View Full Version : Informative blog if you're into PS2, EO, LoL, WoT, MWO

2012-11-18, 10:39 AM
I recently discovered this blog themittani.com (http://themittani.com/) and found their articles quite informative if you're, besides PS2, into games like Eve Online, League of Legends, World of Tanks and Mechwarrior Online. So I thought I share this.

I think the guy who runs it comes from an Eve corporation. Anyway, I found most of the articles a good read, especially if you're into Eve, and even submitted one myself (they probably won't publish it).

2012-11-18, 12:34 PM
Yea he is one of the biggest personalities in EVE and runs one of the largest corporations.

2012-11-18, 01:10 PM
Hes the leader of Goons - a rather smart and informed guy - but also a narcissistic ass.

His normally makes good observations but you have to be wary with respect to MMOs because hes an extreme meta-gamer.

2012-11-18, 02:22 PM
Anything mittens says/writes should be taken with a grain of salt.

2012-11-18, 03:16 PM
I did a bit of checking after reading the comments above. Too bad that guy ashamed himself so much at the 2012 Fanfest. When I was playing Eve a few months ago these Goons guys where suicide bombing the hell out of the central trade hub, Jita. Which was kinda fun as I can always appreciate disruptive tactics.

I also found out he did an interesting interview with Smedley (http://themittani.com/features/mittani-interviews-soe-ceo-john-smedley). It's a must read if you want to know about the future of PS2 and confirms my opinion I've been stating here that this game sharing the same vision with Eve Online (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?p=850019#post850019).

Also amusing and encouraging to read is that it took Smedley 7 times to get into Eve. I tried 5 times so far.

2012-11-18, 03:26 PM
I bothered to read his guide on cert points, I can see why he's played EVE for so long, he certainly likes his dull menial tasks.

2012-11-18, 04:25 PM
I did a bit of checking after reading the comments above. Too bad that guy ashamed himself so much at the 2012 Fanfest. When I was playing Eve a few months ago these Goons guys where suicide bombing the hell out of the central trade hub, Jita. Which was kinda fun as I can always appreciate disruptive tactics.

I also found out he did an interesting interview with Smedley (http://themittani.com/features/mittani-interviews-soe-ceo-john-smedley). It's a must read if you want to know about the future of PS2 and confirms my opinion I've been stating here that this game sharing the same vision with Eve Online (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?p=850019#post850019).

Also amusing and encouraging to read is that it took Smedley 7 times to get into Eve. I tried 5 times so far.

Well, he is one of the smartest and most resouceful EVE players, or maybe even PC gamers overall when it comes to community activities and emergent gameplay.

But anybody who played EVE will testify that you should never EVER trust the internet entity known as 'The Mittany' ;)

2012-11-18, 06:02 PM
Well, he is one of the smartest and most resouceful EVE players, or maybe even PC gamers overall when it comes to community activities and emergent gameplay.

But anybody who played EVE will testify that you should never EVER trust the internet entity known as 'The Mittany' ;)

Well, rule no 1 has always been to never trust "Internet personalities" anyway. From what I understand, as much as I can appreciate his out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to bending the rules/playing the system, I am not a big fan of behaving like a jerk and ruining the fun for others in any game, as this seems to be the case with this Goonswarm clan. Being a good sport just gives me more pleasure in a game than being a troll but I can understand this doesn't work for everybody.

BTW, this goes for PS2 as well. It's easy enough to spawn a Galaxy and crash them right into an outfit that is lining up for a photo at a warp gate. But does that mean you should?