View Full Version : Module Equipment System for Transport Vehicles

2012-09-10, 04:04 PM
Alright, since this would just get buried over at the Beta Forums (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?forums/vehicles-customization-and-vehicle-advancement.13/), I think I'll post this here instead.

My proposal is to give the workhorses of all the Factions, the Galaxy and the Sunderer, a Certification based Equipment System similar to that used for Infantry Weapon Attachments.
This would make the "Default" load-outs of these Vehicles simple Troop Transports, while there Operators would then have to spend Certification Points in order to swap out for Spawn Generators or other various Equipment options detailed below.
Such a System would allow more experienced players to customize their Sundy or Gal into powerful specialised platforms, while preventing new players from doing things like spamming the map with Spawn Points.

Sunderer Modules:
I currently have ideas for four different Sunderer Module Slots; "Engine", "Package", "Plating", and "Console"
A Default Sunderer starts with only a "Standard" Engine and Plating, as well as the "Transport" Package.

There are three Engine types that I've come up with so far, they determine the Vehicle's Top Speed, Torque (How well it goes up inclines), Acceleration, and Noise Output.

Basically, the Engine the Sunderer has now, the baseline by which the other two are measured.

10 Certification Points
A powerful Engine that gives greater Torque and Top Speed, but has a high Noise Output and lower Acceleration.

10 Certification Points
Electrically driven motors make the Sunderer have almost whisper quite Noise Output and greater Acceleration, but lower Torque and Top Speed.

Packages are essentially the Cargo a Sunderer or Galaxy carries, be it passengers or something more exotic.
Packages determine whether or not the Vehicle can Deploy, if it has Resupply Terminals, and what its overall Health value is.
I've come up with one Package idea on my own, two seem to be something everyone is suggesting, and one I was inspired by Azern's post here. (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/suggestion-sunderer-the-deployable-supply-station.13589/)

The basic Troop carrying box found on current Sunderers, it give the Vehicle two Turrets and eight Passenger Slots (Bringing the total capacity to 12 people, including the Passenger Slot and Driver in the Cab), as well as an Equipment Terminal on the rear bumper (Something I think should come standard on both transports instead of just the Galaxy).

20 Certification Points
A Sunderer Package that trades four Passenger Slots for two additional side-mounted Turrets, as well as the Abilities to drive through Base Shields and and Deploy into an Armor Fortified Pillbox.
With its additional Health, capacity of eight, a Resupply Terminal, and the option to spend more Certification Points on a damaging front-mounted Ramhead, this turns the Sunderer the perfect spearhead for Infantry Rushes!

Spawn Generator:
30 Certification Points
The Package that would give the Vehicle a "Spawn Tube", a Sunderer gives up Health and six Passenger Slots in order to be able to Deploy as a Spawn Point with a Resupply Terminal.
This Sunderer has a Total Capacity of six.
The pros and cons between this having this Package or its Galaxy equivalent would help differentiate the two; A Spawn equipped Galaxy is an Aircraft and mount more Weapons but a Spawn equipped Sunderer has Plating and Console options, cost half as many Certification Points, and has two Passenger Slots to carry more Infantry.
Further Certification Points could also decrease the amount of time it takes to Deploy or Undeploy.

Repair Station:
30 Certification Points
The Package inspired by Azern's thread (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/suggestion-sunderer-the-deployable-supply-station.13589/), this Package would take on the Sunderer's current Vehicle repair and Resupply duties at the cost of six Passenger Slots, some Health, and the Infantry Resupply Terminal.
When deployed, it gets a huge boost to its Repair and Resupply Fields, both in Radius and Effectiveness, and they could be further upgraded with more Certification Points.
While it has the same number of Passenger Slots and Turret Mounts as the Spawn Generator Package, there is the possibility that the rear Turret could be replaced with a Crane Arm that would allow allied Vehicles to change their equipment for a small lock-down period in which said equipment is "re-rezzed". (This is something that's been discussed as being needed as a Base Terminal as well.)

Phalanx Mount:
50 Certification Points
The Package of my own creation, this idea discards any additional Passenger Slots or Turrets Mounts outside of the Cab and the Resupply Terminal, instead turning a Sunderer into a Deployable Mount for a Phalanx Turret.

Anti-Air Phalanx Turret (10 Certification Points)
Anti-Ground/Vehicle? (The cannon one...) Phalanx Turret (10 Certification Points)

At 60 Certification Points total in order to field an Anti-Air Turret and only slightly less than the Transport Sunderer's health, this field gun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_gun) Sunderer Sub-type is essentially the primary predator and threat of Spawn equipped Galaxies.

Plating is the Sunderer's Armor.
Its weight can effect Top Speed, Acceleration, and Breaking Ability while its thickness/composition determine its Thermal Visibility (How much it shows up in IR Scopes) or Electronic Detectability (How easily future add-ons like Mini-map Radar pings or IFF Scopes get information on it.)

Pretty much the Armor a Sunderer has now, this would be the "Default" set.

Stripped Down:
5 Certification Points
The option to basically remove your Sunderer's Armor completely, giving it its fastest possible Top Speed, Acceleration (Both determined by the Engine Module), and Breaking Ability at the cost of increased Thermal Visibility and Electronic Detectability, as well as being as vulnerable to damage as a Flash...

10 Certification Points
Heavier Armor made of a crystalline material that allows a Sunderer to take more punishment.
Its weight decreases overall Top Speed, Acceleration, and Breaking Ability, while its thickness/composition decreases its Thermal Visibility but increases its Electronic Detectability.

20 Certification Points
Plating designed to make a Sunderer near invisible to Thermal Visibility and give it the maximum amount of Electronic Detectability insulation.
The special ceramic the Armor is made out of makes it weaker then Standard Plating, but the lighter weight gives it better overall Top Speed, Acceleration, and Breaking Ability.

Consoles are basically Special Ability Modules for Sunderers.

Smoke Screen:
30 Certification Points
A Sunderer classic Special Ability in Module form, this generates a cloud of particles that not only obscure a Sunderer visually, but also interferes with Electronic Detection.

EMP Burst:
50 Certification Points
Another Sunderer classic Special Ability in Module form, a small burst of Electromagnetic radiation that Disables Infantry Shields and destroys Enemy Deployables.
Once a charge is depleted it must wait a little while to recharge, but further investments of Certification Points will decrease this Timer or increase the Radius while Deploying will allow you to spam it indefinitely.
Carefully though, every pulse makes you a beacon to anything with Electronic Detection!

60 Certification Points
A form of Electronic Detection that automatically Spots where Enemies to all Allies are with-in a certain Radius of the Sunderer for a short period of time.
A single Ping takes a long time to recharge, but this can be reduced and the Detection Radius increased with more Certification Points.
When Deployed, activating the Radar Console will have it constantly scan its Detection Radius.

Nanite Shield:
60 Certification Points
Similar to the Heavy Assault's Nanite Mesh Shields, this Console releases a cloud of Nanites that form a large spherical barrier that reduces the damage of incoming fire.
Due to the larger nature of the Console over the man-portable Nanite Mesh Generator a Sunderer does not need to remain stationary to activate it, but the Shield will take a short period of time to construct itself.
Certification Points can be spent to decrease this construction period, increase the amount of Damage the Shield will take before breaking, or decrease the time it takes to recharge while Deploying allows it to be erected nigh-instantly and recharge faster.

Cloaking Field:
70 Certification Points
Similar to the Infiltrator's Cloak, the Cloaking Field Console bends Electromagnetic radiation around a Sunderer and the spherical area around it, making it and any Troops surrounding the Vehicle completely invisible to Visual, Thermal, or Electronic detection.
Due to its power requirements, the duration of the Cloak only last a short time when not Deployed and its effectiveness is directly tied to the health of the Vehicle.
Investing more Certification Points will give better capacitors to recharge the Console quicker or power management software to increase the amount of damage the Sunderer can sustain before the Cloak's begins to loose effectiveness.

Galaxy Modules:
I currently have ideas for four different Galaxy Module Slots; "Package", "Wing Attachments", "Thrusters", and "Fuselage"
Unlike the Sunderer, the Default Galaxy comes with all four Modules, a Transport Package, "Wing Turret" Attachments, and "Standard" Thrusters and Fuselage.

As previously stated, Package Modules are the cargo a Galaxy carries.
The Package determines whether or not the Vehicle can Deploy, if it has Resupply Terminals, and what its overall Health value is.

This Package fills the Galaxy's rear cargo with six Passenger Slots, adds a Resupply Terminal to each side, and allows for Hotdropping Passengers...
...Basically, everything a Galaxy is now minus being used as a Spawn Point.

Bomb Bay:
30 Certification Points
Exactly what it says on the tin, the Package switches those six seats into a Bomb Bay capable of being operated by whoever is behind the Pilot.
It would probably be able to carry various different sizes, number of sets, and combinations of Bombs depending on what the person who Rezzed it has Unlocked, but cannot Deploy and does not come with any Resupply Terminals.
Due to its' more Combat-centric role, this Vehicle's internal structure is reinforced to give it more Health.
With all Turret Mounts available, this Galaxy can carry a maximum of six players: The Pilot, the Bomber, and the four Gunners.

Aerial Resupply:
40 Certification Points
A Package that trade six Passenger Slots for three special Turret versions of the Engineer's Repair gun.
The effectiveness of these Repair Turrets can be increased or a Vehicle Resupply feature added and also increased by spending more Certification Points.
While this Galaxy has the same Health as its Transport variation, it cannot Deploy and has no Resupply Terminals.
If it has all of its other Turrets mounted, the Aircraft can carry a total crew of nine.

Lightning Rack:
50 Certification Points
Replace those six empty holes in your heart with a rack that can mount a Lightning when Deployed!
Due to its open nature, this Package allows the loaded and manned Light Tank to even fire its cannon, albeit with far more limited aiming angles.
This Galaxy still has two Resupply Terminals, but the large amount of the Aircraft's body removed to store its armored cargo gives it slightly less Health then its standard counterpart in addition to being unable to Hotdrop.
Having all of its Turrets and Lightning bay occupied, this Galaxy need one Pilot, one Infantry, Four Gunners, and one Tank Driver for a total flight roster of seven.

Spawn Generator:
60 Certification Points
A "Spawn Tube" that can be swapped out for those six seats in the back.
While this Package retains the two Resupply Terminals, the volatile nature of the Rebirthing equipment can cause explosive chain reactions that greatly reduces the Vehicle's Health and requires it to be Deployed before being used.
With all Turret Mounts available, this Galaxy can carry a maximum of six players: The Pilot, one Infantry, and the four Gunners

Wing Attachments:
I only have three Wing Attachment Module ideas, but I think they are pretty good ones.

Wing Turrets:
The Turrets you find on the Default Galaxy's wings, which can further be customised via Auraxium Vehicle Weapon Unlocks.

Flash Pylons:
10 Certification Points
These Wing Attachments allow a Deployed Galaxy to mount a manned Flashes underneath each wing instead of Turrets.
This can be slightly mitigated however if those Flashes have mounted Weapons themselves, allowing the Drivers to fire them towards the front or rear of the Aircraft depending on how they were loaded.
If it is feasible and the right Package is equipped, these Flashes may be able to be Hotdropped... if that's actually possible to do with a Flash in the first place...

Bomb Racks:
20 Certification Points
A Wing Attachment that allows a Galaxy to drop two sets of a single type of Small Bomb in exchange for its Turrets.
As stated under the Bomb Bay Package entry, control of these would probably be given over to whomever is in the seat behind the Pilot, as putting on the Racks removes two of the Aircraft's Gunnery positions.
Bombs, like other Vehicle Weapons, would be unlocked Via Auraxium purchases.

Thruster Modules alter the Top Horizontal Speed, Vertical Takeoff and Landing ability, Exhaust Visibility, and Noise Output of the Galaxy.
...I only have three of these as well...

The Thrusters found on the current Default Galaxy, they are the baseline by which the other two are measured.

Turbo Jets:
20 Certification Points
Powerful Jet Engines that can provide far more Horizontal Air Speed but are much poorer for VTOL due to their unstable nature and slower takeoff and landing speed.
As can be imagined, these Jets have big bright Exhaust Plumes that make them very visible in addition to being very, VERY loud.

Repulsor Pods:
20 Certification Points
Reverse engineered from Vanu hover Technology, Repulsor Pods are the exact opposite of the boisterous Turbo Jets.
Fast and amazingly steady for VTOL, these wondrous lifts allow a Galaxy fly with no visible exhaust and to be as inaudible as their Pilot's skill allows.
This all comes at the price of Horizontal Air Speed however, so don't expect to be outrunning any interceptors who happen to spot you.

As the body of the Aircraft... I've only come up with two Fuselage Modules as of yet...

The Fuselage Module that comes with the Default Galaxy, it provides a Top and Tail Turret.

60 Certification Points
Removes the Body Turrets in exchange for an Airborne Early Warning and Control dome (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_early_warning_and_control) that constantly monitors the battle space.
This piece of Electronic Detetion equipment scans the current Hex for all Allied and Enemy Contacts to Spot them for all Squad members.
Larger investments of Certification Points would increase the scanning range to adjacent Hexes or allow the information gathered to be shared with the rest of the Galaxy's Friendlies.

Whew, that took longer then I expected, but it's good that I have all this written out somewhere...

Raka Maru
2012-09-13, 01:29 PM
Dang dude! You just rewrote the sundy/gal game. :)

Read through it, will have to think how this balances, but I like the ideas.

2012-09-13, 01:41 PM
Dang dude! You just rewrote the sundy/gal game. :)

Read through it, will have to think how this balances, but I like the ideas.
I'm especially proud of the Flash Wing Mounts and Bomb Modules.

Everyone kept saying how they want a "Galaxy Gunship" but I think that would just take away from the Liberator, so I came up with a Ground Attack option that hadn't been implemented yet.

2012-09-13, 02:06 PM
This is already in the plans. Not to take away from your ideas.

2012-09-13, 07:46 PM
The only part i have some problem with is the bomb bay part, it would kinda make the lib useless. Other wise everything else pretty cool.

2012-09-13, 07:55 PM
This is already in the plans. Not to take away from your ideas.

OP was tl/dr but as Evilpig stated, this is already in the works to be implemented soon that is at least similar to what you're saying.

2012-09-13, 08:23 PM
Electric motors have higher torque output than conventional engines btw

Raka Maru
2012-09-13, 09:15 PM
The only part i have some problem with is the bomb bay part, it would kinda make the lib useless. Other wise everything else pretty cool.

I think these are gravity targeted bombs rather than the lib cannons.

2012-09-13, 11:12 PM
I think these are gravity targeted bombs rather than the lib cannons.

Ya i know higby said that they were gonna bring the gravity bombs back for the lib.

2012-09-14, 12:30 AM
Electric motors have higher torque output than conventional engines btw
That may be, but I needed some more drawbacks to make Electric Motors a sidegrade instead of a straight upgrade.

And yeah, I think the Lib is fine as airborne artillery.

2012-09-14, 04:12 AM
Double all cert points.

2012-09-14, 04:41 PM
Double all cert points.
I wouldn't be so quick to double all the points.
After all, a large number of these Modules are ether sidegrades or need to be combine together for maximum effectiveness, and the Sunderer Consoles or Galaxy Fuselage could probably be further upgraded with more points.

2012-09-24, 04:25 PM
The PS2 manifesto

2012-10-13, 07:14 AM
Yes please.
Also make make option for flash to remove the front weapon for an extra sit, behind the driver. Who ever sits there, has free aim and uses his own weapons. Can be extremely useful in a coordinated attack.

2012-10-13, 07:20 AM
I really like the idea of coop mongeese. Even if it would be broken manpower wise. Would be worth the laughs and kicks.

2012-10-13, 02:20 PM
Honestly, if I was going to put an extra seat on the Flash, it'd take the same slot as the Radar Dish instead of the gun mount.

Of course, how would said Flash Passenger be seated?
Would they be riding... well... pillion style (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillion) and have to avoid shooting the driver in the back, or would they sit reversed?

2013-05-06, 06:58 AM
OLD THREAD REVIVAL! Why hasn't this been omplemented yet? ;-;

2013-05-06, 08:38 AM
oh yeah, welcome to necropolis!

but the most important wing module for the gal or lib is missing:

the rack for mounting a max under every wing. aka rumble-wing ;)

2013-05-06, 11:21 AM
OLD THREAD REVIVAL! Why hasn't this been omplemented yet? ;-;
Well probably because this was last discussed in Beta, and half the post were people telling me the Devs were already going to do "something" like it...

Ironic that the ONLY thing out of this thread to be implemented was the Rumble Seat on the Flash...

2013-05-06, 06:10 PM
Flash Pylons:
10 Certification Points
These Wing Attachments allow a Deployed Galaxy to mount a manned Flashes underneath each wing instead of Turrets.
This can be slightly mitigated however if those Flashes have mounted Weapons themselves, allowing the Drivers to fire them towards the front or rear of the Aircraft depending on how they were loaded.
If it is feasible and the right Package is equipped, these Flashes may be able to be Hotdropped... if that's actually possible to do with a Flash in the first place...
That's one of the most awesome Galaxy ideas I've heard lol. Would be quite an experience for the Flash operator.