View Full Version : Personal Planetside 2 issues

Pvt Badger
2012-08-27, 03:13 PM
Okay, so I have a serious problem that's really bothered me for at least a decade now. So long as I'm in a vehicle (Non-aerial. If in an aircraft I tend to shoot around the enemy and then crash into a suddenly appearing tree or the ground leaps at me.) I can gun someone down but the moment my feet hit the dirt I'm ruined. You see... my aim is terrible. Not just I seem to miss every so often but 99% of the time. EVERY time I'm engaged in an infantry vs. Infantry battle I end up dead because I over or undercompensate for movement. I'm not even going to start in on Recoil. One TR soldier packing a pistol with half a clip? I'm respawning.

In other games, like the UT series or Team Fortress 2, I have no problem with shooting someone in the face but in the beta I'm just... worse than a noob. I don't even know what I would call myself.

I think the problem lies with my subconscious. I try to shoot the NC or TR soldier coming around the corner and my brain says: "Wait! Shoot a half second late and to the left. No! Better idea! Just above his head as well!" :doh:

How do I get that... I dunno what to call it. Skill maybe?:( Now why did I post in the PS2 Discussion forums? Because my lack of murder is most lacking in PS2. It's rather saddening to see me (If you are VS) running about dodging gun fire and then that one little variable of a stray round causes me to fire, spin, and die.

2012-08-27, 03:58 PM
First off, for NDA purposes, you're talking about BFBC2 :P

Now, to learn a thing or two, if you're that indecisive about where to shoot, the issue is less that you're going to miss and more that you're gonna get gunned down before you get a shot off.

A couple tips to help with that:

1) If you're on the ropes (Low health, near death, a bee sting will kill you), Aim for the head. You're going for broke at that point and there's no need to think about anything much. It's Headshot or Bust.

2) Don't flip classes much. Get used to your gun. If you know how it feels, you'll begin to subconsciously, and accurately, compensate. It becomes second nature.

3) At medium range, don't compensate. if you're used to our gun you're already compensating. Where as a headshot or two would down a target, but if you're compensating within the range where it doesn't matter, you're less focused on your survival and more focused on landing a shot. Before you know it, the guy you're trying to kill won't kill you, his buddy will.

4) If you shoot first, ADS is your friend. If you get shot first, ADS can be your worst enemy. Why? Taking hits throws off your aim (I'm assuming). Fire from the hip, move, and hope the guy is a bad shot. It's wholly possible to turn a situation where someone gets the jump on you. Not easy, but possible.

5) If you 1v1 someone in CQB and you both empty the mag...use the knife.

6) Situational Awareness. It's not something that can be taught. But you have to be able to process what's going on around you constantly. This'll help with getting the jump on people but i have to be vague with it because it also means different things to different people in different roles.

Something to keep in mind, most of my advice is always given from the Sniper's PoV. Survival > Shooting. If you're dead, you're not doing much shooting.

Pvt Badger
2012-08-27, 04:41 PM
The problem is I AM trying to actively hit the targetwhether I'm hip shooting or not. I'm not being indecisive. My brain tells my muscles to shoot way off target at closer ranges and not far enough when tracking. Sniping is a whole other monster entirely and I'm not talking about PS2. I mean sniping in general. In BF2, I couldn't hit the broadside of a tank from fifty meters let alone the guy caping the point two feet away. Yet I see different behavior in other games where I'll suddenly find myself in first place on my team. In such instances, I know my side is going to lose.

2012-08-27, 05:01 PM
A good trick to use is to get a sniper and go close quarters with it. You'll want the shortest range scope possible and just work on shooting right at you're enemy. Since you only have one shot you'll want to make it count. This will help your overall accuracy and with enough time you might teach yourself to stop over compensating.

Pvt Badger
2012-08-27, 05:09 PM
Hrmmm... That's not half bad. Hadn't thought of that.

2012-08-27, 07:05 PM
Turn your mouse sensitivity way the hell down. Yeah you might have to pick it up once in a while (unless you use a trackball :doh:) but it should lessen your over reaction. Its 'twitch' combat but play it as smooth as you can.

Also make sure you are playing the rock paper scissors game good enough and you know when to not engage the enemy.

2012-08-28, 02:30 AM
Speaking for myself, it can take a while to get used to aiming with a new game. For example, TF2 tends to have either slow-moving projectiles (relatively) or hit-scan... or flamethrowers I suppose. Anyway, the point is that the weapons both feel and function differently than in, for example Crysis or Tribes, and those games in turn feel quite different from each other as well.

It just takes time to adjust, and part of that is also different default mouse sensitivities or what have you.

I'm notoriously bad for "leading the target" as a Sniper (completely counter-productive for those not familiar) in TF2 or just "needing" that extra half-second to confirm they are still in my sites. I also haven't spent nearly enough time playing Sniper in that game to really get used to it compared to Soldier or Pyro.

It's also like this in other games, some with even smaller differences. I'm relatively used to last-hitting in LoL for example, but if I switch to HoN, RoI, or DotA I tend to miss more often for a while just because of the different balancing and slight variations in interface.

2012-08-28, 04:10 AM
Also turn mouse acceleration off, either in mouse software or OS.

Pvt Badger
2012-08-28, 07:09 AM
Also turn mouse acceleration off, either in mouse software or OS.

My Razer Naga doesn't support that feature. But I do have the sensitivity set higher in the game and last night did remarkably better than before as infantry. Also, if you see me during release or in beta please note I treat my tank like the General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard but with a turret.

2012-08-28, 09:43 AM
My brain tells my muscles to shoot way off target at closer ranges and not far enough when tracking.

Know what, this brings up the question, the guys you shoot at in BF are always moving when you shoot them aren't they? And so you anticipate where they will move and lead accordingly? (Closer range question)

Pvt Badger
2012-08-28, 03:05 PM
Know what, this brings up the question, the guys you shoot at in BF are always moving when you shoot them aren't they? And so you anticipate where they will move and lead accordingly? (Closer range question)

I still usually miss. In BF2142, I had a situation where while on the Titan I'd gun down anyone stupid enough to run into the hallway.

2012-08-28, 03:42 PM
2) Don't flip classes much. Get used to your gun. If you know how it feels, you'll begin to subconsciously, and accurately, compensate.

This is hitting the nail on the head. In any FPS, pick a gun/class and stick with it while you learn base mechanics and functions in the game. The areas you find yourself in most often will make ahuge difference as well. However, by sticking with one weapon for a while you'll naturally become more proficient, and then you'll learn about what does/doesn't work within your play style. For example, once you're proficient wit a weapon, and you realize that you need to put down more rounds per mag but not more accuracy, grab an lmg. If you jump the gun before you're used to it, you'll just be making unfounded and constant change - and you'll never learn anything about your play style in a given game or become better at anything.

2012-08-29, 07:04 AM
Okay, so I have a serious problem that's really bothered me for at least a decade now. So long as I'm in a vehicle (Non-aerial. If in an aircraft I tend to shoot around the enemy and then crash into a suddenly appearing tree or the ground leaps at me.) I can gun someone down but the moment my feet hit the dirt I'm ruined. You see... my aim is terrible. Not just I seem to miss every so often but 99% of the time. EVERY time I'm engaged in an infantry vs. Infantry battle I end up dead because I over or undercompensate for movement. I'm not even going to start in on Recoil. One TR soldier packing a pistol with half a clip? I'm respawning.

In other games, like the UT series or Team Fortress 2, I have no problem with shooting someone in the face but in the beta I'm just... worse than a noob. I don't even know what I would call myself.

I think the problem lies with my subconscious. I try to shoot the NC or TR soldier coming around the corner and my brain says: "Wait! Shoot a half second late and to the left. No! Better idea! Just above his head as well!" :doh:

How do I get that... I dunno what to call it. Skill maybe?:( Now why did I post in the PS2 Discussion forums? Because my lack of murder is most lacking in PS2. It's rather saddening to see me (If you are VS) running about dodging gun fire and then that one little variable of a stray round causes me to fire, spin, and die.

Only thing that can cure that is minimum 4 hours of training every single day.

Pvt Badger
2012-08-29, 02:43 PM
I picked up something that I'm sure can help me out. It's behavior, however, leads me to believe that one of its effects might be an accident. I'd say what it would be if not for the NDA. No, it's not a hack or a computer accessory. Okay... Fine you twisted my arm. It's a {WARNING! NDA VIOLATION DETECTED! REDACTING VIOLATION!} and I wish they had cup holders. It'd be awesome.

2012-08-29, 02:44 PM
be sneaky...in conquest in bf3/bc2/bc/1943(sorry my console routes) if i was lonewolfin i would step away from the cappin perimeter of the flag if i had secured it alone. find a nice wee hidin spot where i have good line of sight. or around the corner where i can hear footsteps. then wait. it would maybe only take a minute. let someone come for the flag...give them enough time to feel secure (if you are really cheeky let them take the "flag" - extra points if you are successful) so that you have the jump and then sneak out get them in your sights...press M1.

if you succeed take the flag back and move to a different spot. give it a minute...they'll be back and often expectin you to camp in the same spot.

some may think this is dirty tactics but often enough i have had an entire squad goin crazy searchin for me as i take my kills when they are secure. in a small game like battlefield this can give your team the time needed to secure the other flags.

Pvt Badger
2012-08-29, 02:52 PM
Applying those same tactics is... difficult. Had a situation last night that ended badly for my buddies and I. I wish they'd drop the NDA. I really do.

2012-08-31, 10:06 AM
My Razer Naga doesn't support that feature. But I do have the sensitivity set higher in the game and last night did remarkably better than before as infantry. Also, if you see me during release or in beta please note I treat my tank like the General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard but with a turret.
Not sure what you mean by that.
Mouse acceleration is on by default, regardless of mouse hardware.

Disabling is a damned good idea.

2012-08-31, 11:04 AM
Nda lifted fire at will.

2012-08-31, 11:16 AM
I'd say you seem to be over thinking things a little, but here's a few steps to help you out.

First, start rolling max. Slow, but sturdy, it can help you acclimate to PS2s pace and style, which I will say, can be somewhat unusual compared to other shooters.

Second, unless your 100 yards out or more, don't worry too much about leading or any fancy tricks. Put the cursor over the body, and control your fire. Try to think consciously about every shot, almost like you're counting them. Don't let automatic fire get out of control, or else you'll be doing more harm than good.

Finally, play smart. Be unpredictable, use cover, and be alert. None of this has to do with aim, but it can make an even bigger difference.