View Full Version : Friday night ops - DIY West-01?

2012-09-17, 02:52 PM
Hi fellow PS-U lurkers,

I've been reading here and on planetside2.com forums about rants/ideas/randomnities and happened on the friday night ops thread (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/fno-idea-dump.17730/page-4#post-256954).

So on I was thinking that it'd be great if people at planetside-universe could pull out an event, I'm looking forward having people on west-01 from each faction gathering some forces and setting up a match plan.

Here's a few ideas of how we could make it:
War of the convoy- Have a convoy of people from each faction attack the same hex on a given time

VIP escorts- Name a player to be the "VIP", he needs to stay alive for as long as possible and travel from point A to point B

Mass dogfight- Get your solo planes out and have all three factions to meet on a given time.

Tell me what you think!

2012-09-17, 03:52 PM
I think those are all great ideas, but unless it's an outfit feature, most future events should probably be done on a server with a lower population. The enxt Death Race will be on a different server (not due to pops) just to spread it around.

2012-09-17, 05:51 PM
The way I see it, the more randoms you can involve the better it gets!

You get a bunch of people assemble at the warp gate, there will definitely be bypassers that will get tempted to follow the movement, making the battle even better!

2012-09-17, 06:51 PM
I think the dog fight has the most chance of success, since even a random with no idea about could participate and the target rich environment would discourage team killing and general sabotage. The other 2 ,especially the second, would require alot more organization and preparation

2012-09-18, 10:00 AM
Even though these were just examples, really we could do anything if people joins.
I think indeed having a mass airfight would be interesting.