View Full Version : Orion vs EMI hip fire

2012-11-05, 08:04 PM
I started playing VS a lot recently, and man the gun differences between the NC and VS are like night and day when it comes to barrel control, jerkiness and overall movement while firing.

For example, hip firing a bone stock Orion is way easier than hip firing an EMI with a laser sight. Things just melt away and it's way easier to stay on target. Hip firing a GD-22, forget about it. That thing is all over the place.

2012-11-05, 09:31 PM
Ive seen a coupla messages from you about VS vs NC weapons, and I am getting the feeling you REALLY want Vanu to get a MASSIVE BUFF...


2012-11-05, 09:37 PM
Just stating my observations. I have no faction loyalty at all; I'm sure I'll play them all.

When I first got into beta, I blitzed 11 brs on one empire, without trying others. Just getting around to trying other empires now and it's surprising to me.

2012-11-05, 09:44 PM
Just stating my observations. I have no faction loyalty at all; I'm sure I'll play them all.

When I first got into beta, I blitzed 11 brs on one empire, without trying others. Just getting around to trying other empires now and it's surprising to me.

The strange thing is, when me and my daughter were checking out NC / TR weapons recently, we thought the orion kicked around a lot more than the others. Go figure.

We do, however, have significant faction loyalty to purple, just not at the expense of balance. Any victory would be phyrric to me, if we were "expected" to win. Lack of balance, and hack/cheating is too high a price, Id rather lose.

Still, the game does seem outa whack, though I think it is because my playstyle favors NC, but I will not switch.

PS I just noticed you said hip-fire only, and we were testing ADS, since we are mid-range fire-suppression types. I think the Orion is pretty good at hip-fire.

2012-11-05, 10:03 PM
Im not sure why it is but the Vanu carbine is really easy to use from the hip compared to the NC carbine.

Its could just be a graphic thing with the projectiles Im not sure but i tried Vanu today and was surprised.

2012-11-06, 02:39 PM
It's nice simply because you don't even need a laser dot and can use it for something else, while the EMI, even with the laser dot, is inferior IMO, at hip-firing.

2012-11-06, 03:46 PM
To avoid getting into the details on faction weapons and their diffrences is why I had made the decision from the start of beta to just play NC and not try the other factions on purpose opting to spend time learning and mastering the NC arsenal instead of thinking about what I like or don't like about all the faction weapons. (<---Nice run-on sentence, the internet was built for it)