View Full Version : Auto Spotting Tool/Macro?

2012-11-18, 09:58 AM
I saw a youtube video of someone using some type of auto spotting tool.

First, I presume it's legal and not considered "hacking."

Second, what exactly is it? Is it something I can create myself by modifying a file or is something that has to be downloaded?

2012-11-18, 10:04 AM
Mashing Q probably gives you the same result.

2012-11-18, 10:04 AM
It often helps if you provide some source material ...


Because i have no idea what you are talking about.
It could be a Q bot,
Memory Hack,
periodic Key macro,
Manipulation of game data...

Take your pick..

2012-11-18, 10:05 AM

Yeah, I'll try and find it again. I think it was from Sony's forums and someone was posting impressions of TR's guns and a comment was made about the spotting done in the video and the video creator mentioned he was using an auto spotting tool.

2012-11-18, 10:14 AM
again... the stupid spot function...

yes i am interested in a q bot as well, for i just don´t like having to press a key all the time. i need this finger for more important keys, but without pressing q i can´t see any enemies.

2012-11-18, 10:22 AM
Spotting should be automatic anyway I think. If you put your sights on an enemy for 1-2 seconds (not instantly), it should spot them.

The whole mashing Q idea is stupid.

2012-11-18, 10:34 AM
Spotting should be automatic anyway I think. If you put your sights on an enemy for 1-2 seconds (not instantly), it should spot them.


2012-11-18, 11:00 AM
Bind Q and fire to mouse 1, auto spot :p

2012-11-18, 11:05 AM
Bind Q and fire to mouse 1, auto spot :p

I tired that actually, it doesn't work too well. If there is a friendly anywhere near your crosshair it will zoom in on them instead of the enemy and open the squad/friend/ignore menu.

2012-11-18, 11:08 AM
If you're left handed the Q button is no where near any hand so you have to remap it somewhere close to the cursor key, and I've pretty much used up all the handy ones.

The upshot is, I don't use it.

2012-11-18, 11:11 AM
Ya, I tried it ages ago (Bind Q and fire to mouse 1). Same problem with friendlys around. It will get you killed.

2012-11-18, 11:22 AM
Reasons why I slide the voice over volume to 0:

1.Q spam.
2. lol hit sounds.
3. I don't care THAT much about the state of the generators, etc.

"Nuisance" would be a great word to describe these things. I'd rather have actual people talk about these things and have actual people devise strategies to deal with the issues.

Why anyone would want a Q spam macro is beyond me.

2012-11-18, 12:04 PM
Well they could give us small drones ;)

2012-11-18, 12:15 PM
I agree that the "q" spam design is bad design.

Its never good to make optimal game play require a boring mindless repetitive motion.
It actually bad.

2012-11-18, 12:20 PM
I think the G13 can be programmed to repeat a keystroke until commanded to stop.

2012-11-18, 12:23 PM
Q targeting, hotspot indicators, better/more map indicators, missing mission system. It's all a mess right now. :(
I honestly don't think they know what they want to do so they just threw some stuff in there to see how it worked.

2012-11-18, 12:24 PM
Yeah, the more I think about it, a simple keyboard or mouse software macro from Logitech would probably work and in fact probably how the person in the video did it. I have the logitech G510 keyboard and I may try it once the game gets released.

2012-11-18, 12:35 PM
I've been using this:
Works pretty good.

2012-11-18, 12:39 PM
Nice, thanks. I quoted it below.


I'll Start:

Spotting targets is incredibly useful to your team. To that end, I created an auto-hotkey script that would spot whenever I fire my weapon:

Send {q down}
sleep 60
Send {q up}
sleep 5000

So if you use auto-hotkey, you can use this to automatically spot enemies every 5 seconds while firing your weapon. Has been really useful and avoids the pain of hitting Q *all the time*. I still hit Q to spot if I'm trying to be sneaky, but I don't have to worry about firing and shooting (in case I die).

Also, for those who really want an auto-run key:


x = 1

if x {
sendinput {w down}
sendinput {shift down}
else {
sendinput {w up}
sendinput {shift up}

This turns the Z key into an autorun button. You can interrupt it by moving normally (as it works in GW2), though you may have to click z twice to start it again if you interrupt it without hitting Z.

Hope that helps. Now add your own! They don't have to be super-clever, they can be tips for new players too!

2012-11-18, 01:03 PM
They should just remove 3D spotting or at least limit it.

Making it a sidegrade attachment for your gun or lets say an infiltrator tool to paint targets would've been much better.
Now scouting in this game, especially during night time, is all about just spamming Q into chokepoints and entrances before moving in.

This is yet another thing they shouldn't have copied from BF3.

2012-11-18, 01:12 PM
Perhaps spotting should only tell you what direction the enemy is coming from instead of having red arrows above he enemy's head.

You know how in Skyrim you'll see red dots on your compass? You also have a compass above your minimap in PS2, so maybe it could work like that.

2012-11-18, 02:00 PM
Most high end gaming keyboard have a macro feature. For example, a razer black widow has 5 keys dedicated for macros I think? Even my 10 years old microsoft intellimouse has a software that allows limited macros to be assigned to its buttons.

I am not a big fan of 3rd party software running along side the game that manage your macros...at that point it feels like a bot. A macro coming from your input device seems better for some reason...

But if Q-spotting leads to this, it's a good indication that the mechanic itself should be revised. I've read people suggesting a limit of Q-spotting / time. It would force manual q-spotting, preserving the purpose of the feature without removing it completely.

2012-11-18, 02:08 PM
Autohotkey Q bot (untested):

send q
sleep 500
!q:: Pause, Toggle

Pressing Alt-Q will cause the Q button to be spammed 2x per second until you press Alt-Q again.

2012-11-18, 04:22 PM
If you have a gaming mouse with extra programmable buttons then you can easily set up a macro that when turned on constantly spams q

2012-11-18, 04:31 PM
I would actually like this to become a real abused issue, so the devs have to rework the spotting system. I can spam a hill top hitting Q from 700 metres away with a pistol equipped and spot a platoon of enemies who then get bombed by air.

Add a cert tree for it, the one they said snipers would get. So there is an actual incentive to get the high ground and spot with a good sniper scout.

2012-11-18, 04:37 PM
Spotting was automatic in PS1 in a squad or inside the interlink network. And Q was for medkits.

Oh well... I just do not bother spotting in PS2.

2012-11-18, 04:41 PM
I would actually like this to become a real abused issue, so the devs have to rework the spotting system. I can spam a hill top hitting Q from 700 metres away with a pistol equipped and spot a platoon of enemies who then get bombed by air.

I agree. There should be a incremental range enhancement for spotting via certs, and I would even go as far as to say there should be a cool down timer to prevent macro-abuse. I don't understand why, in this day and age, universal spotting in an arguably tactical fps is still around tbh, there are much better ways to spot enemies that both make more sense, and keep people engaged with the actual act of spotting. Right now it is just ridiculous and is giving a group of savy people an unfair advantage.

2012-11-18, 04:46 PM
I'd rather SOE turn spotting into an expensive sight for our guns that has all the zoom of the reflex, but also limits FoV (see BlOp 2's target acquisition sight) or a combat type enhanced targeting implant purchased with infantry resources (you know... the stuff no one ever runs out of) that automatically spots an enemy and interlinks with everyone else using the implant.

I prefer the latter, as it opens doors to implants that aren't simply "improves experience/resource gain 10%." Boring...

2012-11-18, 04:48 PM
I don't understand why, in this day and age, universal spotting in an arguably tactical fps is still around tbh, there are much better ways to spot enemies that both make more sense, and keep people engaged with the actual act of spotting.

I mean i dont know why we are complaining, its not gonna get changed. It was kindof working fine.

But i agree, i think you should have to cert it, snipers should have extra good certs for it. And aircraft should have to do fly overs with scout radar for map updates.

I hate that i spend my time shooting at glowy shields, and red markers. rather than you know...ACTUAL TROOPS. hah

2012-11-18, 04:52 PM
Oh jesus, I know what you're saying. I think most of my epic Beta battles were just me shooting a bunch or red triangles through tree branches and scoring a bunch of XP.

2012-11-18, 05:14 PM
Auto spotting is pretty much cheating IMO.

I seen some guy doing Highlight videos with that....Is not even fair, he spots everything, he knows every position....Helps his AIM a crapload.

Personally I hate to spot because if you spot somebody than some person will steal your kill or scare off your pray:D

2012-11-18, 05:21 PM
Seems like a 5-second cooldown between Q presses would do the trick... and not impact anyone actually using Q to highlight people they actually see.

2012-11-18, 10:17 PM
Yep. Auto or not, spotting shouldn't be spammable, there should be a small CD.

2012-11-19, 12:39 AM
Dear Devs, please kill this Q crap.

2012-11-19, 03:42 PM
There are programs to periodically press a key.

2012-11-19, 03:53 PM
The system as it is should be scrapped IMO. Just make it so if your aiming at an enemy for a few seconds it's highlighted red for you only, and fades when line of sight breaks. Make the actual spotting ability a role for Infiltrators using some kind of tool. Like Binoculars that can scan target then notify everyone else of its location. Would be interesting if it also provided lock for homing weapons to allow indirect fire. Alternatively you could have ammo that tags the target letting you track it but might do less damage.

Lot's of better ways than the Q spam.