View Full Version : Max Capacity 42,000 Players,Coming out on Steam, Servers are gonna be packed!!!!!!!!!

2012-11-19, 02:31 PM
Way too little Servers IMO.

I think SOE is really underestimating the power of STEAM and the concept of a MMOFPS which lots of people havn't experienced yet....A bunch of people are going to want to try it.

The servers are gonna be packed and I think this is perhaps the only time I will considered subbing because I feel like is going to be a hassle trying to log in into this game.

BTW I got the 42,000 figure because their is 3 continents which each holds 2,000 people so thats 6,000 people per server....Their is 7 servers...so do the math.

Im wondering if SOE has some servers ready to go incase it gets crowded.

Eduard Khil
2012-11-19, 02:33 PM
Lol, that's how theyll make money.

Weren't they adding a subscription to reserve entry?

2012-11-19, 02:33 PM
They have 18 Additional Servers Ready to go up tomorrow, and more if needed in the future.

2012-11-19, 02:34 PM
I think Smed tweeted they have 25 servers ready to go if they are needed.

2012-11-19, 02:36 PM
Yep, I wouldn't worry we will see more servers spin up.

It's inevitable we will see issues tomorrow, such is life with an MMO launch.

2012-11-19, 02:37 PM
I think Smed tweeted they have 25 servers ready to go if they are needed.

They have 18 Additional Servers Ready to go up tomorrow, and more if needed in the future.

WOW thats a lot.....Good news I guess.

I think they should of launched with a couple more servers because is going to be annoying if everybody makes charectors on the same servers and when the new ones come out, their going to be empty and the old ones will be full.....I guess thats how it goes.

2012-11-19, 02:37 PM
They have servers ready to go up in case they need them. Plenty of servers.

But theres no point bringing them up early before they are needed. Otherwise we may end up with servers being half way empty, and as players are planetsides main content, that would be rather bad. ;)

2012-11-19, 02:39 PM
They should at least prep for a turnout of 40,000 on the East Coast alone.
Looks like I'll be playing MWO for a day longer if that's how they are doing day 1.

2012-11-19, 02:41 PM
but how they gonna deal with the extra servers later, when they're not needed any more? characters are server bound. they can't just close them.

2012-11-19, 02:42 PM
There will be new servers, but that wont help that first few that will be overcrowded due ppl trying to join their outfits, ignoring new servers.

2012-11-19, 02:42 PM
No matter how good of a job they do spinning up new servers (which are on standby per Smed) people are going to bitch.

As Hamma said, NORMAL teething pains for any MMO on release day. You can bet the console babies will have their crycycles out in full force

2012-11-19, 02:43 PM
but how they gonna deal with the extra servers later, when they're not needed any more? characters are server bound. they can't just close them.

MMO companies have this super cool thing they can do.. pretty mystical really. Server Merger.

2012-11-19, 02:43 PM
They have the capacity to host 125,000 players if all 25 of the servers go up.

2012-11-19, 02:45 PM
but how they gonna deal with the extra servers later, when they're not needed any more? characters are server bound. they can't just close them.

Its called a merge. Welcome to MMOs.

Would you fools just stop worrying? Every damn MMO launch the same crap. Yes, THEY WILL BE FULL, COMPLETLY PACKED! THATS THE IDEA! ESPECIALLY FOR F2P!

Plenty of people will play the game only for a bit, and then drop out forever. Plenty of people will play less after a few days.
Of course everyone rushes in at launch day. But if you would account that completly, and pull up enough servers to not have them completly packed at launch, then you would end up with rather empty servers very quickly, just a week after launch.

Everything is fine folks, stop worrying, rather prepare your nerves for tommorows quenes. ;)

2012-11-19, 02:46 PM
I say we fill them all up and demand more in the spirit of great justice... Or crime in a terminology the NC and Vanu can understand... :p


2012-11-19, 02:49 PM
If Char are locked to ea server, that could really blow. Unless, SOE limits access to Servers once they get 300% people with avatars on any given server .... somethin' to help the people who know what they want to be and WHERE they choose to start their game advancement. SOE has to let enough people create on each server, but not sooooooo many that the server risks being log-Jammed. Any player wait to join a server that lasts more than 10 minutes to get in should be an issue SOE looks into.

It would suck to get your avatar rolling the first month or two....and then have recurring issues with logging in. Soe needs to monitor this issue carefully.

The fact they are letting people grow certs while off-line will only lead to many "dormant" accounts ..... who knows when these players will jump into the server & create Pop issues with these "dormant" avatar accounts...

2012-11-19, 02:51 PM
They have the capacity to host 125,000 players if all 25 of the servers go up.
Do you happen to know what the "shard" capacity is? I hope SOE does not set the shard capacity at 650*3*3. That would leave no room for continental movement/domination.

I really think PS2 will get much, much better once we hit around 7+ live continents with a global lattice that does not promote constant 3 way battles.

2012-11-19, 02:54 PM
Welp, I'm definitely getting the subscription lol. (Was going to even without priority login, though)

2012-11-19, 02:57 PM
Just get in Tuesday and never log out. Queue problems solved :P

2012-11-19, 02:57 PM
Welp, I'm definitely getting the subscription lol. (Was going to even without priority login, though)

Better is this ! Subscribe means Premium membership anyway, im happy to have this especially tomorrow ;)

2012-11-19, 02:58 PM
With the plans to introduce new continents the population cap will rise if population is dictated by the continents alone. There is no Sanc... err... buffer zone to put people in, beyond the traditional queue. Which still serves as a buffer zone, a very boring one at that? I say they need to make something new, and call them "Sanctuaries", to make things more... transitional. Yep. Yep.


2012-11-19, 03:04 PM
Sanctuaries ?

....wow, what a great idea.
(and cloaking AMS', and a HART,....)

2012-11-19, 03:06 PM
they need to make something new, and call them "Sanctuaries", to make things more... transitional. Yep. Yep. ---

They will figure this out eventually, right now Smed is just being stubborn. After launch, when clans/outfits start screaming for a VR range, and a place to gather when conts are poplocked, they will realize what we knew to begin with, Sanctuaries are needed. "Footholds" are not a "Home"...a Sanc IS.

2012-11-19, 03:06 PM
Taking bets on one continent being stuffed and two others being empty, due to the lack of a Lobby like area..called Sanctuaries.

Unless they are just going to drop people randomly on each.

2012-11-19, 03:17 PM
Taking bets on one continent being stuffed and two others being empty, due to the lack of a Lobby like area..called Sanctuaries.

Unless they are just going to drop people randomly on each.

I believe the game can already do that itself. When they added Esamir I remember hoping on quickly, and it dropped me right in the middle of Esamir instead of on Indar like most new characters. I guess Indar warpgate is the default but it has emergency load balancing to spawn people on others if needed.

2012-11-19, 03:19 PM
That, will cause other issues all by itself.

2012-11-19, 03:22 PM
I'm under the impression it's 7 initial servers, +25 back up. That's about 192000 people. However, servers aren't loaded that way, normally they allow MORE people to sign in than are allowed for those "low pop" times, so I expect max capacity at 32 servers to be more around the 300,000-400,000 mark. Mind you, only 192,000 of them will get to play at any one moment. Despite being the first MMOFPS in a decade since gaming became acceptable as a casual hobby, I don't expect every server to be bursting at the seams right away.

Taking bets on one continent being stuffed and two others being empty, due to the lack of a Lobby like area..called Sanctuaries.

Unless they are just going to drop people randomly on each.

Betting their systems will disperse people around depending on which is least packed/needs more of their empire on the continent.

...And they'll all be dropping from the skies in one big, glorious cluster-fuck. IT'S RAINING MEN! HALLELUJAH!

2012-11-19, 03:46 PM
The best policy for a scary launch like this is simply to expect the unexpected.

I will be up at 9:45am in the morning, I got home made donuts, and come coffee.

Sit back, check it out, and if the queue gets really really bad, maybe pop some cash into membership for 1 month to check it out.

I'm not spending until I clearly see a need to be spending.

2012-11-19, 04:17 PM
The danger is that people will make characters on very few servers, immediately blow their SC on said characters and then not wish to leave them and migrate.

Miller, for instance, will be packed with new characters because go time is prime time in the EU. Couple in that most of the established outfits want to call it home and won't be willing to move to new servers if/when they come up and er...

....just who is going to be leaving Miller to go elsewhere and hopefully ensure that the queues to the server eventually calm down.

12k immediate capacity for the entire EU, in prime time, bonkers. Just bonkers.

infinite loop
2012-11-19, 04:27 PM
The danger is that people will make characters on very few servers, immediately blow their SC on said characters and then not wish to leave them and migrate.

This is my biggest fear that I wonder if they have even considered. They will either need to allow free (or cheap) server transfers, or refund SC to people willing to switch servers. Losing your reserved name would also be a possible consequence of this playing out.

2012-11-19, 05:01 PM
This is my biggest fear that I wonder if they have even considered. They will either need to allow free (or cheap) server transfers, or refund SC to people willing to switch servers. Losing your reserved name would also be a possible consequence of this playing out.

I expect free transfers. The name thing is really just a risk that can't be dealt with by any means. Even early name reservation poses a (lesser) risk of one losing their name. I walk into every MMO with a new name in mind for this reason.

2012-11-19, 05:01 PM
where do we actually download PS2 tomorrow? only from steam or do we have more options?

also can we server transfer when 1 server gets to full or w.e reason

2012-11-19, 05:57 PM
It's inevitable we will see issues tomorrow, such is life with an MMO launch.

^ This.

2012-11-19, 06:14 PM
With any luck, they'll increase the player limit even further beyond 2000 per continent, and keep the number of servers the same.

2012-11-19, 07:57 PM
I am pretty sure they made it this time that your charicter name is reserved across all servers. I think I remember reading that somewhere. Which means if you want to change servers you will not be faced with people with the same name. Proboblly throw a fee or maybe a 1 time free transfer like WoW.

Not worried. I am guessing they learned from PS1 and the dozens of other games they have put out (havnt been the best but have really stepped up their game for this one.)

On top of that what everyone else said about having reserve servers.

2012-11-19, 09:01 PM
Yeah, the name once taken is taken everywhere iirc.

2012-11-19, 09:10 PM
Your name is unique across all servers. During beta I tried duplicating my own characters names, as well as a friends, on different servers and it wouldn't let me.

What I don't understand is why they have made the characters Server bound rather than allowing you to log your character into whatever Server is available at the moment. Outfits would simply meet up on the "Markov" server or whatever. They're probably hoping to do what WoW and some other games do and charge a premium for moving your character to another server at a later date. Early on, though, it probably will cause many issues as Outfits try to gather on one server. I know for my group of friends we plan on making backup characters on a different server at a later date, that way if our chosen server is full we can at least play the backups.

2012-11-19, 09:39 PM
Im hoping that characters arent server bound when the game goes live.
After GW2 server bound characters from now on are basically a contrived joke.

2012-11-19, 09:43 PM
I sent this tweet... see if I get response

@planetside2 @mhigby @PS_TRay since names are unique, any plan for like free server x-fer during the initial crazynes incase of separation?

2012-11-20, 05:57 AM
Outfit names and tags should be cross server as well, imo.

2012-11-20, 06:13 AM
I say pack the servers; a target rich environment of zerglings is a wonderful thing... :D

2012-11-20, 06:14 AM
Having unique game wide names is the first step tiny step towards inter server warfare. I hope this game is a smashing sucess so all the possibilities can be explored.