View Full Version : One hell of a weekend x.x

2012-08-20, 04:01 PM
Ok so a bit of back story. I have been trying to get a beta key for a few weeks but im not the most lucky guy i tried to do it just about all day for a couple weeks on twitter with no luck.

So this weekend i just decided to sub to ps1 so i go to the website and it tells me theres a problem with my card i cant get the game or sub or anything.

So i try a few things but it still doesnt work come sunday and four tries later.
i end up going to game stop to get a card but i wasnt aware being my first time trying to sub to ps1 that you needed to buy the game since i was able to download it on the website i already had the game on my computer and i still wasnt able to use the website to do it and the stores had closed at this point.

Overall it wasnt the best weekend.

2012-08-20, 04:07 PM
Damn man, I feel for you. I think everyone is so hyped up right now that things are just seeming really bad. Well all get in eventually :)

2012-08-20, 04:09 PM
but thats like 1-2 months away, they should give us beta just for being as persistent as we are. :)

2012-08-20, 04:17 PM
yea lol ive been trying like crazy just to play this game hopefully it wont really be 2 months before open beta xD im just glad i didnt waste my $15 from that card i bought yesterday i was able to use it for station points which ill probably use on planetside 2 whenever we can buy stuff and not lose money lol

2012-08-20, 06:05 PM
Well, when we all enter the beta, we will all be quite the happy little collection of ducks now won't we?

I know I am willing to do a lot in order to have access to the delicious, delicious game.

2012-08-20, 07:42 PM
Im kinda happy im not in beta yet. Its too dam buggy and glitchy. Plus, by the time the twit people get in, there will be alot of people in by then (so no empty maps).

2012-08-20, 08:34 PM
All your bases R belong to us.