View Full Version : Smedley: "Bigots, homophobes, racists, anti-semites and general jerks not welcome"

2012-09-01, 11:27 PM

I've been at PAX so I haven't yet had the opportunity to respond to this whole "*******" thing. Let me be crystal clear about where I stand on this and where SOE stands.

We will not tolerate bigots, homophobes, racists, anti-semites or people being basic asshats in our game. If we catch you doing any of that you're gone. I've read a great deal about *** ****** and seen enough to make me make this general comment - if I see any of this behavior whatsoever in the game I will personally ban anyone doing it. I will do it publicly and I will do it loudly and as broadly as I can possibly make happen. Go play another game if you want to act like a jerk. We don't need or want your business.

In the specific incident that happened TB responded to it very well and we're going to make sure to avoid showcasing any guild that represents itself that way even outside the game. If you don't like that, tough. We'll ban you for what you say in the game but if you act like a ray of sunshine inside the game you'll still get to play. But if you are a well known as being any of the things I listed above outside the game - guess what. You're not going to be on any of our public facing stuff.

I want to be clear that there's nothing we will do inside the game if you follow our rules. That wouldn't be right. We also aren't trying to be the internet police. This is a free country. People get to say what they want to say. But not in our game. It's our way or the highway on these subjects.

I also want all to know this is a hobby horse of mine personally. I really can't stand racists or homophobes or anti-semites. I think they are foul human beings and really don't want them anywhere near me.
Anyways. I hope I haven't minced words.

Regardless of who's responsible, I'm personally glad that he's taken such a hard stance against this type of thing.

2012-09-01, 11:30 PM
can I get an explanation of what exactly happened?

2012-09-01, 11:31 PM
can I get an explanation of what exactly happened?

Link (http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/z6lj0/the_enclave_and_its_blatant_bigotry_is_bad_for/)
My view is this.

What they do on their Teamspeak and forum is their own business. I'm not here to pass moral judgments, we've all shot the shit at some point, to what degree is up to them in their own private domain.

What I won't do is actively promote an outfit that is willing to use those kind of insults to potential applicants. An awful lot of new players are heading into Planetside 2 and upon seeing that video may be tempted to apply. Last thing I want is my viewers being called all kinds of shitty names for whatever reason and then coming back to me saying "why the hell did you promote these assholes?". Any mention of the outfit's name is gone from the video as a result of that. We will not mention them any more or activately promote their outfit as a result of their behaviour for the reasons given above.

Any discussions about whether or not there are racists, homophobes, anti-semites or whatever in the outfit is a moot point. If you're going to act that way we can't actively promote you, no matter how good you are.

2012-09-01, 11:42 PM
Link (http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/z6lj0/the_enclave_and_its_blatant_bigotry_is_bad_for/)

Just viewed the link. SO much drama and its entertaining

2012-09-01, 11:47 PM

I thought everyone already knew the Enclave's character

2012-09-01, 11:50 PM

I thought everyone already knew the Enclave's character

No news there, it's more the outright condemnation by the President of SOE. o.o

2012-09-02, 12:09 AM
Meh, each to their own tbh.

2012-09-02, 01:06 AM
Went to thier forum and read some of the applications and the ones that were denied were a good indication of the level of maturity of that Buzzcut guy. That guy has a serious problem. From what I have heard he has body guards in game because people teamkill him on site.

I am having too much fun rolling with my outfit to waste my time on these people. I just hope to get him in my sights in game sometime but he doesn't seem to be in the front lines much. Guess its hard to lead troops into battle when you need to worry about getting fragged from your own team.

2012-09-02, 01:20 AM
Excellent post by Smed.

2012-09-02, 01:40 AM
I realize it's a typo, but "bigots and homophones" kind of cracked me up a little.

2012-09-02, 01:51 AM
Way to go Smed for showing that a company like SOE will not tolerate people that don't know how to grow up. Round of applause to TB as well.

Meatball Mobeus
2012-09-02, 02:17 AM
This is a game where we kill each other on sight for being red, blue, or purple. Just saying.

TB picked up a stream called http://www.twitch.tv/buzzcutpsycho/

Then was surprised when the stream was exactly that.

That's like walking into a threatre called Porn, then being surprised by porn.

That justification is, to put it bluntly. Really dumb. Its a gamertag. Nothing more nothing less. Some of that crap I read in that link was just down right disgusting.

I love reading your posts Eclipse, but come on.. How are you able to find it within yourself to defend a group of people who keep people like him in their outfit after that?

2012-09-02, 02:52 AM
Just remember folks, antisemitism means all cultures that speak Semitic languages. That is covered in "no bigots" though, anyway.

Misogyny is missing from the list. If you say "make me a sandwich" it should also potentially count for a ban too.

2012-09-02, 03:37 AM
I don't think anyone really cares what is in this guy's heart of hearts... he's just some faceless #%@ on the internet.

If he wants to gather his own little group of bigots... fake bigots... soft-core bigots... or just douchey tweens trying to be edgy or troll-ish... I think SOE couldn't care less.

But, the moment they show this behavior (particularly from the leader) in any way that can be attached to SOE or PS2 - I think the harshest reaction is totally understandable and warranted.

2012-09-02, 03:55 AM
Its funny to see so much Drama and show boating from a bunch of "Terrible" players. That included Buzz who i am sure aim's with his arrow keys. If they had any good players it would be a different story.

If you want to make a name for yourself this route isnt the way forward.

2012-09-02, 04:48 AM
I agree that this is a necessary policy to have in place. But how literal are they going to be in enforcing it? Will it target people for something as simple and common as saying "that's gay" when an enemy empire is doing something like, hmmm...camping a teleporter?

If so, that's fine, I'm not going to say they shouldn't. I just think it would be nice if they made it known that they were going to be that detailed. Because, a lot of people are going to read the examples linked above, see that comments like "that's gay" are not in the same ballpark as what's on the above referenced outfit's website, not even in the same solar system, in fact, and assume they won't be targeted.

2012-09-02, 06:31 AM
Excellent post by Smed.
Hear, hear.

2012-09-02, 06:31 AM
I agree that this is a necessary policy to have in place. But how literal are they going to be in enforcing it? Will it target people for something as simple and common as saying "that's gay" when an enemy empire is doing something like, hmmm...camping a teleporter?

If so, that's fine, I'm not going to say they shouldn't. I just think it would be nice if they made it known that they were going to be that detailed. Because, a lot of people are going to read the examples linked above, see that comments like "that's gay" are not in the same ballpark as what's on the above referenced outfit's website, not even in the same solar system, in fact, and assume they won't be targeted.

good point there

2012-09-02, 06:36 AM
Man, I'm proud to be in mercenarys... At least they all respect the code.

I don't know about Enclave much, but I saw some senseful people from that outfit (even on these very forums) and I'm wondering how THEY feel about this...

2012-09-02, 07:58 AM
BCP is the leader, so all the members approve of his behavior when they elect not to leave.

That said, it is no surprise that he is the center of this controversy. He lives for that sort of thing.

2012-09-02, 08:24 AM
Agreed! The only thing though, is every single game developer says the same thing. Then after they start making money, they let some support staff go especially as the game matures. Hackers and the KKK then take over the game. Albeit, most of them are just trolling due to anonymity and others hurt people because it is something they get off on. Which is sad... When your being attacked though, I think it is your right to fight back any way you can.

I mean not to trash Higby, but I watched an interview where he says to one of his employees that he has a ***-fro. The employee looked uncomfortable with the statement but since the camera's were rolling, the show must go on I guess.

We shouldn't have to have a thick skin no matter our orientation in any fashion. Sorry if I sound preachy but, "can't we just all get along!" In the great words of Joe Dirt... "DANG!"

I think we should expose these types of people with a picture, their address and fill out police reports so we can put them on the American Terrorist watch list. I've noticed most are from NA. These people can cause major damage to our society and they make our public unsafe. Just look at the news.

just my 2 cents

2012-09-02, 08:28 AM
BCP is the leader, so all the members approve of his behavior when they elect not to leave.

That said, it is no surprise that he is the center of this controversy. He lives for that sort of thing.

My experience with Internetz and Mass Media, in general, tells me that in situations like these, there is usually more than meets the eye...


Let's not push this too far shall we?

My outfit includes people from all over the Globe and we too do friendly nationality jokes. We have an Israeli Dutchman that takes *** jokes lightly, a ****** like meslef that takes "Soviet Russia" humor without any hard feelings about it... and actually alot of people and stuff like that.

Friendly jokes=/=Pointed Insults

2012-09-02, 08:47 AM
Let's not push this too far shall we?

My outfit includes people from all over the Globe and we too do friendly nationality jokes. We have an Israeli Dutchman that takes *** jokes lightly, a ****** like meslef that takes "Soviet Russia" humor without any hard feelings about it... and actually alot of people and stuff like that.

Friendly jokes=/=Pointed Insults

This! As I say, I support these policies, but we can't take it too far.

I, being from the American South, don't get offended if a guildmate starts talking about rednecks with junk in their yards or cars on blocks, for example.

Otherwise outfits, and guilds(because this will apply to ALL SOE games) are going to have to either abolish friendly jokes, or have procedures prohibiting the use of in-game communication tools.

Top Sgt
2012-09-02, 10:15 AM
Racism doesn't belong anywhere.. including video games. Not all of Enclave is racists Pus*** but if you know your leader is one and you stay in the group.. your condoning the behavior period.

This was warned way back by a PSU forum poster who joined the enclave and was shocked at the racists stuff in their forums.. and when he called them out on it there.. they N Worded him to death he then came back to the PSU forums and wrote a post warning others of how racists the outfit was.

Hamma erased the post however. But the warning way back then was there.

2012-09-02, 10:59 AM
Not surprised by this in the least. People need to make sure to do some research on the outfits they are joining.

I'm glad to see Smed is taking a hard stance on the issue.

2012-09-02, 11:27 AM
Its funny to see so much Drama and show boating from a bunch of "Terrible" players. That included Buzz who i am sure aim's with his arrow keys. If they had any good players it would be a different story.

If you want to make a name for yourself this route isnt the way forward.

odd, he's been consistently #1 on the leaderboards most days. Please verify your data first.

302 Found

2012-09-02, 12:45 PM
odd, he's been consistently #1 on the leaderboards most days. Please verify your data first.

To be perfectly honest, being number 1 on the leaderboards doesn't earn many people's respect if you are, at the same, a horrible, horrible person.

2012-09-02, 12:50 PM
odd, he's been consistently #1 on the leaderboards most days. Please verify your data first.

302 Found (http://youtu.be/be-h0eevE_E)

Laughs.. check again.

2012-09-02, 12:52 PM
Much ado about nothing. Smed should try going onto 4chan for five minutes. It'd prolly give him an aneurism.

2012-09-02, 01:51 PM
Misogyny is missing from the list. If you say "make me a sandwich" it should also potentially count for a ban too.
Oh don't be such a sensitive drama queen.

In that case ban misandry.
That means anyone who uses the term 'dick' in a negative sense gets a permaban, that includes any subtexts or references such as the word 'jerk' which is a disparaging misandric term (almost exclusively reserved for boys/men) related to the act or produce of male masturbation, used for someone one doesn't like.

Oh wait, I guess that means Smedley is banned, because he used it.

Get a grip on the real, sweetheart.

Even the damn slogan for Planetside says "Size Always Matters" which is an oft-used misandric term representing sexual objectification of men.

I've a better idea, ban everyone who insists on finding things to be offended about so that they can feel like a precious little victimised flower and receive special treatment.


Do people still actually make anti-semitic comments in this day and age? o.O

2012-09-02, 02:02 PM
I think it's good they enforce it. But honestly, they can't be so strict about it. I for example say a lot of "homophobic" and "mean" racist things; but I'm never serious and I just do it to friends. It's bit of a toll that -not to point at anyone- tends to come a little more from america that everything is taken so seriously. Racism is such a big thing there due to all the various cultures. But from where for example I come from people say racist things all the time, very few are actually serious. Actual Racism and Homophobia is something that we in Scandinavia and a lot of Western/Central Europe for the most part have grown out of. If someone says something racist or homophobic people generally don't take em seriously around here.

But! Obviously it's hard to tell wether someone is joking or not in a chat especially if biggotry like this is a common thing around some people. So I think it's good that they enforce it, definitely- but I don't think they can be that strict just from seeing someone say something bad. At least give them warnings/infractions first, if they continue and don't learn that that kinda language isn't tolerated inside the game- then ban them for a few weeks or w/e.



Gotta love Stephen Fry

2012-09-02, 02:11 PM
So what actually happened? They streamed Buzz's stream and he was racist, biggoted, homophobic etc etc on voice?

2012-09-02, 02:14 PM
I just read the links to buzzcuts words.

It's 4chan kid behaviour.

They just use the words in spite of the words.
There is no hatred there whatsoever, I'm familiar with these kinds of people.

Outright bans for first offences are extreme because it is absolutely nothing other than bad language.

I don't want to see it myself, and people like that have messed up and infected communities I've been a part of in the past; but people holding their hands up to their mouths and acting flabbergasted, either lived a very sheltered life or haven't met 4channers before.

Like Smed says, so long as it isn't in the game, cool.
Kids will be kids.

They delight in perversity and in many ways, it's really no different than the shock factor humour Monty Python utilised in the past.

Humour is often shocking and "offensive", and should be permitted to be so, but the line should be drawn at the outright purile when it is said to genuinely cause someone real pain.

I welcome Smeds forthright statement.

2012-09-02, 02:20 PM
Ofcourse its different, because Monty Python where funny aswell as offensive

2012-09-02, 02:27 PM
Why exactly is this stuff censored in the OP?

2012-09-02, 03:01 PM
I think a few friendly insults between friends is OK, but when it becomes excessive to the point of annoyance, or is directed at someone with deliberate attempt to offend, then it's not OK. From all the denied applications I read from BCP; whether he falls under the deliberately annoying or deliberately offensive category, I can't tell; but either way, he's behaving like a huge jerk, and that's not being 'cool' or 'edgy'- that's just being immature and stupid.

2012-09-02, 03:33 PM
Buzz lives up to that gamer tag, it's pretty much his parental advisory notice.

Imho that is just Buzz's shtick, he is like the Howard Stern of PS2.

Please, stop trying to excuse him by making his shitty behavior out to be character.

The man has no character, he's a disrespectful little gobshite sat behind a keyboard.

2012-09-02, 03:44 PM
Well you can always say that Vanu are racist towards blue and red colored people.
Who gives them right to horribly assault those social groups !
BAN VANU color-phobes !


2012-09-02, 03:53 PM
Is this kind of thing going to hinder SOE being able to have the in-game streaming tools they are planning?

2012-09-02, 04:20 PM
Why exactly is this stuff censored in the OP?

Wasn't really sure how the mods were going to react, so decided to play it safe and just quote the message without the specifics. Believe it or not this is probably rather damaging to the enclave.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

2012-09-02, 04:29 PM
Good. Unfortunately, a lot of people see my tag and think its anti-Semite when I'm actually, in truth, a ***. Haha gotta love this world.

Haters gonna hate!

2012-09-02, 06:09 PM
Good. Unfortunately, a lot of people see my tag and think its anti-Semite when I'm actually, in truth, a ***.

Would you consider a gentile anti-Semitic if he used that same name?

2012-09-02, 06:36 PM
Wasn't really sure how the mods were going to react, so decided to play it safe and just quote the message without the specifics. Believe it or not this is probably rather damaging to the enclave.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

We've never had more applicants in such a short amount of time.

2012-09-02, 06:43 PM
We've never had more applicants in such a short amount of time.

How many of them are jewish or homosexual on the applications I wonder? :rolleyes:

And those who aren't trolling you probably are pretty screwed up people.

I really liked "GODJOEY's" application. Remember him?


2012-09-02, 06:46 PM
We've never had more applicants in such a short amount of time.

My mistake.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

2012-09-02, 07:32 PM
Yea sad thing is they will thrive off this incident. Welcome to the internet folks.

2012-09-02, 09:09 PM
I hope that outfit disbands they say they are joking around and like the attention but it is at the cost of looking like neo Nazi's, (thats if BuzzCutPsycho's last response was not just a lie).

Could do without asshats like that, i am surprised their recruitment video is allowed on youtube with the language they use in it. :rolleyes:

2012-09-02, 09:11 PM
Our recruitment video is hysterical. And it was made by one of our Hispanic members.

2012-09-02, 09:19 PM
Anyone here seen Gran Torino? We're kind of like Clint, except we've taken a few more minorities under our wing

To those who are on the outside looking in and don't know what to make of all this: The Enclave is not a racist organization. If we were, we wouldn't have the several blacks/****/mexicans/and 1 ***** running with us on ops every night.

I invite you to play with us in Planetside 2 and find out for yourself.

To those who are jealous, politically correct drones who have made the decision to be offended (EG: Hamma, Devil Dogs, TRG etc): Get mad.

2012-09-02, 09:20 PM
Thats great to know but it is in violation of youtube community guidelines. Also it makes it ok that it was made by a Hispanic when there is also homophobia and the N word used liberally.... :rolleyes:

I am waiting for the response of "i had a friend who had another friend who was black so i can say the N word no problem" :rolleyes:

I hope Hamma kicks you off here, + Gran Torino is a film with made up characters in it not RL.

2012-09-02, 09:46 PM
Your little bullshit clan was in the NC sanctuary on open voice calling people ******* and ******* and it was completely uncalled for. I don't know if it was YOU personally that did these things, but if you attempt to defend the piece of shit mother fuckers who are too fucking ignorant to understand that everyone fucking person in that game is a human being, then you need to have your ass fucked with a log full of bark.

Lol, nice try there bud. Your edit was to put in that garbage? We would never, nor have we ever used in-game voice chat. You do realize, there are other random, anonymous people out there, right? Just because someone says those words, does not mean they are even remotely connected to The Enclave. We would also not go directly against SOE's EULA and jeopardize our accounts.

2012-09-02, 09:48 PM
One sad thing about this is that most of the Enclave members are probably like this in so more like minded flock to the clan to be with people who act like them and will defend the clan, and anyone who isn't like that will be kicked for saying they are in the wrong. So in the end the clan will be filled with like minded people which will then make it easier to ban them all.

2012-09-02, 09:51 PM

Check your empty outrage at the door, Mr. Crispy. You're either a liar or misinformed. We don't use ingame comms and we were nowhere near NC sanc.

2012-09-02, 09:54 PM
then you need to have your ass fucked with a log full of bark.

you sir are the one who needs to be burned at the stake.

No matter what was said or not said by whom at the NC Sanctuary, this type of threat of physical violence is uncalled for and inappropriate.

2012-09-02, 09:54 PM
Brother I know for a fact because that some of these were enclave people, I was on the TR video with a couple of them that is on youtube as your promoting material. Those guys were on the NC side intentionally TKing and calling people ******* and *******.... You sir defending them, is again, making you just as guilty.

It happened. There is absolutely zero denying it. If those stupid fucks aren't removed from game and keep doing it, i will start frapsing it and sending it straight to SOE.

Seriously bro, I am not trying to cause you clan grief because the 95% of you are awesome (though some are weird as fuck) and you got a good thing going, but in no way can you condone this behavior that some of them have done. There is zero explanation for it. PM me and I'll give you two of their names.

PM you? Put their names in here and post the screenshots. Also, keep trying to peg every single person who uses that language and tie it to us, it won't go far. It won't serve you any good. Are you new to the FPS community? Have you never played COD or BF? For that matter, have you ever played a MMO with the chat filter turned off? That language is nothing new. Random people use it. Random people will continue to use it. Does that mean they are in our outfit? No. Contrary to popular belief, we do not tolerate that kind of conduct within a game. We do not violate the EULA. You are assuming we would when we won't. Go ahead, report them, let them get what is coming to them for doing that in-game.

2012-09-02, 10:03 PM
Well, I'll be keeping my eyes and ears (and recording software) open for any miscreants, now. Really, I'd think in the age of screen recording and social networking, people would be more careful; you never know who's watching...

2012-09-02, 10:14 PM
Are you sure the fire didn't sauté your brain, Crisp? You're making wild accusations without proof, and every other word is "fuck".

Think about your blood pressure

2012-09-02, 10:21 PM
People don't care dude, it's people!
Yep... One of my favorite weird sayings is: "People are scum. I'm glad I'm not one of them."

But, really, it's amazingly easy to incriminate and make a complete fool of someone who isn't monitoring their behavior on the internet. That's why companies do internet searches on their potential employees- to find out if they're really the type of person they say they are.

2012-09-02, 10:22 PM
It may not be fucking new and random people may use it, but you are a fucking outfit, you are in control... SURELY TO GOD you have leaders. A SIMPLE APOLOGY from you or your buddy would suffice. I KNOW they did it and I don't want to post screenshots because one, I don't have a screenshot... two.. If I did, this fucking argument would be over and you would be branded a bunch of racist pieces of shit with no hope of redemption.

Your guys fucked up. They may have been new, you might not even know them... But in an outfit that big how can you know everyone. I know, for an abso mother fucking lute fact it was them. I PLAYED with them. Say it won't happen again, and all is well....... Admitting it and correcting it is FAR better than denying it with proof at your heels.

So first, you sound really, really angry. Take a deep breath and walk away for a bit. You are asking for an apology for what? Some random people swearing and Tking people in the NC warpgate? You are insisting it was us when who would be so stupid as to do that in-game and violate the EULA/TOS? You swear like a drunken sailor by the way, thought I would point that out.

Again, where is your proof? You make accusations but offer no proof. You say you know for 100%, beyond a reasonable doubt, it was us. But again, you have no proof. You are no better than the trolls on 4chan. Keep on posting, bro.

Cognitive Dissonance all up in this place!

2012-09-02, 10:47 PM
You do realize you just attempted a racist remark against me by calling me mr. crispy. Again judging people by their skin. Though it doesn't bother me and my nick name in the army was crispy, it does in-fact all but prove my point and some might just get offended by being called a ******. I don't know how you can be this ignorant and this defensive at the same time.

You're angry and lashed out at me... you attacked me in a completely absurd and childish way. Do you not see the problem with this?

I would much rather make you see the light than condemn you, I was racist once, I was raised by a man who had a grandfather who OWNED slaves.. I chose to not be this way because it's wrong. Why can't you see this, apologize for it and be on your happy way.

It may not be fucking new and random people may use it, but you are a fucking outfit, you are in control... SURELY TO GOD you have leaders. A SIMPLE APOLOGY from you or your buddy would suffice. I KNOW they did it and I don't want to post screenshots because one, I don't have a screenshot... two.. If I did, this fucking argument would be over and you would be branded a bunch of racist pieces of shit with no hope of redemption.

Your guys fucked up. They may have been new, you might not even know them... But in an outfit that big how can you know everyone. I know, for an abso mother fucking lute fact it was them. I PLAYED with them. Say it won't happen again, and all is well....... Admitting it and correcting it is FAR better than denying it with proof at your heels.

I used to park a vanguard at one of the doors of the spawn buildings in PS1 so when people would spawn, they'd come to that door and couldn't get out. They'd stop, look around, try to jump over the tank....then would start sending hate spam. Outfit members would watch this from a galaxy near by that we were getting ready to load up into and it would crack them up. It would crack them up because we discovered that that person was dumb. They were dumb because there were two exits out of that building. There was another door twenty feet away with no blockages, in clear view from where they were standing. Rather than go to it, they'd spend five minutes trying to figure out how to slip by this vangaurd.

On Searhus, I used to park an AMS right next to the lava, literally in the lava, as close as I could be without it being destroyed. Someone would spawn there and spawn right into the lava and die. Most I'd never see again. Some I'd see over and over and over....they'd keep spawning at the AMS they knew was going to instantly kill them. Those people were dumb.

Other times I would get a galaxy, and invite people who had just been verbally abusive or tk'ed members of my outfit repeatedly or had just done something that pissed me off. They would get in. I would proceed to the nearest body of water and let them out. They were dumb.

The thing is there are a lot of dumb people out there. There are ways to weed them out and expose them for who they are. A lot of people find that amusing, in fact most people find it amusing when someone does something foolish. Most people can laugh about it, even at their own expense, when they realize they've done something stupid. Dumb people will, however, take offense and complain and not see what everyone else does because they're...well....

Have you ever seen America's Funniest Home videos? It was people doing stupid stuff so people could laugh at it. The people who won weren't sitting there with an angry look on their face attacking everyone who was laughing at their actions. They took their $10,000 and liked it.

Honestly I don't know where I'm going with this, but sometimes there's more to gaming than just the intended purpose. The point of a social game is to be social, and, god forbid, have some fun. You try to pair up with like minded people and enjoy the game as best you can. Occasionally you run into snobs and complainers and whiners and moaners and just generally not liked individuals that just don't get it. Ultimately though, they're all neccessary. One cannot exist without the other. Outfits like the Enclave exist because you exist. They do the stuff they do to get you to do exactly what you're doing now, and you don't see that you're helping to keep them going.

You keep respawning at that AMS on Searhus. You've done it multiple times within this thread, and if I was a betting man, I would guess a few more times in the future. Just drop it. Go out the other door, the one that's not labeled moron.

BTW I'm not in the Enclave. I'm just a bystander laughing with them....at you.

2012-09-02, 10:57 PM
Since when are people being burnt up piles of ash considered a race?

2012-09-02, 10:58 PM
Fuck ya'll I'll just play lone wolf infiltrator. I aint got time for people whining or people shouting the n-word just to get me up a hill nah fuck that shit.

2012-09-03, 12:21 AM
I think this thread has served it's purpose and needs to be closed...

2012-09-03, 12:39 AM
Thread doesn't pan out as expected. Close it.

2012-09-03, 12:52 AM
I think this thread has served it's purpose and needs to be closed...


Top Sgt
2012-09-03, 01:11 AM
Fuck ya'll I'll just play lone wolf infiltrator. I aint got time for people whining or people shouting the n-word just to get me up a hill nah fuck that shit.

lol great post

2012-09-03, 01:15 AM
This might be a little bit off topic but is not being racists or anti-semites basically the same thing?

TE ArmaGetItOn
2012-09-03, 01:59 AM
can I get an explanation of what exactly happened?

People keep asking this. There's a reason for that. Nothing happened.

The Enclave was featured by the PAX stream. Reddit got jealous and butthurt. Reddit compiled a butthurt list of bad words we said on our private forums, and cried about it. Smedley responded.


Edit: it is amusing, however, watching Total Biscuit fumble around with the stream trying to avoid featuring us again. He literally cannot find any other organized play to feature, and that's another reason Smedley is mad. At no point did Biscuit say "organized" without pointing the camera at us. There was no other outfit to display. I'd be frustrated too, if the only outfit I could use to promote my game was currently being hounded by a bunch of self righteous internet crusaders.

No one here can deny that this debacle is solely because of jealousy. The timing is just too perfect. We did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, we were quite simply just playing the game, and that's why I say that nothing happened. People got jealous that we were featured on a stream, and ran a smear campaign. Smedley went into alarmist mode.

2012-09-03, 03:51 AM
Yea sad thing is they will thrive off this incident. Welcome to the internet folks.

As of Saturday morning our Recruitment thread had 10k views, accumulated over a month or so. As of now we're at 15,263 views.

You bet your ass we are.

2012-09-03, 04:23 AM
People keep asking this. There's a reason for that. Nothing happened.

The Enclave was featured by the PAX stream. Reddit got jealous and butthurt. Reddit compiled a butthurt list of bad words we said on our private forums, and cried about it. Smedley responded.


Edit: it is amusing, however, watching Total Biscuit fumble around with the stream trying to avoid featuring us again. He literally cannot find any other organized play to feature, and that's another reason Smedley is mad. At no point did Biscuit say "organized" without pointing the camera at us. There was no other outfit to display. I'd be frustrated too, if the only outfit I could use to promote my game was currently being hounded by a bunch of self righteous internet crusaders.

No one here can deny that this debacle is solely because of jealousy. The timing is just too perfect. We did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, we were quite simply just playing the game, and that's why I say that nothing happened. People got jealous that we were featured on a stream, and ran a smear campaign. Smedley went into alarmist mode.

Lets make this clear for you:

Its clear that you got a clue how to play organized, and its good that way. Thats not the problem. It has absolutly nothing to do with the issue.

The issue is how you behave. In short, you are fucktarts and everyone hates you. Why? Because you folks are propably the most racist community i have ever seen in a game. And THAT is the problem. You may see it as dark humor, but it doesnt matter how you see it, but how everyone else sees it.
Nobody gives a damn how you behave inside your forums or on your TS, but its get problematic when you behave the same way in a public area (yes, your public section of your forums are a public area, as everyone can see them). You make yourself look like absolut idiots. Heck, you bombed a frigging funeral.

This is what you get. Enjoy it. It wont end unless you stop being fools.
You have a meeting today, dont you? I suggest you figure out that you need to STFU very quickly, then maybe your reputation changes from being a bunch of assholes to one of a good, organized outfit.

2012-09-03, 05:01 AM
Anyone else suprised this came out of a bullet-user faction? /half jk (VS probably has a butt or two like this but yeah...)

2012-09-03, 05:10 AM
ROFL sooo much stupidity :rofl:
I disagree with some of Enclave members ways of thinking but come on by doing this media propaganda you make them look like PS2 "bad boys" and more people will join them making them more powerful :rofl::rofl:

Yes they can express their opinions (like everybody else ) its a free county not communism - ITS YOUR CHOICE TO (NOT) LISTEN THEM

By this logic can then argue that devil dogs 666 promotes satanism and its bad for community...

EPIC media backfire is epic :rofl:
gj internet hotheads

2012-09-03, 05:20 AM
Give the guys a break dammit. Don't take everything so damn seriously, from what I've seen of them they seem like a pretty laid-back fun outfit.

Despite being TR and being the 666th DD's biggest challenge on West 01.

This is my personal opinion and without a doubt is not shared with most people of my Outfit, so don't assume we're alike in behavior as Communities.

2012-09-03, 05:23 AM
This might be a little bit off topic but is not being racists or anti-semites basically the same thing?

Don't say that, they have eyes everywhere. ;)

Supression of nationality, of racial and cultural identity in the name of multiculturalism; breeds resistance.
Breeds hostility.

Diversity is strength.
Dilution and creation of One Earth, One People, makes us easier to control.

Knowing who you are, who you were, where you came from, the good and the bad; is power.
It is strength. Without it, they are free to tell you who you are, and make no mistake, they do try to.

It's a strange thing that through the incredible freedom of information and exchange of ideas the internet has brought us, it is marred by the acceptance of it's users of what can only be described as nothing short of unapologetic dictatorship standards by forum and community moderators.

Give them a badge on the internet they feel they are untouchable Lords of all.

How often are rules dictated to you?
How long are the lists?
How ridiculous is the small print?

Be wary of becoming accustomed to this, I feel it softens us and pushes us toward malleability and acceptance of perverse social models, and models of rule in which tyrants delight.

2012-09-03, 05:34 AM
Trying to fight racism on the internet, eh? Good luck with that.

2012-09-03, 05:42 AM
Now Smed has said this, where does it stop ?? I know a bunch of bigot `leet` outfits who will no doubt act the same as they did in PS 1. One so called greatest VS outfit once teamkilled me and continued to do so because i went to defend a VS hack on Dagda and it was `their` ground. Will these get named and shamed too? He`s opened up a can of worms with this statement. Who will police the servers ? Who is right or wrong when someone appeals in spite/or genuine grief ?

More importantly , how can you ban these people from playing when its free to play and they can just make a new char/outfit again ? Impossible surely. This is only food for the trolls. Smed should of realised this.

Emperor Newt
2012-09-03, 05:43 AM
Just got to know about this and checked out some of the links. Found the following entry at the YouTube funeral bombing video:

"BuzzCutPsycho: Me? I'm glad that little shit is dead."

That's more telling then anything else posted in the reddit thread.
One could still argue that the funeral bombing was trolling, although that is hiiiiighly debateable. But this is not about being funny, not about being trolls. That's just about being an idiot, asshole or whatever you might call it.
No "smear campaign" needed.

2012-09-03, 06:08 AM
Every post of righteous indignation is a spoonful of attention for trolls, whom the majority of us would leave to rot.
We, as a people, know how to excommunicate these individuals.
We don't need to apply to people with badges to shut these people down, they shut themselves out.

2012-09-03, 06:15 AM
I don't really care wether the casual bigotry and hate is just a persona the outfit and their leader have adopted or not. They might be acting, they might not be. Either way they are still disgusting people. Whining about it isn't going to change anything, though. As long as they think theyre funny they are going to keep on doing it.

2012-09-03, 06:25 AM
I think we should expose these types of people with their families, their personal addresses and fill out police/FBI reports so we can put them on the American Terrorist watch list. I've noticed most are from NA. These people can cause major damage to society and they make our public unsafe. Just look at the news.

Oh and it is against the law to incite violence and civil unrest. You can be federally prosecuted. Especially in any large media intermediaries. You can start by contacting the FCC and your local FBI representatives. Also, by law hamma will have to divulge all your contact information as well as IP address's and such.

I don't need to remind you what could happen to your lives if one of your victims kills themselves. You will waste your life rotting in jail, all because you wanted a cheap laugh at someone's expense. Grow up, think about your family and your future!

just my 2 cents

2012-09-03, 06:36 AM
I think we should expose these types of people with their families, their personal addresses and fill out police/FBI reports so we can put them on the American Terrorist watch list. I've noticed most are from NA. These people can cause major damage to society and they make our public unsafe. Just look at the news.

Oh and it is against the law to incite violence and civil unrest. You can be federally prosecuted. Especially in any large media intermediaries. You can start by contacting the FCC and your local FBI representatives. Also, by law hamma will have to divulge all your contact information as well as IP address's and such.

I don't need to remind you what could happen to your lives if one of your victims kills themselves. You will waste your life rotting in jail, all because you wanted a cheap laugh at someone's expense. Grow up, think about your family and your future!

just my 2 cents
Hilarious thanks.
This is why sarcasm was invented.

2012-09-03, 06:52 AM
Hilarious thanks.
This is why sarcasm was invented.

I second that!

2012-09-03, 07:43 AM
Backlash over Smedley's post:

Apparently Anonymous/4chan and much of the Reddit reader base are offended by it's totalitarian and (racism is only racism against non-whites, sexism is only sexism against females) undertones.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree.
I just hope this doesn't hit Terran Republic numbers too hard. :]

Really people, we need to get people on the sidelines INTO the game so they can experience and enjoy it and make up their minds before stuff like this sways them elsewhere.

No one wants to play under the threat of a loaded gun, people lose their cool and say stuff they regret.
It's human. It's not always pretty. It happens.
(In that context this doesn't apply to the BuzzCutNympho guy who is a permatroll).

2012-09-03, 08:33 AM
I must say....I am alot more scared of SMedley's reaction and this communities reaaction than I am from buzzcut...I didnt bother to listen to or look at what was streamed or said.

I dont have to...why....because they are words and I am fully aware of what some take as offensive and it doesnt bother me...they are words.

Sticks and stones....but words....I'm pretty sure nobody on the internet was told this as a child anymore. But I was, and lo and behold, I havent been offended by anything anybody had to say about me or my kind since...well...since I was able to reach satisfaction with my own hand...some 30 odd years ago. But you kids, and smedly as well....you people scare the living fucking daylights out of me.

Ipimpnoobs.....So, you are a child exploiter who gives children to dirty old men for money? .......BAN HIM!

You DevilDogs....advocating the worship of satan...BAN THEM!!!.....

OR.....you could believe in the right to free speech. I would much rather these people openly express their beliefs so that I can identify them easliy and omit them from any meaningful place in my life.

Smedley....I hope someone sues you for discrimination for no other reason than to show you that when you starting defining what is and isnt offensive, it leads to no good ends. Are you going to ban every single instance of something offensive? What about regionality? If someone calls me an inbred redneck...can I report them for racist langauge? I find the term noob to be offensive and demeaning....what about that? ......

Again...you people so willing to persecute someone over words spoken scare me much more than the New Black Panthers, or CAIR or NOW or the KKK. All of which I put in the same pot or kettle.

2012-09-03, 08:55 AM
Just log in and kill them. It isn't that hard.

2012-09-03, 09:11 AM
What did you say!? - YouTube

2012-09-03, 09:15 AM
As of Saturday morning our Recruitment thread had 10k views, accumulated over a month or so. As of now we're at 15,263 views.

You bet your ass we are.

That's just everyone from Reddit wanting to see your leader's bigotry first hand.

I don't doubt you'll get a few extra recruits from this ordeal, but I'm willing to bet they'll all be scumbags. Scumbags who will, inevitably, slip up and drag your clan through yet another scandal. Before long, the members within your ranks -- or at least those will a shred of decency -- will grow tired of the drama and, one by one, they will leave in order to escape the vilification that comes with being associated with the Enclave.

2012-09-03, 09:32 AM
Good move by SOE.

It doesnt really matter if he was just being harmless edgy or if he meant it - SOE doesnt want to be associated with it.

2012-09-03, 09:34 AM
As for the funeral thing, PS is a PVP GAME 100%. It may not be classy, but bannable? If SOE intends to provide official support to such an in game social event to the extent they would feel justified in banning people for attacking in a 100% PVP GAME, then it is incumbent upon them to set some ground rules. In game social functions like that should be discussed with your server's GM so that you can request support, such as the GMs turning off PVP for the area in which the social function is to be held.

2012-09-03, 09:34 AM
I don't mind Smed banning who he wants. He's got a good head on his shoulders.

2012-09-03, 09:36 AM
The Enclave can talk all day about how they have minorities in their outfit, but minorities are capable of being bigots too, and the outfit's past speaks for itself. They teamkill-bombed an in-game funeral for a guy who had a heart attack playing PlanetSide, posted videos of it and generally laughed the whole time they did it. They thrive on negative attention.

Their application board is full of denials based upon sexuality, race, and gender, and routinely make fun of applicants by implying that they're mentally disabled.

Now, this is completely within The Enclave's right. It's also within SOE's right to ban people who act this way from their game.

So, The Enclave can clean up its act or they can get kicked out of the game.

I, personally, applaud Smed for putting his foot down about this stuff.

2012-09-03, 09:51 AM
The Enclave can talk all day about how they have minorities in their outfit, but minorities are capable of being bigots too, and the outfit's past speaks for itself. They teamkill-bombed an in-game funeral for a guy who had a heart attack playing PlanetSide, posted videos of it and generally laughed the whole time they did it. They thrive on negative attention.

Their application board is full of denials based upon sexuality, race, and gender, and routinely make fun of applicants by implying that they're mentally disabled.

Now, this is completely within The Enclave's right. It's also within SOE's right to ban people who act this way from their game.

So, The Enclave can clean up its act or they can get kicked out of the game.

I, personally, applaud Smed for putting his foot down about this stuff.

+1. Fully agree. Plus from what I've read is it true that the Enclave knowingly carpet bombed an in-game funeral for a 15 yr old? I don't care what their opinion on if there should be in-game funerals or not, or whether they thought it was funny, but quite frankly that's just disgusting and embarrassing.

I play a game to have fun. Rarely do I get worked up over stuff that happens in-game and laugh off a death streak or something. When there's people yelling, and I really mean yelling at other people in-game, it really takes the fun out of it I think. It's a game for crying out loud. Not a real war. It's almost disturbing to a certain point.

Then again they have a right to run their own rules as long as it doesn't violate the game's rules whether we like it or not. Just my opinion anyway on why I don't like playing with people who use excessive foul language or whatnot, and this post isn't directed at buzzcutpsycho or anyone in particular btw, just people in general.

TE ArmaGetItOn
2012-09-03, 09:52 AM
Just got to know about this and checked out some of the links. Found the following entry at the YouTube funeral bombing video:

"BuzzCutPsycho: Me? I'm glad that little shit is dead."

That's more telling then anything else posted in the reddit thread.
One could still argue that the funeral bombing was trolling, although that is hiiiiighly debateable. But this is not about being funny, not about being trolls. That's just about being an idiot, asshole or whatever you might call it.
No "smear campaign" needed.

You just got done digging up dirt that is several years old. That defines smear campaigning, you moron.

2012-09-03, 09:57 AM
While locking this thread is not really an option, I think it's far past the point where it stopped being a PlanetSide 2 Discussion.

This subforum (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forumdisplay.php?f=31) fits it more.

2012-09-03, 09:59 AM
You just got done digging up dirt that is several years old. That defines smear campaigning, you moron.

How is that smear campaigning?! You reap what you sow. On the internet, everything is forever, and if you do something despicable, you can be held accountable for it indefinitely.

Buzzcut could always create himself a new handle and be someone else entirely, if he wanted. He hasn't, so that pretty much speaks for itself.

2012-09-03, 10:00 AM
So, The Enclave can clean up its act (INSIDE OF THE GAME) or they can get kicked out of the game.

added that little part in there for you. As I think Smeds said he couldnt do anything about what they do outside of the game.

As far as trashing an ingame funeral....it's not like that hasnt happened in other games...seems I heard a bunch rage about a funeral an marrige or three getting the same treatment on PVP servers in WoW.

2012-09-03, 10:05 AM
added that little part in there for you. As I think Smeds said he couldnt do anything about what they do outside of the game.

As far as trashing an ingame funeral....it's not like that hasnt happened in other games...seems I heard a bunch rage about a funeral an marrige or three getting the same treatment on PVP servers in WoW.

I don't think you understand. Smed can't do anything about what they say outside of the game as they have the right to act however they want.

However, Smed can ban them for what they do outside the game. It's his game.

That's why it doesn't matter if it's inside the game or not. Smed has every right to kick anyone he wants from his product.

So no, The Enclave will clean up their act in-game or out, or be banned. It's as simple as that.

As for bombing in-game funerals, where do you think it started? The Enclave have actually bragged about being the first to do it.

Epic Carpet Bombing of a Funeral - YouTube

2012-09-03, 10:15 AM
Don't try to have a funeral in a game that celebrates death and war. What do you expect?
Stop being a bunch of cry babies and play the game. You all crying about Buzz and TE sound like a bunch of teen girls.

2012-09-03, 10:21 AM
Don't try to have a funeral in a game that celebrates death and war. What do you expect?
Stop being a bunch of cry babies and play the game. You all crying about Buzz and TE sound like a bunch of teen girls.


You must be pretty far removed from reality not to understand the difference between the death of a friend IRL, and the death of an avatar in a video game.

Get a grip, and quit trying to justify a shameful act. Or, go ahead, keep telling yourself it's funny, but understand that the vast majority of us disagree.

I don't see anyone crying except for The Enclave here; this thread is full of defensive posts from its members trying to justify their actions.

I suggest you all just shut up, quit making excuses, and start to act like men instead of teenagers making fun of other people in high school. Or, again, you can keep on acting this way and get banned. Frankly I'd rather you do the former so I have more targets to throw bullets at in-game.

2012-09-03, 10:40 AM
I'm their arch enemy and while I don't really -defend- them; I don't see the reason why people make such a huge deal out of it.

2012-09-03, 10:41 AM

You must be pretty far removed from reality not to understand the difference between the death of a friend IRL, and the death of an avatar in a video game.

Get a grip, and quit trying to justify a shameful act. Or, go ahead, keep telling yourself it's funny, but understand that the vast majority of us disagree.

I don't see anyone crying except for The Enclave here; this thread is full of defensive posts from its members trying to justify their actions.

I suggest you all just shut up, quit making excuses, and start to act like men instead of teenagers making fun of other people in high school. Or, again, you can keep on acting this way and get banned. Frankly I'd rather you do the former so I have more targets to throw bullets at in-game.

Get over it.
Go vote for Obama, care bear.

2012-09-03, 10:51 AM
Could have had that funeral in sanc where weapons are disabled. Just say'n.

2012-09-03, 10:54 AM
You just got done digging up dirt that is several years old. That defines smear campaigning, you moron.

Buzz reply is a day old.

Nobody is digging old stuff up. We just show that a whole bunch of your outfit is a bunch of ******* for plenty of years now, and you clearly havent changed in the slightest.

2012-09-03, 10:55 AM
To the shitheads above basti. STFU.

2012-09-03, 10:57 AM
Could have had that funeral in sanc where weapons are disabled. Just say'n.

Are you kidding me?

They were under the dome for a reason, to prevent any random fighting. You went in there and TEAMKILLED them all.

Knowing you, you would have went ahead and just galbombed the whole thing, if it would have happend in Sanc.

Stop trying to defend yourself, you cant. You lost all respect with your past actions, whatever you say is null and void. You lost the game, ages ago.

2012-09-03, 10:58 AM
I don't see anyone crying except for The Enclave here; this thread is full of defensive posts from its members trying to justify their actions.

I have never been associated with TE in any way shape or form.


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

And I dont think Smedley has the right to keep someone from playing his game based on difference of opinion or beliefs or actions outside the game. Truly, if you go back and read his words, I think he makes a point to draw that distinction. Otherwise, if he were allowed to do that...there'd be a whole bus load of racists that would just love to be able to conduct business in that manner.

Buzz reply is a day old.

Nobody is digging old stuff up. We just show that a whole bunch of your outfit is a bunch of ******* for plenty of years now, and you clearly havent changed in the slightest.

Interesting....this being said about TE.......in this thread of all threads....and by a moderator none the less..........

I'm not sure...would that be irony or hypocrisy.....I have trouble telling the two apart at times.

2012-09-03, 11:05 AM
I have never been associated with TE in any way shape or form.


And I dont think Smedley has the right to keep someone from playing his game based on difference of opinion or beliefs or actions outside the game. Truly, if you go back and read his words, I think he makes a point to draw that distinction. Otherwise, if he were allowed to do that...there'd be a whole bus load of racists that would just love to be able to conduct business in that manner.

He really is allowed to do whatever he wants in regards to whom he lets into his game.

In the same way that The Enclave is able to reject or deny anyone based upon race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, Smed and SOE are able to reject or deny anyone based upon if they're a douchebag or not.

Now, they may choose not to act upon what happens out of their game, but there's no law against them banning from their product whomever they want for whatever reason they want.

That's my point.

Get over it.
Go vote for Obama, care bear.

You mad? I know, it must really piss you off that I voted a black man into office.

2012-09-03, 11:06 AM
We just show that a whole bunch of your outfit is a bunch of ******* for plenty of years now...

You sound like a homophobe to me. Do you even know what you are arguing about? Or are you just bitching because that's what everyone else is doing?

2012-09-03, 11:10 AM
Now, they may choose not to act upon what happens out of their game, but there's no law against them banning from their product whomever they want for whatever reason they want.

That's my point.

You are mistaken is what I am saying.

Let me make it so that it is much clearer......

What if Smedley wanted to ban all Blacks and Homosexauls from his game?............

There are laws that prevent him, as a business, from discriminating ...the Enclave, a private organization, can discriminate in any way it wants. A business does NOT have that right though.

2012-09-03, 11:11 AM
You are mistaken is what I am saying.

Let me make it so that it is much clearer......

What if Smedley wanted to ban all Blacks and Homosexauls from his game?............

There are laws that prevent him, as a business, from discriminating ...the Enclave, a private organization, can discriminate in any way it wants. A business does NOT have that right though.

This is true, but fortunately there's no law against banning bigots, homophobes, racists, anti-semites, and general jerks from their game.

2012-09-03, 11:12 AM
This is what I think of this thread:

Trololo - Eduard Khill (Official Video) / Эдуард Хиль "Трололо" - YouTube

2012-09-03, 11:13 AM
Lets make this clear for you:

Its clear that you got a clue how to play organized, and its good that way. Thats not the problem. It has absolutly nothing to do with the issue.

The issue is how you behave. In short, you are fucktarts and everyone hates you. Why? Because you folks are propably the most racist community i have ever seen in a game. And THAT is the problem. You may see it as dark humor, but it doesnt matter how you see it, but how everyone else sees it.
Nobody gives a damn how you behave inside your forums or on your TS, but its get problematic when you behave the same way in a public area (yes, your public section of your forums are a public area, as everyone can see them). You make yourself look like absolut idiots. Heck, you bombed a frigging funeral.

This is what you get. Enjoy it. It wont end unless you stop being fools.
You have a meeting today, dont you? I suggest you figure out that you need to STFU very quickly, then maybe your reputation changes from being a bunch of assholes to one of a good, organized outfit.

We won't change anytime soon. Read Buzz's statement, its public so I would have assumed you read it already, you can't take your eyes off our site! The problem you have here is simple, people do not like what words are used on our own forums. A judge would say, then do not go to their website. With how many billions of web pages out there, there are many choices of places to spend your time. The best part of all, we don't do it in-game and you won't see us doing it in PS2 or on their forums. So, in reality, who is trying to disrupt the SOE community? You!

I am going to go off on a little rant here. I looked at who posted this here, someone from BWC, an outfit that is clearly a rival and someone we have openly made fun of. Same thing goes with a majority of the negative comments here are from members in 666 Devil Dogs and members in TRG. Hamma already doesn't like us so it is fairly reasonable to see him posting. Now, since these outfits dislike us and the best part of all, who violated SOE's forum guidelines when posting spam in our recruitment thread? Not us, you! I do not want to go off and say someone from one of these organizations was the source of the Reddit post but it is a thought in the back of my mind. At the end of the day though, it is okay to dislike someone.

When did the Reddit post happen? After TotalBiscuit featured us at PAX on the live screen and uploaded the video to YouTube mentioning us. Not before this happened, after. Someone clearly didn't like seeing us get our 15 minutes of fame.

In life, you will find MANY people you disagree with and hate. If you consume yourself with hating us, your life is more than likely pretty negative and you have nothing better to do. For us, this has opened us up to so many new recruits it isn't even funny. Are we a PC friendly outfit? Hell no and we will never be. Don't like it? Too bad! You want to get rid of us? Good luck and have fun trying! All these things you do is just gives us more publicity. We will become way more famous than any of your outfits and for what, because someone didn't like us. In our country of America, free speech is something that is valued, free speech carries over to a lot of things. Free speech includes saying what ever you want on your own forum and your own Teamspeak server. Try and deny it but you cannot. You dislike us for doing that? Maybe you should filter our website with your parental controls that are already in place.

You mad? I know, it must really piss you off that I voted a black man into office.

And to conclude this, I voted for Obama.

2012-09-03, 11:18 AM
This is true, but fortunately there's no law against banning bigots, homophobes, racists, anti-semites, and general jerks from their game.


A similar request in Missouri set off a legal battle that stretched for years and went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. A Ku Klux Klan chapter there sought to adopt a portion of Interstate 55. A federal appeals court ruled the state could not bar the KKK from participating in the program, and the high court declined to review the case, letting that ruling stand.

If they ban them or not allow them to play for their actions outside of the game, they are asking to be sued for discrimination. Can they watch them like a hawk and ban them for the slightest ingame infraction...sure can. But they cant say....we dont like your beliefs, so we arent going to let you play.

2012-09-03, 11:22 AM
Clearly The Enclave have succeeded in what they set out to do. This thread is proof enough, even without Smedlonious Maximus' statement.

2012-09-03, 11:25 AM
And to conclude this, I voted for Obama.

Yeah you voted some liberal dipshit and now look at America. Man I should be voted ruler of this world and I don't care if your black, white, asian, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, transexual, hermaphrodite, stupid, smart, jerk, cool, pretty, ugly, hot, cold or anything else you will all be my slaves!!! And I decree that you should all go fuck yourselves it's the bloody law now.

2012-09-03, 11:37 AM
Good, ban every single one of them from the game. I don't care if an organized crew is good. If they're going to treat players like shit, give them the swing of the banhammer. Other people will go and take their place.

If I see one racist, sexist, homophobic or whatever comment on any of my servers that's an instant ban. I don't care what your KDR is. I don't care if your friends think you're cool. Enjoy your ban and go play on another server.

2012-09-03, 11:44 AM

A similar request in Missouri set off a legal battle that stretched for years and went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. A Ku Klux Klan chapter there sought to adopt a portion of Interstate 55. A federal appeals court ruled the state could not bar the KKK from participating in the program, and the high court declined to review the case, letting that ruling stand.

If they ban them or not allow them to play for their actions outside of the game, they are asking to be sued for discrimination. Can they watch them like a hawk and ban them for the slightest ingame infraction...sure can. But they cant say....we dont like your beliefs, so we arent going to let you play.

That's totally different, apples and oranges. SOE has every right to ban hateful people from their games. Sorry, but hatred for another race or religion isn't a recognized and protected right.

2012-09-03, 11:46 AM
Good, ban every single one of them from the game. I don't care if an organized crew is good. If they're going to treat players like shit, give them the swing of the banhammer. Other people will go and take their place.

If I see one racist, sexist, homophobic or whatever comment on any of my servers that's an instant ban. I don't care what your KDR is. I don't care if your friends think you're cool. Enjoy your ban and go play on another server.

...We just show that a whole bunch of your outfit is a bunch of ******* for plenty of years now, and you clearly havent changed in the slightest.

Loving the double standards around here.

I guess it's ok to use offensive language when it's used against The Enclave.

2012-09-03, 11:50 AM
Loving the double standards around here.

I guess it's ok to use offensive language when it's used against The Enclave.

I guess it's okay for your outfit to use offensive language when others want to play with you.

By the way, I'm not basti.

2012-09-03, 11:51 AM
This thread has officially run it's course. I support Smed, and SOE's stance 110%.

I've allowed Enclaves recruitment threads to continue here on PlanetSide Universe when I could have easily removed it and every one of your members from this website. You don't deserve to see the light of day or recruit more members into your ranks. This thread is a prime example of why I worked to keep your recruitment threads clean.

You can try every possible way you want to justify your actions but it does not matter. You can try and act like we are internet goodie two shoes all you want, you will be the same. Just because you have people of different races and colors in your outfit and find it "Funny" to post racial slurs and belittle potential recruits to your ranks doesn't mean it's ok and it doesn't mean the community will accept it. I've also seen the statement that not everyone in the Enclave is like this.. well I've got news for you: You are only as good as your outfit leadership and perception.

You can be an amazing organized outfit without the need for insulting and belittling members. You can be an amazing organized outfit without trying so hard at the internet shock factor.

Just know this: I won't allow it here. If you want to keep your recruitment thread here continue to keep it civil and respectful. Don't post your recruitment videos laced with racism "for the lulz" because it's not funny nor acceptable. I will deal with my moderators using inappropriate language.

We have internet anonymity and extreme narcissism to thank for this outfit. Sadly it's the norm nowadays on the internet. I will never respect anything you do or how much organization you bring field because you do it at others expense. Enjoy your "Internet Fame" since it's exactly what you were looking for.

Just remember, it's really easy to become famous for the wrong reasons. If that's the type of fame you want congratulations on your failure.