View Full Version : Enemy Leadership Tags

2012-06-28, 07:40 AM
It occurred to me that with SL based command abilities it would make sense to be able to pick put who is leading a squad with a visual tag.

What the tag should be... well that is a discussion all on its own.

I personally think SLs and PLs should be tagged with a visual cue such as a star by their name, or just (SLP) or (PL) by their ingame name. Well assuming enemy names float like in PS1.

Or maybe it could be less obvious, like a uniform modification with some sort of insiginia.

This would give some purpose to assassinations as well.

2012-06-28, 07:44 AM
I often wondered about priority targets in PS1... Give the snipers and assassins someone to target. For instance the Commander who is leading the Continent for your enemy would have a special denotation.

It was mostly just idle musing however and I'm not sure how or even if it would translate to the game.

2012-06-28, 07:56 AM
I often wondered about priority targets in PS1... Give the snipers and assassins someone to target. For instance the Commander who is leading the Continent for your enemy would have a special denotation.

It was mostly just idle musing however and I'm not sure how or even if it would translate to the game.

I don't see how it could, often the most influential person is not the one who has the SL position.

2012-06-28, 07:58 AM
I don't see how it could, often the most influential person is not the one who has the SL position.

Yeah, that's why it shouldn't be the SL position and there would have to be some advantage to the person who was 'flagged'. Otherwise, in my clan for instance, we'd just swap the tag around between everyone who WASN'T the leader. I was thinking more like Empire commanders.

2012-06-28, 08:10 AM
I quite like the idea, the idea of the a tag next to their name seems a little primitive, I'd like to see something on their armour to give the impression, but this is completely open to scrutiny.

2012-06-28, 08:13 AM
I quite like the idea, the idea of the a tag next to their name seems a little primitive, I'd like to see something on their armour to give the impression, but this is completely open to scrutiny.

For just a flashing skull and cross-bones above their head. It should be something that the enemy can see and there should be a practical reason for them to be targeted with a positive bonus for individual in question to accept the 'title'. As I said, I'm not sure it'd practically work but the idea of assassinating enemy commanders is always a cool one.

2012-06-28, 08:18 AM
Ummh, guys... this isn't real life. If you kill an enemy commander here, he's actually NOT really dead! He'll just "re-spawn" momentarily. And even while he's doing so, he can still communicate, give orders, and do his leadership bizniz.

Just thought I'd clear that up. :love:

2012-06-28, 08:19 AM
I don't like the idea of artificial means to identify commanders if you know what I mean. I want something pragmatic for it to happen. Perhaps only an infiltrator, when correctly certed in '???' spec should be able to use their spot function on a trooper and if he/she happens to be a commander, squad leader or platoon leader (Any command position), crossbones could appear. I think that will be a good way to go about this.

2012-06-28, 08:50 AM
Unlike real life, specifically targeting leaders won't really make much of a difference considering they can still lead over VOIP while dead.

Special uniform customization would be cool though.

2012-06-28, 08:59 AM
I would imagine killing the guy who allows 5 other guys to drop in on top of your head from space would be worth it.

I say give squad leaders special clothes, like give a TR squad leader a trenchcoat look. HUD markers are gimmicky and should be avoided at all costs.

2012-06-28, 09:02 AM
Do you know why modern officers in combat don't wear easily identifiable uniforms and insignia anymore?

exactly for this reason, now the VS & NC officers can wear what they like but the TR being the most professional army on Auraxis shouldn't even consider it, I know what your all saying that this is just a video game but in PS1 I usually aim at the bastard with the command rank uniform cos I know he's most likely to set off an OS or EMP.

2012-06-28, 09:11 AM
Easy. Just make it so that any player who gives an order makes a quick gesture with their hands. Eg. they point to where they allocated an objective order.

Any careful observer will be able to pick out who is giving the orders.

2012-06-28, 09:22 AM
Officer class: a flag strapped to the back and a sword.


Or a cape.

2012-06-28, 09:23 AM
Ummh, guys... this isn't real life. If you kill an enemy commander here, he's actually NOT really dead! He'll just "re-spawn" momentarily. And even while he's doing so, he can still communicate, give orders, and do his leadership bizniz.

Just thought I'd clear that up. :love:


2012-06-28, 09:31 AM
Ummh, guys... this isn't real life. If you kill an enemy commander here, he's actually NOT really dead! He'll just "re-spawn" momentarily. And even while he's doing so, he can still communicate, give orders, and do his leadership bizniz.

Just thought I'd clear that up. :love:

Yeah, because killing him won't affect his ability to squad spawn, emp, or OS something.

There should be a cooldown on promoting within a squad to help offset people trying to use a faux leader and then only taking actual command to use the abilities.

As for the real life thing... this isn't real life. This is a science fiction wargame and in the science fiction genre, it is customary to set the leader apart.

An outfit (or faction generic) standard on the back would be a good way to do this. Not over large, but visible. Or the previously mentioned armor mods.

When players first started hitting CR5pam in PS1, the armor pieces did make you more of a target. So even in planetside it isn't unprecedented.

2012-06-28, 09:37 AM
Their should not be visual identifiers for enemy SL as it doesn't need to be seen by the enemy. As mentioned earlier you will never see any visual ranks displayed on uniforms even today in a war zone. That is just asking to get shot by a sniper. IMO, give squad leads a small yellow box by their name or something that's only visible by friendly squad mates or people in their platoon only. That is all that's needed for a visual Identifier when fighting on screen. I believe this would be much more beneficial to SL's. This is the future who is to say their helmets can't track this. I would much rather see this.

Example: OHMR85
or something like that.

2012-06-28, 09:37 AM
Silly me. Being an officer is all about the hat.

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1241804_99060105209_CadianOfficerspowerfistsmain_ 445x319.jpg

2012-06-28, 09:42 AM
Their shouldn't be visual identifiers for SL as it doesn't need to be seen by the enemy imo. Give squad leads a small yellow box by their name or something that's only visible by squad mates or people in their platoon for friendlies. That is all that's needed for a visual Identifier. This is the future who is to say their helmets can't track this.

The point is that it is seen by the enemy lol.

2012-06-28, 09:48 AM
Yeah, because killing him won't affect his ability to squad spawn, emp, or OS something.
Squad spawn denial I can somewhat see. EMP or OS not so much, only if he's just about to fire his CUD.

As for the real life thing... this isn't real life. This is a science fiction wargame and in the science fiction genre, it is customary to set the leader apart.
As it has been in real life historically, what's your point again?

When players first started hitting CR5pam in PS1, the armor pieces did make you more of a target.
Yeah, for ego reasons.

So even in planetside it isn't unprecedented.
The question is not "Are we already used to it?" but "Does it add to the game?"

But you know what, I'm not fussed. Get some stars on SLs and people certed in commanding and be happy, I don't really care. :p

2012-06-28, 09:48 AM
The point is that it is seen by the enemy lol.

Sorry I edited my post above.

Its not realistic and it is a huge No No in even today's military while in a war zone. Why would we step backwards in the future? I would much rather see it similar to the way you described above minus the uniform modifications or identifier on the gear but for friendly SL's. I would go with the star or circle next to the SL's name. I believe it would be much more beneficial.

2012-06-28, 09:53 AM
I think role based uniforms are fun.
So I am already happy there is a medic suit.
I think snipers will target 1) other snipers 2) wounded people 3) known dangerous people

2012-06-28, 11:34 AM
I really don't see a point. We have plenty of class and empire distinction, making someone stand out because they are a leader? All that does is encourage them to stay away from the action.

This isn't WWII where picking off a leader turns the organization to shit. They still have TS/Vent/VOIP, and text.

2012-06-28, 12:09 PM
I think it would be cool, but not quite as useful as most the time the squad leader will still be able to communicate. Yea situation awareness is difficult when you are a corpse, but a major key to priority kills is that you have the potential to cut the head off the snake. I guess it will depend on how many perks the squad leader gets.

Class targeting boils down to recognizing the different character models, so there is the marker already and really no need for additional indicators.

2012-06-28, 12:42 PM
making someone stand out because they are a leader? All that does is encourage them to stay away from the action.
This idea will lead to an S/PL being trolled and teabagged repeatedly.

I agree with both statements, but i don't think it would be a big problem if the tag isn't something too visible (like a skull over their heads).

The argument that in real life officers don't wear anything to distinguish themselves in the battlefield is very relevant though, i think any kind of armed forces would quickly learn not to paint targets on the back of their leaders' heads.

Easy. Just make it so that any player who gives an order makes a quick gesture with their hands. Eg. they point to where they allocated an objective order.

Any careful observer will be able to pick out who is giving the orders.

I like this concept. Maybe it doesn't have to be as subtle as just hand gestures, but momentary identification cues would be better than wearing a "shoot me" sign all the time.

It would give the assassins their priority target identification aid (i think having to study the enemy to identify your mark is a fun element to add for assassinations), and it wouldn't make it so obvious who the leaders are that they'd get targeted by everyone all the time (that would seriously suck for everyone who wanted to play leadership roles).

2012-06-28, 01:47 PM
The argument that in real life officers don't wear anything to distinguish themselves in the battlefield is very relevant though, i think any kind of armed forces would quickly learn not to paint targets on the back of their leaders' heads.

They did place rank markers on the heads of WWII soldiers, but I am sure that has since been a non-case due to the obvious ramifications of doing so. So far as I understand the markers were used so that field grunts would be able to recognize higher ranked soldiers; I could be wrong though. That does bring up the argument of having team indicators to identify squad leaders etc that are only available to the same team. I vaguely recall PS1 having indicators similar to this, but only within a squad. It would be sweet if they were team wide.