View Full Version : Are the VS the TR lapdogs?

2012-09-16, 11:52 AM
Hi all,

I allways felt (also in planetside 1) that the VS and the TR are quite competent at pooling their resources against us NC. A prime example of it was on EU01 just now. We have 29% pop and are having to deal with both VS and TR invading our territory. And this is not the only time this has happend.
I think i speak for most NC on EU01 when i say i rarely see times where we are not franticly trying to defend our territory from both sides and where i actually fight in enemy territory.
Ofcourse this could just all be my perspective and the VS and TR are fighting eachother very hard, but i just don't see it.

One last thing, don't see this as a whine thread. I actually feed on the haterd and it wants to make me kill, both VS and TR, even more.

Best regards,

Meecrob (No. 44 on EU01)

2012-09-16, 11:54 AM
I believe it's dependent on the server. TR on East01 are often double teamed between the NC and the VS strangely enough.

2012-09-16, 12:01 PM
i think its more people will try to capitalize on the fact that you might be in a hard battle and attack when you don't have time to defend.

2012-09-16, 12:27 PM
pffff VS were always the NC's piss boys :p

2012-09-16, 12:29 PM
Im mainly curious about what Basti thinks about EU01 tbh... ;)

2012-09-16, 12:55 PM
I feel the same as the OP whenever I am online on eu 01, the VS and TR are ignoring eachother and focusing on the NC. Its been weeks since I have been in TR territory :p. I find it rather strange to be honest.

2012-09-16, 01:07 PM
I physically hate the NC, I know personally I've teamed up with VS to double team the NC many times. Seriously fuck the NC.

2012-09-16, 01:20 PM
Half the time the southern occupants of Indar are fighting each other, the other half of the time is both southern occupants invading north. They sometimes overlap.

In a given day, every empire gets pushed back and is earning less than 30 Auraxium per tick, and earlier or later in the day they end up with +50 or more per tick.

Instead of focusing on interplay between the factions, focus on the flow across the maps. The warpgates could be rotated another few times, and the flow of combat may not change significantly.

As for the lore behind VS and TR being at odds, TR started putting the clamps down on the VS research and practices, and VS decided they deserved the right to sovereignty and self-determination on Auraxis. So they whipped up a few new weapons and armor, and with minimal training, a buncha scientists and intellectuals became the third major fighting force on Auraxis. Walter White, Dr. Gordon Freeman, they woulda been VS.

2012-09-16, 01:58 PM
Hi all,

I allways felt (also in planetside 1) that the VS and the TR are quite competent at pooling their resources against us NC. A prime example of it was on EU01 just now. We have 29% pop and are having to deal with both VS and TR invading our territory. And this is not the only time this has happend.
I think i speak for most NC on EU01 when i say i rarely see times where we are not franticly trying to defend our territory from both sides and where i actually fight in enemy territory.
Ofcourse this could just all be my perspective and the VS and TR are fighting eachother very hard, but i just don't see it.

One last thing, don't see this as a whine thread. I actually feed on the haterd and it wants to make me kill, both VS and TR, even more.

Best regards,

Meecrob (No. 44 on EU01)

VS and TR have been fighting over allatum and the west side of the map tooth and nail since the warp gate change theres been some heavy armor exchanges north of hvar .

To be honest the forces VS generaly have pushing the south is a pale comparison of what is engaging TR in the north . We take Tawich with a small number, and NC counters in the south are weak and easily stopped .

EU1 NC fold like a cheap suit , there the easy option for 10 extra araxium per tick .

2012-09-16, 02:11 PM
idk man im playin on eu01 too and most of the tim eim online us the nc have almost half of the map and more... probably playin on diffrent times , dominance changes all the time in this game.

2012-09-16, 03:19 PM
VS and TR have been fighting over allatum and the west side of the map tooth and nail since the warp gate change theres been some heavy armor exchanges north of hvar .

To be honest the forces VS generaly have pushing the south is a pale comparison of what is engaging TR in the north . We take Tawich with a small number, and NC counters in the south are weak and easily stopped .

EU1 NC fold like a cheap suit , there the easy option for 10 extra araxium per tick .

A likely story. Only place the VS and TR seem to be fighting is at Zurvan. I've only seen the TR and NC focus on the VS like twice and talk about folding like a cheap suit. You guys get instantly locked in your warpgate. The VS talks smack at Tawrich (ive seen the yells) when ofcourse we can't send much there when were holding the TR off at Zurvan and our Biolab.

But yeah i guess it's easy to backstab a faction that's up to their balls in TR. Gotta give you that one.

2012-09-16, 03:51 PM
i think this is probably gonna be different for each person but personally my experience in planetside 1 was that TR was usually the most populated so the VS and NC would some what team up to make it more competative

2012-09-16, 04:50 PM
All through PS1, I think I saw the TR get stuck in the middle of a three way the most often. By a significant margin, actually, but the other 3-ways still happened regularly.

2012-09-17, 01:33 AM
Hi all,

I allways felt (also in planetside 1) that the VS and the TR are quite competent at pooling their resources against us NC. A prime example of it was on EU01 just now. We have 29% pop and are having to deal with both VS and TR invading our territory. And this is not the only time this has happend.
I think i speak for most NC on EU01 when i say i rarely see times where we are not franticly trying to defend our territory from both sides and where i actually fight in enemy territory.
Ofcourse this could just all be my perspective and the VS and TR are fighting eachother very hard, but i just don't see it.

One last thing, don't see this as a whine thread. I actually feed on the haterd and it wants to make me kill, both VS and TR, even more.

Best regards,

Meecrob (No. 44 on EU01)

Oh yea?! As a TR player on EU Beta 01 I do not agree at all. Both NC and VS is back hacking our bases like crazy and usually at the same time.... (Have no close how they manage to back hack now a days though, but they do)

However as a TR player I rather go and attack NC then VS. I feel that NC is easer to deal with, They don't have any crazy magriders but also NC infantry weapons (with expedition of the infiltrator) feels less threating then VS.

But also there is allot of really good VS players on EU 01 more so then NC players I most say. So it's just easier to go after NC....

Salad Snake
2012-09-17, 03:50 AM
On West01 I was playing as VS a week or so ago. With TR owning the entire left half of the map, the NC were perfectly content with trying to storm their way to our warpgate while completely ignoring the TR taking all of their northern territories. So it runs both ways, NC are just as guilty of trying to lazily take the low-hanging fruit as VS.

2012-09-17, 05:58 AM
Funny that you post this as the other night I hopped into my reaver to see what was going on over in west highlands pass. It was completely quiet. I guess that says it all.

2012-09-17, 06:26 AM
I'm NC on EU1 and what I see is most of the time we have the less territory compared to the 2 others empires, I don't remember we were pwnd so much when we had the west/north warpgate. Sometimes there's something going on (outfits or maybe less afk players leeching in warpgate) and we cap half the map.

The fact barely anyone use our meh MAX (except double Burster) compared to the others empires doesn't help, we had one big fight yesterday and I could count the numbers of guys using the Scattercannons MAX on one hand vs the horde of double Cycler.

But quite frankly I don't really care as long as we have a decent income of Auraxium (min 20).

2012-09-17, 06:36 AM
I am also a EU1 VS player I would have to say its all a matter of perspective. I log on in the afternoon and the VS usually are down to there santuary and a couple of hexes. When we do push out its usally when we got the pop edge. From our perspective, our weapons suck, I mean many a time ive wasted an entire clip on a NC guys, and he turns around and drops me with two shots from his pistol, and still has half health. Its like that guy who shoots at the terminator from behind and he just turns around and blows him away.

2012-09-17, 10:59 AM
A lot of times when I watch videos and guys pull up their maps the VS usually have lowest pop. What baffles me is (going by videos now) is VS usually are holding their own fairly well if not better than well..even outnumbered.

Seems to me TR is the shittiest faction so far when it comes to players. I dunno.

2012-09-17, 11:18 AM
I'm Playing VS on EU 1. I've been fighting TR in the north for days. Allatum is constantly under pressure and when the defense is successful us VS have started to push north with a lot of tanks. There has been some epic tank battles north west of Allatum. I haven't really bothered with the NC since the latest warp gate swap. The faction in the north has been my target.

2012-09-17, 12:37 PM
What a bullshit. There is no faction teamup. Every faction fight against each other. What you desrib is a effect of the point of view. If you are TR you have the feeling that VS and NC are fightin against you. As NC you you mean the VS and TR playing together. As VS you think the NC and TR are bros. And you know what? You are right. They really fight against your faction together the whole time . But that doesn't mean there is somekind of conspiracy against your faction.

2012-09-17, 01:44 PM
No, not at all.

The NC just cry about EVERYTHING.

2012-09-17, 02:20 PM
^Sweeping generalization are bad for your health.

2012-09-17, 02:32 PM
I think it's simply the map layout that is actually advantaging the team up north.

Even though south-east is great as I definitely enjoy flying in the canyons with the reaver.

Would like to see a map that looks like the tunnels in the movie "THE MATRIX" :D:D

2012-09-17, 02:42 PM
East 03, Vanu have been roflstomping for awhile, but now it seems the TR and NC practically have formed an alliance against us, just because we are always within 4 territories of our warpgate all day long now, I'm not sure what's going on... even when we have majority population it's still a major issue.