View Full Version : Epic failure

2012-09-11, 08:21 PM
So, we were trying to take back the facility right next to the Crown, but the TR were determined to not leave that base, so I got the idea of bombing them. I spawn a liberator, landed it on the bridge next to some troops to get a gunner, one thing lead to another and it gets stuck in the bridge.

About 3 minutes later, I tried to push it out with a scythe, this ended with everything exploding and me nearly getting my weapons locked.

I think that might be a bug, the liberator getting stuck that is. It seemed abnormally hard to get the liberator out no matter how much i fiddled with the controls.

2012-09-11, 08:26 PM
:lol::rofl: Pushing it out with a Scythe probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. So how many friendlies did you end up killing?

2012-09-11, 09:09 PM
Landing on the bridge was probably not the best idea since theres lots of crap to get stuck on. Pushing it, well....:huh:

2012-09-11, 09:14 PM
Getting stuck with the Libirator is my specialty. However I mostly getting stuck in trees.... Compared to the Galaxy the Libirator do get stuck on the ground allot easier.

2012-09-11, 11:10 PM
Just earlier today I was running with an outfit squad and it was my turn to pull the Gal. I landed it to rep it after a hot drop and it sunk into the ground, never to be seen again, 4 minuets after I spawned it. So sad.

2012-09-12, 12:26 AM
Just earlier today I was running with an outfit squad and it was my turn to pull the Gal. I landed it to rep it after a hot drop and it sunk into the ground, never to be seen again, 4 minuets after I spawned it. So sad.

You know how the mud people like their shiny stuff :lol:

2012-09-12, 02:53 AM
There is also a magnetical effect of the pylons of the warpgate. Be aware pilot!

2012-09-12, 04:39 AM
Due to my overzealous driving habits, I have gotten my Lightning tank stuck on several occasions, most often when driving down very steep inclines onto a flat plain. It seems that the slope angle and the plain are too acute, leaving my Lightning parked on its nose with no way to move in any direction.

Most often happens when driving slowly. I suspect that if I had been going at top speed in those situations, it would have ended in a big fireball.

2012-09-12, 06:01 AM
I think I've got most vehicles stuck by now. The terrain and buildings in the game aren't to vehicle friendly at times.

2012-09-12, 06:09 AM
My friend spawned a Lib, then tried to drive it. He got stuck on one of the poles by the airpads at warp. Me, being the helpful guy I am, went to get it out of there. 20 minutes later, we've tried pushing it with a sunderer and mosquito, tried wiggling it, shot it once, and the thing is still wedged between the pole and the airpad structure.

I think in the end I pushed it with the mosquito and it got loose, only to explode after.

2012-09-12, 06:26 AM
Theres quicksand everywhere. Ive seen planes get stuck in bridges and trees and rocks. Its beta guys.

2012-09-12, 03:59 PM
:lol::rofl: Pushing it out with a Scythe probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. So how many friendlies did you end up killing?
No friendlies, but apparently FF counts even for stuff you own. Even through it probably shouldn't.
Due to my overzealous driving habits, I have gotten my Lightning tank stuck on several occasions, most often when driving down very steep inclines onto a flat plain. It seems that the slope angle and the plain are too acute, leaving my Lightning parked on its nose with no way to move in any direction.

Most often happens when driving slowly. I suspect that if I had been going at top speed in those situations, it would have ended in a big fireball.
Actually, it is extremely hard to blow up at least the Lightning and Flash by just colliding with stuff(I haven't driven anything else enough to know). I often ride a Lightning at full speed straight down into the j906 impact crater, and by the time I reach the bottom I rarely have any more than 25% damage, if even that much. However, everything inexplicably explodes the instant any terrain hits the top of it while its upside down, but I've never had this happen before while riding down steep terrain/off cliffs.

2012-09-12, 05:46 PM
I get my mag stuck all the time. It's hard to get used to how wide it is compared to PS1. A hint for mag drivers: never try to strafe over stairs. You will most likely get stuck.

And the lib seems to have a tenancy to flip over when you land it...like there are booster rockets on the tail that cause it to flip over its nose.