View Full Version : Streaming live on Twitch.tv

2012-08-22, 07:30 PM
I'll be streaming PlanetSide2 Live on Twitch.tv in about 15 minutes. Yes I have permission, NDA is still in effect so you cannot stream.


2012-08-22, 07:33 PM
Well then. Fine. Hmpf. Didn't want to stream anyway!

2012-08-22, 07:39 PM
I'll be streaming PlanetSide2 Live on Twitch.tv in about 15 minutes. Yes I have permission, NDA is still in effect so you cannot stream.


Your face makes me juizzz

2012-08-22, 08:00 PM
Will watch the recorded stream tomorrow.

2012-08-22, 08:30 PM
thanks for this Hamma!

2012-08-22, 08:40 PM
Stream was ruined by trolls, but I managed to record it. Will try to get it up tonight.

2012-08-22, 08:47 PM
Could someone explain to me why when Hamma streams, 3 guys get the footage, but when Higby streams Vanu, no one is on to get it? :lol:

2012-08-22, 08:50 PM
Thanks guys for tuning in! :D

More to come.

2012-08-22, 09:10 PM
Hamma, are you going to post a recorded version of your feed you just did? I missed it since I am at work :(

2012-08-22, 09:11 PM
Nope, but I think someone recorded it :)

2012-08-22, 09:20 PM
Hamma, are you going to post a recorded version of your feed you just did? I missed it since I am at work :(

Nope, but I think someone recorded it :)

Yep, I recorded it and am rendering it now. I was looking forward to some new PS2 action! But others recorded it as well besides me.

2012-08-22, 09:25 PM
Why do Higby and them stream but dont bother setting a setting of record. Its ok, twit keys will get getting in in a week or two. So I dont care much.

2012-08-22, 09:29 PM
Awesome! Thanks JawsofLife =D

2012-08-22, 09:38 PM
Well my video editor seems to have om-nom-nommed my render, time for round 2 :/

2012-08-22, 09:41 PM
I'll record future videos, this was literally last second.

2012-08-22, 10:05 PM
Also my Specs:

i7 3820 - 3.60GHz
GF 680's SLI (not running SLI yet though because the game isn't optimized)
Win7 64Bit

Game was running on all high settings.

2012-08-22, 10:42 PM
Also my Specs:

i7 3820 - 3.60GHz
GF 680's SLI (not running SLI yet though because the game isn't optimized)
Win7 64Bit

Game was running on all high settings.

Show off! :p

Can't wait to see the recorded footage!

2012-08-23, 12:48 AM
Planetside 2 Live Stream 8/22/2012 - YouTube

2012-08-23, 01:33 AM
Thanks for streaming, and for the recording too ;) Cant wait to finally get in.

2012-08-23, 08:10 AM
Thank you SOE for allowing this to happen. The more stuff that can be shown to the masses the better!

2012-08-23, 10:56 AM
Thanks for recording it! My next 2 upcoming broadcasts should be recorded on my end.

2012-08-23, 11:09 AM
How is the NDA in place if you are streaming. By you streaming, the NDA is voided because the information they want hidden is no longer hidden from public eye.

2012-08-23, 11:16 AM
Look, either he has a permission, or the admin of the biggest Planetside forum is breaking the rules on purpose. Use some common sense please.

2012-08-23, 11:26 AM
Look, either he has a permission, or the admin of the biggest Planetside forum is breaking the rules on purpose. Use some common sense please.

No one said he didn't have permission. What was said is that the NDA is in place so no information about the game gets to the public before its ready to be seen. By letting him stream, there is no reason why other streamers shouldn't be allowed to make this information public.

People have been locked down with this NDA, myself included, and now they are just picking at random people who can stream? What is this shit?

2012-08-23, 11:27 AM
How is the NDA in place if you are streaming. By you streaming, the NDA is voided because the information they want hidden is no longer hidden from public eye.

t's not a NDA violation because SOE owns the game and gave Hamma permission to stream footage. It is however a NDA violation if anyone else (ie players or other media outlets) stream when they don't have permission :cool: pretty simple.

2012-08-23, 11:32 AM
Can't have everyone sitting around streaming. Instead of whining about the NDA, appreciate that someone actually gives us some footage.

2012-08-23, 11:33 AM
t's not a NDA violation because SOE owns the game and gave Hamma permission to stream footage. It is however a NDA violation if anyone else (ie players or other media outlets) stream when they don't have permission :cool: pretty simple.

Ok, apparently this is going WAY over everyone's head, so let me break this down.

HAMMA has persmission to stream - OK COOL.

But if they are allowing him to stream, then why is the NDA still in place? There is obviously nothing they intend to hide at this point by letting him stream.

Can't have everyone sitting around streaming. Instead of whining about the NDA, appreciate that someone actually gives us some footage.

It isn't that hamma isn't appreciated. Its that people like myself who actually make money from streaming are in a lock because of this NDA. Apparently this NDA is just sony's way to boost PS2 communities, and not an actual NDA, which is complete shit.

2012-08-23, 11:35 AM
This is what happens when you let winy vets in early. They troll, TK and have interesting names.

2012-08-23, 11:41 AM
It isn't that hamma isn't appreciated. Its that people like myself who actually make money from streaming are in a lock because of this NDA. Apparently this NDA is just sony's way to boost PS2 communities, and not an actual NDA, which is complete shit.

And there it is :rolleyes: it's not that he wants to help promote Planetside2 it's simply he wants to make money streaming it :lol: Some people care more about the games success then their own.

2012-08-23, 11:43 AM
And there it is :rolleyes: it's not that he want to help promote Planetside2 it's simply he wants to make money streaming it :lol: Some people care more about the games success then their own.

So because I make money streaming I don't want to promote Planetside 2? Do you realize how idiotic that sounds?

There are games like SC2 and League of Legends that I could make WAY more money streaming than PS2, but I've been waiting for PS2 to stream it because I played the original from beta to about 3 months ago, and love SOE.

Don't sit here all high and mighty on your horse and pretend to know what other people's agendas are.

Of course I want to make money streaming, so does TotalBiscuit, Kripp, ManVsGame, and plenty of others who stream various platforms. But we also stream to promote because THAT is the entire point of streaming. We wouldn't stream games we don't want people to play :rolleyes:

2012-08-23, 11:49 AM
It isn't that hamma isn't appreciated. Its that people like myself who actually make money from streaming are in a lock because of this NDA. Apparently this NDA is just sony's way to boost PS2 communities, and not an actual NDA, which is complete shit.

How is one suppose to take a comment about making money off streaming. Maybe you should have commented how excited you are about bring the footage to the masses(or how passionate you are about ps2) and not about the money you'll make doing it. That how you made yourself look when you posted this. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who saw it like that ;)

2012-08-23, 11:55 AM
How is one suppose to take a comment about making money off streaming. Maybe you should have commented how excited you are about bring the footage to the masses(or how passionate you are about ps2) and not about the money you'll make doing it. That how you made yourself look when you posted this. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who saw it like that ;)

This isn't about who feels what about money or ps2. This is about the fact there is an NDA in place, but SOE gets to decided to "breaks" or doesn't break it. That isn't a true NDA. The question is why is this in place?

When SW:TOR had an NDA, no one could know ANYTHING about the game outside of testers. Why is SOE keeping this thing locked down, when you can see a majority of gameplay from HAMMA's stream.

What is there left to hide? That is the real question here. If hamma can stream, imagine what other people with a bigger following could do for the game while streaming. Imagine if 100 people were allowed to stream. It would do way more for this game then having a "false NDA" on it.

Yeah, I'm upset because I love to stream, and I can't. I'm not even going to try and deny it. I don't have fun playing games if I'm not talking to viewers while doing it. I want to be able to share my game experience with other people, get paid for doing what I love, and make sure this game doesn't have the same fate TOR does. Is that so wrong?

2012-08-23, 12:03 PM
I'm allowed to stream because we are considered a media outlet and I was given an exclusive to do so. Not for any other reason. More media will be streaming soon as well and before you know it the NDA will be completely lifted.

So chill everyone will be streaming soon. This is how PR works... Maximum exposure.

2012-08-23, 12:08 PM
I'm allowed to stream because we are considered a media outlet and I was given an exclusive to do so. Not for any other reason. More media will be streaming soon as well and before you know it the NDA will be completely lifted.

So chill everyone will be streaming soon. This is how PR works... Maximum exposure.

Yeah, but even as a media outlet (Trust me I've been there) with NDA's they only lift the embargo for certain information. You basically showed everything that existed in the game atm.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still be involved in PS2. But as far as their "PR" goes, its complete trash.

There's more to it than that. I understand you are a media outlet, but so is TotalBiscuit and a multitude of other people who are ready for PS2 who are considered a media outlet who could have pulled 20 times the numbers in a single stream. Why is PR not choosing them?

I'm just confused on their logic is all ;)

2012-08-23, 12:21 PM
So it's about popularity for you then? Makes perfect sense. I'm sure TB will be streaming before you know it.

2012-08-23, 12:34 PM
So it's about popularity for you then? Makes perfect sense. I'm sure TB will be streaming before you know it.

No. Its about a community.

20,000 = more than 3,000. Its simple math really.

Just curious as to why they chose this smaller media outlet rather than a larger one that could get the game out more efficiently. While I thoroughly enjoyed your stream, it would have been nice had more people seen it. Even with a shoutout from Higby, and the PS2 facebook page, it didn't have quite the impact I was hoping for.

Unfortunately, everything is about popularity these days. Its how the game industry is moving forward. Without people like Day9, TB, Kripp, and many others, game communities wouldn't be doing as well as they are today. I'm a believer that without these said individuals, the game market would have crashed.

Take League of Legends for example. TSM and a few others stream, as well as tournaments that stream. They clear over 100,000 people. This in turn gets them money, which they spend on the game, which the company spends on tournaments, which goes back to the community. Its a vicious circle.

2012-08-23, 12:38 PM
I understand FortySe7en's situation and I agree that to enforce NDA is pretty pointless by now. Keeping an NDA is hard even when top leadership of a company is the only one with information, but atm there are thousands of people in the game that are nothing but regular gamers. I've read a lot from anonymous sources and watched several streams, information is out there for those who seek it, the NDA is de facto dead already.

That being said, I am still thankful for Hamma's streams while we wait for it to be lifted.

2012-08-23, 12:41 PM
I'm curious as to why you are continuing to talk about it when nothing is going to change. As I said, everyone will be streaming soon(tm) and this will be nothing more than another chapter in the PlanetSide history books, so drop it.

Oh and by the way, not sure if you have heard or not but numbers start lower then get higher. There's no way to get more exposure without starting at zero and moving up from there.

Don't pretend it's about community.

2012-08-23, 12:42 PM
I'm curious as to why you are continuing to talk about it when nothing is going to change.

You don't know that at all. Feedback is a games strongest ally.

2012-08-23, 12:43 PM
I do know that.