View Full Version : So, I was losing hope in PS2 until...

2012-09-08, 07:13 PM
Today, when I logged in I played until my computer over heated and shut off.

There I was, perched on a tower overlooking a vast desert with rolling hills. Tanks everywhere being shot to shit. All I could do was shoot at stragglers sneaking through the chaos. When it was over, I took a sunderer and ventured out to pick up any survivors and carry on to the next point. Smoke was everywhere, the sun setting; It was unnervingly still. I swear I could hear vultures and the breeze amidst the light dust storm. Smoke, fire, and here I was, Q,Q'ing through all the death and destruction around me until I realized..


And then it was night, and there was shit blowing up all around me as we all rushed a vast open plain to a TR stronghold. Lasers and shit were wizzing by and filling the night sky. Our NC reavers were making strafing runs right above our heads. You ever watch Saving Private Ryan? Yea, well we took that beach today, and while we were all rushing, falling, and bellowing war cries (in proximity chat), I realized something else.


So say what you want about the bugs in BETA, PS2 is going to be epic.

2012-09-08, 07:21 PM
Here here. Today was the first time I played properly, since the patch and my new CPU, I can fly/drive/run/shoot without any slowdowns.

It's simply wonderful.

I am so, so shit at this game its untrue - but I've never been happier to completely suck at a game.

2012-09-08, 07:50 PM
I had a moment like that the other day. I was with my unit in a Galaxy. The Galaxy was shot all to pieces and we were about to blow when the pilot yelled "Bail out". We all jumped and landed in the middle of this huge TR force of Tanks and Infantry. Dead of night,surrounded by enemies and in the middle of no where. We could have just respawned but what fun would that be ? Our squad leader says" Form up in two fire teams and head for those boulders to the east".

The boulders were like 400 meters away. We ran in two teams,leap frogging in a classic infantry fashion,one team covering,the other moving. Tracers all around us,aircraft overhead,Explosions to our right and left. Some of us firing blind to our rear as best we could,the squad cohesion broke up about 3/4ths of the way to the boulders but five of us made it. One of us dropped a squad spawn beacon and the others came back in to help hold off the enemy. They had us zeroed and decided they would kill us at all cost. We decided we would hold that little boulder cluster at all cost.

It was an epic moment. We lasted about five more minutes before some Liberators came in and took us all out but that Alamo moment of a handful of NC foot soldiers holding off about 40-50 TR troops with armor and air support was my favorite PS2 moment so far.

2012-09-08, 08:27 PM
About 100 vanu and 100 TR were fighting over allatum, It was bloody, every time i threw a nade i would pick up atleast 5 vanu. Fighting, screaming dieing, it was a blood bath. Then when we tried to cap a point, it wouldn't take over, i looked at the map and saw the NC had surrounded us, and the VS and TR were trapped. We both fought the NC till the last man, it was the most glorious thing ever.

2012-09-08, 09:03 PM
100% Agree with the OP :).

Me and my fellow TR soldiers were fighting over the Crown one evening, The sun was setting and casting dark shadows over the mountains and dessert.
There were around 50 off us fighting, running up towards The Crown, A lot of my men and soldiers died on that hill but we took it. Then the night came and we waited until our commander said where to go, The order came and we were going down the mountain to the West down in the ravine.

As I moved up to the ledge and looked down I saw 3 galaxy standing down in the ravine and about 30-50+ Vanu soldiers coming up the mountain side. I remember some one screamed: MAKE A FIRE LINE and ppl were REALLY LISTENING! :D

They all ran up to the border of the cliffs and started to build towers, rockets started flying thru the air , medics started to heal ppl falling down all around me and then I heard in proxy chat: LOYALTY UNTIL DEATH - FORWARD!!

And that is when I realized that THIS GAME HAD GIVEN ME EPIC GOOSEBUMPS!
Because EVERY ONE (30+ ppl) started to run down the hill towards the galaxy's, And as we were running lasers were flying by, grenades where throwing up dust in the air around me, Nc attack planes where doing Bombing run on us. Around me ppl fell to the ground dead and other screaming in the mic last time orders before they died.

We didn't win the battle down that hill but the epic moment we had while we were fighting in the night against an un beatable force TOGETHER was the most epic thing I have been witness to in a game.


2012-09-08, 09:29 PM
I was fighting in Zurvan on EB1. I was dying so much and there was explosions and bullets flying everywhere. It made me want to log off and curl up into the fetal position.

2012-09-08, 09:48 PM
That was just so beautiful:cry: There's a tear running down my leg:rofl:

I've totally had those moments too. Driving a Mag with a good gunner on top and 20 other Mags and Lightnings and BangBus support - It's just awesome!

2012-09-08, 10:57 PM
Here here. Today was the first time I played properly, since the patch and my new CPU, I can fly/drive/run/shoot without any slowdowns.

It's simply wonderful.

I am so, so shit at this game its untrue - but I've never been happier to completely suck at a game.

Exactly. My rig pretty much blows, but the optimizations have made the game playable and my reign of suckage pretty much came to an end when I started playing alongside my brother again.

Shit may be unbalanced and there may be only a few weapons currently, and odd bugs are all over the place, but damn, this game is fun.

The crazy part is that some of the best moments are the ones where you lose. This is the only game I know of like that.

2012-09-08, 11:07 PM
These are called, "planetside moments"

2012-09-08, 11:10 PM
These are called, "planetside moments"

True... I still remember some epic battles from back in the day!

2012-09-09, 06:23 AM
Have to agree guys... yesterday there were some epic tank battles on EU1.
The balance is starting to kick in resulting in the planetside epicness.
Great job so far SOE and the development team.
*wags tail*

Just need to get some meaningful Gal Drop mechanics and Facility Holds action in there and I'll be set for the next 9 years until PS3.

2012-09-09, 07:25 AM
This game is amazing. I doubt that any of us laymen can possibly fully grasp what a technological achievement Planetside 2 is. It's not just great to play the game, it's great to see it as well. It's wonderful to lose yourself in the world of Auraxis and actually just stand and watch everything happening around you.

The developers have definitely nailed the immersion side of the games straight away. The world has a very alien feel to it and the sounds of unseen wildlife just add to the sense of foreboding.

Allatum is a fantastic base. Several times we've had all three Empires in there together on EU1 and the end result has been battles so intense that it eclipses even the biggest fights I experienced in PS1. Standing on the landing pads at Allatium and seeing dozens of tanks battling it out way down below, with aircraft dogfighting above them beats anything I've seen in any game to date.

The vehicle physics in this game are incredible. I can't help bust just stand and watch the aircraft in particular. I think I probably spend as much time watching this game as I do playing it. My favourite activity in the game is just driving around in a Prowler and watching everything going on. I love the way that the Prowler handles.

Planetside 2 is already a great game. Just imagine what it's going to be like when it's actually ready for release.

2012-09-09, 09:29 AM
Today, when I logged in I played until my computer over heated and shut off.

There I was, perched on a tower overlooking a vast desert with rolling hills. Tanks everywhere being shot to shit. All I could do was shoot at stragglers sneaking through the chaos. When it was over, I took a sunderer and ventured out to pick up any survivors and carry on to the next point. Smoke was everywhere, the sun setting; It was unnervingly still. I swear I could hear vultures and the breeze amidst the light dust storm. Smoke, fire, and here I was, Q,Q'ing through all the death and destruction around me until I realized..


And then it was night, and there was shit blowing up all around me as we all rushed a vast open plain to a TR stronghold. Lasers and shit were wizzing by and filling the night sky. Our NC reavers were making strafing runs right above our heads. You ever watch Saving Private Ryan? Yea, well we took that beach today, and while we were all rushing, falling, and bellowing war cries (in proximity chat), I realized something else.


So say what you want about the bugs in BETA, PS2 is going to be epic.
Your writing style coordinates perfectly with your avatar/profile picture. I am imagining a grizzled old cat recounting tales of glory and honor to its grandkittens, making them make the face in your avatar/profile pic.

2012-09-09, 10:19 AM
*Baneblade Complete*

2012-09-09, 10:54 AM
I've had some of these moments as well.. pretty amazing.

2012-09-10, 10:03 AM
Had one last night as a matter of fact. Massive battle for NS Archives I think. Good 45min-1hour worth of heavy fighting. The sky was darkened by the contrails of TR and VS fighters snarled in air combat and Liberators making bombing runs. Down below, a massive armor fight ensued. Infantry interspersed throughout. The sounds were deafening.

And then, all of a sudden it seemed like...Silence. Nothing but the wind blowing. As I panned the empty sky in my Burster Max, I couldn't help but get goose bumps and that feeling that "Its Quiet, Too Quiet".

And then my net crashed! lol

But: Immersion - PS2 has it!

2012-09-10, 04:32 PM
Early February 2011
After coming home from school (16:00)
Playing a game called Mars War (PS1 Clone. Server shutdown in late March 2011)

The whole server of 1000 players was battling it out for this one facility.

The Great Battle of Western Main Facility

I was just a lowly sergeant given the permission from a high rank lieutenant who was near Northwestern Main Facility to command more or less the whole faction to capture Western Main Facility. I was on the comms shouting like crazy to my comrades to take that facility. We had done it so organised we had the spawn truck right next to the main entrance we had tanks all around and then we had the infantry including me right there covering behind barriers right underneath heavy enemy fire. Our air support was flying over doing bombing runs preventing the enemy from spawning any vehicles. We pushed up very very very slowly (so emotional) I could see my men dying left and right but I could see the enemy dying instantly. We got into the facility quickly pushing our way through, hacking doors and then got into the main hack terminal and took over the facility and that battle lasted for about 4 or 5 hours it was so emotional, so epic it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Then the lieutenant asked me to order everyone to go to Northwestern Main Facility and that's what I did I went there I did battle at Northwestern for about 30 minutes but then had to go sleep and if I didn't go sleep I would have also participated in...

The Great Battle For Northwestern Main Facility

If your copying a game copy a good one and that's what the Mars War devs did.

Every time I think about that day I just weep at the EPICNESS and Planetside 2 is just what I need to relive those moments.

2012-09-10, 09:51 PM
You guys are feeling the magic of PlanetSide!

God, I remember being on Ceryshen with the NC in one of my first PS1 battles, in a forest of dead trees slowly pushing back the VS to their facility... bullet fire, AV, lib bombs, tank shells, flying all over the place, fighting for hours and hours and slowly advancing the front line tree by tree.

2012-09-10, 11:20 PM
Hate to be a debbie downer (not being sarcastic) in a rare and uplifting thread - kudos for that - but I feel like the game is still very hollow. Just not enough persistence in the persistent world for me - kind of feels like when the battle moves, the map changes, and all the unplayed areas are gone, not just empty. Maybe this game can pave the way for a real persistent mmo world, and I think its definately groundbreaking already, but unfortunately, groundbreaking =/= fun.

Maybe this'll change with more polish, but as for right now, I'm not feeling the actual persistence. I guess what i'm getting at is that with the still very fast shift of ownership, combined with the lack of anything besides a small resource counter (towns, NPCs, anything to make it feel real), I just can't find a sense of purpose that would be required in order for me to make the shift from shooters with much more polish and superior gameplay. :/

Salad Snake
2012-09-11, 07:35 AM
I was with a squad of TR trying to take some small VS base down in a cannon. 9 people went to go cap while we set our Sniper on a hill, I stayed behind to repair the Gal and gun if it came to it, and the pilot stayed inside in case we needed to dust off. Well, as soon as we capped that point, 3 Magriders and a ton of Comet MAXes start speeding up the canyon at us. Our pilot yells "We got go NOW! I'm taking off in 15!", as the rest of the squad races back to the Gal and I try to repair whatever damage is being done to the ship.

We're down to T-5 seconds when our pilot says "Mathews, we're leaving! Come on!". Our Sniper, who had been picking off targets the entire time, coolly replies "Don't worry, I've got your exit." Our pilot pauses, a moment later she says "Alright, I'm lifting off. Mathews, meet us there.". "Sure thing" he replies. We lift off with the Mags almost to us as I get in the tail gun whipping it from one target to another. As we fly away I hear Mathews saying things like "I love when they line up to shoot at you guys..." "Stay still just a moment..." and such. My last look down into the canyon before hitting draw distance was Mathew's green name surrounded by what seemed like 20 enemy-doritos converging on him....

I know it was just one spawn, but damn, that felt straight out of a war movie.