View Full Version : Is it worth buying the alpha squad pack?

2012-09-09, 03:20 AM
I really want to try PS2 but cant find a beta key(any help?) and I'm thinking of getting the alpha squad, it seems a good deal and I will probably spend money on PS2 eventually anyway if I like it.

How well will I be able to run PS2 at 1920/1080 on high/med setting with:
i5 2500k OC 4.4
gtx 560ti 2gb


2012-09-09, 03:40 AM
Bottom line, if you wait you'll probably get in. If your tight on money or you have a life (im married, mine is over) maybe take a hott chick or dude out on a date. Spend some time at the nudie club and forget the game for a few months. I promise you the game and all us nerds will be here when you get back arguing about pix-elation, cake and pie.

If you got money to burn... do it, but keep in mind your buying an unfinished/work in progress game. Most of us have no idea what they are going to add, so you'll just end up with no finger nails due to game anxiety.

If you like the planetside 2 project and you want to support all of these gifted artists (think www.kickstarter.com) then feel free and become a founder. Keep in mind, beta is people combing through game-play looking for anything that will hinder the quality of a game upon release. It's not only having fun, its a job not many of us take seriously.

Anyhow, beta in its current condition is moving in the right direction, as most of the people in these threads will agree.

Either way, see you in-game whether in beta or live.

2012-09-09, 03:41 AM
Your computer will run the game great and the Alpha Squad is a wicked deal, because you're buying $40 worth of Station Cash for $40 (which is the normal price), but you're getting a whack of free stuff and beta access too! Note that you can use the Station Cash in most other SOE games if you happen to play them (or want to try them) as well.

Could always buy your daughter a rainbow unicorn in Free Realms, like I did! :P

2012-09-09, 04:31 AM
If the only reason you're buying it is to get into Beta, then no, but if the extra weapons, boosts, unique skins and titles interest you, than you're basically getting all of those for free.

Also, if you're thinking of buying SC for another game like Everquest or Poxnora, it's still a good deal even if you decide you don't like PS2 (or it's SC pricing) by the time the game actually launches.

2012-09-09, 06:55 AM
How well will I be able to run PS2 at 1920/1080 on high/med setting with:
i5 2500k OC 4.4
gtx 560ti 2gb
That will run the game fine, most likely to ultra.
High/med will be sexual.

2012-09-09, 07:12 AM
If i can scrape together an extra fourty bucks Im going to buy it.

2012-09-09, 07:34 AM
That will run the game fine, most likely to ultra.
High/med will be sexual.

Im playing on med and only getting about 60fps on small-med sized battles.

2012-09-09, 07:40 AM
I run it on low and I have made changes to the useroptions.ini file to TRY and optimize some more and I still crash every 45 minutes or so. I need more ram.