View Full Version : Scathing criticism at Gamespot

2012-08-31, 07:43 AM
Watch the entire video before responding. (http://www.gamespot.com/planetside-2/videos/planetside-2-battles-are-raging-but-where-is-the-war-6394046/?tag=Topslot;Planetside2;BattlesAreRagingButW;Watc hItNow)

This is very worrying indeed, it's like the whole point of what Planetside 2 is suppose to be is missing, especially it lacks all the suggested features the reviewer listed from 03:00 mark.

2012-08-31, 07:56 AM
Of course it's missing features! It's in BETA! This is not one of those 'ohh play for free for a few weeks before release' betas. PS2 is constantly improving - most of the issues in the video can be, and are going to be, easily solved before release.

If you look around the offical streams, or if you've managed to get in, you'll see that most of these criticisms are unfounded.

2012-08-31, 08:10 AM
Of course it's missing features! It's in BETA!

This doesn't make much sense, how can beta lack the most basic features of what defines(or is suppose to) the game?

2012-08-31, 08:12 AM
Maybe this guy should play with a properly manned organized outfit before saying all this junk too. This game isn't really meant to be playing lone wolf in the first place.

2012-08-31, 08:13 AM
Also comments like these below that video don't look very promising-

played several days in the beta..... it is HORRIBLE. no interest what so ever anymore.

2012-08-31, 08:21 AM
Also comments like these below that video don't look very promising-

You are going to let your thoughts on this game be swayed by some lame commenter on gamespot and random page comments? The reviewer obviously has a hard on for CoD just by how he was talking. Those page comments are not worth anything either as many could just be trolls. Game is still in beta, this isn't your typical beta (like BF3's glorified alpha/beta demo) so there is going to be plenty of changes coming before release. I suggest trying the game once open beta comes or at release before making your judgment final. When you do get in a organized outfit, otherwise you are missing out on 90% of the game.

2012-08-31, 08:23 AM
Sounds like SOE didn't pay GameSpot enough.

These guys have been in beta for just a couple of days (literally I think they got in Wednesday) and have no idea what they are talking about and as Nathaniak mentioned its beta. I bet they have played for a couple of hours tops and know nothing about it.

"especially if you are an FPS fan that's used to a smaller more directed experience" See if you pay them enough you get mentioned in any video.

When you guys try it for yourselves you can judge. It's not worth it to pay attention to any comments on videos or reviews.

2012-08-31, 08:26 AM
When you do get in a organized outfit, otherwise you are missing out on 90% of the game.

OK, that's pretty worrying right there, it's basically just like saying get a guild for Team Fortress 2 or any other game, which means 90% will not be able to do it and the game for most people will suck bad.

I feel like saying "get in a organized outfit" is pretty dishonest when everyone knows that most people will not know how to do this, just like in every other game.

Also how is that related to the features he proposed which are in other games?

2012-08-31, 08:27 AM
Not to mention the mission system isn't in yet which is supposed to focus the new minded players into where to go. :p

2012-08-31, 08:29 AM
Yea just finished the video.. everything this guy mentioned are coming in beta and not in yet.

2012-08-31, 08:35 AM
Also we should create a thread about raid dungeons that's something we really need.

2012-08-31, 08:39 AM
I still have trust PS2 team, they will deliver great game.

2012-08-31, 08:45 AM
Some comments there say vehicle over usage killed PS1, is this true?

2012-08-31, 08:51 AM
I don't feel that way but some people do.

2012-08-31, 08:53 AM
Sounds like SOE didn't pay GameSpot enough.

These guys have been in beta for just a couple of days (literally I think they got in Wednesday) and have no idea what they are talking about and as Nathaniak mentioned its beta. I bet they have played for a couple of hours tops and know nothing about it.

"especially if you are an FPS fan that's used to a smaller more directed experience" See if you pay them enough you get mentioned in any video.

When you guys try it for yourselves you can judge. It's not worth it to pay attention to any comments on videos or reviews.

Are they even allowed to leak Infos in this state of beta?! :mad:

2012-08-31, 08:59 AM
Also comments like these below that video don't look very promising-

I asked nicely for their beta key :D

2012-08-31, 09:06 AM
It's not a leak anymore the press have been given the green light to talk about PlanetSide 2 and entered into beta.

2012-08-31, 09:11 AM
I don't think I'd categorize that as 'scathing criticism' by any stretch. He mentioned that the game is epic and awesome, but needs some systems to help direct and organize on a large scale. I'd say that's pretty fair, we do need more systems to allow commanders to coordinate and organize at a high level, we're building them, and in fact he mentions that the mission system is coming soon.

2012-08-31, 09:12 AM
Its crazy and ridiculous to let some no-body on Gamespot publish review on game in closed beta.

2012-08-31, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the reply Higby! All the things he mentioned are things you guys have been talking about for some time as well, so I guess for us who have been following every single detail this review seems rather disconnected.

2012-08-31, 09:15 AM
I don't think I'd categorize that as 'scathing criticism' by any stretch. He mentioned that the game is epic and awesome, but needs some systems to help direct and organize on a large scale. I'd say that's pretty fair, we do need more systems to allow commanders to coordinate and organize at a high level, we're building them, and in fact he mentions that the mission system is coming soon.

I was about to say this: I don't get why everyone here is getting worked up about this! He talks about them as things that people should watch out for, and balances the good with the bad...
and then he even says that the bad stuff is likely to get fixed, this being beta!

What did you guys expect, instant 10/10 rating and a complaint that this game is ready and should be released?

2012-08-31, 09:31 AM
OK, that's pretty worrying right there, it's basically just like saying get a guild for Team Fortress 2 or any other game, which means 90% will not be able to do it and the game for most people will suck bad.

I feel like saying "get in a organized outfit" is pretty dishonest when everyone knows that most people will not know how to do this, just like in every other game.

Also how is that related to the features he proposed which are in other games?

Having a outfit in PS1 or PS2 is far different IMO compared to other games. The difference between playing without having one is like playing two different games. What made PS1 in the first place was having outfits to make the game play that much better. The majority of people joined outfits in the original and I'm willing to bet this will be the same with PS2. I say get in a good outfit because you are playing the game the way its meant to be played, not lone wolf style (game will get boring if you do that IMO).

I don't think people will have issues joining up eventually with outfits either. With people recruiting in message boards (official and fan), spamming recruitment messages in game, and if there is a in game community page to help new players join a outfit it should be all set.

Still remains to be seen what the mission system will offer in terms of organized game play, but I still don't see it going to the level that we with outfits. Regardless a system like this is needed to help guide people with what to do.

Some comments there say vehicle over usage killed PS1, is this true?

This is not true at all. What made PS1 great was the use of infantry, air, and vehicles. You could do any style when you wished to the majority of time.

I was about to say this: I don't get why everyone here is getting worked up about this! He talks about them as things that people should watch out for, and balances the good with the bad...
and then he even says that the bad stuff is likely to get fixed, this being beta!

What did you guys expect, instant 10/10 rating and a complaint that this game is ready and should be released?

I didn't care for the guy's tone really. He made it sound as if all this should already be there and that the game wasn't on the level of others games in "beta" state. The current trend is that games in recent times with betas are really just glorified demos for everyone try, which creates a state of mind that all games should be on this level. PS2 beta is completely different compared to say BF3's that we saw around this time last year with the game being almost ready to launch at that point. I have my share of complaints also, but I didn't have the expectation of everything already being perfect from the get go.

2012-08-31, 09:40 AM
And his tone tells me that the reviewer knows that.
The only problem arises when HIS viewers don't.

And it's that standard that people have built up: If it's different, it must be bad, even if it is actually the way it should be done. And if this beta is truly a beta, only that concept has unfortunately been tossed out the window by other developers.

And that's why we have an NDA.

2012-08-31, 09:41 AM
I don't think ANY review should be taken to heart like this until close to launch.. until the point where everything is polished, almost everything is subject to change. He gave some criticism, but it was constructive and came alongside compliments as well.

In any case, most people who see that video and are interested in FPS' will probably check out Planetside 2, realise that it is epic, and forget about the few issues that currently exist.

2012-08-31, 09:56 AM
Its crazy and ridiculous to let some no-body on Gamespot publish review on game in closed beta.


I think so too. Too early to let the press talk about Beta internals
or state of the game.

2012-08-31, 10:44 AM
I don't think I'd categorize that as 'scathing criticism' by any stretch. He mentioned that the game is epic and awesome, but needs some systems to help direct and organize on a large scale. I'd say that's pretty fair, we do need more systems to allow commanders to coordinate and organize at a high level, we're building them, and in fact he mentions that the mission system is coming soon.

Yeah I was about to post the same thing, OP you really need to stop with the tabloid half assed journalism headline, in no way was that a "scathing criticism"

That was rather a neutral approach from someone who's played a few days of beta and hasn't gotten to terms with all the other features of how to quickly get back to the action.

Actually I think it was a rather good review of the closed beta.

2012-08-31, 10:59 AM
Yeah I was about to post the same thing, OP you really need to stop with the tabloid half assed journalism headline, in no way was that a "scathing criticism"

The title is actually referring to responses to that video of people who even played longer than the reviewer.

2012-08-31, 11:05 AM
Some comments there say vehicle over usage killed PS1, is this true?

No that was the best part of ps1. The terrain just didnt support infantry outside very well. Wasnt so much the vehicles. PS2 has far better terrain and makes infantry fighting much easier in all but the most open environments which is intentional so we have a good variety.

Plus, ground vehicles suck in ps2 atm anyway, you have no reason to fear them as infantry, too easy to kill with the paper thin armor they have. Two rockets and the biggest tank they have is done for, its laughable. I personally see little reason to even get in one other than to move faster.

Honestly, ps1 did ground vehicle combat much better. We wont even see large scale ground fights in ps2 until they buff the armor big time, you just die too fast to ever last long enough for big fights to form or to even live more than a second in such a fight. So until the armor gets buffed big time to much better levels, you really cant tell too much.

2012-08-31, 11:08 AM
The title is actually referring to responses to that video of people who even played longer than the reviewer.

are you talking about the responses under the video?.... as I only see 1 negative & 1 troll

2012-08-31, 11:10 AM
Maybe this guy should play with a properly manned organized outfit before saying all this junk too. This game isn't really meant to be playing lone wolf in the first place.

Think of who plays: solists, small groups, mediocre size groups and zerggroups.

If ANY of these is not viable, the game is poorly designed and will lose subscribers swiftly. Currently only the last two are possible, so I'm more than a little worried. Especially since I fall in between the first two groups being an infil in a small outfit.

2012-08-31, 11:19 AM
Are they even allowed to leak Infos in this state of beta?! :mad:

NDA is gone, homie.

But, as much hate as the guy is getting, he does raise a couple good points. When you aren't near a battle, the game is downright annoying. With all the crazy shit happening in my life right now, I don't have the will to spend my time trying to find a fight, or even especially when that fight is 99% zurvan, which for as many people that are there, has very little skilled combat. Also, the problems with AA being so OP (combined with terrible vanu Air-to-air), we can't seem get a real fight going there. I actually liked squad spawn, tbh. May be a little unfair, but at least it kept the fun and laughter going, and still felt a little tactical. Hell, I wouldn't even mind that, instead of squad spawn, you were just allowed to spawn at any spawnable base your faction owns at any time.

And honestly, expecting a multi-million dollar F2P game to survive because of a small group of hardcore subscribers in big outfits (like PS1 did) is stretching it. This game needs to have more actual combat and develop a very good in-game hot tip system or codex to get people really riled up and into it. Most gamers don't go on forums, most players don't play e-politics with guild leaders and most people don't want to take orders and download teamspeak. We all will - but saying that new players 'should' is naive and won't make this game any more popular. The major difference here is that PS2 can't survive without a ton of players, given its business model.

Keep in mind, when I say people, I don't mean people like us, hoping for the game to be awesome, and knowing the depth that's there. The average person doesn't do that. The guy in the video represents the average person this will download PS2.

2012-08-31, 11:24 AM
The points are pretty accurate and that stuff is already slated to be fixed. Who cares if some people take it the wrong way? The game is F2P, so people will be able to check it out for free once this stuff gets fixed/implemented.

I really think that all press is good press in this case, so long as the developers continue to address the important issues of the game. In the past few weeks of updates, I've seen the game take enormous strides, and even more so than ever I'm really starting to see the potential of this game. No other game will be able to compare. Not Battlefield, not even the first Planetside.

2012-08-31, 11:30 AM
Also we should create a thread about raid dungeons that's something we really need.


2012-08-31, 11:31 AM
Also we should create a thread about raid dungeons that's something we really need.

Don't forget the macroes "GROUP LOOKING FOR HEALER, BR 50 OR HIGHER".

Those people shouting V-N-G was supposedly bad have no idea about what is hard in finding people...

2012-08-31, 11:32 AM

Gotta be honest, I did lol at that.

Also worth noting that most of the video was praise and hype. He didn't condemn the game, and even acknowledged that most problems he saw already had plans of being fixed.

2012-08-31, 11:38 AM
expecting a multi-million dollar F2P game to survive because of a small group of hardcore subscribers in big outfits (like PS1 did) is stretching it. This game needs to have more actual combat and develop a very good in-game hot tip system or codex to get people really riled up and into it. Most gamers don't go on forums, most players don't play e-politics with guild leaders and most people don't want to take orders and download teamspeak.


The whole game from the get-go needs to be designed with that in mind.

2012-08-31, 11:44 AM
Weird, I didn't get the impression it was THAT scathing, more like he was raising some points (then again I don't usually watch tonnes of game review videos).

2012-08-31, 11:47 AM
Something that might help is some sort of intro dialogue box, or even a tutorial, because there isn't much direction when you first spawn at your warpgate. Even just a 'click on this button to see the state of the war' would be helpful for complete noobs since there is rarely any fighting anywhere near the WG, and they could be directed towards the instant action screen.

I'd do something like this: direct brand new players to an equipment terminal, telling them to pick their loadouts, then, after they do so say 'you're ready for the fight! Click here to see the status of the war.' It may seem like coddling to the hardcore players, but I think it'd make the game seem a little more friendly off the bat to the less-experienced players, who will be required to keep this game on its feet.

2012-08-31, 11:57 AM
Some comments there say vehicle over usage killed PS1, is this true?
Not at all.

I've watched the video and I think it's fair comment. There was nothing scathing there.

what they did say was that the battles didn't feel like they were stiched together. Which is true .... and that's what we've been going on about for a long time, the meta game.

Planetside had one and planetside 2 needs one too.

Weird, I didn't get the impression it was THAT scathing, more like he was raising some points (then again I don't usually watch tonnes of game review videos).
Precisely, if you're going to do a review of a game, you should at least look at some issues and raise them. You owe it to your reader/listeners.

2012-08-31, 12:07 PM
Well i think the mission system will fix that. He DID say it was beta AND that the mission system is yet to go live. Can't blame them for being HONEST.

2012-08-31, 12:10 PM
Well i think the mission system will fix that. He DID say it was beta AND that the mission system is yet to go live. Can't blame them for being HONEST.

That's right. The mossion system isn't a meta game tho, it's only a sign post saying "zerg this way--> " or if a commander is using it then it's a glorified waypoint. We still need the meta game.

2012-08-31, 12:16 PM
Well i think the mission system will fix that. He DID say it was beta AND that the mission system is yet to go live. Can't blame them for being HONEST.

The Mission System is a logistical support system for any Game Mechanic that's in place. It's not a mechanic in and on its own like say "hex adjecency" or "the lattice" or on a smaller scale CC's being REK hacked or CC's being area hacked (currently can be done with vehicles at most sites, in some you can even land on top of a building that controls a spawnpoint 150m away and cap it that way...).

THOSE are capture and conquest systems. Mission System for instance can't keep up with a whack-a-mole system like we had before.

The mission system simply facilitates organization, it does not control people.

People should really learn to differentiate the two.

2012-08-31, 12:18 PM
Its crazy and ridiculous to let some no-body on Gamespot publish review on game in closed beta.

Yeah umm..... hate to inform you of such a minor detail but he's an EDITOR at Gamespot, not some "no-body".

Very few people above him, editor-in-chief, managing editor, publisher.... A "no-body" would be just a 'reporter' not an editor.

2012-08-31, 12:20 PM
This doesn't make much sense, how can beta lack the most basic features of what defines(or is suppose to) the game?

Beta is the testing phase. For many games, this equates early access to the finished product.

In this case, it is a brand new engine, a brand new game, with a lot of major changes being implemented. Games do not appear over night as a result of Smedley and Higby performing dark rites around a fire. They have to start somewhere. This beta, that is "testing phase", is intended to try out various methods of gameplay to see what works best. The "Basis of the game" IS in place = 2,000 player battles for territory in a persistent world. The specific manner in which those battles are carried out is what is still changing.

2012-08-31, 01:34 PM
Somewhere in the last 10 years, Beta stopped meaning "Feature Complete, Final Testing".

Whatever. They're dumping content into the cooker weekly, and it tastes better with each patch.

2012-08-31, 01:48 PM
it's gamespot..... what are you using them as a source of game intel? correct me if i'm wrong but aren't they the ones that fired the game reviewer because he gave kane and lynch a bad score? best not to trust a place like that for your gaming intel :)

2012-08-31, 01:56 PM
Somewhere in the last 10 years, Beta stopped meaning "Feature Complete, Final Testing".

Whatever. They're dumping content into the cooker weekly, and it tastes better with each patch.

Yet a lot of people (fanbois) think that beta means it is allowed to get away with everything, meaning those flaws far more often than not reach the release version over the past ten years, because critique has always been done away with as "it's just beta".

At the same time, major design decision changes do not really occur anymore and haven't really occured in PS2 as of yet. What has happened is that systems have been integrated, but what we've mostly seen is a game without systems to a game with at least some systems. We've yet to determine if it's the right systems (though for some systems it's already clear to me and others they're not - class and cert system as is included), yet we're moving closer and closer to release.

Now, if PS2 is going the way of World of Tanks (early flawed release, continuous work over time and OH NEW GAME IDEA SEND DEVS TO OTHER GAME BEFORE WE'RE FULLY DONE - like what happened to PS1...), then they have to really commit themselves to a substantial, long term permanent team. Given SOE's history, I'm not sure if we can expect that. So no, I at least am not going to give SOE the benefit of the doubt just because something is in beta.

I'm going to stick on their arse till every important issue is solved satisfactory. And that'll take many, many months and probably some brave decisions to revise current PS2 design philosophy fundamentally in some parts.

2012-08-31, 02:02 PM
I don't think I'd categorize that as 'scathing criticism' by any stretch. He mentioned that the game is epic and awesome, but needs some systems to help direct and organize on a large scale. I'd say that's pretty fair, we do need more systems to allow commanders to coordinate and organize at a high level, we're building them, and in fact he mentions that the mission system is coming soon.

^^All this.

Why aren't these "key features" in yet? Because the game is MASSIVE, and these "key features" are, programatically, add-ons to the "base game" which is the shooter component of the game. The server architecture, etc etc.

How could they POSSIBLY have built a communication and mission system for a game that you couldn't even run around in or use vehicles/etc yet??

They let us into the beta testing phase LONG before most companies do, where pretty much all components are done and just in need of polish.

I've already seen more patches of PS2 in 2 weeks of Beta than I have seen support patches from EA for any of their released retail games (with seemingly worse problems half the time)

I'm going to stick on their arse till every important issue is solved satisfactory. And that'll take many, many months and probably some brave decisions to revise current PS2 design philosophy fundamentally in some parts.

Because I'm sure you are irrevocably the absolute and authoritative source on what would make Planetside 2 best.

Just keep in mind everything you think is best is just your own personal opinion, and actually NOT worth more than any other individual opinion.

I do agree with a number of things you've posted, so don't take this as slander, but you seem to have a rather strong opinion of yourself, which is all fine and well so long as you understand that you won't get everything and compromises will be made by everyone

2012-08-31, 02:55 PM
OK, that's pretty worrying right there, it's basically just like saying get a guild for Team Fortress 2 or any other game, which means 90% will not be able to do it and the game for most people will suck bad.

I feel like saying "get in a organized outfit" is pretty dishonest when everyone knows that most people will not know how to do this, just like in every other game.

Also how is that related to the features he proposed which are in other games?

Don't even play the game then.

BF3 sucked unless you were in an organized clan anyway. Without teamwork all these games are shit imho.

2012-08-31, 02:59 PM
beta is still in very early stages there is a ton of stuff they still need to make active in the game. only 1 of 3 continents are live, virtually no grunt certs are active, several vehicle upgrades need to be re balanced and optimized. the client and server itself are being fine tuned as well daily. game imo is bare minimum 2 months away from go live/release. there just is that much content to test that isn't in yet.

2012-08-31, 03:20 PM
Yea my experience has been bad overall. Its very BORING. Fights are so random because there are no capture mechanisms. Although the recent patch should help that. there are however many many other problems that Im worried about. BUt I expect them to make it better as beta goes on. atm I still thnk its too darn early to start beta. They are too pressured with the time scale.

2012-08-31, 03:41 PM
it's gamespot..... what are you using them as a source of game intel? correct me if i'm wrong but aren't they the ones that fired the game reviewer because he gave kane and lynch a bad score? best not to trust a place like that for your gaming intel :)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GagFPnSG0j4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also, I agree with the Gamespot guy. I have yet to see any very large scale battles. Maybe 50 players at the most.

2012-08-31, 03:42 PM
Scathing criticism is only viable after it goes gold. And even then, its at best an opinion. I suggest everyone take the Pepsi challenge before they judge.

2012-08-31, 03:46 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GagFPnSG0j4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also, I agree with the Gamespot guy. I have yet to see any very large scale battles. Maybe 50 players at the most.

full servers , organization, common sense will fix that

2012-08-31, 03:58 PM
I don't think I'd categorize that as 'scathing criticism' by any stretch. He mentioned that the game is epic and awesome, but needs some systems to help direct and organize on a large scale. I'd say that's pretty fair, we do need more systems to allow commanders to coordinate and organize at a high level, we're building them, and in fact he mentions that the mission system is coming soon.

Indeed I dont see why some of you are getting upset over this review. I personally think it was fairly accurate about the current state of the game and that the reviewer was rather objective in his comments. He praised things he thought the game was doing good, pointed out flaws that he saw, and mention the game was still in beta and that systems to mitigate those flaws are in the works. What exactly about this review was bad?

2012-08-31, 04:00 PM
I was also trying to figure out what was scathing about it. Sounded pretty accurate to me actually.

2012-08-31, 04:22 PM
Other then bitter-vets I have yet to read a scathing criticism of PS2. PS2 makes a great first impression on everyone who plays it.

Y U mad bro? Its ok not to be a vet ya know. Let it go.

2012-08-31, 04:44 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GagFPnSG0j4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also, I agree with the Gamespot guy. I have yet to see any very large scale battles. Maybe 50 players at the most.


Jeff Gerstmann is the reason I deleted Giantbomb from my bookmark, he is constantly jaded and negative about everything and you couldn't escape him on that site.

2012-08-31, 04:53 PM
wtf gamespot im disapointed the game is in beta only a third of people are in. also there are outfits a sqauds, platoons and missions.

2012-08-31, 04:58 PM
feh on their reviews. they liked Witcher too...which I couldnt stand.
I'll make up my own mind...if I ever finally get in.

2012-09-01, 03:27 PM
I agree with this review in regards to the mission system. It should be an instanced round based type battle with overall strategic implications. Will be interesting to see how adjacency meshes with it but yeah the casual players needs some type of mission system to provide a quick and meaningful objective.

This is absolutely the last thing I want in this game. Instances have no place anywhere in Planetside.

I read the RPS article and that one is much better, also the only gaming site I actually trust.

2012-09-01, 03:33 PM
I agree with this review in regards to the mission system. It should be an instanced round based type battle with overall strategic implications. Will be interesting to see how adjacency meshes with it but yeah the casual players needs some type of mission system to provide a quick and meaningful objective.

Nice trolling, bro...

2012-09-01, 04:44 PM
The reviewer obviously has a hard on for CoD just by how he was talking.
lol what

2012-09-01, 05:05 PM
lol what

I know. That was a baffling and outright incorrect statement to me, wierd to see something so straight-up blind from Goku. Nothing in the video to suggest this. The guy in the video sounded pumped and positive about PS2 for the most part. And for those who say he isn't 'qualified' to judge this game, I think the opposite. I think anyone coming in without a huge planetside history and dev team to be attatched to has a more clear opinion than anyone here. Why? He knows whether or not the game is enjoyable, without trying to have fun.

God forbid any responsible journalist make positive suggestions about what a game in beta coud benefit from - especialy after a shitload of praise. I'm so sick of the cliche' of here: "OMG, Don't complain about bugs/shortcomings - it's in beta!". What the hell do you think a beta is for? If people didn't judge, make suggestions and bitch, nothing that really needs fixing would ever actually get fixed.

Also, to all of the dilusional PS1/PS2 diehards - guess what? There actually IS a chance that some things in this game may or may not be the right choices, or perfect.

And remember - and it's best to accept this now - this game could end up totally sucking balls. The gunplay has already lost the favor of a decent part of the community. So whether you like it or hate it, try and be objective, people.

2012-09-01, 05:34 PM
What the hell do you think a beta is for? If people didn't judge, make suggestions and bitch, nothing that really needs fixing would ever actually get fixed.

Bitching doesn't, nor will it ever help. That's the problem, few people seem to know the difference between constructive criticism, and bitching.

2012-09-01, 05:51 PM
Well the map is not really that big as they make it sound. At lest it does not feel that big. However it takes about 5 minutes to run 600 meters on foot. And It's usually 500-550 meters between each base. (Notice the MAX unit is running slower then any other unit.)

And that they QQ over that you're not always know where the big fight is. Well that maybe true for the first 4-5 hours you play the first day if you join the game without an outfit. But even as a lone wolf you will learn what base is valuable to take and to defend quickly after you have come over the first "just entered the game for the first time what do I do" feeling.

Tip: BIO labs and and bases that provide Aruixium is always a hot target. Just remember to take and hold the surounding hexes too as that makes the job allot easier.

PS: The big bases is about the same size as a medium size map in BF3. That will say the surrounding aria that it controls... not the buildings

2012-09-01, 05:56 PM
Seriously? Reviewing beta? half the game isn't even finished.

We don't have most of the certs yet, only 1 continent is enabled and most of the squad/outfit content isn't there. They are still working on client stability/performance, that's how early things still are...

The FPS mechanics are already a huge improvement over PS1, which was always known for being quite bad as an FPS.