View Full Version : Detail your vehicle weapon experience

2012-09-10, 01:38 AM
I always wonder how good a vehicle weapon is but I do not wanna purchase it myself.

What better way to know than to ask here on PSU of course!

Any try out the M18 Rotary and the M14 Banshee on the mosquito yet? How does it compared to the M18 Needler?

2012-09-10, 06:15 AM
I wish I could speed up auraxium gain, I want to try all of the skeeter weapons too, don't even have Hellfires yet :(

2012-09-10, 06:32 AM
The G30 Vulcan for the prowler that costs 25K Araxium has a cone of fire so large you would struggle to hit a barn while in the barn.

But if infantry get within 10m its effective.

2012-09-10, 07:30 AM
I feel it would be very beneficial in beta, and on release, to give every new character like 25k auraxium. This way, if you want to test stuff, just make a new character. You can test it in combat even. Since the resources are tied to the character, you cannot gain anything from this.. It just jumps progression forward 2-3 weeks.

2012-09-10, 07:59 AM
Ive only used the Kobalt 50 cal on my Sunderer. It performs it's job very well, which is to tear apart infantry.

2012-09-10, 05:20 PM
For the Beta, I'd like to see 1 free weapon unlock switchable once every 24 hours. Until they implement the VR console at the warpgates.

2012-09-10, 05:39 PM
I feel it would be very beneficial in beta, and on release, to give every new character like 25k auraxium. This way, if you want to test stuff, just make a new character. You can test it in combat even. Since the resources are tied to the character, you cannot gain anything from this.. It just jumps progression forward 2-3 weeks.

It's probably going to happen. However, it is important to test unlocks versus new players. In addition, the vast majority of stuff isn't even unlockable yet.

2012-09-10, 05:48 PM
They're going to wipe characters at some point anyway. Unlock something and submit feedback. Test.

2012-09-10, 05:55 PM
My 2 cents per unlock:

Prowler - 120mm AP
Small incremental improvement in damage to other MBTs. Zero blast radius. If you can direct hit moving infantry in two or less shots, buy this and never use anything but. Now my default loadout.
Would Buy Again? YES.

Prowler - 120mm HE
Fantastic blast radius, great for tower sieges. Big grief potential. You may lock out, but you'll be smiling all the way there.
Would Buy Again? YES.

Prowler - M25 Marauder
The grenades have a very short range and aren't appreciably better than pointing the twin basilisks at the target and holding down the trigger. Scares the hell out of infantry that don't know how ineffective they are.
Would Buy Again? NO.

Lightning - 100mm AP
A great round for tagging MBTs in the rear. Direct hits on infantry kill, but you can't fire fast enough to deal with groups. My default Lightning loadout unless I know I'll be bombarding.
Would Buy Again? YES.

Lightning - Skyguard
Man. I can't not have it, and yet I'm angry every time I use it. The turret wobbles like it was attached with bailing wire every time you turn it. The gun shakes like it's covered in fire ants every time you fire it. Many people use it only in 3rd person - that's how badly it's broken. But man, when it connects . . .
Would Buy Again? YES, but I'm embarrassed to say so.

MAX - Burster
Worth it at any price. Pretend you're a Gepard all day. Have a flak party with your friends and wonder why you're never invited to air shows.
Would Buy Again? YES.

MAX - Flamer
Fun for adults, scary for kids. Tends to melt anything faster than it can melt you, but god forbid you try to see while firing it - aim for the feet. Same damage, and you get to at least see where the guy is dodging.
Would Buy Again? I got them for free, but NO - not at that price. Christ.

2012-09-10, 06:35 PM
I just spent about 30 minutes trying to find a thread like this on the official forums but I've given up. It had pages of awesome feedback.

2012-09-10, 06:45 PM
More like multiple pages of complaining about the same damn things...
Seriously Sony, you couldn't ask a few people to Moderate for you and trim the fat so to speak?

2012-09-10, 07:43 PM
From what I've been able to get a hold of:

120mm AP/HE Prowler rounds: Both a good buy depending on what you prefer doing with the tank. SP rounds tend to be better closer due to their lack of blast radius.

Kobalt .50 Cal: Good buy in general. It's a good all around weapon that I'm working on putting on all my vehicles.

A30 Walker AA (Magrider): I regret buying this since it doesn't seem to have the same capabilities of a burster. I should've bought the Skyguard, a burster, or saved the Auraxium.

2012-09-11, 05:08 AM
Prowler - Halberd AV Rockets system
1 shot reload.
Projectile travel speed too slow.
Range too short.
Too much drop off.
Impossible to use while on the move/bouncing around.
Would Buy Again : No.

Prowler AA Gun (Walker?)
Its an AA machine gun.
You have to lead targets just like the Flak based AA, except this one doesnt do AOE damage. Even when you hit its like your using a pea shooter. My gunner could empty multiple reloads of ammo into something and it wasnt even smoking.
Would Buy Again : No, just get a squad mate in a skyguard to shadow you.

2012-09-11, 05:43 AM
Ive only used the Kobalt 50 cal on my Sunderer. It performs it's job very well, which is to tear apart infantry.

I often use the sunderer to ferry infantry right into bases, it can tank quite a bit of damage. But i can never kill ANYTHING with the standard guns :( . Will try that one out asap. Although the sunderers are probably gonna be bigger target with the coming changes.

Has anyone tried out the other weapons for the Sunderer?

Skyguard is awesome.

2012-09-11, 06:17 AM
Heres a few I've tried so far , Vanu weapons first ofc =) . I'll list the nanite stuff you lesser life forms can use at the bottom .

Mag rider

Main gun - all work as intended it seems , Low AOE hard hitting AT version , High Aoe weaker AI version and of course the stock middle of the road version .

2nd gun - Photon 2 Anti infantry plasma ball . This was broken before and waaay overpowered now its fixed it's still realy nice it takes care of infantry and maxes with ease . It does need a large lead on moving targets ( no big deal) . It has a good area splash and solid 2-3 shot killing power

Sauron ( forgot the name ) anti tank laser cannon . Probably the best sniper rifle in game .... if you can get the main gunner to hold still =) . This baby no bullet drop , fast bullet time with a fairly low visability projectile . Enemy tanks or base turrets facing a mag with one of these fitted is in big trouble .


Front mounted - I personaly find the stock gun to be the best , The AI version is much like the magriders photon cannon . the projectiles move slowly and its a poor substitute for helfire rockets . While the AA rapid fire cannon holds too little Ammo and you seem to be constantly reloading .

Rockets - AA was cool ... now not so much , lock on range is very small and they can be out run fairly easily . AI rockets are still one of the ground powerhouses in game although they can leave you open to AA atacks from all sides .

Other stuff

Kobolt .50 - as already mentioned this thing is solid , its basicly like having the engineer turret on top of your tank/sunderer only with ammo instead of a overheat function . It takes care of infantry nicely , however it does no damage to heavy armor. This is my favorite sunderer wepon for escorting a bunch of tanks .

Walker AA - blow's weather you have it mounted on a tank/gal/lib the aim is often off center for a start , the bullet travel time is way too slow and the damage feels too low . the stock gun is better . Also while mounted on a tank it cant look down so close in infantry are imune until the driver finds a hill to point you down a little .

Shredder - the 4x .50 cal belly mounted AI gun for the liberator , just got this one the other day and judging by the kill spam i was reading in the cockpit its highly effective ... especialy against tanks :doh: . Flying skyguard .... um ground-guard =) .

2012-09-11, 07:08 AM
I just spent about 30 minutes trying to find a thread like this on the official forums but I've given up. It had pages of awesome feedback.

Dis one? http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/bad-and-good-vehicle-weapons-share-info-here.5715/page-1#post-97748

2012-09-11, 07:31 AM
Vanguard 2nd Gun:
Enforcer ML85-by far my best purchase so far, great AV damage with lock on capability at long range, decent AI damage also but not a huge splash but it has a good rof. Last night with a competent gunner and a sundy support we managed to fend off and kill a vs armor column of 4 mags and 2 sundys. Buy this right away if your NC.

2012-09-11, 12:59 PM
So far the only vehicle weapon i have bought is the HMG for the flash. Good times ...

2012-09-11, 01:19 PM
Saron HRB (Magrider): Absolutely awesome. Best gunner weapon for the VS period.

Proton II (Magrider): Fairly worthless. The shots travel very slowly and do almost no AV damage. It will kill infantry in 2 hits and has decent splash damage, but if they are moving at all, you'll never hit them.

Supernova VPC (Magrider): This is my default weapon of choice. It still seems to do decent damage to armor, despite being an HE round. It's just frustrating that only 50% of the shots seem to do any damage these days, but that's a bug for every weapon.

Lightning AP: Pretty good. I can't afford the HEAT round yet, but this is a decent compromise. You have to hit infantry dead on to kill them, but you will tear up enemy lightnings and stand a chance against MBTs.

2012-09-11, 01:46 PM
The Helberd for the Prowler suxor. (cost 10000 aurixium) The travel time on it is just way too slow and the bullet drop is very heavy.

2012-09-11, 04:53 PM
Finally got the M18 Rotary (Primary Weapon - Mosquito)

This is definitely the best primary gun for the mosquito. The rate of fire on this thing is unbelievable high, along side its bullet speed. About 60 bullets takes down a fighter; twice that many take down a lib. The biggest negative is definitely the small mag size of only 30 yet the reload time is about the same as the Needler. Seems to be pretty effective against armored targets too.
Definite buy for any mossy ace. Basically, the Rotary effectiveness in the sky makes the A2A missiles obsolete.

2012-09-13, 09:03 AM
So far the only vehicle weapon i have bought is the HMG for the flash. Good times ...
The Kobalt or the Basilisk?

Because I was thinking about saving up to replace my Basilisk with the Kobalt... until I helped take down one Manmower and finished off another!

Ironically, I once told another person on the Beta forums that this wasn't a viable tactic... (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/flash-packs.15850/#post-217378)

2012-09-13, 09:38 AM
P525 Maraduer for the Prowler aiming is a bit off. If you look behind you the up down aiming becomes inverted. This makes it impossible to aim up and down if you try to shoot something on the side. And as it is a mortar it would be a good idea if you could aim up....

2012-09-14, 07:20 AM
Mortar for the Sunderer: never used it bc i was driving but my gunner said it was a one shot kill on infantry with direct hit, arc is petty intense on the shot though. It also seems it's not a viable basilisk substitute for av although i have not tested enough to be sure.