View Full Version : Is the composite armor for the Scythe currently broken?

2012-09-04, 12:45 PM
I sprung for the composite armor over the flairs after a Reaver I engaged managed to absorb direct impacts from all 4 of my Tomcat missiles and still required a sizable burst from my main gun to destroy. My assumption was he had certed in the armor as Reavers typically blow up in 2-3 hits. After equiping it to my scythe I notice absolutely no difference in the amount of damage I take. 1 missle brings my health down to critical and the second destroys me. Is there something I'm missing or is the Scythe armor broken?

2012-09-04, 12:49 PM
I sprung for the composite armor over the flairs after a Reaver I engaged managed to absorb direct impacts from all 4 of my Tomcat missiles and still required a sizable burst from my main gun to destroy. My assumption was he had certed in the armor as Reavers typically blow up in 2-3 hits. After equiping it to my scythe I notice absolutely no difference in the amount of damage I take. 1 missle brings my health down to critical and the second destroys me. Is there something I'm missing or is the Scythe armor broken?

The Scythe in general is underpowered, given the fact the "benefits" it's suppose to have over the others do not exist.

As for the armor, when I have it equipped I do notice a difference, small, but still useful against ground units. Though, 2 rockets still takes me down with armor on. So, I just stick to Flares for now.

Hope this helps.

2012-09-04, 12:54 PM
The Scythe in general is underpowered, given the fact the "benefits" it's suppose to have over the others do not exist.

As for the armor, when I have it equipped I do notice a difference, small, but still useful against ground units. Though, 2 rockets still takes me down with armor on. So, I just stick to Flares for now.

Hope this helps.

yeah I could go on a rant about how the Scythe is underpowered but I figured I'd save that for another thread/wait until the devs figure it out. For now I guess I'll just have to save up for those flairs.

2012-09-04, 03:34 PM
Composite armor resists against small arms fire. Missileand rockets are not small arms fire

2012-09-04, 10:55 PM
The scythe was extremely overpowered when I played back in May hehe. It's gone full circle!

I haven't used any of the armors because it replaces more critical mods.

2012-10-28, 08:40 PM
Yes... I was hoping it wasn't just me. I was playing before the recent server wipe and always was doing well, now everything seems to blast me out of the sky too easily (even with 18% armor which isn't much I know.)

I think the Scythe needs a buff, yes, but even more problematic are the number of ways to kill aircraft- Burster, small arms fire, ANYTHING can kill aircraft, skyguards are amazingly more powerful in comparison to the Aircraft counterpart- the rocket pods. Rocket pods DO NOT 1 shot or 2 shot kill people, I've had to shoot 3 volleys at one heavy to kill him. I think they need a general buff for damage, or SOMETHING, because right now they simply don't do enough. At ALL. At least put in a damage increase certification menu or something, because my accuracy was right on this guy and he DIDN"T DIE in 3 rocket shots. I don't know why.

/end rant.

2012-10-28, 10:00 PM
Possible the composite is broken, but Tomcats suck anyway and I would advise against using them regardless of the state the scythe is in.

2012-10-28, 10:14 PM
Does small arms fire do more damage now? Because a few weeks ago, i got a LMG and shot 2 whole clips into a parked scythe, and its health went down by 1/5, so from 100% to 80% health. So I then got annoyed that small arms fire is useless against aircraft. So has it changed in the last patch or 2?

2012-10-29, 11:36 AM
Buffs for Scythes plox :D

2012-10-29, 01:40 PM
I fly the Scythe mainly and don't have too many problems.

Also, people, read the damn description for the armor. It reduces damage from flak and small arms fire. So when that light assault is shooting you with his carbine it does almost no damage.

It's totally possible that the Scythe is underpowered. Though, if it is, the TR/NC pilots suck cause I generally come out on top.

This thread is also a necro from a topic started almost 2 months ago. Lots of changes since then.