View Full Version : Oculus Rift and future VR support in Planetside2

2012-08-18, 08:14 PM
tweets from @mhigby:
Were getting a demo of the prototype Oculus Rift. Absolutely believe the hype. Amazing. http://yfrog.com/esbcpujj&
Oculus Rift will be the most revolutionary thing that gamers have plugged into their computers since the Ethernet cable.

For those who have not heard of it, the Oculus Rift is a prototype wearable 3D stereoscopic VR headset, which also features head motion tracking (similar to the tracking you get from TrackIR, which is discussed here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=38023)).

Here's the official website:
And the kickstarter page for the beta 'dev. kit' they're producing now (they're wayyy past their goal already):

From what I've read about it, this thing sounds really awesome, and the technology is quite close to being 'there' for producing consumer models.


fb III IX ca IV
2012-08-18, 08:32 PM
Hell yes! Higby, make PS2 the second game with rift support!

2012-08-18, 08:33 PM
Thread title is misleading.

But yeah, I think it sounds awesome. Wether it pans out, who knows. Definately a step in the right direction though. What I'm really worried about is exactly how much of the "input" (head movement lag) is absent. Been a real problem in the past.

2012-08-18, 08:48 PM
forget input lag, what does the game look like in the screen, whats the resolution? is it even HD?

2012-08-18, 08:50 PM
its 1280 by 800.

2012-08-18, 08:55 PM
its 1280 by 800.

2 inches from your eye......

split over 2 screens, providing each eye with what it would see, and using the brains natural 3d rendering of 2 ocular images handle all the work of making it actually 3d.

Head tracking is bonus if it works good.

2012-08-18, 09:14 PM
Now to make a portable version of VR so you can get 20 people in a random farm, and turn it into a shooter game. All through the power of virtual reality. So to onlookers, its just 20 people wearing weird equipment running around pretending to hold guns, to the gamers, they see the field has lots of buildings, cover, bullets flying around, holding guns, reloading by actually pulling the mag out and grabbing a new one, throwing grenades etc.

So i wonder how far away my dream is.

2012-08-18, 09:16 PM
How convenient is it to wear for whose with glasses?

2012-08-18, 09:17 PM
Oh my flying my mosq in 3d with head tracking? Yes please. It may be a far ways out but I can dream.

2012-08-18, 09:26 PM
How convenient is it to wear for whose with glasses?As said in the Kickstarter FAQ:
"This really depends on the shape and size of the glasses. The developer kit is designed to sit as close to your eyes as possible which makes it a bit unfriendly for glasses. That said, we'll do everything we can to make it as comfortable as possible for the developer kit and we have a lot of great ideas for supporting glasses in the consumer version (especially since huge portion of the Oculus team wears glasses everyday!)."

2012-08-18, 09:33 PM
Sounds cool, but not sure I would be comfortable wearing something that obscures my vision. I'm clumsy enough as it is. Probably stick with normal screens for the most part.

2012-08-18, 09:38 PM
This is awesome! I am near sighted (can't see far at all) so I could probably take my glasses off to use it...

2012-08-18, 10:16 PM
That's some ordinary ski glasses with duct tape on them and a few cables for the lulz.

to be blunt y'all got trolled hard

2012-08-18, 10:33 PM
Of course this's a lot of hearsay, mixed among layman's opinions...

The resolution of the Oculus Rift is admittedly one of the limiting factors. No, the screen pixel count is clearly not high enough. However, I have read that the display is subjectively quite impressive despite it's limited resolution. Optical distortion of the lens means that the center area of the image has a somewhat higher pixel density than the peripheral areas.

Furthermore, this is a prototype, v0.1 The pixels-per-inch of the prototype OR is supposed to be about 250. The newest apple 'retina' lcd's are supposed to be about 325 ppi. By my estimate, a 325 ppi screen, same size, would be approximately WSXGA+ (1680×1050). Visually, that would be like playing a game on a monitor at resolution about half that of my desktop monitor, so effectively about 960x600. Better than I ever ran QUAKE at. Except this would be 90 FOV immersion, with modern engines driving it. Another few years, and a 500 ppi display at 2k pixels, and it's roughly comparable to what you'd see while desktop computing.

John Carmack arrived at supporting this project after he tried making his own hacked version, to overcome the latency issues of older VR products. For comparison, the frame-render interval at a 60Hz display rate, is 16 milliseconds. An ideal head movement latency, for being basically unable to distinguish the delay at all, is roughly 20 ms. The OR supposedly has feedback latency around 50-60 ms, which is better than previous VR, most at >100 ms. Still not ideal, but getting closer. More powerful graphics, and 120 Hz displays may improve this matter to a degree.

Lastly, the OR sounds generally incompatible with glasses, and is supposed to have an natural optical focus at infinity. The technique is compatible with adding a dioptre adjustment (as with a camera eyepiece) but AFAIK the prototype does not have this feature. I don't know what that means for nearsighted users. My distance vision is about 20:60ish, I don't think I'd miss much with the limited resolution of this model.

2012-08-18, 10:37 PM
That's some ordinary ski glasses with duct tape on them and a few cables for the lulz.

to be blunt y'all got trolled hard

Go to the official website, they look much better.

2012-08-18, 10:40 PM
Go to the official website, they look much better.

whoever twittered that picture was still joking and his tweet contained heavy sarcasm

2012-08-18, 10:42 PM
whoever twittered that picture was still joking and his tweet contained heavy sarcasm

I did find that tweet looked rather... lets say... required duct tape ingenuity to make that :rofl:

2012-08-18, 11:17 PM
I did find that tweet looked rather... lets say... required duct tape ingenuity to make that :rofl:

FYI The one pictured isn't the Rift, it's the demo for the prototype.

Here's a pic of Carmack's prototype-- I notice they have the duct tape in common:

Yeah the real thing looks pretty slick though.

2012-08-19, 03:32 AM
need to have some sort of "look down" ability to make it gel with PC games..
Be fine with a controller (as per cramack pic), but with mouse and keyboard, there is too much finger location needed to be permanently covered..
(I mean mouse + wasd is obviously not an issue, but there are going to be soo many hotkeys needed for PS2)

Still, I'm sure they'll think of something!..still excited for it, since I (and everyone else on earth) ha been waiting for something of the sort since 1989!

2012-08-19, 03:44 AM
Love this concept. I've been a VR fan ever since 1993 when CyberZone with Craig Charles came out in the UK - loved that as a kid :D

What I'm really worried about is exactly how much of the "input" (head movement lag) is absent. Been a real problem in the past.

Could one potentially have TrackIR fulfilling that function alongside the Occulus in the meantime? Lord knows you'd need deep pockets though.

Wish I had some investor-scale money to put into this. Return on investment is a no brainer here!
Exciting times!

2012-08-19, 04:31 AM
Oh my flying my mosq in 3d with head tracking? Yes please. It may be a far ways out but I can dream.

I'm dreaming of it... lemme tell yah.

Already ordered my HOTAS (2 hand, left throttle, right control flight stick) for flying, plan on extending that system with a pedal rudder control and in a couple years I'll be either getting the Oculus or 2 more monitors for eyefinity :D

2012-08-19, 05:43 AM
As long as I can use the Oculus Rift with my HD-650 headphones I'm good.

If I can't, then, well, meh. It does look like they plan on getting rid of the headphone attachment for the production version so looks good

2012-08-19, 08:48 AM
Remember playing Duke Nukem VR game at theme parks lke 15 years ago? Charged me like 15 bucks for 5 minutes, calling it "virtual reality". It sucked ass haha.

Technology has come so far, lol.

2012-08-19, 04:03 PM
The rift is awesome, though people from the previous generations [read your parents] won't be able to use them if they don't know exactly where all buttons on the keyboard are xD

2012-08-19, 08:13 PM
Oh crap, I neber thought of tgar.
Practicing typing while not looking.
Must.......... practice.........

Forsaken One
2012-08-19, 09:30 PM
Till we get this in real life.

[ENG SUBS] Sword Art Online 2nd Trailer- YouTube

I'll not really care about VR tech because games as a whole are going down hill. Too much button pushing and hand eye, not enough mental and intelligence needed anymore.

Plus being in the game would just be epic, anything less would just be a tease.

2012-08-19, 09:47 PM
tweets from @mhigby:

For those who have not heard of it, the Oculus Rift is a prototype wearable 3D stereoscopic VR headset, which also features head motion tracking (similar to the tracking you get from TrackIR, which is discussed here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=38023)).

Here's the official website:
And the kickstarter page for the beta 'dev. kit' they're producing now (they're wayyy past their goal already):

From what I've read about it, this thing sounds really awesome, and the technology is quite close to being 'there' for producing consumer models.


Pardon my french, but this is fucking awesome news. Really hope the Oculus units prove to be fairly inexpensive

2012-08-19, 09:53 PM
Well the next step in the evolution of this tech is AR, Augmented Reality.

We might see that solve some of those issues like seeing your fingers on the keys -- I'm thinking it might be something like:
a.) A transparent display that we can see through, so you could focus on your hands in the real world, or the game overlaying that. I'm now wondering how that would work.... sitting there with a M&KB, facing a blank black surface instead of a monitor? funny image.
b.) A pair of stereo cameras on the other side of the headset display, at eye separation distance. The cameras could take pictures of your hands on the keyboard, and overlay them into the game as virtual hands. Of course, at that point you could probably get rid of the keyboard all-together and use some sort of gestural interface....

That's just for starters. Ah, the possibilities are endless. Something not so dissimilar to this, perhaps:
Future Motion Control Gaming - YouTube

The future is now, friends. :cool:

Forsaken One
2012-08-19, 10:27 PM
Well the next step in the evolution of this tech is AR, Augmented Reality.

We might see that solve some of those issues like seeing your fingers on the keys -- I'm thinking it might be something like:
a.) A transparent display that we can see through, so you could focus on your hands in the real world, or the game overlaying that. I'm now wondering how that would work.... sitting there with a M&KB, facing a blank black surface instead of a monitor? funny image.

The future is now, friends. :cool:

I see this as like the gameboy VR seems great but will be pushed to the side for easily greater things.

Why bother with M&KB anymore when tech becomes that great? Why bother with buttons at all? virtual or not. By the time tech got that way you could think and the tech will do.

bypassing the human bodys reaction time via pure thought instead of wasting time going from thought-to-body-to-tech just go thought-to-tech.

2012-08-20, 05:46 AM
If I was in the porn industry, I'd get into this.

I can see them taking this forward.

I can't wait for it to be in aehm..games.

2012-08-20, 05:53 AM
(This sounds good for RPG games or FPS games. Maybe RTS games)

We wear gloves, boots, and a helmet, and the game picks up what we do, so in the case of RPG game, we swing our arm and it does sword attacks, pretend to pull a bow back and it shoots a bow, magic could be you do special hand patterns and wave your arms around like a lunatic. FPS games, the gloves dictate where the gun is positioned, the position of the head, arms and feet tell how your body is positioned, and work from there. RTS you can make a box with your hands to select units. Then drag that across the screen and point at a location or enemies to attack etc.

I could see that being the future of gaming. So hurry up Virtual Technology developers. Make my dreams come true already. :cool:

2012-08-20, 06:25 AM
At this point I'd just be happy with native Track IR support; all the glitzy toys can come later.

2012-08-20, 10:42 AM
Oculus Rift technology comes to earth - one more reason to choose Vanu!

"Rebirth mandates trans-humanism." - GetEmBees, Vanu Sovereignty

2012-08-20, 01:07 PM
If I was in the porn industry, I'd get into this.

I can see them taking this forward.

I can't wait for it to be in aehm..games.

3d porn?

Uganda be kiddin me....

I'd NEVER watch the cum shot :rofl:

2012-08-20, 01:07 PM
Why bother with M&KB anymore when tech becomes that great? Why bother with buttons at all? virtual or not. By the time tech got that way you could think and the tech will do.

I sorta don't think I'll be installing a neural shunt anytime real soon. Don't think my medical covers that. ;)

I'd bet a transparent LCD like that could be on the market in a 5 years, however...

Regarding those with corrective eyewear, some reassuring word here about possible adjustment:

2012-12-06, 06:54 AM
Now to make a portable version of VR so you can get 20 people in a random farm, and turn it into a shooter game. All through the power of virtual reality. So to onlookers, its just 20 people wearing weird equipment running around pretending to hold guns, to the gamers, they see the field has lots of buildings, cover, bullets flying around, holding guns, reloading by actually pulling the mag out and grabbing a new one, throwing grenades etc.

So i wonder how far away my dream is.

thats AR not VR.;)