View Full Version : Noob question

2012-09-11, 10:14 AM
I played he original Planetside for about a year and that was about 5 years ago.

It took me quite awhile to figure out the game on my own...

Now I am in the beta for Planetside2.

I am part of the TR and I spawn into the TR Warpgate.

From there I don't know what to do. Is there some kind of walkthrough..or is there an "instant action" type thing that the original Planetside had or ????
I am just walking around the TR Warpgate and can't seem to do much else.

I did select "Engineer" from on of the consoles inside the main building.

Can anyone point me to the right direction?

Sorry if this sound dumb....

2012-09-11, 10:43 AM
Take a vehicle outside of the warpgate....look at the map...hot spots are in it, there is a instant action option...not too hard to figure out...its accessable while in map view.

2012-09-11, 10:45 AM
First Base capture mechanics:


Next ask in chat for a squad invite. If that does not work, look for a Galaxy to board and follow the 'Zerg. Hot spots are currently bugged on the world map. The word map is also where the instant action button is.

Hit "M" for map, look in lower left corner for the "Hotspots" window. Click on one of the base/region names and the instant action sub menu will appear for that location.

2012-09-11, 10:45 AM
Are we required to take a vehicle?

Okay. thanx for the help..will try these things!

2012-09-11, 11:21 AM
I had the same problem when I first started playing, I highly suggest finding some players in a squad. They can be really helpful when first learning you'll fly around in a galaxy (soon to be drive around if you keep up on current events) and the squad leader will create green waypoints. Usually they say the location out-load as well, slowly I have been learning map names and specific names for each faction...

2012-09-11, 11:45 AM
it just takes time. my first 3 hours i didn't have a clue what was happenin. first i learnt what different colours and icons symbolised. then after several hours worked out you had to destroy generators. engie is a good starter class...run around fix stuff, give folk ammo. if you notice a load of friendlies all workin together hang out with them and be a bit useful. that is how i have got into squads. your teammates want people who are up for teamwork...so that you are useful and folk will look after you.

2012-09-11, 12:11 PM
Join an outfit, I hear that TRG is the big TR outfit you want to join.

2012-09-11, 05:10 PM
Yep we're recruiting. Click my sig if you're interested!

And thanks for the mention sledge.

2012-09-12, 06:01 AM
Can any one tell me why the hell did they change the way the Reaver looks from all the beta images? It looked so much better with the quad rocket packs and missiles on the wings. Now it has these stupid rotating wings with only 2 missile packs hanging on a support bar like old Vietnam war helicopters! This would never be how it would be done, as someone who was really excited about the Reaver artwork that was perfect before I would like it very much if they would change it back to the way they where advertising it. So anyone know why they changed it?

2012-09-12, 06:16 AM
If you're looking for a squad, press "P", then check "infantry" in the top right, then choose one of those squads and join it. Check the map for little green circles with numbers in them, those are your squadmates.

In terms of going places, until you've got the hang of things I wouldn't suggest taking aircraft anywhere, and ground vehicles take a long time to go places, so what people said earlier about getting into galaxies with strangers is probably a good idea. If they kick you out, go find another.

Blue Sam
2012-09-12, 09:00 AM
Can any one tell me why the hell did they change the way the Reaver looks from all the beta images? It looked so much better with the quad rocket packs and missiles on the wings. Now it has these stupid rotating wings with only 2 missile packs hanging on a support bar like old Vietnam war helicopters! This would never be how it would be done, as someone who was really excited about the Reaver artwork that was perfect before I would like it very much if they would change it back to the way they where advertising it. So anyone know why they changed it?

They didn't. If you put rockets on them, they have rocket packs.