View Full Version : Matrixing?

2012-09-01, 03:36 AM
How do you all feel with the lack of Matrixing in PS2?

no I don't mean ninja fighting inside a computer generated dream world prison :rolleyes:

The Matrix system of PS1 allowed you or your Squad/Platoon to set a specific respawn point be it a base or a mobile AMS.

If your fighting down south but you know the North is vulnerable your S/P leader could set you a home base up North so you can recall back to that base of significant importance (say your only techlab) if it's threatened by another faction.
Or even to another adjacent base so you can easily access the vehicle pads at that base in order to roll out from in case the base/area your fighting over is highly contested.

One of the main game philosophies of PS2 has been getting you back to the action quickly.
I think the matrix system could compliment it.

What's your opinion?

2012-09-02, 10:29 AM
I would love to see it return, binding to a spawn was a great viable feature.

Sometimes it can be hard to get back into the fight.

2012-09-02, 10:33 AM
Defiantly needs to return.

2012-09-02, 01:16 PM
Yes. We have a decade's worth of data to work with, and there are some nuggets of game design that can and ought to be lifted and planted firmly in the new Auraxis. Binding is one of them.

This is especially vital for vehicle-based outfits. Right now in a lot of cases you're faced with having to spawn at sanc, then IA into a base that has a vehicle pad of the proper sort. This is a time wasting pain in the arse and makes it very difficult to organize any sort of coordinated tank zerg.

2012-09-02, 01:22 PM
In my opinion - the entire spawning system is pretty messed up at the moment, especially with the lack of v-terms as opposed to atv-terms.

2012-09-02, 02:38 PM
I'd love if they implemented that, sometimes i find it a little hard to regroup with the squad.

2012-09-02, 03:15 PM
With the system youre proposing i think thatd definitely be a lot better. You can still drop the squad beacons but those things get destroyed way too easy. +1 for matrixing.