View Full Version : I've been play'n beta like a SOB!

2012-09-09, 03:09 AM
I've been play'n beta like a SOB! My wife is pissed I've been playing so much. The game must be good, cause I'm sleeping on the couch tonight!


It seems gameplay is at the sweet spot.... The thrill for me was not only pwn'ing some of you sorry noobs out there-and I do mean sooooorrrrrry-but squad'ing up with some competent outfits. Man are they out there, and they know their stuff. We had a blast VS'n the "shat" out of both silly TR and NC. We managed to push both back to their warpgate... That's right I said both. I wish there was a bell you could ring when you get there, that chimes across the content and you win a medal/title/something to show ur uber virtual military skillz! As for right now it says, RESTRICTED AREA blah blah blah>>>>=( Whatever..."ha, ha...I was at your warp-gates...na na nana na!" :eek::lol::D

My last public meh...

When I land a tank round through noob, can you please make it so his body blows the hell up in a million pieces w/ back spray of innards in their close proximity. I know your gonn'a be like, thats sooooooo disgusting! But, watching a person slump over after 155mm tank round goes throw them is a bit..how do I say.... WEAK sauce! At the very least, let a puff of smoke replace them with an arm or a leg flying through the air or something. It's kind of like watching a bad actor dying in a B movie, if you catch my drift. And, if someone at SOE is like, "PITA won't stand for it!!!" Just tell them the lore, the soldiers never die and re'spawn etc... All is well with alien technology! If that fails, give them a heart attack by eating a bloody prime rib steak like a lion in front of them. ;) nom nom nom :groovy::lol:

For the bugs, balancing and more ideas stuff, I'll submit a list on the official. So far so great SOE. I'm excited to see what you guys can squeeze in by release.

Now do us all a favor and don't F this one up please.. ehem SWG!!!!! no pressure REALLY!!!!!:evil::huh::lol:

Post script:Also, nice move with the Alpha squad. Cha ching!

2012-09-09, 12:41 PM
My fiancee is kinda pissed. The "gaming" rig is in the basement at our apartment until we move into the new house I'm buying, and so every night I've been retreating down there to play.

A few days back I bit the bullet out of love and instead of heading down to the basement I got out the laptop and we played a few hours of Aion together like we used to. It was enjoyable, but I kept thinking about how I'm going to get her into FPS games. She's not a fan of them, so it's going to be a tough sell.

She keeps telling me she's getting worried I'm getting sucked in. I used to assure her I wasn't but now I've been a little more honest... that I'll do my best to limit my game time.

I'll probably have to disappear for a few weeks while the renovations get done and we start getting moved in. Looking forward to owning a house (in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the US, no less) but not looking forward to being without PS2 for a few weeks.

I'm becoming an addict again, and part of it scares me!

2012-09-09, 10:43 PM
I took a week off of work last week and did nothing but play the beta for 7 days straight. Lucky for me that my wife understands and is expecting the same thing to happen at launch. Now that I'm back at work I'm having major withdawl issues and I can't wait for launch, I'm just having so damn much fun.

2012-09-10, 03:21 AM
This OP is a noob.

2012-09-10, 03:39 AM
This OP is a noob.

need i say more?

Ian Rife ‏@ieatpeen

Pokemon World Championship was great! Thanks @TwitchTV for hosting it. LIttle upset no one used Scolopede :(

Ian Rife @ieatpeen

@mhigby you are a genius developer. Thank you.

Ian Rife ‏@ieatpeen

@mhigby God, I love you.

Ian Rife ‏@ieatpeen

Shit sony, will you open up the servers already. I'm tired of getting my ass kicked by 13 year olds in halo

2012-09-10, 04:20 AM
The trick is to move the PC somewhere near your fiance/wife/control unit.

I used to game upstairs, and she used to be downstairs, watching shitty TV, as women do.

Now, I game in the kitchen (I have been relegated from upstairs due to impeding baby) and I am only a few metres away from dear wife. She is much more happy now.

So the secret is to move the PC closer to wifey. She's still not happy with my playtime of course, she never will be.