View Full Version : TR MAX gun sounds

2012-08-08, 07:20 PM
is it me or the TR MAXs chaingun sounds really slow and underwhelming? i thought it would sound like a minigun tearing through millions of bullets per minute and be all badass, but it sounds like a 1800 hand cranked brass cannon.

2012-08-08, 07:28 PM
u no it on beta so if u tell them that they will increase the chain gun so GJ

2012-08-08, 07:45 PM
is it me or the TR MAXs chaingun sounds really slow and underwhelming? i thought it would sound like a minigun tearing through millions of bullets per minute and be all badass, but it sounds like a 1800 hand cranked brass cannon.

It fires faster than the other empire MAX weapons, but it still fires pretty damn slow.

2012-08-08, 08:17 PM
It's just one of the side effects of it being a game. Realistically, we have machine guns on airplanes, tanks, heck even personal weapons that have super high rates of fire that wouldn't really be feasable in-game. Imagine if the A-10's GAU-8 gatling gun was in the game (only 1970s technology). That's a gatling gun with 4000 RPM firing rate, or in one second 60 bullets. That's TR-level stuff, but for fun's sake you either have to make the magazine sizes huge (who wants to fire for 1 second at a time before reloading) and nerf the damage to practically nothing per bullet (boo), or drastically reduce the firing rate but up the damage to be slower.

2012-08-08, 08:31 PM
i dont mean i want the TR MAX to actually shoot faster, i just think it should sound like like it shoots faster. the dual cycler in ps1 didnt really shoot that fast but sounded like it did, so when i used it i felt badass.

2012-08-08, 08:40 PM
Actually, the time delay between the round clicks on both the PS1 non-locked down MAX and the PS2 max is about the same.
When you locked down that MAX, though, the ROF went up and the sound changed so it sounded like it was firing faster (which it was).

2012-08-08, 09:17 PM
like this?

A-10 Gatling Gun Test - YouTube

The vulture nose gun from planetside 1 was quite cool imo

2012-08-08, 09:42 PM
Actually, the time delay between the round clicks on both the PS1 non-locked down MAX and the PS2 max is about the same.
When you locked down that MAX, though, the ROF went up and the sound changed so it sounded like it was firing faster (which it was).

Do the new TR maxes lock down? Is it in the cert tree, perhaps...? That's a vital part of our defensive strategy. A few locked down MAXes form a natural defensive point for everybody else, and you get this spontaneous little knot of resistance bristling with thumpers and glue guns and guys taking a knee instead of just tear-assing down the hall. That's more of a strength than any increase in fire.

2012-08-09, 01:21 AM
1800's brass cannon is nearly a perfect description of what that thing sounds like (only the PS2 version seems to be a LOT louder)


2012-08-09, 01:52 AM
like this?

A-10 Gatling Gun Test - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sALiuWg_I1k)

The vulture nose gun from planetside 1 was quite cool imo

That sounds quite demoralizing, I couldn't imagine being a real soldier under fire from one of those :doh:

Liwen Diamond
2012-08-09, 04:50 AM
That sounds quite demoralizing, I couldn't imagine being a real soldier under fire from one of those :doh:

Your body would be reduced to a cloud of mushy bloody particles of non descript biomatter before you even realized you're getting shot by this thing. :rofl:

I want the sound to match up with the actual bullets being fired. It would just "feel" weird if it wasn't.

2012-08-09, 05:13 AM
M134 MiniGun - YouTube

Chaingun doesn't sound that loud though.

2012-08-09, 06:36 AM
What we really want is movie sound on our guns... not realistic sound...


2012-08-09, 07:00 AM
I want every round of my TR MAX chaingun to be Pinkie Pie saying "Hi!".

2012-08-09, 07:20 AM
To be honest, the solution looks so simple to me.

Keep the graphics and sounds separated from the ingame bullet/damage model. If the minichaingun of a TR MAX has 1 tracer in 25 rounds with 50 RPS, you will see two (tracer) bullets flying per second. 1 Mouseclick equals 25 rounds. But the gun will fire rotate and burn like the mad minigun it is and make that buzzing killer noise with graphics for all clients going at 50 RPS. Those 2 tracers/s create less vectors/hit detection calc than a Cycler. Scale it as needed. Each one traced bullet will carry all the damage per second and be the connector to your hits - everything else is cosmetics, sounds and oomph. Not every bullet you see in-game needs hit detection. Same could go for Cyclers and HA Rifles as fully automatic weapons with a burst as the smallest output.

The effects will be much better than 10RPS, slow animation and the stutter-chain-gun it is in beta. It will also avoid lag and warping when that babe gets unleashed.

2x 3000RPM spitting lead from your MAX suit visualized on your flat screen and pumped into your room on your home sound system / into your ears on your head-speakers? I say hell yes.

2012-08-09, 03:21 PM
To be honest, the solution looks so simple to me.

Keep the graphics and sounds separated from the ingame bullet/damage model. If the minichaingun of a TR MAX has 1 tracer in 25 rounds with 50 RPS, you will see two (tracer) bullets flying per second. 1 Mouseclick equals 25 rounds. But the gun will fire rotate and burn like the mad minigun it is and make that buzzing killer noise with graphics for all clients going at 50 RPS. Those 2 tracers/s create less vectors/hit detection calc than a Cycler. Scale it as needed. Each one traced bullet will carry all the damage per second and be the connector to your hits - everything else is cosmetics, sounds and oomph. Not every bullet you see in-game needs hit detection. Same could go for Cyclers and HA Rifles as fully automatic weapons with a burst as the smallest output.

The effects will be much better than 10RPS, slow animation and the stutter-chain-gun it is in beta. It will also avoid lag and warping when that babe gets unleashed.

2x 3000RPM spitting lead from your MAX suit visualized on your flat screen and pumped into your room on your home sound system / into your ears on your head-speakers? I say hell yes.


thanks for putting my thoughts into smart people talk. i was trying to say this.

2012-08-09, 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by JoCool
To be honest, the solution looks so simple to me.

Keep the graphics and sounds separated from the ingame bullet/damage model. If the minichaingun of a TR MAX has 1 tracer in 25 rounds with 50 RPS, you will see two (tracer) bullets flying per second. 1 Mouseclick equals 25 rounds. But the gun will fire rotate and burn like the mad minigun it is and make that buzzing killer noise with graphics for all clients going at 50 RPS. Those 2 tracers/s create less vectors/hit detection calc than a Cycler. Scale it as needed. Each one traced bullet will carry all the damage per second and be the connector to your hits - everything else is cosmetics, sounds and oomph. Not every bullet you see in-game needs hit detection. Same could go for Cyclers and HA Rifles as fully automatic weapons with a burst as the smallest output.

The effects will be much better than 10RPS, slow animation and the stutter-chain-gun it is in beta. It will also avoid lag and warping when that babe gets unleashed.

2x 3000RPM spitting lead from your MAX suit visualized on your flat screen and pumped into your room on your home sound system / into your ears on your head-speakers? I say hell yes..

This is how it works for the Heavy class in TF2.

2012-08-09, 08:31 PM
Why not just do what Team Fort 2 did wih the Heavy?

1 ammo = 4 projectile bullets being fired, large spread though. This way, you keep the firing speed and ammo count but increase the projectile ammount to make it appear it's hailing bullets (which it is)

Oh and what the person above said.

2012-08-09, 09:05 PM
Why not just do what Team Fort 2 did wih the Heavy?

1 ammo = 4 projectile bullets being fired, large spread though. This way, you keep the firing speed and ammo count but increase the projectile ammount to make it appear it's hailing bullets (which it is)

Oh and what the person above said.

im glad more people are concerned about the lack of badassery in the TR gun, bro.

when i shoot the mini chaingun, i want to feel like im blowing my load.

2012-08-09, 09:18 PM
when i shoot the mini chaingun, i want to feel like im blowing my load.

We haven't seen or heard the minigun yet...

But yeah. In PS1 the minigun had an awesome CHUNKACHUNKA electric-feed noise. This one seems kind of blah.

2012-08-09, 09:30 PM
Forget about the MAX gun sounds and focus on how they sound when walking.

Sounds like Johnny 5 running around.

2012-08-10, 12:23 AM
The Engineer's MANA Turret sounds like the dual cycler should. Hopefully someone posts Higby's stream from today so I can link to the sound.