View Full Version : Bio Lab Cap mechanic idea.. HMMMM!?

2012-11-13, 04:51 AM
Ok, So I love the new tug of war, makes it awesome, very much so.

I was thinking of a Capture Mechanic change to bio labs, somewhat incorporates and LLU or similar, and heavily relies on team play.

Here is a rough sketch of what came to mind.

Move the spawn gen, elsewhere in the base. And in the central hub of the base put a machine that spawns LLU's (Multiples, for incremental gains, Ill explaim)

What this does, is when you assault a base, and and engineer hacks this, it begins spawning LLU's or bio orbs, or... Dragon balls, whatever. 1 every 30 seconds, or couple minutes, whatever.

Now, what yuo have to do to start capping the base, is a player has to grab this, and run it to one of the satillite bases, for an uplink to the warpgate, so the NC warpgate can start switching the base over.

Player cannot use a weapon other than melee,
Player cannot get into vehicles,
Player cannot use teleporter.

If player dies the LLU dissolves/explodes.

How to get the base back, do it in reverse. If NC are attacking and have capped 3 LLU's the TR must cap 3 LLU's to go back to full tr control, or defended if 4, tr must return 4. up until the limit and NC caps, but for every LLU the TR replace, the NC have to recap, so if TR cap one back, then NC points goes down by 1 as well.

I envisioned it with 10 LLU's or caps, This implements a ton of team work because the player is basically defenseless, they have to run to the pad, take the elevator down, and run it to the satillite. then hack it into the system (just with e.) then its 1 cap point. the capper gets points per cap.

With the reversal for defence it makes the bases easy to defend, and protect, but also by nuking the spawn generator you get extra obstacles. this more and more pushed the need to take out other base mechanics to succeed.

I think this idea, even if revamped a tad bit would be a TON of fun. Plus, Its a new cap mechanic other than cap n hold Which i think the players will over joy for.

I think this Also pushes the idea of communication and outfit play. Outfits will get strategies and ideas and use it as a form of competition..

I sent this into higby at his gmail. and i hope some of the other devs like this. i think it could be awesome.. I am just getting so bored with cap and hold. and I dont want the new players coming on release to do the same, ya know?


Also, Max with Riot Shield cert, takes place of a weapon for a shield... cant use it while shooting, but can be used to help push assaults. :P

Check out my stream too! :)


2012-11-13, 05:13 AM
nice variation of the old llu system!

i like the idea and would love a testrun. too bad the beta is almost over :-(

any diversity to capture mechanics is a good idea! but a new player experience thing has to be in first, or noobs will be totally lost if every base has another method of being captured ;-)

2012-11-13, 05:55 AM
As much as variety in base capping is welcomed, these mechanics need to be simple (easy to understand/learn, hard to master), make sense (some connection to the sci-fi setting, not too gamy) and fun imo.
I'm not sure how your idea stacks up to these criteria (what the heck is LLU) but frankly, it sounds at least a bit too complicated to me.

2012-11-13, 06:11 AM
As much as variety in base capping is welcomed, these mechanics need to be simple (easy to understand/learn, hard to master), make sense (some connection to the sci-fi setting, not too gamy) and fun imo.
I'm not sure how your idea stacks up to these criteria (what the heck is LLU) but frankly, it sounds at least a bit too complicated to me.

All it is is Capture the flag. You hack the LLU gen, get an LLU take it to one of the satillite bases. theres 1 of 10 points needed. :P

LLU is from PS1.

2012-11-13, 06:28 AM
Speaking of Bio Labs...

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb180/HanSime/Forum%20Pics/PlanetSide%20Beta%20images/BioDome_CatwalkSystem.jpg (http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4884/biodomecatwalksystem.jpg)

*click for bigger image*

2012-11-13, 06:13 PM
I really really like your idea Figment. I'm tired of constantly seeing armored tank coluumns rule this game- though when people say this game has no meta, I don't know what they're talking about- the meta is spam MBT and Skyguard and win.

2012-11-13, 06:49 PM
Thanks Serpent, this is the e-mail response I got from Ol' Higgles though:

We spent some time looking into doing something similar. It’s tough to tell with the scale of that thing, but it’d take about 3 minutes to walk up those cat walks from the bottom and would have added something like 3x the poly count to put all the stairs in. It’s a good idea, but it wasn’t something we were able to get working acceptably.

I hope it'll be revisited, even in trimmed down format. On the PS2 forums we're trying to come up with a way that costs less poly count and is still acceptable. For one, instead of stairs we'd use ramps, two, maybe we can scrap a few and use jump pads and elevators instead in some places.

2012-11-13, 06:55 PM
Removing the G-AMS really hurt them on the Biolab they developed.

2012-11-15, 07:04 AM
Yeah it did, they need to rework the bio lab, i think a mix of these 2 ideas would od it wonders. ;)

2012-12-12, 12:09 PM
Just came back and looked at this today... I wish it would really come into play... Cap and hold is putting me to sleep.