View Full Version : 9th Aug Stream

2012-08-09, 04:17 PM

we'll see how weapon work with good attachments. High-end gameplay preview we expect.



2012-08-09, 04:20 PM
cool... wish I could cheat :D

2012-08-09, 04:22 PM
Thanks Noctis!!!

Ivam Akorahil
2012-08-09, 05:43 PM
uhhh allmost there! anyways i hope someone records it again!

2012-08-09, 05:47 PM
I hope someone can record it.

2012-08-09, 05:52 PM
thanks for posting the link and letting us know man, i appreciate it.

personally i cant be assed to track all those tweets lol.

2012-08-09, 06:19 PM
uhhh allmost there! anyways i hope someone records it again!

I hope someone can record it.

I'll get on that if at all possible! Also we have been promised a glimpse at some higher level scopes/attachments:

@mhigby When you were playing infiltrator last night on stream (~35 mins into YT vid) were you using a max zoom scope?

2:00 PM - 9 Aug 12 via web · Details
2h Matthew Higby Matthew Higby ‏@mhigby

@jsn0x no, was using starting scope. I'll cheat today and use some cool weapons / attachments.

2012-08-09, 06:27 PM
Yeah, Jaws you should record it- it's nice to have all the streams in one place :)

2012-08-09, 06:28 PM
I have to admit. It seemed uncharacteristic of a sniper to have similar scope/range as the front line troopers. Higby was even fighting right with the pack, just using a sniper rifle.

I always pictured the snipers out of the main fray, scoping, spotting and picking off key targets or stragglers. Not in the middle of the huge fire fight.

2012-08-09, 06:31 PM
I have to admit. It seemed uncharacteristic of a sniper to have similar scope/range as the front line troopers. Higby was even fighting right with the pack, just using a sniper rifle.

I always pictured the snipers out of the main fray, scoping, spotting and picking off key targets or stragglers. Not in the middle of the huge fire fight.

Although i feel it removes the point of "snipers"- I much prefer it if they're more Marksmanish and in the fight risking their balls. There's nothing I hate more than bushwankers.

2012-08-09, 06:46 PM
I'll get on that if at all possible!
You are a god among men.

Thanks again for gifting your time and your ability to a bunch of Internet groupies.

2012-08-09, 07:14 PM
For the ones who didnt check T, the stream will be from Dicta.. Terran Repu..blicans.

It's live.

2012-08-09, 07:20 PM
*watches TR

*anus twitches

2012-08-09, 07:21 PM

2012-08-09, 07:21 PM

Higby's on, and he's showing us some TR gameplay! AT LAST!


2012-08-09, 07:24 PM
lets talk about the streem here, the twitch chat is filled with kids.


2012-08-09, 07:27 PM
Small kids :P. Also crash :(

2012-08-09, 07:33 PM
That's a lot of different unlockable guns :eek:

2012-08-09, 07:33 PM
That's a lot of different unlockable guns :eek:

They said there would be about 75 per faction at launch so...

Salad Snake
2012-08-09, 07:40 PM
Hopefully that means a Vanu stream tomorrow...

2012-08-09, 07:44 PM
Notice how the TR are actually KNEELING and AIMING and moving together in squad strength. That's called TEAMWORK, children.

/does his little superiority dance

2012-08-09, 07:48 PM
lol Higby is teamkilling? What? haha

2012-08-09, 07:51 PM
stream is going. Someone record plz

2012-08-09, 07:51 PM
stream is going. Someone record plz

What do you think I've been doing this whole time? :)

Oh gosh someone is chatting with Higby *facepalm*

2012-08-09, 07:53 PM
TR music is so badass compared to NC!!!!

2012-08-09, 08:01 PM
No shotgun love for light/medium infantry ?

2012-08-09, 08:09 PM
@jaws just checking :)

The stream is really really laggy compared to the other one eh?

2012-08-09, 08:15 PM
mid ai r shot in the face by a tank yay nc

mosquito is so slow without afterburners

2012-08-09, 08:20 PM
mid ai r shot in the face by a tank yay nc

mosquito is so slow without afterburners

well it was 2 tr softies vs an nc max and a tank

2012-08-09, 08:21 PM
WTF happened

higby the sniper

2012-08-09, 08:24 PM
thanks for posting

2012-08-09, 08:25 PM


^ important

mid-air seat swapping, oh rly

TR are getting owned in the beta servers, they need some veteran in

2012-08-09, 08:34 PM
Revive times seem a bit fast to me....

2012-08-09, 08:35 PM
Did I miss something? Do you really get no points for healing and reviving?

2012-08-09, 08:36 PM
yea it's too fast, nice shooting from the cliffs now, it was the right tacting to overrun that base

Did I miss something? Do you really get no points for healing and reviving?

I saw nothing, but it can't be.

Brave pilots.

2 day veterans.


whats gonna happen to this gal?

So many sunderers there

Squad revive +100, I've seen it now :o






2012-08-09, 09:18 PM
TR do seem to be loosing ground.

What i don't get is are they relying on people to just have empire loyalty because i can se the kids just going "aw screw this i'm going to play my NC player/account because they are winning" i hope they have something in store for this kind of behaviour.

edit that was an example, not implying nc players are like that.

Don't think they do outside of 1 char per server. The issue there though is you can make 100 accounts if you wanted. I really don't see it being too big of an issue. You have to remember people are going to want to build up their chars, etc.

There should be plenty of times your faction is kicking ass and getting it's ass kicked. If someone really has to just switch sides cause their side is losing then they need to re-evaluate some things, because that's just silly.

2012-08-09, 09:19 PM
You invest in a character, his BR and his certs. There's nothing they can, or should, do to prevent multiple accounts. All the tactics worth stealing will happen at the outfit level (not global), and anyone stupid enough to want to play on a winning team in a game like this (no W/L) should be able to go through the hassle to do so.

2012-08-09, 09:19 PM
randomjoe - it's one character per server.

2012-08-09, 09:28 PM
It was pretty fun to watch!

2012-08-09, 09:28 PM
What's the ETA on this upload? I assume it won't be up til tomorrow.

2012-08-09, 09:28 PM
I got to join his squad(Not breaking NDA because by time the vods are out you'll be able to put two and two together.)

It was fun and I hope to join him tomorrow :)

2012-08-09, 09:31 PM
I got to join his squad(Not breaking NDA because by time the vods are out you'll be able to put two and two together.)

It was fun and I hope to join him tomorrow :)

Yeah saw you on the stream. Good work man. I'd have joined if my rig wasn't down. All I can do is watch. :(

2012-08-09, 09:53 PM
Higby violated JPalmer's NDA!

2012-08-09, 10:06 PM
Higby violated JPalmer's NDA!

Awaiting ban hammer.

2012-08-09, 10:36 PM
Violated mine yesterday! :(

2012-08-09, 10:43 PM
I really don't like the gameplay in higby's streams. I know he means well, but he makes it look like PS2 is an empty wasteland. I watched another video just after that showed exactly the opposite, with huge fights and lots of gunplay, and got me totally psyched - unfortunately the kid was breaking NDA. Before I saw it, I was worried that maybe higby was avoiding the large-scale gameplay because it just wasn't looking good at all yet. Found out that wasn't the case.

I just wish higby would get into some of these multi-squad heated battles at capture points instead of jetpacking around shooting tanks with his machine gun.

That, or let me into the beta :P

2012-08-09, 10:43 PM
TR music is so badass compared to NC!!!!

It definently is. NC music is blarrgghh

2012-08-09, 10:51 PM
I really don't like the gameplay in higby's streams. I know he means well, but he makes it look like PS2 is an empty wasteland. I watched another video just after that showed exactly the opposite, with huge fights and lots of gunplay, and got me totally psyched - unfortunately the kid was breaking NDA. Before I saw it, I was worried that maybe higby was avoiding the large-scale gameplay because it just wasn't looking good at all yet. Found out that wasn't the case.

I just wish higby would get into some of these multi-squad heated battles at capture points instead of jetpacking around shooting tanks with his machine gun.

That, or let me into the beta :P

I think they're...testing stuff. It's a hunch.

2012-08-09, 11:06 PM
I would assume Boone's right. Higby isn't streaming solely for our enjoyment. I would think he is testing all sorts of things that maybe aren't apparent to us during the stream (we really don't know what issues are priority right now) while also trying to show us some neat things.

2012-08-09, 11:33 PM
I would assume Boone's right. Higby isn't streaming solely for our enjoyment. I would think he is testing all sorts of things that maybe aren't apparent to us during the stream (we really don't know what issues are priority right now) while also trying to show us some neat things.

Honestly, I disagree. I think the fact is that Higby, along with the rest of the devs, has been playing on fairly empty servers for the last year or so (or at least since the launch of Alpha) and is used to basically running and gunning, covering a lot of ground between kills and playing as a lone wolf.

To his credit, he did stick close to a bunch of other players, but he was still operating as a largely independent player... he never really put himself in a situation where he relied upon them completely. He doesn't strike me as the type that likes to play squad leader, but given his position of leadership on the development team, he's not really the sort to join someone else's squad and let them tell him what to do.

I think today's stream does show progression from yesterday's stream, where he did get a bit more involved with other players, but he's still Higby, playing as he knows best while trying to mix in some other classes and weapons for our benefit.

It's very evident that he plays the Assault classes most heavily; as he's not a very good sniper (sorry Hig) but he definitely knows when and how to use his jumpjets tactically, and he seems able to survive well as HA and escape many scrapes with little health left while employing his shield, which shows that he knows how to play that class defensively.

2012-08-09, 11:57 PM
Well, it was rough as TR, most of the big fights today were VS vs NC, TR was pretty pushed back, so there wasn't anything really epic happening where I was fighting. I was in some huge fights yesterday, and a couple decent sized skirmishes today, but no giant battles. Maybe tomorrow on VS will be different.

2012-08-09, 11:58 PM
It's all cool. Thanks for inviting us along on the ride, Higs.

The way you jumped around and worked that enemy max over was freaking epic. :D

2012-08-10, 12:06 AM
Well, it was rough as TR, most of the big fights today were VS vs NC, TR was pretty pushed back, so there wasn't anything really epic happening where I was fighting. I was in some huge fights yesterday, and a couple decent sized skirmishes today, but no giant battles. Maybe tomorrow on VS will be different.

Oh, hi Matt. Now I feel a bit silly disseminating your play style. :p

I look forward to watching the VS stream. :)

EDIT - Hey, I hear if you donate a certain amount to PSU, you get a gold name. If you did the same, maybe you'd get a blue name with a gold border. See where I'm going with this? ;)

EDIT2 - What are you doing up so late?! Tomorrow is Tie-Day Friday... you can't go into work on only a few hours of sleep! Everyone else will be wearing their ties, looking sharp, right? I hear Josh is really strict about Tie-Day Friday, and I'm sure he'd be disappointed if the creative director wasn't looking his best.

2012-08-10, 12:09 AM
Anyone record this tonight?

2012-08-10, 12:37 AM
Anyone record this tonight?

Yep, on the way to the 'tube right now.

Edit: Internet decided to be nice for some reason, I'm getting about 10 mbps up (waaaay faster than normal), so the recording should be up in a little under 3 hours if all goes well.

2012-08-10, 12:42 AM
Anyone record this tonight?

August 9th full HD stream: http://lnk.nu/youtube.com/li1

2012-08-10, 12:52 AM
August 9th full HD stream: http://lnk.nu/youtube.com/li1

:lol::lol::lol: The funny thing is I thought someone had beaten me to the punch! Haha!

2012-08-10, 12:52 AM
Lol why do you do this to me?

2012-08-10, 12:54 AM
Lol why do you do this to me?

Fear not! My internet is chugging along as fast as it can, and 1080p livestream is arriving in t minus 3 hours :)

2012-08-10, 01:04 AM
Fear not! My internet is chugging along as fast as it can, and 1080p livestream is arriving in t minus 3 hours :)

As always, thanks for recording these things.

Also, since Higby reads this forum now and again... thanks for streaming!

2012-08-10, 02:09 AM
I was in some huge fights yesterday, and a couple decent sized skirmishes today, but no giant battles. Maybe tomorrow on VS will be different.

I'm 99.9% sure that he just promised to invite more people before tomorrow so that we can give him bigger battles.

2012-08-10, 02:16 AM
Thanks jawsoflife!

Although you know you are being an enabler of our addiction right?

2012-08-10, 02:17 AM
I'm 99.9% sure that he just promised to invite more people before tomorrow so that we can give him bigger battles.

Well, you are surely able to post a source for that as i cant find one on twitter or in this forum. All i know is that John Smedley said "Not this week for sure." https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/233531363054215168

2012-08-10, 02:31 AM
pretty big fights on the 8th Aug stream, why yuo complain!

2012-08-10, 03:37 AM
Hey jaws when can we expect the footage to be uploaded?
Thx in advance :)

2012-08-10, 03:44 AM
Has Jaws got a faction? I need to know whether I should feel dirty for loving him.... :love:

Ivam Akorahil
2012-08-10, 04:29 AM
fear not! My internet is chugging along as fast as it can, and 1080p livestream is arriving in t minus 3 hours :)

the wait is killing me :<

2012-08-10, 04:34 AM
Fear not! My internet is chugging along as fast as it can, and 1080p livestream is arriving in t minus 3 hours :)

Soo? Is it up? :D

2012-08-10, 04:41 AM
from what I saw of it, last night's stream didnt show TR faction in good light as Higby couldnt do anything for majority part.. to many players created higby hunters then watched the stream to see where on the map he would be.

However seeing the various loadouts that he was using was informative and I look forward to the upload completing so I can take another look, since watching the feed at 2am meant Info really wasnt sinking into the old grey matter

2012-08-10, 05:06 AM
I really don't like the gameplay in higby's streams...


...I just wish higby would get into some of these multi-squad heated battles at capture points instead of jetpacking around shooting tanks with his machine gun.

That, or let me into the beta :P

I read this and immediately agreed, but then I remembered that Higby is a designer. As a designer, it would be very important for him to play the role of a lone wolf, mimicing the behavior of a new player who has NEVER seen or heard of Planetside before, who has no friends in the game, and has just downloaded it because it is free.

These players are the most crucial because they are the ones who will evolve into hardcore players IF that first experience is positive. It seems likely that Higby plays the way he does because he is trying to make sure that experience is exceptionally well crafted. Always gotta play like its your first time as a designer -- which gets really hard a few years into a project ;)

EITHER THAT... or... he's fucking terribad at the game. Dude dies a *lot*.

2012-08-10, 09:08 AM
I read this and immediately agreed, but then I remembered that Higby is a designer. As a designer, it would be very important for him to play the role of a lone wolf, mimicing the behavior of a new player who has NEVER seen or heard of Planetside before, who has no friends in the game, and has just downloaded it because it is free.

These players are the most crucial because they are the ones who will evolve into hardcore players IF that first experience is positive. It seems likely that Higby plays the way he does because he is trying to make sure that experience is exceptionally well crafted. Always gotta play like its your first time as a designer -- which gets really hard a few years into a project ;)

EITHER THAT... or... he's fucking terribad at the game. Dude dies a *lot*.

You are most likely right, but it would be nice if he showed a little of "the other way" of playing every now and then. Perhaps he could do an "advanced stream" once in a while?
But I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the NDA to lift to see some good tactical/srategic gameplay.:(

agreed too many glory hunters. Same as the night before i noticed him being sniped by a TR when the NC were fighting Vanu, thought it was an incomming 3 way......

Yup, Higby should cover his squad indicator, and play under an unknown name. That way he might actually be able to show us SOME normal gameplay before his new alias gets leaked. :lol:

P.S.: The part with all the planes flipping over on that bridge.... PRICELESS!!!:rofl:

2012-08-10, 09:53 AM
It was hard to find good gameplay because TR had very low population. There were literally enemy tank columns every where. And a idiot on the TR did a certain glitch while in the Galaxy which killed all of us.

2012-08-10, 10:09 AM
Still no stream recording online anywhere?

2012-08-10, 10:22 AM
Here is the only stream that was uploaded on the 9th that I could find but titled says its from the 8th....

If not the one sorry.... If it is then enjoy

EDIT: not the one my B

2012-08-10, 10:25 AM
Not it.

2012-08-10, 11:34 AM

Was hoping to log on and see the stream. Get on it JOL ;)

Speaking of which..will we possibly get some VS footage tonight?

2012-08-10, 12:14 PM

Was hoping to log on and see the stream. Get on it JOL ;)

Speaking of which..will we possibly get some VS footage tonight?

Yes, we will

Wish the TR footage was up to the caliber the NC one was :(

2012-08-10, 12:54 PM
Sorry Guys, my computer shut off while it was uploading the new vid :( So I'm re-uploading it...

Lord Paladin
2012-08-10, 12:57 PM
Sorry Guys, my computer shut off while it was uploading the new vid :( So I'm re-uploading it...


dang :(

Got a new ETA for us? I'm hoping to watch it before I don't have access to a computer for the weekend

2012-08-10, 12:58 PM
Sorry Guys, my computer shut off while it was uploading the new vid :( So I'm re-uploading it...


No, really, thanks for doing this.

2012-08-10, 01:00 PM
I say we take a finger this time.


2012-08-10, 01:12 PM

dang :(

Got a new ETA for us? I'm hoping to watch it before I don't have access to a computer for the weekend

YouTube is saying 2 & 1/2 hours.

No, really, thanks for doing this.

I say we take a finger this time.


just one.

Glad to know my contributions are so, um, valued :scared:

2012-08-10, 01:21 PM
Sorry Guys, my computer shut off while it was uploading the new vid :( So I'm re-uploading it...

It's okay, I can completely relate.

Just as long as it goes up eventually!

2012-08-10, 01:32 PM
Hm...this is a dilemma. I'm leaving town and I might leave before the upload is complete...and I'm taking my computer with me. So it might take a while to get up. Sorry guys :( Let's hope for the best.

2012-08-10, 01:35 PM
Hm...this is a dilemma. I'm leaving town and I might leave before the upload is complete...and I'm taking my computer with me. So it might take a while to get up. Sorry guys :( Let's hope for the best.

Eh, no worries. You're just feeding our bad addiction anyway :D

We do appreciate the videos you have been uploading, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

2012-08-10, 01:36 PM
Eh, no worries. You're just feeding our bad addiction anyway :D

We do appreciate the videos you have been uploading, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

Herm yes, quite. I say.

2012-08-10, 01:40 PM
You mean i actually have to do work at work?!!

what is this world coming to

2012-08-10, 01:43 PM
You mean i actually have to do work at work?!!

what is this world coming to

They say you should do what you love for work...but who is gonna pay me to watch and record PS2 streams all day?

2012-08-10, 02:16 PM
Leaving Town??????

I think I might die.

2012-08-10, 02:19 PM
Where's the stream Eggman?

You said there'd be a stream!

2012-08-10, 02:21 PM
I need the stream...had to go sleep to soon...went to the monkeyzoo!!!!

2012-08-10, 04:38 PM
jawsoflife's pc blew up trying to render TR stream.

Ivam Akorahil
2012-08-10, 04:43 PM

dang :(

Got a new ETA for us? I'm hoping to watch it before I don't have access to a computer for the weekend

khan was exactly the word i had coming to my mind when readin this, while imagineing a picture zooming out of indar into orbit and a little bit of echo to it

2012-08-10, 11:12 PM

2012-08-11, 01:48 AM
is it uploaded yet? :rofl:

2012-08-11, 09:10 AM
I'll check back tonight. I've given up :doh:

2012-08-11, 02:25 PM

2012-08-11, 03:43 PM
where is our video? :confused:

Ivam Akorahil
2012-08-11, 03:45 PM
jaws of life, where are thou , hero ?

2012-08-11, 10:31 PM
Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I did my best to upload the 9th's stream before I went out of town but it didn't work it. It is uploading as we speak, and seeing as me promising a time when it'll be live seems to end in disaster, just check my channel in a couple hours and it should be up. Cheers! (P.S. anybody record the VS stream from the 10th?)

2012-08-12, 02:03 AM
You're a good man Jaws.
Checking back soon. Need my republic fix

2012-08-12, 02:28 AM
Planetside 2 Closed Beta Live Stream (August 8th) AKA Elmo For a Day - YouTube here it is!

2012-08-12, 02:35 AM
Awesome :D :D

lol at his alt name

2012-08-12, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the stream appreciate it.