SOE can really afford that kind of constant development, but time will tell.

2012-06-28, 07:36 PM
This worries me. Indar is super detailed and quite large, and I'm sure took lots of skilled man-hours.

PS2 will be releasing all of its new maps and continents for free. Most games recoup a lot of that development money in the form of expansion packs and DLC.

I don't know if SOE can really afford that kind of constant development, but time will tell.

A good point. 2 shouldn't be that bad though. Every time they release a continent, just make sure to have more crap in the cash shop. Also, limited edition items in the cash shop. People will buy it up and bring more revenue. Also, add more certs for more booster sales. After a couple years, you can sell super-boosters to newer players to help them get on par.

Another thing they could do is release the continent creation tools to the community and let groups or very talented individuals submit new continents for review. Any of them that are just amazing, give them a couple hundred and use it (or just put it in the ULA that SOE can take it). I'm sure some would love to help build the world.

2012-06-28, 07:43 PM
Since we are dreaming big dreams tonight this is where I would like to see us, one server with 25 Planets supporting up to 250,000 players at one time. Fully empire specific naval fleets(not water). Fully conquerable worlds with only one empire foothold per planet. Naval combat would have ships from mosquito size up to a small cruiser. Ship to ship engagements might include long range batteries pounding away at each other small ships fighting for dominance to ship boarding actions.

Worlds might be defended by space based defensive platforms. Once the platforms have been defeated you would be free to drop anywhere in the world and pursue the enemy in a conventional way.

2012-06-28, 07:48 PM
Since we are dreaming big dreams tonight this is where I would like to see us, one server with 25 Planets supporting up to 250,000 players at one time. Fully empire specific naval fleets(not water). Fully conquerable worlds with only one empire foothold per planet. Naval combat would have ships from mosquito size up to a small cruiser. Ship to ship engagements might include long range batteries pounding away at each other small ships fighting for dominance to ship boarding actions.

Worlds might be defended by space based defensive platforms. Once the platforms have been defeated you would be free to drop anywhere in the world and pursue the enemy in a conventional way.

Oh god, it's beautiful. My eyes!

2012-06-28, 07:50 PM
Since we are dreaming big dreams tonight this is where I would like to see us, one server with 25 Planets supporting up to 250,000 players at one time. Fully empire specific naval fleets(not water). Fully conquerable worlds with only one empire foothold per planet. Naval combat would have ships from mosquito size up to a small cruiser. Ship to ship engagements might include long range batteries pounding away at each other small ships fighting for dominance to ship boarding actions.

Worlds might be defended by space based defensive platforms. Once the platforms have been defeated you would be free to drop anywhere in the world and pursue the enemy in a conventional way.

Sounds amazing to me. But you know what, the space game doesn't have to play by the same rules as the ground. Titans, carriers, and battleships all around! They won't be fully explorable, but screw it. Also, a couple aquatic planets and planetary oceans for old school naval warfare. Could be fun to be a sub captain.

Also, uninhabitable planets and asteroid belts/fields that can be taken for more resources via space combat. You can build defensive towers on planets and defensive stations in space. I really hope Higby is listening/viewing. I know it out of reach for now, but this would be an awesome future.

2012-06-28, 11:11 PM
Hellz yeah people are comin out ambitious now!

Still lots of hate for PVP and Arena. I understand. Its because you're all PVP junkies. I am too. I just like GIVING CHOICE a bit more than you lot seem to.

Someone mentioned the PVE could be sucessful as its own spin off title in the franchise... so I thought I'd hit back with a few considerations on that...

If you had to play a PVE, would you guys not want to play a PVE game where you have the same interface, hud, weapons, vehicles, controls, graphics and familarity of the PVP game that you lovez? Oh and not forgetting, the 2000 PLAYER LIMIT? What co-op FPS comes close to providing that amount of friendlies for your horde battle?

This is the unique element of Planetside, its MASSIVE SCALE. If Planetside does not bravely attack the world of PVE FPS with the same MASSIVE SCALE, then SOE's competitors will eventually, and Planetside will have missed a trick pandering to its predjudiced "Strictly no PVE beyond this point" current fanbase.

I think we can all agree a 2000 player PVE FPS game that looks this good would be a killer game overall, even if you dont personally like PVE. Most FPS PVE co-op junkies are used to what, 4 player online co-op? The 2000 player limit that Planetside offers would blow their minds to another dimension. I would LOVE to see this happen within 3 years.

If it was a separate game, it just wouldnt make sense to ask players to level up their weapons and vehicles all over again. It would as its own continent without affecting the main battle, but your characters progress would persist between the "game-gap". It would essentially be its own game, exept for the character crossover.

To all those who "want players to be focused on PVP", dont worry, the ones who want the PVP will always choose the PVP. But if you want PVP and PVE then you GIVE THE PLAYERS A CHOICE. People leave your battle to play the PVE part because THEY WANT TO PLAY PVE. THEY WOULD HAVE LEFT ANYWAY. Sure there will be a small migration from the main battle, but it would work both ways you know. The PVE crowd might even end up playing in your persistant world battles. And maybe some might decide they like PVP better.

If you do not accomodate these players within Planetside then they will go elsewhere and forget about buying StationCash.

Everyone's anti PVE argument seems to stem from the "PLAY PVP OR DIE" realm of predjudice. I enjoy many game types personally =D



I like Tealeafs idea :D

I like the one world server merge (if it were ever possible or practical).

Tealeafs idea of a tear-off continent where friendly fire goes out the window sounds real cool :D Kinda combines the Outfit-sandboxing with its own continent, and that would save messing with the existing 3 empire structure.

I liek this thredz :D


2012-06-29, 12:09 AM

2012-06-29, 01:55 AM
- Experimental all-empire-co-op PVE continent released (horde-mode - think Starship Troopers)... I think this would be an awesome add-on if this game gets super-massive...
- Competetive "Arena" style continent released (to give those craving their round-based FPS combat something to take the shakes off). Players and Outfits can challenge each other in a controlled environment. Idling players can spectate in-game from the stands.

I stopped reading here. No no no no no 1000x no. Stupid idea that will ruin this game. NO.

If you want a PvE game, go find it. If you want an arena FPS, go find it. Planetside isn't either of these and never will be. It's its own beast for a reason. If PS2 goes into PvE territory, or stupid small-scare arena server/cont bullshit...That will ruin what Planetside has always stood for.

2012-06-29, 02:08 AM
I want to see a second planet/continent where outfits basically rule and the three major factions are absent. You could still fight for your faction like usual when you return to the warzone but in this new area there would be no real rules. You can fight former comrades and ally with outfits of opposing factions.

For plot you could say this new area has not yet been colonized and high command is too busy fighting the real war to care so they delegate the task to autonomous volunteer units (outfits). Once the outfits turn on each other high command just shrugs and employs a "what happens over there stays over there" policy.

Could be interesting

2012-06-29, 02:52 AM
Still lots of hate for PVP and Arena. I understand. Its because you're all PVP junkies. I am too. I just like GIVING CHOICE a bit more than you lot seem to.

I have a long history of hating PvP games, yet I find myself immensely excited to play PS2. PS2 appeals to me, not because the developers tried to turn it into the sort of game that I would normally be interested in, but because they have created something truly unique and exciting. I would hate to see them try to branch the game out to appeal to fans of other genres, because they have already won me over with the current model.

In order to balance the current PvP model, a truly competitive arena element, and a PvE mode that was actually appealing enough for players to invest time and money into, the development team would have to split its attention along three separate fronts. In order to bring in enough revenue to make these alternate modes profitable or even self-sustaining, they would need to devote a lot of man hours to them. I have a tremendous amount of faith in the dev team, but even if this idea was successful at bringing in new players, I doubt they would be able to simultaneously maintain three different top-tier game modes without having to rob Peter to pay Paul.

It seems likely to me that if they were to include these other game modes, they would end up splitting the existing player population more than they would bring in new players. If having alternative game modes starts to siphon away players from the core game, the core game will suffer, and they will start to lose the more hardcore players who are more likely to pay for a game they are truly passionate about in the first place.

I think that if they really want to make money off their game, they should focus on improving and expanding their core gameplay. They have a brilliant game that has already succeeded at changing peoples' perceptions (like my own) about what PvP can be. They are taking on a very ambitious project as it is, and in my opinion they should just focus on making that the best game it can be.

2012-06-29, 03:35 AM
So, no PvE and no to arenas.

Is everyone on board with a massive space element? I personally think it would be AMAZING!!!! It would be like what Eve and Dust are doing, but in the Planetside universe with planetside feel and mechanics. Also, no learning cliff and free flight.

2012-06-29, 04:38 AM
Phantasms pleeeease! I'm very glad to know they're going to add buggies in shortly after launch, but it would help my outfit so much if they bring back the Phantasm (No gun on it please, I've heard the horror stories).

2012-06-29, 11:28 AM
as i said, the next evolution to planetside: add (not replace) new continents that are outfit controlled, rather than faction.

as SOE has said, they like the idea of eve online. that doesn't mean that they want to turn planetside 2's 5 year plan into adding a spreadsheet spaceship simulator. we're not talking about taking the battle to spaceships guys.

it means SOE likes the part of eve online where corporations creating and owning their own space within a persistent world. logically that means planetside 2 could introduce new continents that are outfit controlled, rather than faction-based teams.

2012-06-29, 12:15 PM
as i said, the next evolution to planetside: add (not replace) new continents that are outfit controlled, rather than faction.

as SOE has said, they like the idea of eve online. that doesn't mean that they want to turn planetside 2's 5 year plan into adding a spreadsheet spaceship simulator. we're not talking about taking the battle to spaceships guys.

it means SOE likes the part of eve online where corporations creating and owning their own space within a persistent world. logically that means planetside 2 could introduce new continents that are outfit controlled, rather than faction-based teams.

Your idea seems fine to me. I like mine better, space battles and interplanetary mega wars FTW.

2012-06-30, 12:25 AM
What about a intersteller server that lets space combat ocurr or orbital strike stations that give factions advantages like live action radar that gives positions of enemys also it could send down orbital stikes that use resouces, the strike would have an hour or two hour cool down.
Also the Orbital station would be provide a vehicle spawner. And a safe haven just like on the planet. Also each faction would have one orbital strike station that would cost space resources to run and operate the radar system and orbital strike features. If the resources ran out the functions of the radar and obital stikes would not operate. In the space world the map would behave just like the regular world below and have outposts on asteroids that would mine resouces and large bases that would have battles in the base with gravity and battlles on the asteroids with little gravity and vehicle combat. The asteroid size would be based of the Base size, so if you had a small outpost the asteroid size would be a half kilometer to 1 kilometer, with a medium base the asteroid would vary from 1.5 kilometers to 2.5 kilometers, the largest bases would have asteroids that would vary from 3 kilometers to 3.5 kilometers. Combat on the asteroids would act out like this: a faction assults the base, outside of the base on the asteroid combat would be with low gravity and vehicle based the defenders would have 2 sets of turets anti-vehicle and ant-air turets. As the faction gets deper into the base there would be airlocks that the faction would have to go through not letting any kind of vehicle in. So then they would assult the core of the base and hold the capture points for fifteen minutes. And the base is captured the bases would also surve as vehicle spawn points and personel spawn points.
THe asteroids would be space out 3x the normal distance of bases on the planet below. Also each faction would have their own unique vehicles and space equipment and guns.

2012-06-30, 12:57 AM
Hmmm... More diverse tactics and ordinates that's for sure.

Long range artillery, missile batteries, gunships, electronic warfare, bigger and far more expensive vehicles, information warfare, more toys like portable cover or decoys, high altitude aircraft, etc. Also add animations of entering and exiting landed/ground vehicles.

I would ask them to remove the ability to bail from aircraft while in flight unless given the ejection seat trait, but I take it every person hates that idea.

2012-06-30, 03:40 AM
Only pve element I would like in is environmental stuff like meteors / ash clouds /fireballs on a searus map. The ground shaking when the central volcano is erupting.

Avalanches on esamir. Deep snow etc . Mudslides on amerish. Sandstorms on Indar.

Stuff that is random, makes you slightly alter tactics or have to reroute your planned one because a rock slide just blocked off the main road on your way to x. Waiting for the weatherfront to arrive so the resultant sandstorm disguises your attack.

2012-06-30, 12:29 PM
- Social aspect improved. More emotes. And arenas?

Why do so many want to copy pointless fluff and install staged fighting systems that have never worked properly and ruined other games? When that crap gets patched in many PS loyal players will leave never to return.