View Full Version : PS2 evil countdown of doom + last 20 mins o beta

2012-11-17, 11:49 AM
The horror, the horror!!!

So anyway according to the countdown on www.planetside2.com the game launches at 10am PST on Tuesday.

The countdown is rather evil because I just can't help myself but stare.

I stare...omg do I ever stare at it. I mentally order it to go faster!

Yes I'm crazy so anyway I felt like posting here again after being gone for so long.

I saw Hamma a few times in ps2, shot Higby0 in the face during one of those random trans-dimentional Impact crater spawn bugs...

And let me tell you about the last 20 minutes of beta on planetside 2. One hell of a story...and it's true.

I was flying a liberator (last 2 days of beta I went nuts on flying) over the crown when we start reading broadcasts from Codeforge2 taunting us, asking us if we were really going to let Barney end beta holding the crown!

So after seeing the weather go nuts again as in "The time machine" I float towards the crown tower to find it very ominously deserted...but Barney is yelling all over the place!

Coming in for a closer look (to see if I was wearing loafers) I spot someone floating in mid-air above the crown (nice bug?)...no...it was Codeforge2!

Codeforge2 was playing game god before the end of beta. What did he do? He taunted everyone to meet at the crown, having disabled our ability to see the other faction...

...You know it, next thing I know there are between 50-100 vehicles around the crown, more than I've ever seen! My gunner starts spraying all over the place in more ways than 1 as our world turns to bloody chaos...right before the liberator gets shredded to pieces!

It was glorious.

Codeforge then re activated the vehicle terminals and the biggest dogfight ever happened around the crown. Seagulls so thick you couldn't get a cheeseburger at McDonalds if Ronald came out n force fed it down your throat!

In the last 15 mins, everyone at the TR warpgate proceeded to pile Galaxies in the largest bonfire style pyramid ever seen. Light assault troopers could be seen jump jetting up the tower for kicks. Looked fun.

In the last 10 mins and up to the last second of game play, someone playing 80's hard rock in proximity voice chat initiated one hell of a smoke party. We were jumping around, shooting in the air, dropping ammo packs, grenades, more smoke, it was a blast!

The last 3 minutes were danced to '' The final countdown!''

That was an epic end to beta, no matter what anyone thinks of the game.

I am eager to start playing again, buying weapons (zepher, tank buster, walker) for a liberator, the battle rifle, and an AA surface to air shoulder fired launcher. See you on Tuesday!

Played beta as Cowboy (TR on Thebes), maybe we know each other? Name is reserved, see you then!:D

Looking for a super relaxed easy going active clan on Planetside 2? I'm squad leader and officer for LUA (Lebowski Urban Achievers)...it's a movie. We don't have any requirements other than come play with us, I make public squads and merge with other small/large clans in platoons (made lots of clan boss friends). If you don't know who to join, friend me on the first west server on Tuesday (server names are changing). Hang out with us a little bit and I can refer you to the clan you want (doesn't have to be ours we just want friends/allies)

You don't need a mic, we don't use 3rd party VOIP (we use in game voip though), and we don't have forums or interviews. LUA is about come in, chill out, join our squad, follow a way point, make friends, no structure (very little), and I insist that it remain without any hardcore organization. 2 leaders with 5-10 years in the US army, I myself a war history nut with extensive tank knowledge and some good Vietnam era dog fighting tactical ideas. Sun tzu & Full Metal Jacket is on my desktop to give you an idea.

2012-11-17, 11:57 AM
Lol nice.

I saw higby on thebe last night, floating inside the tech plant on Indar near the VS warp gate. It was VS vs TR and of course here he is floating as an NC.

Lol, everyone sort of stopped mid fight and turned their guns on him only to be disappointed that we were doing zero damage and his health bar was showing just a sliver, so lol, he was trolling us.

It was funny seeing the TR and VS stop killing each other for a brief moment and focus on Higby.

Fun night. Had a blast.

Lol, when Higby first broadcasted in Spanish I immediately went to my menu thinking I must have turned on Spanish language mode by accident. I had a few beers at that time so my actions made perfect sense to me, lol.

I searched and searched and said to myself, "WTF?" Lol. He trolled me.

2012-11-17, 12:11 PM
Well on Thebe with 15mins left codeforge broadcasted "thx for being so awesome in helping with our beta, it will come to an end in 15 minutes" "I am granting everybody full certifications and all infantry and vehicle unlocks" 60 secs later
"The script will take 20 minutes to run :)"


On a side note I got a kill with only 4 seconds left and I satisfied as the server disconnected me.

2012-11-17, 12:49 PM
You know what's going to be even worse? 10am is going to roll around and you'll have to start downloading. Then you'll be screaming at your router going, "FASTER!!!!"

2012-11-17, 01:00 PM
Yes I have a feeling Tuesday is going to be super hectic....I'm anxious to see the live build....

2012-11-17, 01:06 PM
The final minutes were a mad crazy chaotic fun time. I was having to much fun and forgot to get some video. Did anyone else get some?

2012-11-17, 01:09 PM
I missed it unfortunately....had a bit too much to drink last night. You know it's time to get off PS2 when you're closing one eye in order to land shots in CQC lol

2012-11-17, 02:18 PM
I was trying to get a screenshot of Codeforge2 in mid air but my lib ket flying around in a bad angle, was hard to strafe.

2012-11-17, 07:43 PM
I was hoping there would be 1 day of "everything is free, go nuts"
Oh well.