View Full Version : Medic Cert: Triage????

2012-11-16, 03:09 PM

Am I reading it wrong? I don't see the point in this cert. You heal people who are in a vehicle with you? Only people on a Flash can be hurt while on a vehicle. Now if I heal myself while on a Flash I'd like that. It doesn't read like that.

Ok, the only other use I can think of is Sundy or Galaxy. Would people even know that there is a triage medic inside so they can get in for a heal?

Always curious about odd looking certs, but not gonna spend points on it to find out what it actually does or doesn't do.

Can anyone confirm how this actually works?

2012-11-16, 03:19 PM
Well, you listed almost all of the vehicles in the game. ;)

And I think you get it according to what you typed. And I don't think the idea is to advertise to the entire empire you have a vehicle to hop into to heal yourself. But, having said that, I don't see why you couldn't give the driver of vehicles an option to do that. I see it more as a team-based cert since the larger passenger vehicles typically are used by squads for transporting.

Anyways, yeah, it does basically what it says. Passively heals people that are in the same vehicle with the medic who has the ability.

2012-11-16, 04:53 PM
It got removed with the latest patch... it had no real value in a PS2 world where you gain passive HPregen if you have a BioLab. Even before that it was quite... useless. If I want to heal people I'm way faster if I use my Healing Tool or the Medics Ability.

2012-11-16, 04:55 PM
^ Incorrect. Symbiotic Healing is no longer available.

2012-11-16, 04:56 PM
^ Incorrect. Symbiotic Healing is no longer available.

Huh? Wasnt Triage removed too?Oo Well if its still in... its still useless :D

2012-11-16, 06:09 PM
^ I kinda agree with you there. ;) You are right, the auto-heal does negate it. However, note that in the latest patch they did this as well "Players will no longer regenerate health in enemy bases."

2012-11-16, 06:32 PM
^ I kinda agree with you there. ;) You are right, the auto-heal does negate it. However, note that in the latest patch they did this as well "Players will no longer regenerate health in enemy bases."

So instead of crying for a Medic you want to run to the Sundi thats inside the base and sit there until you are healed?^^

2012-11-16, 06:35 PM
IDK, you got me. Sounds like they are still trying to figure out everything. Too early for release you think? ;)

2012-11-16, 06:36 PM
I'd say what makes it seem very over priced at the very least is the Medics ability. Just one upgrade and you can heal everyone around you away from a vehicle. In the state Triage is in, it is a filler at the end of upgrading medic.

2012-11-16, 06:47 PM
Im the only one who liked Triage? We didnt have to wait for people to heal before boarding gal or sundy, and everyone was healthy when we arrived on the drop site. Its not lifesaving cert, its time saving for medics. I would like to have that way more than stupid regeneration :(

As for Symbiotic Healing im glad its out. It was stupidest cert in game. I always healed others way faster so i wasnt healed myself. If i wanted to heal myself to full, i had to shoot teammates and then heal them again. Useless stuff. (it would be fine if it wasnt only way to heal yourself (not counting ability), and was passive/modification of med gun and not armor modification).

2012-11-16, 06:59 PM
Triage certainly has a niche.... but thats it, a very small niche. Outside of Outfit/Platoon play its completely useless.

2012-11-17, 11:43 PM
Right now what it does it that it slowly heal-over-time heals anyone ELSE inside the same vehicle with you.

Basically the only usage for it right now is that it is convenient to have everyone be at full health when you move as a squad from one base after you captured it and into a new hostile area. That said, at best it only saves you a few seconds. Its a pure convenience tool that grants you some trivial amounts of automatic heal XP. I'd put 1 cert into it as a low priority cert - just for the fact that it will pay for itself in that automatic XP after a while (even if its not exactly very significant amounts).

Like symbiotic healing, this cert-line really needs some love. Either scrap it and come up with something completely different, or significantly increase its capability.

One thing I could see as possibly being useful is having triage apply a healing field around any vehicle as long as you are inside it. Pretty much exactly like a sunderer with ammo or repair modules installed (albeit probably a little shorter radius). It would also have to loudly announce that this vehicle is an "ambulance". I woould suggest using the same method as the sunderer does for ammo and repairs (a big holo-sign floating over the vehicle). This could have some nice potential usage both in organized play and in a random zerg as vehicles will often be mixed in and around frindly infantry units - and those infantry units are always looking from healing (and often there aren't enough medics around).

For more organized players it could make infantry (with engineers) advancing behind a tank or sunderer with triage using it as sturdy mobile cover quite a power-combo for organized squads as even a slow constant healing-field would prevent a lot of those deaths that happen from chip-damage from one or two lucky bullets here or there that keep adding up.

Just a random idea that might keep the cert close to the original intention while making it powerful enough to bother using... I'm sure there are other ways to fix it too but it surely needs help. As it is I'd be hard pressed to ever spend more than maybye 20-25certs for the first level, and I'd never even consider putting more points in ever...
