View Full Version : Vehicle Armor Models - Does facing matter?

2012-06-28, 10:00 PM
Has there been any world on vehicle armor facing? Do anti-vehicle weapon hits on the frontal arc hurt less than a well-executed shot to the rear? Or are vehicles just one big hitpoint pool?

Question is geared towards the MBTs, obviously - I don't expect such fanciness for aircraft and buggies.

2012-06-28, 10:02 PM
They've confirmed that tanks will have directional armor, yes.

2012-06-28, 10:38 PM
I can also say that i have heard Higby state that getting hit in the rear will do more damage. But i think some vehicles will have more or less than others. Testing.

2012-06-28, 10:48 PM
Shots to the rear will do more damage, yes.

Also Russ, this is a bit random, but your sig is great. :)

2012-06-28, 11:44 PM
I think it was mentioned that lightning in particular is super weak in the rear (har har). That was to balance out the fact that they move so speedily.

2012-06-29, 02:59 AM
They do have directional armor, however you can cert to help fix those weaknesses

2012-06-29, 04:14 AM
Shots from the top will also hurt a lot more. I'd love to cert a certain rocket launcher to fire like a Javelin

2012-06-29, 05:23 AM
With the customizabilty as it is, there isn't any reason to have a set standard. I mean, if you think you will only be attacked from above, why not put all the armor on top? If you plan on sitting in the back sniping, why not put every last bit of armor on the front?