View Full Version : I think the original planetside is much better and much more fun

2012-09-17, 05:15 AM
I appreciate all the effort and hard work put into ps2 , I just think the original planetside is much better and much more fun to play , there is no character or charm in ps2 , the bases are far to easy to capture , I don't like not having a sanctuary / home , the way in which the squads are lay out are a mess , the old system was 100 times better and much easier to navigate your squad / platoon members , when you create an outfit you can not name your own rankings in the outfit like you could in the original game , where is the empire specific AV weapons TR striker NC phenex VS lancer ? whilst playing beta i have thought , how cool it would be to lay some CE down , but you can't because there is none . Bring back the cr5 commanders , it worked well in planetside , i would also like to see special ass return as i enjoyed using it , pls tell us is there any plans so that we can display the mini map / chat box ext to our preferred lay outs .