View Full Version : News: Gamescom Trailer and PCGN Article

2012-08-15, 11:16 AM
PlanetSide 2 Take the Power - Sign up for Beta Now! - YouTube

2012-08-15, 11:17 AM

Also added a new article.

2012-08-15, 11:30 AM
Love that scene where all the light assault are jetpacking over the wall. Pretty epic stuff.

2012-08-15, 11:33 AM
good stuff :)

2012-08-15, 11:33 AM

2012-08-15, 11:34 AM
that jetpack jumping scene is what i have always been imagining since the first time i heard about LA class. Damn awesome stuff !

2012-08-15, 11:36 AM
Love that scene where all the light assault are jetpacking over the wall. Pretty epic stuff.

Yep. That being possible would simply convince anybody to give PS2 a shot... Where else do you see that?

2012-08-15, 11:42 AM
0.47, oops trigger finger slipped.

2012-08-15, 11:51 AM
That video was way better then the cgi trailer

2012-08-15, 11:52 AM
Cheesy voiceover.

2012-08-15, 11:54 AM
That video was way better then the cgi trailer

Although the CGI trailer was cool, they sure as shit will save a lot more money doing it this way and it was just as good.

Loved the LA scene.

Cheesy voiceover.


2012-08-15, 11:55 AM
Their best trailer yet. Really does a good job of showing off the game in a minute.

2012-08-15, 12:25 PM
That video was way better then the cgi trailer

Uh, wut? :confused:

What it does is showing what you can expect of PS2... but the cgi trailer was pretty epic

2012-08-15, 12:34 PM
Cheesy voiceover.

I kinda liked it. Gives the game a Starship Troopers feel.

2012-08-15, 12:44 PM
The article makes me want to jump in the beta server...if only...the wait for the 20th...hurts.

2012-08-15, 01:48 PM
i just came back home from gamescom.

the ps2 team totally rocks! i have met arclegger, higby, smed, candace brenner and brollywood there!

higby was always on the run, but arclegger showed off the game to me and answered a lot of questions. thanks again, dude!

i went to play the game for several hours and it rocks!

they are running the build from chinajoy, so everything you see in gamescom video is older than the actual beta state. this build is extremely stable and i was able to check the framerates and get some specs.

they had one computer running with a nvidia gtx 680 (single) and ps2 ran with 130 fps with everything set to HIGH quality. don´t remember the resolution but it was really high, all written stuff was really small.

i urged arclegger to do his thing for me and he clegged a galaxy for me, but the photos i took of this were also clegged :-(
my cellphone makes crappy photos. wanted to make some screenshots of cert menus, but couldn´t read anything on the pics.

the only bad thing is, that the server is just a small local server in the booth, so no epic scale and limited map access like at gdc.

so if you go to gamescom, straightly go to the planetside 2 booth in hall 8.
and look out for the devs and the pro7games guys!

i really hope to be able to attend the beer-meeting tomorrow ;) haven´t seen tramell yet, and need to take my planetside 1 box to get it signed ;)

2012-08-15, 02:02 PM
That one second where they show the aerial battle at night....SO COOL!

2012-08-15, 02:02 PM
Yes, yes, and more yes.

2012-08-15, 02:09 PM
almost forgot to say:

arclegger did a barrel roll with a galaxy!!!
it IS possible!
he clegged it, but only because he was flying a little too low and the demo limits the area where you can fly. i couldn´t fly anything without running into the out of bounds warning and exploding. (it gives you 10 seconds to return, and this is never enough when you are not used to the aircraft controls.

also, arclegger said, anything is possible for planetside 2 down the road...
... he said this when i told him that i am always waiting for the biolab to stand up and slowly walk away with all those soldiers on board. they are planning on trying anything if enough players demand it ;)
the forgelight engine seems to be really flexible and allows a lot of fantastic stuff! can´t wait to see how the game developes into something even more epic!

2012-08-15, 02:52 PM
Anyone notice the upgraded NC gold on blue armor? Almost makes me want to reconsider converting to TR

2012-08-15, 03:09 PM
Anyone notice the upgraded NC gold on blue armor? Almost makes me want to reconsider converting to TR

You stow that shit, citizen.

/loads his Cycler

Initial reactions to the trailer: The sight of the jetpack horde pouring over the walls was epic.

I thought the voice-over was fine. Same voice actor that did the Terran segment for the E3 video, and he has a fine whiskey-&-cigarettes thing going on.

SIZE!! ALWAYS!!! MATTERS!!11!! GET IT???!?? (/pelvic thrust) still makes me cringe.

The *real* test is: Do I want to watch it again? and then a third time? for the enjoyment of it, and to see what I can pick up that I missed seeing the time(s) before? Yes. I do and I am. Great success!

2012-08-15, 03:32 PM
Anyone eles has an issue with the saying "Take the power"? To me it sounds like something from a bad translation.

2012-08-15, 04:45 PM
The shot of all the air and flak at night (@ around 0:50) is amazing! This was a great vid. I hope they keep this stuff coming with more getting into beta to show off those HUGE battles.

2012-08-15, 05:20 PM
Anyone eles has an issue with the saying "Take the power"? To me it sounds like something from a bad translation.

To me it sounds like they're trying to transition from SIZE! ALWAYS! MATTERS! and just kind of flubbing things up. The same subject matter doesn't need two disparate titles/mottos/mission statements. That's confusing and misleading for the target audience.

And the appeal to register for beta doesn't come until the very end. It would have been better if Mister Whiskey-Cigar Voice could have told us "Auraxis needs YOU! Sign up NOW! And join the BIGGEST CLUSTER FUCK BATTLE EVAR!" Or, you know. Something.

As a pitch for entering the beta it was muted. As a narrative it was muddled. As an advert for the game it was a hellacious success, and that's what will ultimately pull new people in.

-- Rivenshield, Senior Level Tech Pubs Guy

2012-08-15, 06:31 PM
Far better than that super awful CGI abomination. This i will actually show friends, it was pretty cool, i would never show em that other terrible trailer, man it was bad.

2012-08-15, 06:58 PM
Can't please some people.

2012-08-15, 07:05 PM
I fail to see how their CGI trailer was any worse then any other game's CGI trailer -_- If someone wants to educate me why that was bad, please send me a private message. Every CGI trailer shows unrealistic gameplay and over-the-top action, Ps2's was no different...

Anyway, this video was pretty fun. Just a small promotional video, I'm sure. I would REALLY like to see 3 extensive trailers about each of the factions, clearly demonstrating their viewpoint on the war and what they fight for. Would be cool if the narration acknowledged the negatives of their faction and said to people why they fight anyway. Easiest example, TR. They fight for stability and security, and know they are oppressive with it, but they do it because they want their people to be safe.

But anyway, still fun to see some new videos out every now and then.

2012-08-15, 07:25 PM
Voice actor sounds like Duke Nukem to me O.o

2012-08-15, 07:54 PM
Glad you had fun Shogun! The team really is a bunch of awesome folks. Take advantage of that time and soak it in!

Voice actor sounds like Duke Nukem to me O.o


2012-08-15, 10:31 PM
TR music best music.

2012-08-16, 03:57 AM
The voice over is very similar to Jon St. John.

I wonder if it actually is him. :)

2012-08-16, 04:18 AM
Cant wait to play this...

2012-08-16, 04:55 AM
Far better than that super awful CGI abomination. This i will actually show friends, it was pretty cool, i would never show em that other terrible trailer, man it was bad.

Aha... well, the CGI trailer was not supposed to actually show the game. You can't really argue its aesthetical and dramaturgical quality. It was over the top and made many people excited for the game.

For showing of what to expect from the game you'll certainly need these ingame trailers. But they're not that good regarding other games' trailers.

2012-08-16, 05:01 AM
The other trailer was fine, not sure what you are whining so much about... Sure, there were a couple of minor flaws with it, but nothing serious.