View Full Version : [Video] Weapon Spotlight - GD22-S NC Heavy Assault

2012-11-17, 11:05 AM
First episode of a new series "The Weapon Spotlight" I will be doing on the channel. Each episode will give you an in-depth analysis of a weapon, pros & cons, possible attachments and some gameplay footage of the weapon in action.

This episode features a NC Heavy Assault Rifle the GD-22S

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_lTCc4tHjiE?list=UU76NmHmy04BdN2LSIPBs7BQ&amp;hl=en_US" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Let know what you think.

Comments/feedback are welcome as always. Positive or not.

2012-11-17, 11:22 AM
I gotta say, its nice to have these kinds of videos in a game with such options.

2012-11-17, 11:28 AM
That's a nice video and I really liked the side by side recoil comparison. However, I think it might be nice to have a more thourough presentation of the standard issue weapon in another video. It could be used as a reference in all other videos about the faction's weapon class.
BTW do you intend to stick to NC ?

2012-11-17, 11:35 AM
Nice gun, used the heck out of it, have you tried the Gauss Saw S? I think its way better. its like a GD22S with the punch of the old Gauss Saw.

2012-11-17, 11:57 AM
It's basically like the NC version of the gun Vanu heavies get standard it seems. I really hope he is wrong about it being 5 dollars. That seems way too expensive to me per weapon.

2012-11-17, 12:11 PM
Actually, 375 cert points weapons will be $7 according to this thread :

2012-11-17, 12:22 PM
The only thing that sucks aobut making these is given the lack of balance currently each patch is going to invalidate half of these.

2012-11-17, 12:38 PM
I'm sure the devs know they have to keep weapons somewhat stable after release. Otherwise people would be reluctant to spend 7 bucks for a weapon that is likely to change so much they wont enjoy it anymore.

2012-11-17, 01:01 PM
Actually, 375 cert points weapons will be $7 according to this thread :

Scanned through it, and didn't see where it said that. Honestly that is way overpriced if its anywhere near that. Expecting people to pay the cost of a map pack in other shooters for one gun? It really will feel like Pay 2 Win where only those that don't mind wasting a lot of money will have access to the good stuff.

I doubt it is that expensive as otherwise why add so many variations of guns if most people will only ever buy one that forums say is good at that price. If it's more than 2 dollars a gun that is too much IMO. And they should have bundle packs that include several guns for a discount like get 3 guns for 5 dollars.

All I know is if it indeed that expensive at launch then I guess Alpha Squad will have been a damn steal in terms of value lol.

2012-11-17, 01:10 PM
The line with 375 as its old cert cost:
SC Cost | Old Cert Cost | New Cert Cost | Overall time investment delta
----250 --|--------- 50-------- |--------- 100--- ---- |--------- 0%
----500 --|--------- 250------ | --------- 250------- | ---------50%
----700 --|--------- 375------ | --------- 500------- | ---------33%
----700 --|--------- 550------ | --------- 750------- | ---------32%
----700 --|--------- 725------ | -------- 1000-- --- | ---------31%

2012-11-17, 01:26 PM
Guess we will see then since most stuff had no SC cost listed in beta. I just hope they don't think people are dumb, and don't do the math on how much these guns actually cost in dollars. I don't play too many F2P games so maybe crazy prices are the norm. But for me something around 10 dollars is a big piece of new content like a map pack or mini expansion. Not a gun that looks the same as others but has slightly modified stats. I wont be experimenting at that price. Just buying the big ticket items with my Alpha Squad SC then going into tight ass mode, and saving up everything for the next big addition.

2012-11-17, 05:35 PM
Nice gun, used the heck out of it, have you tried the Gauss Saw S? I think its way better. its like a GD22S with the punch of the old Gauss Saw.

I tried all the LMG's and GD was still my favourite.

I will be doing spotlights on all of them though.

2012-11-17, 06:05 PM
Nice video. Must have been fairly recently because it didn't even have a laser sight option when I was playing with it. The movement upon firing (not lift, but overall jumpiness) seems toned down as well, at least based on your video. The thing was awful.

I hated it when I first used it a lot, but it seems to perform okay now.

2012-11-17, 06:14 PM
Gd is my fav too

2012-11-17, 06:40 PM
Lol, I also hip fire lmgs. I know it's not ideal, but if I'm close, I'll be strafing as I feel like a sitting duck trying to aim down the sight ten yards from someone.

Although they have nerfed heavy strafe speed a lot recently, maybe more in response to warping and a direct affront to the net code abusers, but it was and is a legitimate defensive maneuver in tight situations, which is all I seem to do, lol.

But it still works really well, at least for me when you're running around a tower playing hide and seek and you can switch targets much faster from the hip in close quarters, at least for me.

Regardless, I regret not trying NC a lot just before the end of beta to see how things have changed over the past two weeks.

2012-11-17, 07:26 PM
Hi Iron,

Great vids. Very informative, presented at a good rythm and in an intelligible way.

You either have a good aim or mine is terrible. But I think both statements are true.