View Full Version : Incredibly annoying OUTFIT advertising

2012-10-17, 04:56 AM
Hey folks, Ive been having a great time in PS2, when I get in with a good group. I usually rock engi to get those tanks or Sundies repaired. And as you guys can guess, I get run over WAY more than my fair share as I try to get these guys fixed.

SO, it is INCREDIBLY annoying to be trying to tell a tank thats looking for a repair in the Haystack that is the ZERG and Im trying to tell them to stop, but cant be heard over CONSTANT mindless PLATOON all chat from a would be outfit leader.

We get it, you want members and to be honest I was having fun, but man you just drove me and several others away with your, not only ill timed, but corny advertisment for your crappy outfit. All the while driving an Engi (Me) and a Medic (my bud) away from your much in need platoon.

So please Outfit leaders stop ALL CHATTING into squads that are trying to do the thing you just asked us to do. Its FUCKING IRRITATING.

Oh and dont preface your orders with "BTW I was a real PS1 Player" no one gives 2 shits. Especially if you are annoying as an itchie asshole.

Rant complete, TY!!!

2012-10-17, 06:30 AM

2012-10-17, 07:16 AM
Theres a simple answer to this......leave the platoon and find another. see how simple is that.

2012-10-17, 07:28 AM
I find the announcements hilarious, as do most of the others I think. And the message always includes how we like to have fun, so yeah, find some other platoon.

The tank column was literally doing nothing at that point, so it's not like we were under fire or anything. Why so serious?

2012-10-17, 02:27 PM
:mad:Hey folks, Ive been having a great time in PS2, when I get in with a good group. I usually rock engi to get those tanks or Sundies repaired. And as you guys can guess, I get run over WAY more than my fair share as I try to get these guys fixed.

SO, it is INCREDIBLY annoying to be trying to tell a tank thats looking for a repair in the Haystack that is the ZERG and Im trying to tell them to stop, but cant be heard over CONSTANT mindless PLATOON all chat from a would be outfit leader.

We get it, you want members and to be honest I was having fun, but man you just drove me and several others away with your, not only ill timed, but corny advertisment for your crappy outfit. All the while driving an Engi (Me) and a Medic (my bud) away from your much in need platoon.

So please Outfit leaders stop ALL CHATTING into squads that are trying to do the thing you just asked us to do. Its FUCKING IRRITATING. :mad:

Oh and dont preface your orders with "BTW I was a real PS1 Player" no one gives 2 shits. Especially if you are annoying as an itchie asshole.:cry::cry::cry:

Rant complete, TY!!!

No thanx.

You could quit the squad or platoon and join another. Or even start an outfit of your own. I see no need for you to be so incredibly rude. And when you quote someone have enough respect to be accurate in your quote. What I did say and what I usually say was "This message approved by an actual Planetside2 veteran, would you like to know more?" It is supposed to be fun. You don't like it? Move along pal.

2012-10-17, 02:48 PM
Oh man, we have PS2 vets already?

2012-10-17, 03:04 PM
Oh man, we have PS2 vets already?

lol I guess so:lol::rofl::D:rofl:

NC Waffle
2012-10-17, 03:13 PM
While I agree that it is annoying just leave the platoon and find another dont need to be rude about your disliking it just keep it and objective dislike and dont lose your temper with them.

2012-10-17, 03:23 PM
I've noticed a lot of rage in game, people seem to forget about the mute option and go for the 'shoot your teammate in the face' approach. It's a game so let's be super serious.

As for the OP, if you don't like the way the platoon is working quit and a find another one, or lead your own.

2012-10-17, 03:58 PM
I watched two people in my squad get shot in the back last night, because they (as in the people in my squad, not the platoon leaders) wouldn't shut the fuck up and listen to the call I was trying to make about that enemy. Nooo, instead they were yelling over top of everyone "CLEAR COMS! CLEAR COMS!", because before that they were babbling on about stupid shit no one cares about.

It happens in any outfit man and, indeed, it's annoying as fuck, but oh well... people are people.

2012-10-17, 05:27 PM
We did end up leaving. (well he kicked me out for asking him to advertise AFTER the battle) But I was TRYING to give them the benefit of the doubt that they were running a decent platoon.

But yes, some are incredibly clueless about what is happening in the squads they are trying to run, and think the only comms should be the ones coming out of their mouths.

I didn't reference the outfit for two reasons,

1. I couldn't remember their shitty outfit name because I wasnt trying to join it

2. I didn't think calling them out because I would have had to give a big enough shit about them to go back and look it up.

I find it bittersweet that the answer from some of you is, "Well find a new outfit" instead of just realising that what they were doing was full of douchieness. Im all for following orders and being a team player. I mean hell, I roll engi for a reason. Just don't make it a pain to have to listen to you clog up comms with worthless shit we cant hear anyway due to the combat, squad comms, and general DIN that the game provides.

2012-10-17, 07:28 PM
You really are just a bitter asshole aren't you? The announcements were being made after the fight had calmed down, so you argument is invalid. And you weren't kicked out because of your polite requests. You were kicked out because you were being rude and obnoxious instead of quietly leaving like you should have. Funny how righteous your acting when the last thing you said in chat to the platoon leader was that he was a fucking retard. It is a game and it is an MMO. Find another group for god sake and quit being a shithead.

And after you were kicked everyone else in the squad commented on what a prick you were and how much they were enjoying being in a platoon that was having fun. Good riddance douschbag.

2012-10-17, 08:46 PM
Thought this thread was going to be about that dumbass jetbastards spammer that hits up every goddamned pcgamer planetside2 article.

Also im suprised all the JOIN MAH SHITTY OUTFITT!!!!111 WERE COOL DUDES N HAF FUN!!!1 spam is tolerated so much in this thread. Its annoying, if you dont think it is, its only because you use it to recruit for your own shitty outfit.

2012-10-17, 08:57 PM
Whoa, lets calm down in here.

I have to agree with everybody else though. If you don't like how somebody is running a platoon especially if its a outfit platoon that's letting in pickups for recruitment then just leave.

2012-10-18, 04:01 AM
Wasnt vx9 by any chance?
They could talk the leg off a chair.
(good grp to platoon with if you can put up with the constant voice chat)

2012-10-18, 04:31 AM
You really are just a bitter asshole aren't you? The announcements were being made after the fight had calmed down, so you argument is invalid. And you weren't kicked out because of your polite requests. You were kicked out because you were being rude and obnoxious instead of quietly leaving like you should have. Funny how righteous your acting when the last thing you said in chat to the platoon leader was that he was a fucking retard. It is a game and it is an MMO. Find another group for god sake and quit being a shithead.

And after you were kicked everyone else in the squad commented on what a prick you were and how much they were enjoying being in a platoon that was having fun. Good riddance douschbag.

Come on man, Can you please provide me with your god aweful infomercial voice so I can play it every fucking 30 seconds, Ah wait You dont have to do that Ill just join your platoon. LOl, Dont know what crack your smokin but you were full bore advertising the ENTIRE time. but man you probly do that infomercial voice so often it just comes out without you knowing it. It was only when the action died down a little that I could finally type and ask you to tone it down.
But hey facts don't seem to faze that infomercial you got join. lol

2012-10-18, 04:32 AM
Wasnt vx9 by any chance?
They could talk the leg off a chair.
(good grp to platoon with if you can put up with the constant voice chat)

Yes it was Vx9. Funny how you had the exact same take away as I did. that is having a good time until apperently his outfit chat got stuck open on late night informercials.

2012-10-19, 03:30 AM
We were recruiting. Obviously we weren't recruiting people like you. We were recruiting people with a sense of humor. People with enough common sense to take care of themselves. People who are tech savvy and can figure out how to either leave squad or mute the people in it you don't want to hear. People who are real people and not bait dragging behind boats. Please stay away from our... How did you put it? Shitty little outfit? Nice. Where did you learn that? Pure genius obviously. Go to hell. End transmission

2012-10-19, 04:13 AM
Good outfits don't show their desperation by interrupting gameplay to beg for members.

2012-10-19, 01:49 PM
Good outfits don't show their desperation by interrupting gameplay to beg for members.party:

2012-10-19, 03:33 PM
Good outfits don't show their desperation by interrupting gameplay to beg for members.


2012-10-19, 06:02 PM
You really are just a bitter asshole aren't you? The announcements were being made after the fight had calmed down, so you argument is invalid. And you weren't kicked out because of your polite requests. You were kicked out because you were being rude and obnoxious instead of quietly leaving like you should have. Funny how righteous your acting when the last thing you said in chat to the platoon leader was that he was a fucking retard. It is a game and it is an MMO. Find another group for god sake and quit being a shithead.

And after you were kicked everyone else in the squad commented on what a prick you were and how much they were enjoying being in a platoon that was having fun. Good riddance douschbag.

Was this message approved by a ps2 vet? I don't see it anywhere, so I don't believe it!

We were recruiting. People who are tech savvy and can figure out how to either leave squad or mute the people in it you don't want to hear.

So you are looking for members who mute you? This just keeps getting better. /popcorn

2012-10-19, 08:45 PM
Idiots. Bye.

2012-10-19, 09:00 PM
Join the devildogs!!!

2012-10-20, 07:56 AM
Good outfits don't show their desperation by interrupting gameplay to beg for members.

There is a difference between begging and asking.

In response to the OP as an outfit leader I know the hardships of working from the ground up with no members and understand how necessary it is to recruit in this way, especially (to reaffirm the point) a green outfit. Often times it ends up in private tells, but why would people join you if they do not even know who you are?

Planetside was designed for outfits and objective play. Outfits WILL be recruiting. It is apart of the game.

If it really bothers you there is plenty of features in game to mute or ignore players. But please do not put other outfits down until you really understand why officers may broadcast who they are and what they are looking for.

2012-10-20, 10:19 AM
Join an outfit with a structured TeamSpeak/Vent/Mumble server.



Sent from Auraxis using Tapatalk

2012-10-21, 10:05 PM
My personal view is that an outfit should not need to advertise once it has at least a small membership base. A good outfit has people asking in platoon who they are and how to join. Then, and only then, do you try and recruit and do it over text. (I have all voice disabled in games anyways, so I don't know whats going on there)

and I'd say that anyone in from Techtest would be a vet... or the closest equivalent due to the youth of the game.

2012-10-21, 11:30 PM
people are using voice to spam outfit invites? glad i turned that off about 3 seconds after getting ingame then.

Fear The Amish
2012-10-22, 12:18 PM
this looks like a good spot..... JOIN MAH OUTFIT! i talk in an infomercial voice when i am not yelling at people.