View Full Version : Shenanigans :o)

2012-08-18, 02:52 PM
Alright, so who here is thinking about the fun they can have in PS2 that doesn't necessarily involve the main objective (or maybe any objective :D ) but more just having fun.

Personally, I can't wait to race quad bikes through enemy territory with my friends see who can make it to some point (alive) first :D

So what shenanigans are you looking forward to? :groovy:

Disclaimer: Of course I'll mostly play the game for it's real purpose, but anyone who puts in 20+ hours a week will almost assuredly also do some screwing off just for shits and giggles.

2012-08-18, 02:56 PM
See who can surf a galaxy the longest in a MAX.

2012-08-18, 03:11 PM
I like both ideas above me, sounds pretty fun- any sort of race for that matter could be really fun to do.

Quad-racing through enemy territory sort of reminded me of Pod-racing in Star Wars lol

2012-08-18, 03:17 PM
I like both ideas above me, sounds pretty fun- any sort of race for that matter could be really fun to do.

Quad-racing through enemy territory sort of reminded me of Pod-racing in Star Wars lol

lol yah, I could just see being spotted by air patrols and dodging strafe runs, and then driving through a tank ambush lying in wait.

Could be epic lulz

2012-08-18, 03:21 PM
If they ever do bring the lodestar back, flying into an air battle with AA MAXes riding on top. I could imagine that being very fun.

2012-08-18, 03:23 PM
Mossie races. Or aerial acrobatics with judges.

2012-08-18, 03:23 PM
Definitely all sorts of fun will be going on at my end.

Quad bike races sound great!

2012-08-18, 03:57 PM
If they ever do bring the lodestar back, flying into an air battle with AA MAXes riding on top. I could imagine that being very fun.

This would be amazing.

I would set up a gladiator battle where there would be like 20-40 people and 2 sunderers and they were all confined to an open space and the last person on foot alive wins.

2012-08-18, 04:41 PM
Light Assault vertical races with jetpacks :D

2012-08-18, 05:26 PM
Those all sound really fun

Mossie obstacle course would be awesome. Under bridges, around mountains, etc

2012-08-18, 05:34 PM
I always liked loading up a sunderer and pulling up to the edge of the highest bridge and kicking everyone out so they fall to their deaths..

Also loading up a gal, fly out to the ocean and kicking everyone out to watch them drown...

years of war and PTS can make people do crazy things!


2012-08-18, 05:40 PM
If melee makes it in the game, how about MAX boxing matches?

2012-08-18, 05:50 PM
I would like to try jet pack hopping from one base to the other without touching the ground (hopping on terrain features is OK). It would be good practice as well. 8)

2012-08-18, 06:08 PM
10 hovering Galaxies, a squad of light assault bouncing from 1 to the other.

The gals moving, different jetpacks, and some buds playing interference, to spice it up a bit : )

Salad Snake
2012-08-18, 08:09 PM
I imagine I'll do a ton of goofy stuff while patrolling a back base on a slow day.

2012-08-19, 04:58 AM
1- trying to get a killshot from as far back as possible! 45 degree angles anyone?
2- quadbike jumping from the NC higher ground off cliffs into TR territory then scooting through their valleys.
3- waiting desperately for an infiltrator wingsuit.

2012-08-19, 06:04 AM
Quadbike race sounds friggin awesome, especially if we could have a Star Wars edition with snipers on the hells and a couple of tanks driving through the canyon now and then. Trying to squeeze in 20 Quads between those tanks, it would be mad fun

2012-08-19, 10:56 AM
if melee makes it in the game, how about max boxing matches?

yes, so much yes

2012-08-19, 05:19 PM
Light Assault vertical races with jetpacks :D
10 hovering Galaxies, a squad of light assault bouncing from 1 to the other.

The gals moving, different jetpacks, and some buds playing interference, to spice it up a bit : )

Aircrafts slowly circling a biolab and LAs hopping through a series of checkpoints to see who gets to the top first, add some melee Infs on some points to make things interesting and maybe even a "donkey kong" MAX at the very top.

Ah, the good old super mario days... :D

2012-08-19, 09:33 PM
Yea... like me testing if I can run over people on flashes using a sunderer....

fb III IX ca IV
2012-08-19, 09:49 PM
If you've played Just Cause 2, there's a statistic for "Bridge Limbo," it basically counts the number of different bridges you have flown under, it would be cool to see some silly statistics like that in PS2.

Also, knife fights.

Canadian Vanu
2012-08-19, 10:41 PM
Get 50 people and a bunch of galaxys, make a formation of a diamond mid air, than scatter and land in a circle.

Once I do that, I'll be fully satisfied with planetside 2.

fb III IX ca IV
2012-08-19, 10:55 PM
Surf on enemy vehicles.

2012-08-22, 03:56 PM
I think it would be fun as hell to get a couple of gals full of people and fly around looking for small groups of foot zergers, drop on top of them and knife the shit out of them. Load back up and repeat. No guns except to ward of anemy air. Just a big roving knife gang would make me laugh.