View Full Version : Comic: Cosmic Comic ( VID ) - Ep1. Snipoor.

2012-08-23, 03:23 PM
Hi jerks. Done another vid seeing as you guys were kind about the last one. Enjoy!!

Inside Planetside - Ep1. SNIPOOR. - YouTube

(I always thought the VS range damage degradation was stupid on snipers, there is my dig at it.)

Rico Suave
2012-08-23, 03:42 PM
Considering how I never played the first planetside and am not in the 2nd yet and had no knowledge about this specific issue until I read the little blurb under the video...

I still laughed. Well done.

2012-08-23, 03:45 PM
Very well done! That was awesome

2012-08-23, 03:47 PM
HA! Haaaaa!

2012-08-23, 03:55 PM
They really should improve those VS Snipers.

2012-08-23, 03:58 PM

2012-08-23, 04:00 PM

2012-08-23, 04:16 PM
Nice to see he forum is still somewhat active.

2012-08-23, 04:33 PM
LMAO, fantastic.

2012-08-23, 04:52 PM
It's funny and true. Great job and keep em comming.

2012-08-23, 05:05 PM
lmao. loved it :D

2012-08-23, 05:25 PM
Yuppers, that brings back memories.

Here's hoping for flexibility and comparable range this time.

2012-08-23, 05:33 PM
That was hilarious. Nice job. So sad, but so true.

2012-08-23, 05:42 PM
:rofl: So very true!

2012-08-24, 10:08 AM
Hah! nice one! Other VS weaps are fine...except for that VS Sniper.....

2012-08-24, 11:22 AM
Sadly, very accurate depiction.

2012-08-24, 02:29 PM
Love it! :)

2012-08-24, 02:53 PM
Very nice man, lol

2012-08-24, 07:10 PM
LMAO! so funny, so sad, so true. well done sir

2012-08-24, 07:22 PM
Good stuff as always!!

2012-08-24, 07:31 PM
whats this vs damage degradation

2012-08-24, 08:07 PM
VS projectiles don't (usually) drop. To compensate for this (in theory), VS projectiles lose damage over distance, unlike their NC and TR counterparts.

The issue being "NC and TR snipers can overcome bullet drop with player skillz. NC snipers can never overcome damage loss with player skill."

Or so I'm told.

2012-08-24, 10:14 PM

2012-08-25, 12:44 AM
I want to cert that :D

2012-08-25, 04:46 AM
VS projectiles don't (usually) drop. To compensate for this (in theory), VS projectiles lose damage over distance, unlike their NC and TR counterparts.

The issue being "NC and TR snipers can overcome bullet drop with player skillz. VS snipers can never overcome damage loss with player skill."

Or so I'm told.

corrected this for you, BUT VS couldn´t overcome bulletdrop with playerskillz because there is no vs with skillz. that´s the whole reason why they got damage degradation instead of bullet drop.
for most weapons damage degradation is the superiour system (in the hands of the skill-less) the sniper is the only one where it is not better...
was just a matter of time when the first vs would bitch about this ;)
we all know vs only like overpowered stuff on their side.

but the video rocks ;)
as always!

2012-08-25, 06:34 AM
hahaha thanks

2012-08-25, 06:49 AM
What's the problem? Seems fine to me.

Great stuff again, C. Keep up the good work. ^_^

2012-08-25, 07:39 AM
(I always thought the VS range damage degradation was stupid on snipers, there is my dig at it.)

Well ballistic weapons have a damage degradation too, does it not? So I don't see the problem here from a game balance point of view.

Or is it that you believe it's unrealistic that a laser beam would not loose energy when traveling? Yes light does not loose energy when traveling. But it's not the light that do the damage it's the heat of the light and the heat cools off as it travel.

The issue being "NC and TR snipers can overcome bullet drop with player skillz. NC snipers can never overcome damage loss with player skill."

Or so I'm told.

Really? That is quite unrealistic physic engine then. As we all know how friction works. Even in a arcade shooter like BF3 sniper bullets loose damage over distance.

2012-08-26, 03:17 PM
Well ballistic weapons have a damage degradation too, does it not? So I don't see the problem here from a game balance point of view.

Or is it that you believe it's unrealistic that a laser beam would not loose energy when traveling? Yes light does not loose energy when traveling. But it's not the light that do the damage it's the heat of the light and the heat cools off as it travel.

Really? That is quite unrealistic physic engine then. As we all know how friction works. Even in a arcade shooter like BF3 sniper bullets loose damage over distance.

NC and TR weapons have damage degradation but it's not as severe. Since VS weapons are plasma-based, their weapons suffer more severe degradation over range due to the inherent instability of plasma ions due to and some such. That's out of my ass but it's the general idea.

The VS complain about it but there has to be some penalty for not having bullet drop, and I haven't seen a VS buff argument that wouldn't leave them ridiculously overpowered.

OP - The comic was hilarious! Really liking these new flash videos! :)

2012-08-27, 07:24 AM
Thanks for the kind words again guys, and i'm glad you enjoyed. Didn't expect it to turn into a heated debate, but whatever.

This was an (comic) idea i had even before beta started. Still doesn't make sense to me, being a sniper is about that one perfect shot, from a distance, be it either achieved by skill or patience. And a sniper should be rewarded for a longer more difficult shot, not punished.

It's as simple as that.

And to the people that are saying that there is no alternative the VS could have. A charge up shot for the VS sniper rifle which makes you highly visible, and negates or greatly decreases the degradation. Its no different than a bolt action rifle, with the increased spotting value.

OR! VS weapons, get a damage bonus for successive shots. You hit a guy, and the next bullet does 0.5 more damage, up to a maximum of maybe 1.5. Just enough to keep them competative with the NC powerhouse weapons, and the TR rapid fire. But keep it unique to the VS. SOLVED.