View Full Version : To the Devlopers.

2012-11-16, 12:59 PM
I may have been very vocal in the past. I may not agree with many of the directions you have taken and the decisions you have made. But I want to take this moment before launch.

You should be very proud of what you have created, this game, taken alone is a marvel of Technology, passion and skill in many disciplines. So, no matter what I may say, know that what you have created is truly admirable. You should be extremely proud of what you have created. My ( DLC ) hat is off to you, and the team.

I wish you a smooth launch, and a profitable coming years.

MrBloodworth. Terrain Republic. Vet. Possible curmudgeon.

"Loyalty till death" my friends.

2012-11-16, 02:26 PM
Well said Sir.

Despite some irritations, PS2 is an awesome achievement, and deserves to succeed.

2012-11-16, 02:37 PM
I appreciated the devs before it was cool :cool2:

2012-11-16, 02:46 PM
Yeah they sure work a lot on it ! Which is something i respect.
Of Course i will play Planetside2, i Love it but "we" fear that they Mess the Game up.

One example you have to own a Techplant for a Tank Spawn.

WHY ?? WHY ??? XD hehe
Make Tanks Avalible on bigger Bases and not on smaller outposts, for Example.

Who wants to spawn a Tank at the Warpgate drive ot the Next Base which is 10 Minutes Away and gett killed by Liberators,...well,...

2012-11-16, 02:49 PM
I echo your words.
Planetside scratched an itch I didn't even know I had. Nothing else in 8 years has done the same. I only hope this game gets it's hooks into other people the same way the original did to me.
This can be a game changer for the PC. I hope it gets the critical mass of soldiers, tank drivers and pilots to succeed.
Because I'm in for the long haul.
SOE, thank you for our new playground.

2012-11-16, 03:53 PM
Nobody should feel proud of a F2P ****.

Anyone that agrees with the principle needs to die in the burning fire of hell. Fucking idiots think 7$ weapons is a good price and you go and tell them to be proud.

No. This is a fucking joke at best. They don't deserve profit, they deserve to fucking respect their customers. What a joke.

2012-11-16, 04:15 PM
Nobody should feel proud of a F2P ****.

Anyone that agrees with the principle needs to die in the burning fire of hell. Fucking idiots think 7$ weapons is a good price and you go and tell them to be proud.

No. This is a fucking joke at best. They don't deserve profit, they deserve to fucking respect their customers. What a joke.

How often will you be buying said 7 dollar weapons? Not very often. They need to make money and that's how they do it. Don't like it? Don't buy the things.

SOE, you guys are pretty cool

2012-11-16, 04:17 PM
^ SFJake's post doesn't even deserve a response. Just ignore him. The density in that post is astounding.

2012-11-16, 06:18 PM

2012-11-16, 06:39 PM
Definitely! The creation of a sequel to this type of genre is outstanding by itself. The sheer amount development this far is commendable and worthy of applause.

The game may not be AAA yet, but the dev's communication has been. I look forward to continued co-development with the devs post launch.

The developers won't abandon us. We'll pull this game through.

2012-11-16, 06:41 PM
other than their blatant refusal to give even the most simple of options to help colorblind people

ya its pretty awesome

2012-11-17, 12:46 AM
/ Signed

This game has brought me back to where I want to be - at home on Auraxis :D.

Looking forward to the coming months and having a great time.

Thanks to the devs as well as all the players, see y'all in game :thumbsup:

2012-11-17, 02:18 AM
SFJake's post doesn't deserve a response indeed, but incase there is anyone else as dense reading this thread, I want to make it clear that PS2 going F2P is a great idea.

Putting something this big on the line, after all of the money, time and love put into this project is in no way SOE simply winging it.

Going F2P for such a huge launch of a great game is a very noble thing to do! It lets ANYONE with a decent enough PC play it and enjoy it for what it is. Having to pay 7$ for a weapon might seem a bit much, but the way I see it...

If you compare paying 60+ dollars for the game and then 15$/month to keep playing it... compared to you DECIDING to buy something in the game you enjoy for FREE to support the devs and the title as a whole is a much more noble approach. If every other player were to buy one 7$ weapon and a 3$ Camo upgrade/month, making the average price paid per player 5$ per month... it would still bring them MORE income than PS1 ever did.

How???? do you ask?
The answer is simple. If you offer your game for free, rather than the 60/15xmonth, you open up the market to ANYONE who likes games, as opposed to anyone who has money to spend and wants to pick a game to buy but they don't know what... so they get the latest battlefield or CoD game...

or you see FREE on Steam, PLANETSIDE 2 MMOFPS!!!!
Station cash.
Profit AND happy customers.

I'm sure there were less than 100,000 people who ever played planetside 1. It lasted almost a decade before this epic sequel.

With an average of 3 million active steam users, and a max nearing 5 million... with 3 out of the top 5 most played games being FPS titles that cost MONEY to buy... I would say PS2 has a pretty solid demographic set up already.

I already know so many of my friends who play FPS games have somehow heard about PS2 before I even told them about it! And most had never heard of or tried PS1. SOE is doing something very right, and I've been in this since 2003, I'm not about to stop watching now!! :D

Can't wait for Tuesday!

To all you devs, KEEP IT UP!! =] You have made a masterpiece that blows other FPS's away for game play AND for sheer SIZE of maps and numbers, PLUS other free to play titles have NOTHING on the scale of work that went into this game! I know you are already proud, but I'm proud for you too :D



2012-11-17, 10:20 AM
They took my favorite class, Cloaker, and turned it into my most hated class, Sniper.

Yet I will be there on launch day with my 20,000 of sc and Alpha camo.

Of course I will be hoping that at some point they will realize their error, as they did with the AMS/Sunderer and give me my cloaker back.


2012-11-17, 10:25 AM
other than their blatant refusal to give even the most simple of options to help colorblind people

With you on that one
I'll be shooting squad mates on launch :(

2012-11-17, 10:27 AM
With you on that one
I'll be shooting squad mates on launch :(

Being not-colour blind was never an impediment to me in this regard :p

2012-11-17, 10:29 AM
When all is said and done I am most certainly impressed that they managed to create a game that supports so many players duking it out in the same area... Without too many serious issues.

2012-11-17, 10:43 AM
Good luck with the launch dev's, and thanks for throwing the $'s at the project in general $oE. While it's not the exact Planetside lots of us expected it's still an MMOPFS (needs more RTS still) and we haven't seen one of those 'round there 'ere parts for nine years.

Stability, stability, stability. It's all you guys need to provide for the first week, folks will put up with bugs and downtime to fix 'em, but if it's crash-central....eep.

2012-11-17, 08:29 PM

2012-11-17, 09:36 PM
It will be a solid, good game at launch that will grow into a great game over time.

2012-11-17, 10:10 PM
Im sorry for saying I hated Higby because I dont like base designs or his attention to certain issues. Im sorry for saying that the entire team should be fired because Arclegger wont listen. Im sorry for being a grump this last week.

Thank you SOE for the hard work. The game is in great shape. I look forward to playing it for many years to come, and to see it's continued development.

I will try my best to troll Arclegger in a more constructive manner.

I may say mean things, but I always mean :love:

2012-11-18, 11:01 AM
"Marvel of technology"...can't tell if sarcastic.

Probably not sarcastic. Definitely a marvel, purely from the sheer scale.

Quite impressive IMO.

Great job devs: personally this is the first game since WoW/PS1 that I'm truly blown away by.

2012-11-20, 08:46 AM
Nobody should feel proud of a F2P ****.

Anyone that agrees with the principle needs to die in the burning fire of hell. Fucking idiots think 7$ weapons is a good price and you go and tell them to be proud.

No. This is a fucking joke at best. They don't deserve profit, they deserve to fucking respect their customers. What a joke.

Hay, Frances. Suck an ACE.