View Full Version : News: Veteran Contest and Video

2012-08-10, 11:10 AM

2012-08-10, 11:14 AM
i lol's at the red army speech...
but ehy, it's a cool trailer, it could benefit from more pathos though.
Looking forward to see what western vets will come up with...

2012-08-10, 11:23 AM
It is difficult to explain the comradery and friendships that have been formed in Planetside. I have many friends who I have had the pleasure of meeting in real life and many who I have only spoke to on voip, but the bonds are real. Even your opponents become dear to you.

2012-08-10, 11:28 AM
Really cool video :)

2012-08-10, 11:44 AM
Awesome video. :D Love seeing other cultures become passionate about games made in America, feels like we did something right ^_^

But seriously, I liked the vid, the guys seemed pretty serious about their dedication to the game. After watching that, I would sit back and look at the game as a whole and ask myself, "How can we give them the perfect game they have waited 8 years for?" I'd feel like a jerk if I ever made a squeal to a game that people were so passionate about and made it very "meh".

2012-08-10, 03:06 PM
Time to dust of the HD camera and get my script going. I'm very excited to hear other stories as well.

2012-08-10, 04:01 PM
My first time playing PS1, I spawned in the Sanctuary and loaded up into a liberator bomber as the bombardier. It was so cool that I just popped into the MMO and found some players to roll with. I was told in chat that we were going to some enemy base. Took 5 or 10 mins to get to the action, I practiced my aim on the way. Never had seen scenery on such a scale as PS1 [was almost as impressed when I rebooted for the free month in July. Forgot how big the continents were!].

Well, we got to the enemy base, which I had spotted on the map. Big battle going on. He lined up and I dropped my bombs. Little did I know that my team had already taken control of the courtyard. I heard the teamkill alarm and realized I had just bombed my own team. A dozen or so teammates must have gone down that moment. Epic. Fail. On a scale only planetside could produce!

Planetside is a game that will teach you way more about situational awareness than any BF or COD title.

2012-08-10, 04:44 PM
ahhhh...reminds me the time I spent in a Vanny with my dad, drove around, soo much fun, then blaming each others after been blown up:groovy:

2012-08-11, 12:10 PM
The first time I saw the video, I got all teary-eyed. It reminded me of the bonds of community I built up in SWG. Some of those strangers from 9 years ago are /still/ my friends. We've supported each other through relationships (the good and the bad), attended each other's weddings...gah. Just...you folks get it. You totally do. This is what I love about this community. The bonds you have made.

Sure, I totes suck at this game and will get my ass handed to me...repeatedly...forever. The camaraderie and community will keep me playing, no matter how bad I play. :)

Also, I look forward to your videos. You don't need anything fancy. Get someone to film you on a mobile phone if that is all you have. Record yourself talking on a webcam. Try to make me cry. :D

2012-08-11, 12:25 PM
Looking forward to the videos as well!

2012-08-13, 12:37 PM
So far, we only have ONE valid submission. We've had to disqualify many because they didn't follow the guidelines (language or they submitted fan trailers). I know someone here can throw together an amazing video, right?

2012-08-13, 12:47 PM
What's the deadline for this?

2012-08-13, 01:07 PM
So far, we only have ONE valid submission. We've had to disqualify many because they didn't follow the guidelines (language or they submitted fan trailers). I know someone here can throw together an amazing video, right?

No suprise.

A few things:
You ask for 30 secs of video? There is NO WAY to fit something meaningful into 30 secs. I tried, and failed hard. Its just not possible.

And then, more important, the prizes. A Ticket for SOE Live? really? Whats the point if you gotta travel on your own?

Put Some Station Cash down as prizes and you will be flooded in vids. :)

2012-08-13, 01:10 PM
I'll edit a video for someone? I ain't a PS1 vet.

2012-08-13, 01:46 PM
No suprise.

A few things:
You ask for 30 secs of video? There is NO WAY to fit something meaningful into 30 secs. I tried, and failed hard. Its just not possible.

And then, more important, the prizes. A Ticket for SOE Live? really? Whats the point if you gotta travel on your own?

Put Some Station Cash down as prizes and you will be flooded in vids. :)

We have had a lot of entries that are 30 seconds or less. :) But due to language or inappropriate content, they were disqualified.

Yes, the winner will get 2 SOE Live passes. That's a pretty decent value for a party/convention even if you have to find your way there yourself. :)

I'm hoping we'll have winners who want the /other/ prizes, too.

What's the deadline for this?

August 24, 2012 at 11am Pacific time.


Just got a fantastic entry. Can't use it tho; you're supposed to film yourself talking about your experience. Not submit a video of the game with a story. :/

2012-08-13, 02:12 PM
The first time I saw the video, I got all teary-eyed. It reminded me of the bonds of community I built up in SWG. Some of those strangers from 9 years ago are /still/ my friends. We've supported each other through relationships (the good and the bad), attended each other's weddings...gah. Just...you folks get it. You totally do. This is what I love about this community. The bonds you have made.

Sure, I totes suck at this game and will get my ass handed to me...repeatedly...forever. The camaraderie and community will keep me playing, no matter how bad I play. :)

Also, I look forward to your videos. You don't need anything fancy. Get someone to film you on a mobile phone if that is all you have. Record yourself talking on a webcam. Try to make me cry. :D


I know the feeling. Some of my old friends keep in touch via facebook, but there just isn't a game that brings us all together any more. I really miss SWG and I would play it again if it were to reopen (please don't mention the emu... it stinks by comparison, stability and gameplay wise).

I think it would be wrong for a Planetside 1 short timer like me to submit a video, considering only 3 will be chosen. I encourage all the real "old timers" and "dedicated long timers" to make us cry with your outpourings of awesome. Can't wait to see them! In fact, I think it would be great if SOE made a video of all of the submissions and posted it to their youtube channel after the contest video thing is over.

2012-08-13, 02:14 PM
I'll put something together and email it to you Danicia. I'd prefer to enter a bunch of different stories and leverage ethos, pathos, and logos in individual videos to give you guys more options but the rules say only 1 entry per person so I'll put something together. Now I just need to pick a good story. Because, I've got one for just about every base in the game.
(I do not own a facebook account nor will I get one. Bloody thing is a crime against privacy as is.)
Now how to break it down to 30 seconds... guess I'll have to talk fast.

Also, what format are you looking to use the videos in? In the Chinese video they took several and put them all together, would you like the video you get to be tailored for that kind of break down or do you want it a straight 30 second video that's meant to be seen as one piece?

2012-08-13, 02:39 PM
So far, we only have ONE valid submission. We've had to disqualify many because they didn't follow the guidelines (language or they submitted fan trailers). I know someone here can throw together an amazing video, right?
What if instead of sitting in front of my laptop webcam and telling you about my favourite memory, I act it out IRL instead? Does that disqualify me?

2012-08-13, 03:26 PM
Overwatch - PlanetSide 2 Vet Video Contest Submission - YouTube

I planned on submitting, read the fine print, and set about my work. Then upon submission I was prompted to log into Facebook. I am boycotting them--have been for over a year. I then decided to turn this video over to an outfit mate (with FB) who wants to attend the convention to defray his costs. Now I hear that I have to video myself talking into a camera. Not worth it. I had hoped obscure clues about my life with a voice over would suffice. I prefer to retain some anonymity with this game--even the officers of my outfit don't know who I am.

But hey, I'm not butthurt over it. No biggie It spurred me into making a weekend video project constrained to thirty seconds--and I captured probably the last time I'll play PS1. If someone enjoys it, that is good enough for me. :) Good luck!

2012-08-13, 03:50 PM
I really like this idea, demonstrates what a unique game PS1 is and what PS2 will be., i.e the shared experience.

2012-08-13, 04:05 PM
Now I hear that I have to video myself talking into a camera.

Wait what.
*Checks rules*
Hot damn, you're right.
"Your Submission should be in a form consistent with these Official Rules."
"...take a video of yourself, telling us about your..."
Well so much for a carefully put together mash of ingame screenshots. Pity, it would have worked much better than just a face story.

Btw, Beaker, how did you get PS to run on all 3 screens. I've seen it done in the past but I thought they removed that ability. Also, I salute your dedication to anonymity and recommend you look up the the facebook like button blocker if you haven't already. They track IPs through them even if you're not logged into their service or have an account.

2012-08-13, 04:21 PM
Wait what.
*Checks rules*
Hot damn, you're right.
"Your Submission should be in a form consistent with these Official Rules."
"...take a video of yourself, telling us about your..."
Well so much for a carefully put together mash of ingame screenshots. Pity, it would have worked much better than just a face story.

Btw, Beaker, how did you get PS to run on all 3 screens. I've seen it done in the past but I thought they removed that ability. Also, I salute your dedication to anonymity and recommend you look up the the facebook like button blocker if you haven't already. They track IPs through them even if you're not logged into their service or have an account.

You just have to manually put the resolution in the ini then set the FOV. Works like a champ. Trees disappear randomly when you fly though--hazard to flight. Thanks about the FB blocker! I use NoScript as well. :) I can see why they use FB--easier to manage a contest. Anyway, just happy to make a video despite the contest.

I'm curious what other rejects were made. I'd like to see them! (Submissions on other websites are automatically rejected, btw)

2012-08-13, 04:27 PM
Awesome video beeker.

2012-08-13, 04:46 PM
The first time I saw the video, I got all teary-eyed. It reminded me of the bonds of community I built up in SWG. Some of those strangers from 9 years ago are /still/ my friends. We've supported each other through relationships (the good and the bad), attended each other's weddings...gah. Just...you folks get it. You totally do. This is what I love about this community. The bonds you have made.

Sure, I totes suck at this game and will get my ass handed to me...repeatedly...forever. The camaraderie and community will keep me playing, no matter how bad I play. :)

Also, I look forward to your videos. You don't need anything fancy. Get someone to film you on a mobile phone if that is all you have. Record yourself talking on a webcam. Try to make me cry. :D

-We are not SWG players.
-Most of us don't care about other peoples relationships.
-The majority of gamers are male, the majority of weddings end in divorce - marriage is now nothing but a guarantee of financial security for a female and a 50-75% chance of a ruined life and finances for a male, loss of house, car, custody of child etc. whilst he is expected to pay her to start a new life with a new man. An increasing number of us have two words and one finger for that.
The VAWA (http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-governance-feminism/vawa-and-the-war-on-men/) has put the nail in the coffin of marriage for intelligent men.

The last thing we want to hear about is a f&%*ing wedding.

As for people filming themselves talking about planetside, again this is not a social network. There are bonds, there is a community, but we dislike being asked to dance for prizes.

We are not on the whole, the same breed as SWG/EQ/MMORPG players.
War is our passion.
Destroying other real life players, not bots/AI, is our satisfaction.

We are not princesses, we are not princes; we are soldiers.
The great, the good and the just plain evil.

2012-08-13, 05:15 PM
We are not on the whole, the same breed as SWG/EQ/MMORPG players.
War is our passion.
Destroying other real life players, not bots/AI, is our satisfaction.

We are not princesses, we are not princes; we are soldiers.
The great, the good and the just plain evil.

I've heard of several cases where couples have met up via PS.
Also, are you saying that Hamma is not an intelligent man?

My grandparents were married for 72 years. It is doable and from what I've witnessed profitable for both parties.

I get a bit of what you are saying though, we're not mmorpg players in the common sense of the word. Most are not here for the narrative so much as to bust skulls. However, in some extent we all enjoy being the protagonist and if not ourselves then the group we identify with be it outfit or faction are the righteous ones battling against the foe.

In the end we both play video games and complain about lag.

(If you're actually concerned with disparity between male and females in courts, put effort into child custody issues and who has say about an abortion. International custody fights are also truely nasty. I hear Japan has a problem with not letting foreign parents see their kids.)

2012-08-13, 06:18 PM
My team and I are going to film a video about our experiences in PlanetSide and gaming at our yearly gathering next month. It's going to be badass ;)

Anyway it boggles my mind people would enter a contest then swear it up in the video. The content is simple, talk about your experiences in PlanetSide.

Though I do think 30 seconds is short, I think it should have probably been a max of one minute. :) I probably couldn't tell my best PlanetSide story in under 30 seconds.

2012-08-13, 06:20 PM
Something I don't understand....

according to Smedley's post... Vets get in on the 20th.

This contest... for vets... ends on the 24th.

Won't all vets already be in? :huh:

Or is this a way for them to earn a instant access key so they can bring a friend in who isn't a vet?

I've heard of several cases where couples have met up via PS.
Also, are you saying that Hamma is not an intelligent man?

My grandparents were married for 72 years. It is doable and from what I've witnessed profitable for both parties.

I get a bit of what you are saying though, we're not mmorpg players in the common sense of the word. Most are not here for the narrative so much as to bust skulls. However, in some extent we all enjoy being the protagonist and if not ourselves then the group we identify with be it outfit or faction are the righteous ones battling against the foe.

In the end we both play video games and complain about lag.

(If you're actually concerned with disparity between male and females in courts, put effort into child custody issues and who has say about an abortion. International custody fights are also truely nasty. I hear Japan has a problem with not letting foreign parents see their kids.)

How'd this topc take this turn? :huh:

I've personally lost any and all faith in long-term relationships.

I am and will always be a confirmed bachelor.

I love women.... I hate girlfriends. :lol:

Eff having obligations to another person... seriously. Never again will I concern myself with someone else's happiness 24/7. Relationships are nothing but compromise and I've compromised enough of my life away for 2 lifetimes.

What, me a cynic? naaaaah

2012-08-13, 06:42 PM
I'm interested.

But the prize....... Not really good for EU folk.

2012-08-13, 07:27 PM
-We are not SWG players.
-Most of us don't care about other peoples relationships.
-The majority of gamers are male, the majority of weddings end in divorce - marriage is now nothing but a guarantee of financial security for a female and a 50-75% chance of a ruined life and finances for a male, loss of house, car, custody of child etc. whilst he is expected to pay her to start a new life with a new man. An increasing number of us have two words and one finger for that.


Jesus H. Christ, dude. Way to be bitter and blow a nice post from a nice person out of the water with a misogynistic tac nuke. Get a GRIP.

2012-08-13, 09:10 PM
~Flying off the handle~

The testosterone level is high in this one...

2012-08-14, 02:12 AM
The testosterone level is high in this one...

Eh, now that I think about it he probably was inebriated or similarly disabled. He doesn't have a history of such posts so I think he'd like it if we just forgot about this.

I don't know how you're going to manage a 30sec video with that many people Hamma. Maybe you can all shout at the camera at the same time and then we can slowly piece the stories together over time. As for language I'm betting they were just using them as adjectives to describe their emotions at the time. Considering that early videos were probably just done on the spur of the moment I'm not surprised. What would suck though would be if they couldn't resubmit something after they've been disqualified for their first attempt.

2012-08-15, 07:36 AM
What if instead of sitting in front of my laptop webcam and telling you about my favourite memory, I act it out IRL instead? Does that disqualify me?
Still waiting for clarification.

Fuggit, I'll do it anyway and submit it.

2012-08-15, 08:54 AM
Yea why not? :D

2012-08-15, 06:16 PM
bah @ 102 words I wouldn't call nerves of steel a story but if I have 30 seconds I'll do what I must...

2012-08-24, 09:13 AM
I've tried many times to bring my Planetside vet experience down to 30 seconds. And I've come to the conclusion that my Planetside experience is similar to Peter Jackson and what he's doing to The Hobbit (http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2012/jul/30/peter-jackson-hobbit-three-films). He wants every grain of detail in that book to reflect on his movie that he's splitting up The Hobbit into three movies.

I am the same way when it comes to Planetside. When you're passionate about a game like Planetside, to get a whole experience down to 30 seconds is rather hard. Glad we're doing that video next month in Tennessee.

2012-08-24, 12:02 PM
Just submitted mine.
Take 1: Cat started rubbing against the web cam.
Take 2: Realized my laptop mic. was picking up all my laptop noises and sounded really annoying.
Take 3: Plugged in a USB mic. and it finally sounded good!

After 3 takes I don't think the video and/or story got any better though :(

Fitting in what I wanted to say in 30 seconds was rough too. I had to cut myself off in the middle of a sentence.