View Full Version : Not Enough Certification Points

2012-10-20, 11:16 AM
First of all, loving the game so far, having an immense amount of fun, however I'm still using the default weapons for each class. Here's the reason: Before the patch throwing out auraxium, I had nearly saved up enough to buy the Jackhammer, but then I lost it all. I thought, okay, that's fine, I'll just save cert points until I have enough. I had about fifty at that time. Then, when I checked the cost of the Jackhammer, and the other weapons also, I realized it cost 480 points!

I have limited time to spend on playing Planetside 2, maybe an hour or two a day. Maybe that's the reason, or maybe I'm just bad at the game, but I'm earning maybe five to ten points every time I play. So the reason that I'm still using the default weapons, side grades, and certifications is that I do not want to be set back by 20 or 30 points from my current goal.

I feel as if point gain should be higher, or the weapon costs lower. Feel free to point out what I'm doing wrong.

J Baley
2012-10-20, 11:24 AM
I'm in the same boat. But playing/crashing/back to WG multiple times for an hour last night, got me 11 certs. They also have passive cert gain on as well, if you log in every 24 hours you will see some from that. It's better than it was so I won't complain. I bought Alpha Pack too so I'll just buy the freaking gun I want at launch and go from there.

Emperor Newt
2012-10-20, 01:18 PM
I'm kinda in the same boat. Currently the best tipp I can give anyone is getting the AMS cert first and then follow the zerg. At least it's way superior to trying to get XP with capture and kills if you are not playing in an organized squad/outfit which sometimes can be hard to find.
That method gives you plenty of XP and for "non-outfit" players is the way to go, as long as offline cert gain is, well, barely noticible if it's currently in. At least I am not really noticing it.

2012-10-20, 01:57 PM
The game is going to be tough to acquire stuff for free, they need to make money selling boosters and weapons, if certs flowed in, there would be no reason to spend any money.

Emperor Newt
2012-10-20, 03:12 PM
The same "argument" is made every single time someone suggests an increased/changed rate for the ingame ressource in a F2P title.

The ress flow is also a part of the game and should be discussed and adjusted if needed. Especially if you make stuff to hard to obtain for the regular ("casual") player you will scare them off, not make them pay. LoL isn't the most succesfull F2P game out there because the stuff is hard to obtain. Actually it really isn't. And that in a game where you are required to play a few selected heroes and master them. So "being tough to acquire" can't be the solution for a sustainable F2P game. It might work, but I doubt it would be beneficial to the playerbase and the long term success.
The progression system is primarily there to get people hooked to the game. Once they are, boosters and cosmetic items are there to get them spending money.

Not saying that PS2 ress gain is not enough, but it currently does not seem to be working optimal in every situation as there is no real baseline on how much xp/certs you get per hour of gameplay. Which is a sideeffect of the open world gamedesign, which does not have fixed match durations after which the player can be rewared.

2012-10-20, 03:26 PM
PS2 is already very casual friendly, Essentially every class and every vehicle in it's basic form is available to all on day one.

Training certs is something they seem to want to go on for years. Not a couple of weeks of casual play.

2012-10-20, 10:58 PM
I feel as if point gain should be higher, or the weapon costs lower. Feel free to point out what I'm doing wrong.

Yeah those costs are pretty high, and I dont think they will change much, because they want people to constantly want something, or pay to get it faster. Everyone already knows that so, perhaps follow the zerg push, rather than the zerg stalemate. Every cap seems to be 2 points, and they add up fast, not to mention whatever else infuses points along the way.

Im not a great infantryman yet, but I got my daughter about 35 points in a coupla hours at the crown, playing as various kits. So, thats a jackhammer in 2 weeks or so, of not-so-much / not-so-good playing a stalemate scenario. Sounds about right to me. I think those numbers just look big.

2012-10-20, 11:22 PM
I average about 40 to 50 certs a hour. I am not seeing any issue with the rate we are collecting them at the moment. I expect it to take time to unlock stuff which I am fine with.

2012-10-22, 08:35 AM
If the costs stay roughly where they are i think every new character should start with ~300 cert points to spend as they wish.

This would be roughly in line with PS1

2012-10-22, 09:07 AM
People are also forgetting there will be cert bonuses for acquiring medals with various weapons and acquiring levels(unsure of the values. Hopefully it's more than 5). And those initial bronze medals aren't that hard to acquire. Heck, 3 patches ago i even had Pistol silver due to the fact it was better than the LMG at that point.

I am in agreement that new characters hsould start with some certs. They did mention putting in a short training tutorial, so hopefully we get certs for that. 300 Seems high though. I'd like 300, but I could see closer to 120. That specifically because alot of the weapons mods are a factor of 12.

2012-10-22, 09:22 AM
But in Planetside 1, you also started with the Supressor rifle, which even if you put it in your mouth and pulled the trigger wouldn't have killed you, only stung a bit.

In Planetside 2, you have a repair tool, healing tool, rocket launcher or MAX suit, depending on you class.

Experience for using stuff for the first time is not as necessary as in Planetside 1, because in PS2, you character has the basic skills to perform a number of different roles, while in PS 1, without the first free Battleranks, you character couldn't do anything.

What really is necessary is some kind of VR training like in PS1 or at least ability to test new weapons for half an hour or so.

That way, you will be able to experience what the weapon you are planning to buy feels like - which would have prevented me from buying the non-usable Lasher^^

But VR training would be even better, due to the ability to test the weapons on virtual targets, to determine range and damage etc...

2012-10-22, 01:24 PM
PS2 is already very casual friendly, Essentially every class and every vehicle in it's basic form is available to all on day one.

Training certs is something they seem to want to go on for years. Not a couple of weeks of casual play.

Which is pathetic.

This game has no respect for life itself, its that absurd. I can't even pay a fair amount to get stuff. I'd just end up paying 180$ a year for a small bonus amount that still has me playing hundreds of hours to get more stuff.

This shit should be illegal.