View Full Version : "Promises"

2012-11-17, 07:26 PM
Using the word the loosest way possible.

I thought it'd be fun to make a list of what they've at some point told us would be in the game that didn't make it (and hasn't really been discussed, such as Weather which they acknowledged would be in later).

I'll start

A website thing similar to wow armory / Battlelog.

Note: I'm not trying to bash SOE, I'm genuinely curious what was at one point supposed to be in the game but was silently scrapped (or at least silently delayed) and I don't have good memory.


2012-11-17, 07:27 PM
The "leaderboard" ?

2012-11-17, 07:27 PM
The armory type thing is coming. If you looked at the launcher when it updated it had a link to the website for it but it was under maintenance.

2012-11-17, 07:30 PM
The armory type thing is coming. If you looked at the launcher when it updated it had a link to the website for it but it was under maintenance.

Oh, cool. I hadn't heard anything about it in forever so I assumed it wasn't coming. :)


2012-11-17, 07:35 PM
Cloakers whose suits would not even be rendered to defeat gamma hacks. Been a year since they said anything about those.

Now we have suits more visible then a PS1 cloaker running through a Interlink courtyard firing a AMP pistol.

2012-11-17, 07:35 PM
Armory is coming I've seen it with my own eyes.

2012-11-17, 07:40 PM
I just hope we don't have to wait too long for "buggies"

2012-11-17, 07:42 PM
Mission system!

2012-11-17, 08:13 PM
Mission system!

Yeah that's the biggest thing i'm surprised was never implemented. Lots of potential in that feature. Adding xp for useful things that don't give xp like transporting for example. As well as just the huge potential being able to guide the movements of the zerg might have. Might need to develop an election system or something though first to decide which commanders give the big missions. But yeah was disappointed that nothing of this was ever implemented. All we have is colored smoke lol.

2012-11-17, 08:23 PM
Underslung heavy weapons?
Lancer, Phoenix & Striker?

2012-11-17, 08:25 PM
No one head shot kills on Heavy Assaults.

2012-11-17, 08:30 PM
No one head shot kills on Heavy Assaults.

Hehe I remember that. Yet to have it happen to me on HA, but I've 1shot a lot of them.

2012-11-17, 08:34 PM
The mission system not being in for launch is rather disappointing.

2012-11-17, 08:35 PM
We can only hope it'll get in soon. Even more so, we can only hope the metagame is fleshed out.

2012-11-17, 08:36 PM
More voice macros!

• Will voice macros return? Yes, there will be more voice macros than in Planetside; some activatable, some automatic.

2012-11-17, 08:40 PM
Mission system -- really thought this was cool and wanted to make a semi satirical and sarcastic bug post on the beta forums with something to the effect of "the mission system isn't working, missions are not being generated and macro-level organization is not occurring as intended".

I decided not to due to the fact that they were busy with other stuff. But I still really want to see it happen in the future.

I'd still really like to see that ingame at some point.

2012-11-17, 09:02 PM
This isn't really something they promised, but something they had that I've seen in earlier alpha videos. Squad XP. Whenever a squadmate got a kill, or did something similar, near you, you got 25 XP. That would help a lot with random squads not sticking together.

2012-11-17, 09:04 PM
Kind of a negative thread...

2012-11-17, 09:12 PM
Maybe I just didn't look hard enough, but I didn't see any of the pink bunnies that TRay promised back at the last ever "SOE Fan Faire" (2011). Tragedy!

2012-11-17, 09:36 PM
Some smaller things that wasnt mentioned yet.

Outfit certifications (nowhere to seen)
Certs are only sidegrades (many are just upgrades, especially fist one as you dont have equiped anying by default)
AV not oneshoting infantry (I miss ps1 wher eusing aV on grunts was points. too much rocket spam in ps2)
Playable on old computers (we all know how it is)
Name reservation for PS1 vets (why give something to vets, when they can pay us for it and then not get the name they used in ps1 because they were a little slower)

But i still think theyll fulfill they most of those promises in the future. They just rushed it an didnt have time or them.

2012-11-17, 09:48 PM
Different base layout for the same type of base.ie This Amp station is a different then that Amp station

2012-11-17, 11:33 PM
We do have plans for Navy warfare in Planetside........

That was a quote from an SOE PR guy talking about future developments with the original Planetside. We can all see on how they keep their promises.

2012-11-17, 11:55 PM
"Game will be playable on 5 year old hardware" (lol based on real experience, eh?)
"Galaxy spawn will be certable" (happened during beta, but I predicted it would mysteriously disappear)
"We will consider a cert to allow the driver to give up the main gun" (well, I guess they could say they considered it. But I'm disappointed we didn't get this feature)
Mission System

There's also lots of little things that were never promised, but which anyone who played PS1 might have expected. Not the big things like E/E animations, because we debated those to death, but smaller things like the map UI being so clunky compared to PS1.

Good thread! Brings back memories of all the debates we had!

2012-11-18, 01:14 AM
Mission system.
ESFs with noticeable differences between empires. They scrapped this idea in tech test and almost completely equalized fighters.
Galaxy gunship.
Store with a lot of customization options, but low prices. Currently it has neither.
Certifications related to UI, i.e. minimap zoom or more than one radar for aircrafts.

2012-11-18, 01:28 AM
Companion apps for tablets and smartphones and controllable attack drones from your ipad/android. I didn't expect this by launch but I hope it's still on the table.


Also are Orbital Strikes history now?

2012-11-18, 04:23 AM
The only "promise" that I am dissapointed won't be making it into the release version is the mission system. We're going to be seeing a lot of new guys/gals just running around not knowing what they are supposed to be doing and once zerg train moves out, well...

I don't actually think there are that many "promises" that have seemingly been scrapped.
It might be able to run decently enough on 5 yeard old hardware, if it's OCed enough. You don't need a quad core so the only bottleneck I can see in this respect would be the GPU.

The galaxy gunship never seems to have made it in. Then again I'm also thinking, what would be the point of libs then? I think they have to define the lib's role better before adding in something with bigger guns and more of them.

Also are Orbital Strikes history now?

They are coming. Just not in the form PS1.

2012-11-18, 05:04 AM
Think there were mumbles that we might get a ping/packetloss meter in before launch. Would still like to see it.

Whether or not the mission system turns out to be pragmatic or not having the old CR tools back of /comcont and /global back so that we can type out reasons why X/Y/Z need to occur would be nice in addition to it.

Grief points are a no-brainer to make a come back, as would be the three key V voice macro stystem.

The single biggest "promise" they can stick to will be more cont's, asap, and then to get rid of the gaming atrocity that are warp-gate-footholds and we can get back to having a proper meta-game.

2012-11-18, 05:12 AM
Mission "system" is a terrible way to introduce new players to the game. Same with gathering them up for Galaxy drops. Most of the time they result in utter failure because the people who organize them often don't even know where to go themselves. So many times I've seen completely clueless pilots take off with a Galaxy full of randoms, only to drop them in the middle of a vehicle zerg and see them slaughtered within seconds. Now why is this?

Maybe it's because the map doesn't show specific enough information about combat activity? How many times have you used instant action to a red explosion, only to find out that it's just 1 infiltrator busting generators?

Maybe it's because there is no command chat, no way to update everyone else about what you're seeing in the hex you're in?

Maybe if there was a way to know what kind of a fight is going on at each contested hex, all of these failures wouldn't happen.
Ye, ifr ytou're going to have a mission system you really first need a strategy/command system, or are we going to see random unconnected missions strewn across the map or perhaps something with a little purpose behind it.

2012-11-18, 05:15 AM
Mission "system" is a terrible way to introduce new players to the game.


Maybe it's because there is no command chat, no way to update everyone else about what you're seeing in the hex you're in?

I disagree. The idea of doing "missions" is much easier to grasp for new players that to listen to someone they don't know, who is talking about something they have no idea about.

Imagine you log in to the game for the first time and see a message from someone with /comall: "Eisa is swarmed with enemy libs, we need some A2A ESFs to get rid of them". I would have no idea where Eisa is, what libs and A2A ESFs are.

However mission system with current insane pace of the game would be very hard to implement. I guess that's why the devs don't talk about it anymore.

How many times have you used instant action to a red explosion, only to find out that it's just 1 infiltrator busting generators?

I don't like instant action in current state. Players should be able to influence where those hotspots appear, not only fully automated and flawed script.

2012-11-18, 05:33 AM
Different base layout for the same type of base.ie This Amp station is a different then that Amp station

Ummm we do have different layouts. The central structure is similar but even things like capture points, elevators, etc within those structures may be different.

2012-11-18, 05:34 AM
Mission "system" is a terrible way to introduce new players to the game. Same with gathering them up for Galaxy drops. Most of the time they result in utter failure because the people who organize them often don't even know where to go themselves. So many times I've seen completely clueless pilots take off with a Galaxy full of randoms, only to drop them in the middle of a vehicle zerg and see them slaughtered within seconds. Now why is this?

Maybe it's because the map doesn't show specific enough information about combat activity? How many times have you used instant action to a red explosion, only to find out that it's just 1 infiltrator busting generators?

Maybe it's because there is no command chat, no way to update everyone else about what you're seeing in the hex you're in?

Maybe if there was a way to know what kind of a fight is going on at each contested hex, all of these failures wouldn't happen.

I agree to a certain extent. You're right that a mission system won't make it crystal clear to new players what they are supposed to be doing and how to play the game. It's just a necessary part of organization which will help players, new and old, get to where they did to be, and get rewarded for helping out the faction more.

Of course it wont work on it's own.
There's the tutorial, when they make one that's deeper than the current one, which should give each player a basic understanding of how the features/mechanics work.

The instant action, which still doesn't work like you pointed out it still drops you in areas with no action, should accurately show players, especially new ones, where the action is. It drops you into areas where your faction doesn't actually have any troops even though the maps indicates this to be the case, or into bases/facilities that is already taken, as you pointed out above.

There is a command chat if you cert into it.

I agree. All the ingame organization features need to be working properly so they can complement each other. The map really does need to give out more information about the status of the bases and facilities.

2012-11-18, 05:47 AM
Advance weapons for vehicles costing extra resource or special resources but stock vehicles free.
PS1 vets getting some recognition at release.
Infils having more cloaking options.
Engineers being more then just the required class for vehicle drivers to fix their vehicles.
A proper resource system instead of this dumbed down system we have.
ESFs that are actually balanced against each other.
Being able to warp from one cont to another in your vehicle.
(tbd) a proper anti-cheat system.
(tbd) the Android/iPad app
(tbd) the api for accessing the datawall
(tbd) xp for things like vehicle ammo rearm for sunderer drivers
(tbd) a lasher that is actually not just stupid eye candy.

2012-11-18, 06:57 AM
PS1 vets getting some recognition at release.

I`ll second this , was about to write the same;) Something they promised

2012-11-18, 07:00 AM
I just wanted them to keep the promise of actually making the game run in 5 years old PCs. I bought a new one last year, can run most games in FULL HD at 60 fps in high settings, and this one I can't. =[

2012-11-18, 07:01 AM
Cross continental warfare is the biggest thing I miss. This constant 3on3 stalemate is boring after a few weeks.

2012-11-18, 07:10 AM
We do have plans for Navy warfare in Planetside........

That was a quote from an SOE PR guy talking about future developments with the original Planetside. We can all see on how they keep their promises.

dont think we are seeing future develpoment yet....thats...you know...in the future?

2012-11-18, 07:51 AM
Yeah such a shame the mission system isn't going to be implemented at launch. That would have been really good for new players. Anyone have any news on the PS2 app? Will it be released at launch?

2012-11-18, 07:57 AM
Mission "system" is a terrible way to introduce new players to the game. Same with gathering them up for Galaxy drops. Most of the time they result in utter failure because the people who organize them often don't even know where to go themselves. So many times I've seen completely clueless pilots take off with a Galaxy full of randoms, only to drop them in the middle of a vehicle zerg and see them slaughtered within seconds. Now why is this?

Maybe it's because the map doesn't show specific enough information about combat activity? How many times have you used instant action to a red explosion, only to find out that it's just 1 infiltrator busting generators?

Maybe it's because there is no command chat, no way to update everyone else about what you're seeing in the hex you're in?

Maybe if there was a way to know what kind of a fight is going on at each contested hex, all of these failures wouldn't happen.

+1 Well said. I really don't see how the mission system will work unless battle flow is slowed down. The missions would expire too fast imo.

2012-11-18, 08:26 AM
I just wanted them to keep the promise of actually making the game run in 5 years old PCs. I bought a new one last year, can run most games in FULL HD at 60 fps in high settings, and this one I can't. =[

Please tell me the name of the FPS game that has thousands of players on the map that you run " in FULL HD at 60 fps in high settings".

2012-11-18, 09:26 AM
Please tell me the name of the FPS game that has thousands of players on the map that you run " in FULL HD at 60 fps in high settings".

Don't bother, most people seem to firmly believe there's no difference between PS2's scale and Crysis 2/BF3's scale. They'll also toss the argument about how the system isn't using 100% of their card/CPU when in actuality that is a bad scenario to be found in. Things start to get hot under 100% load last I checked.

Also, I must be the only person here whom couldn't care less about being recognized as a "PS1 vet." Mostly because the only other people whom would care are other PS1 players, and I know most of them couldn't care less about other PS1 players unless those other players had already made a name for themselves, but these people won't need some form of icon or a custom skin to be IDed. It just seems petty to demand recognition for the most part.

2012-11-18, 10:01 AM
Ye, ifr ytou're going to have a mission system you really first need a strategy/command system, or are we going to see random unconnected missions strewn across the map or perhaps something with a little purpose behind it.

I agree that a command system is needed, but at first a mission system could work for new players, as there could be both player generated missions and some auto generated. With that system, a small mission chain could be automatically presented to fresh characters for them to run through a "boot camp" to get used to the game's controls, interfaces, different vehicles and their utilities, etc and at the end one to send them to a heavily populated area - not dropping them without a warning as it currently does, instead just pointing it out on the map and saying "there is a big fight here, use what you learned to find a way to go there now".

Of course that won't work very well if hot spots keep showing up where there is only 1 random guy taking empty bases, but that is something that really should be fixed too. :p

2012-11-18, 10:11 AM
Things start to get hot under 100% load last I checked.

BF3 runs at 100% GPU usage at 80C while PS2 runs at 70% GPU usage at 78C.

Something is wrong on their end.

Also, I must be the only person here whom couldn't care less about being recognized as a "PS1 vet." Mostly because the only other people whom would care are other PS1 players, and I know most of them couldn't care less about other PS1 players unless those other players had already made a name for themselves, but these people won't need some form of icon or a custom skin to be IDed. It just seems petty to demand recognition for the most part.

Me neither. I wouldn't mind free stuff but I won't lose sleep. I got into the tech test so I'm happy with my beta access.

2012-11-18, 11:03 AM
Please tell me the name of the FPS game that has thousands of players on the map that you run " in FULL HD at 60 fps in high settings".

First of all, this is a dev promise. I wouldn't mind if they hadn't said ANYTHING at all, but they almost guaranteed the game would run in a 5 year old system, so having a system with the recommended spec should be able to run at high settings, maybe not 100 fps, but reach 60 FPS easily.

Second, there are options that the players don't have control in the in-game options, like Asiontropic and FXAA (which is turned on at 2 they say). Those options do take a power from the GPU which wouldnt be needed. For some people at least.

Thrird, it actually doesnt matter, for there will NEVER have thousands of players in one single battle in a server. In my whole experience at the beta, there wasn't a single battle that actually got more then 500 people playing at it, which, by itself, is already a HUGE battle. The normal "large" battles will top 200-300 people, which is a good number.

Since you aren't rendering ALL 2000 players in the continent at ANY given time (since 2000 per continent is the alleged max player pop a continent can hold), but we are having a terrain rendering which is mostly static, and therefore not overbearing the GPU AND the CPU, its hard to believe that one of the most cost effective x power CPUs in the market is actually becoming a clog in performance (i5 2500k, which is the recommended spec).

Lag isn't an issue (something SOE made VERY RIght, I'm from brazil, played in East server, and it was lag free for me, or so it seemed), and when people say "handle thousands of players" that's actually bullshit. This is a DX9 game (devs told that too), which is having difficulty in being played in i7 cores and nVidias 680 without SLI (which it doesnt support yet).

Considering some monsters we have here of PCs, and they are having some difficulty playing this at high (I guess theres also gonna have a ULTRA settings more ahead). As said, we cannot defend a game that, in its essence, is aimed to catter a larger audience which won't have the HUGE MONSTER PCs. Lights and shadows are THE MOST demanding processes a CPU and GPU can make.

Even in medium, which is a HUGE increase in FPS I can't reach 60 constantly. How is SOE going to capitalize in this game, if the greatest most amounts of players will have piss poor FPSes? Most players calculations are made by the servers, leaving much less stress for the CPU, and texture and 3d models for GPUs to calculate.

How can someone explain to me a battle a little distance make my FPS drop to 15 and when I near the battle, with MUCH more players in rendering range, explosions, more shadows and lights, all of that, make my FPS climb to 30? This game is still poorly optimized, and this needs to be improved. For ALL our sakes, since a good part of the playerbase will have average computers as well.

As soon as they see this game running at a very LOW FPS, while others, more GPU and CPU demanding games can get off on ULTRA Settings with 60 FPS, these players are gonna leave. The ammount of players isn't different by the ammount of buildings, foliage, explosions and everything else inside a Unreal Engine, CryEngine or FrostBite engine, since most calculations are made by the servers (WHICH must be huge powerhogs to be able to keep up with everything).

My brother has the minimum requirements for the game, and he can't play the game, due to HUGE fps drops (less the 10 FPS). Either they work more in the optimizations (which I guess they will, considering Everquest NEXT is coming) more, or this game will be dead in a year, due to low populations. Mark my words. And I don't want this to happen.

Planetside 2 Critique. What's wrong with it so far? - YouTube

2012-11-18, 12:29 PM
You're missing the point, which is that in order to create viable missions for these newbies, commanders need tactical info, which they currently aren't getting. Planetside players aren't the sharpest tools in the shed - do you really want these people to be in charge of guiding the newbies with little to no information?

This is different than command chat how? Just what we need, a way for people to demoralize new people over a channel they can't talk on.

Making a fight last more than a few minutes is a gripe you have, not one new players will have.

2012-11-18, 12:52 PM
Making a fight last more than a few minutes is a gripe you have, not one new players will have.

But that's directly related to new player experience. I bet that at some point during beta the devs had to reconsider the whole idea of mission system, because fights are too short to let it function properly. Thus there are no missions and new players have hard time deciding where to go.

The devs started focusing on improving and expanding hotspots, rather than implementing missions Higby was talking about before the beta. It's a step forward, but hotspots also introduce their own problems, like decreasing usefullness of transport vehicles. We need something more to show players where to go.

2012-11-19, 03:20 AM
Customizing weapon stats.

2012-11-19, 03:37 AM
Dedicated gunner cert! (Hoping they don't forget or decide to scrap the idea) All of my tank driving friends are pissed that they changed this, we eagerly await the allegedly separate driver/gunner buggies. This cert will make the game loads better whenever they add it, I can only hope at some point higby realizes how good it is.

Lots of these things will be post-launch obviously so it's good to see what all plans they may have for the future, and it could also refresh their memory if they notice this thread.

Also I'd like to bring up a promise from Smedley from a while ago, I don't want to go through and find the tweet from August or something, but he claimed this will be the cleanest launch they've ever had. Here's to hoping

2012-11-19, 04:12 AM
I'm missing

Auto run / Auto drive.
Customizable favourite load outs (I know there's a drop down menue for them but there were only one and you couldn't edit it).

2012-11-19, 08:22 AM
I don't think a lot of people are actually understanding what the OP is talking about.

This thread is "What they've said we're getting, but have not"

It is not "What I want in PS2"

Some smaller things that wasnt mentioned yet.

Outfit certifications (nowhere to seen)
Certs are only sidegrades (many are just upgrades, especially fist one as you dont have equiped anying by default)
AV not oneshoting infantry (I miss ps1 wher eusing aV on grunts was points. too much rocket spam in ps2)
Playable on old computers (we all know how it is)
Name reservation for PS1 vets (why give something to vets, when they can pay us for it and then not get the name they used in ps1 because they were a little slower)

But i still think theyll fulfill they most of those promises in the future. They just rushed it an didnt have time or them.
They never said certs would be only side-grades. They said Weapons would be.
They never said it'd be playable on old computers. In fact, they said the cutoff was 5 years for it to be playable at all.
And they never said they were giving vets name reservations from what I can tell. Only early beta, which happened.

2012-11-19, 08:25 AM
Home Conts for factions, while its still coming in as far as i know they wanted to push it until more conts where available so all the fights would not be around warpgates.

2012-11-19, 11:20 AM
And they never said they were giving vets name reservations from what I can tell. Only early beta, which happened.

Ok you are right in this one. I rewatched that agn episode. Higby only said it would be good bonus for vets. Dont know why i remember it as a promise.

but another promise was:
Startup/shutdown sequence for vehicles to compensate instant enter/exit.

2012-11-19, 11:36 AM
For me it would have to be outfit features. I know something like outfit progression that the devs have talked about in the past will take some time, but it would have been nice to get other features in before or at launch. Like the events page which they had a "coming soon!" written over it.

I'd just like more tools for keeping the outfit together and organized.

2012-11-19, 11:59 AM
A proper sequel to Planetside 1.

2012-11-19, 12:06 PM
Are the official forums opened back up yet? :lol:

J Baley
2012-11-19, 12:10 PM
Are the official forums opened back up yet? :lol:


2012-11-19, 12:38 PM
Maybe it's because the map doesn't show specific enough information about combat activity? How many times have you used instant action to a red explosion, only to find out that it's just 1 infiltrator busting generators?

Maybe it's because there is no command chat, no way to update everyone else about what you're seeing in the hex you're in?

Maybe if there was a way to know what kind of a fight is going on at each contested hex, all of these failures wouldn't happen.

Wait, what? Command chat was working fine for me as of the last day in beta. Had many conversations with other squad leaders. The problem I saw was that all 3 continents were in the chat together so you'd hear chat about somewhere you didn't care about at the time. Command voice chat should be per continent. Also the written chat worked as well - but the default the leader tab gave you was /leader which didn't work (bug)... /command (or /com) was what actually worked. I would really like the ability for non-squad leaders to have read-only,listen-only access to command chat as well (with toggle switch).

There is a de facto mission system in place with the ability to set offensive and defensive markers on the map for everyone. If they would just add the ability to type a few sentences in a popup box when the marker was placed... you could have some info about the battle. When another player moused over the shield on the map, they would see a few details of the request for support. The commander also needs the ability to revoke markers which I don't think was possible in beta.

A mission system that actually rewarded commanders would have been nice though.

Fear The Amish
2012-11-19, 12:48 PM
Wait, what? Command chat was working fine for me as of the last day in beta. Had many conversations with other squad leaders. The problem I saw was that all 3 continents were in the chat together so you'd hear chat about somewhere you didn't care about at the time. Command voice chat should be per continent. Also the written chat worked as well - but the default the leader tab gave you was /leader which didn't work (bug)... /command (or /com) was what actually worked. I would really like the ability for non-squad leaders to have read-only,listen-only access to command chat as well (with toggle switch).

There is a de facto mission system in place with the ability to set offensive and defensive markers on the map for everyone. If they would just add the ability to type a few sentences in a popup box when the marker was placed... you could have some info about the battle. When another player moused over the shield on the map, they would see a few details of the request for support. The commander also needs the ability to revoke markers which I don't think was possible in beta.

A mission system that actually rewarded commanders would have been nice though.

Nah needs to be all continent's because how are you going to get help on amerish if you can't speak to people in Indar/Esamir.

2012-11-19, 01:50 PM
Mission system, it could well work but requires a far more useful map which brings me to my next point:
Heat mapping, it was promised at some point and we need it badly. Different overlays would be nice but at least give me one that indicates number of kills in the last 5 minutes.
Certification for gunner seat
Certification for Galaxy ams

Speaking of Galaxies. Picking up newbies and dropping them into the front lines can work very well. Our outfit has been using it to great effect, resulting in many happy new players and outfit applications.

PS1 vets getting some recognition at release.

I think they should extend this to all people who where in beta. Most of us do not even realize the amount of effort some people have put into this. Also don't forget that beta testers will have to swallow tons of crap the coming weeks, coming from new players complaining that they have done a lousy job.

2012-11-19, 03:56 PM
If anything Beta participants should get some recognition. This is a new game, I don't think PS1 vets need anything special. We have already had quite a bit of control over how the game turned out that's reward enough for me.