View Full Version : What was your launch day like?

Raka Maru
2012-11-21, 03:50 AM
Mine went pretty well. Didn't sleep till 4:00 Am, set my alarm to wake at 7:00 Am, watched the countdown until 0:0:0:4 then the PS2 web server crashed, tried to download via steam but got the "unregistered account" error or something, restarted steam and finally downloaded after 2 1/2 hours, had a few login problems, installed latest nvidia beta drivers that were just released. Was able to make my characters, but then my nephew wanted to make his characters and he played for a bit.

When I finally got to explore again and look around, I was very happy. Spent a lot of time in the store and spent 1/3 rd of my SC on the infantry sales, vehicle weapons and bought 1 vehicle skin (already had the Alpha Squad items) and was delighted that it worked for all my vehicles (thank you SOE). Spent a lot of time dressing up my toon and configuring the weapons and vehicles.

Watched Luperza's stream and got back online with my squad to go give them trouble. :D

So didn't really play too much, but I plan to be playing for a while and trying to pace myself. Will experiment with boosts and other rental weapons soon. I already bought the ones that I knew I liked.

A good day! Great launch SOE!

2012-11-21, 03:56 AM
Was pretty decent. Certainly better than some other releases... *cough* Diablo3 *cough*

Only thing i think is unacceptable is how much i and others are falling under ground and suicide, especially when spawning vehicles.

2012-11-21, 04:01 AM
Started off great. I was playing about 1h45m after launch and I didnt start d/l'ing till about 50 mins after launch.

Played ok to start with but the last few hours have been diabolical. G15 errors and Briggs server shitting itself. They have finally pulled the pin and I'm hopeful of a quick patch and then game on again.

Lots of Aussies unhappy on the main boards and some other boards I read. SOE are trying their best but so far I'd have to say 5/10 for me.

2012-11-21, 04:06 AM
My "launch day" is today. I really need to change my internet provider.

2012-11-21, 04:08 AM
Not working at all for me. Couldn't confirm registration, couldn't log in, and now launcher continually crashes. Seems pretty much like Diablo 3 launch to me.


2012-11-21, 04:19 AM
I was at work so I missed the initial release but when I got home the only problem I had was the login servers were down, I ended up playing for about 2 hours... Stupid college

2012-11-21, 04:35 AM
It went quite smoothly !

Download for most of the night and then played half an hour in the morning. It was fun. :)

I found it much harder to actually pay for something (due to technical issues on my account that have been plaguing me for weeks) rather than playing.

2012-11-21, 04:36 AM
Pretty good. Didn't have any problems downloading or logging in, but the menus were fairly sluggish.

The NC got whupped on my server though.

Raka Maru
2012-11-21, 05:00 AM
Well, I'm going to go ahead and call tomorrow as part of my official launch day because of the short playtime, plus servers are down

2012-11-21, 06:09 AM
I have to say that my first day had to be the best launch of a highly intisipated game for me in years :eek:. My girl started my download after the countdown (for me it was one) I got home at 230, it was done. I first thought here goes the que, so I figured ok Ill be gaming tomorrow at the earliest. I logged in instantly, I play on the EU server miller, i live on the U.S. east coast. I was having no lag, frame rate hung at about 30 to 40 in big fights and 40 to 60 when I was just chilling. I had one crash for about 8 hours of playing, my entire outfit was logged in and we went on a rampage :groovy:. I thought the game play was nice, the graphics setting were at medium and I have a Nvidia 250, and even my girl said it looks nicer then the beta. I play VS so after getting enough for my lasher I was having a blast.... literally. I have a subscription, so I was making the xp bonus, so the certs poured in, had no interface problems, got my stuff when I payed for it. It was a good first day, got alot of kills and got blasted alot. Things seem to be balanced pretty good IMO. All I can say today was a good day for PS2.:groovy:

2012-11-21, 06:13 AM
Launch day went great. I was able to play for about 4 hours before I had to log. Outfit X had a full platoon going and kicking ass on Esamir. I ended my night 212k/65D. Not that it matters just thought it was funny.

2012-11-21, 06:18 AM
Oddly I find myself saying in terms of launches this went better then most. Have had some issues but I did manage still to get in a good 3 hours play. Then latency hit the server like a temporal vortex from another dimension, and I went to bed shaken after seeing the multiverse.

2012-11-21, 06:38 AM
Had a great launch day.

Got client installed no hassles, jumped on with my SOE account (im in the Uk but im not falling for that pro7 awfulness) and blasted around a couple of servers for the next few hours.

So smooth and fun for me (which is what counts), I hope it does get better for everyone who is suffering mind, as thats more targets!!!

2012-11-21, 06:41 AM
I got to watch the countdown timer, but not enough bandwidth here in Afghan to do anything ><

2012-11-21, 06:48 AM
It was pretty amazing really. Archangels had about 12 people sitting in mumble counting down the timer. As soon as it ticked over it took about 5 minutes before one of us could get the installer. We quickly uploaded it to our forums, had 10 people playing within an hour. The game was an absolute blast, we managed to take a Tech Plant behind enemy territory on Amerish (Waterson) after TR got pushed back to the warpgate against a large enemy force. Went around and capped everything back to the WG then pushed the VS all the way back. Those are the sort of battles we play this game for. A really fun first day, long may it continue.

2012-11-21, 06:58 AM
Great launch!! :D

Got my A2A missile and certed flares as soon as possible and began tearing up all the new pilots :p

The only hiccup was the G22 error after my server went down. Took them about 20 min to fix it but i was all good.

Wolfgang Mozart
2012-11-21, 07:02 AM
I ran into a minor glitch here and there but it was mostly painless

2012-11-21, 07:09 AM
Mine went like a Thursday.

Which is surprising, considering it was Tuesday...

2012-11-21, 07:13 AM
Was great fun! Couple of sizable infantry battles, some good courtyard fighting - I guess it helps as all you organised types are rolling in groups on Miller.

Had quite a few moments like this:

1. Minimal resistance, all is quiet
2. *tumbleweed*

... as several squads turn up working in unison.

Fun :)

2012-11-21, 07:16 AM
Crashed within about a minute, same thing this morning.

2012-11-21, 07:17 AM
download and install went great, most hilarious thing was I got to play for 5 mins(time contraints for me)
Created my char on miller wanted to log in and check out my freebies and do a little character setup
Instead got drop podded into the middle of the NC advance on Esamir, 6 kills to 1 death while totaly surrounded gave me something to smile about on my way back to the spawn room in the TR WG. :D

It's what I like to call having a Zapp moment.
Surprise! - YouTube

2012-11-21, 07:22 AM
Sat there & watched the count down from 3 min.56 sec down to Zero & started downloading straight away .......15 mins later it was there ready & waiting !

Then I went and played BC2 ...........cos my buddy was having issues downloading it so I thought it was unfair on him so I`ll av a cabby on it tonight instead

2012-11-21, 07:25 AM
Download/Install within 15 Minutes, straight into the game and no problems whatsoever the entire day, if you ignore the occasional flicker into crash that has been around forever (happened only twice, would happen a lot more often in beta.)

And then sat behind enemy lines with two mates, shooting rockets at people for hours and suicide grenading NC at tubes to ruin my k/d. Oh boy, will I ever get it back up? What will the world think of me now! I better re-roll :(

Great launch so far. Hope servers stabilize before I'm done with work today.

2012-11-21, 07:56 AM
Nothing special, I played in the beta so I wasn't really hyped for it.

2012-11-21, 08:14 AM
My first day went pretty well! I was up and running within an hour of getting home from work. I jumped onto teamspeak with a clan i knew from Red Orchestra 2 and jumped onto waterson Vanu. I ended up babysitting and teaching people how the certs worked among other things. Crashed a buncha liberators, stuff like that. (Totally getting a joystick for this game now so i can fly). Picked up the lasher and a couple other things. Oh boy! The lasher is great! People keep saying its trash but it is an -amazing- support weapon. 10 guys charging your point? Soften them up with the lasher and your friends will clean the whole group up.

All in all, it went pretty great. Did some magrider drives, flew a scythe. Vanu are OP. lol. Also, really enjoy the alpha squad skins for all three factions. Cant wait for my PS1 vet decal.

2012-11-21, 08:33 AM
I've got to say this has to be one of the smoothest MMO launches I've ever seen. Kudos to the entire team at SOE for making it happen.

2012-11-21, 08:35 AM
Yeah, i had no problems at all either... too bad steam didn't get along with it for EU players though, there has been a lot of complaints at the game's hub in steam. :p

2012-11-21, 08:36 AM
Launch was extremely smooth for me personally.
The highlight of my day, however, was being reported as a hacker. I'm not that amazing, so hearing this kid cry that I was hacking and harassing him (when I just said I would show him proof I wasn't hacking) just made my day.

2012-11-21, 08:36 AM
Very smooth launch IMO, expected issues were there but that was to be.....expected..??

Anyhow we will see how things flesh out of the next week and beyond, I expect issues and server down time for the first month.

2012-11-21, 08:54 AM
Well being euro my launch day started at some point in the evening, had it downloading within 5 minutes of the countdown ending and it finished downloading not long ago whilst I was at work. So my Launch Day had very little to do with anything relevant at all!

Canadian Vanu
2012-11-21, 09:02 AM
Well, the intro was enjoyable. Certainly gets you excited.

2012-11-21, 10:10 AM
The launch went MUCH smoother than i had ever expected. Smed was telling the truth when he said they had their ducks in a line.

When the Countdown ended, the PS2 website was overloaded, as was PSU, but once someone posted the direct dl link, i started and in 2-3 hours i was in the game. ( Waterson TR, Plueschpanzer )

Hammered escape to skip tutorial, left random squad, checked map, saw action at The Stronghold, instant action there.

Fight starts good, tank and infantry combat. I tell my team to stop parking tanks right behind friendly tanks so we can reverse for repairs. Surprisingly, people listen.

At one point, NC Aircav arrives. I get killed by breaker rockets. I throw an insult in his direction. Our spawn gets now spammed by multiple Rocket Pod Reavers, plus a Liberator with upgraded Cannons. I throw another insult in their direction. I guess i should have expected it. I tickle the Lib with my single Burster Arm. Die respawn. I realize the NC cap will take a while, and there are tons of NC outside our spawn that do not know i can shoot through the shield. Switch to HA, rocket to the face, over and over again. Once the base is lost, i drift across Indar. Somehow i end up at Allatum, i use region chat to tell people about teleporters, shield gen and SCU. We do not really make progress though.

After a while, the people i played Beta with start logging in and send friends requests. We squad up and move around. At the Vanu front on Indar. Amongst other things, we cap Quartz Ridge and cut off the Vanu push in TR land. We have a blast, we fly Libs, drive Tanks, Sundies, Infantry combat, and in the end we meet the TR Tank Zerg pushing south, back to Allatum. I crash 4 times all in all, but can get back in quick every time, even when there is a queue.

Real good fun, i expected the first days to be unplayable due to insane load, but it ran just fine.

2012-11-21, 10:35 AM
It was spectacular, both visually and gameplay-wise.

The scale is unmatched. It's ridiculous. The Heavy Assault's BR (Battle Rifle) is amazing - feels like a semi-auto G3. Lots of damage per shot, pretty accurate. I stuck a 4x scope on it so I could help keep the cloaker's heads down when they're picking people off and I think I've killed more of them with it than any other class ^_^

That said, I think there's waaaaay too many infiltrators, lol. There were numerous times where as soon as I stepped outside, I instantly died to a bolt driver and it was rarely by the same person.

2012-11-21, 11:55 AM
Launch day went waaaaay better than I expected !

Kudo's to the SOE team for really having "their ducks in a row". It is often said, but more often than not it's just marketing talk. They delivered.

2012-11-21, 12:01 PM
It was a suprisingly awesome launch day for me. I live in California so I had to wait allllll day at work before I could get home to install it. Forgot to uninstall beta so I ran into the normal error 1001 and figured this was going to be a long night.

Jumped right onto the PS2 website, downloaded the game suprisingly quickly, logged into the Connery server without a wait (non-member at the time), got dropped into a Biolab fight on Amerish and I was off and running.

Performance held steady at 20-40 fps which is about all I can expect from my Phenom II x4 965, GTX260, and 4GB RAM. It's not great, but playable for me for now until I can afford my upgrade. I did get the flicker bug once, but just jumped of a ledge to kill myself and it was gone. Ironically, the only real hang up I had was from my internet provider. My stupid broadband modem kept disconnecting, so I would start cursing the game and then see my modem trying to reconnect, "Oh, well there's your problem right there."

I really just lone wolfed it around, messing around with different guns, just trying to get my feet under me, especially since my modem was being a bitch. Had a great time. For a major launch, it was amazingly smooth for me and the way you always hope it goes. It's kind of cool to think this is the beginning of many years playing this game. Even though I was in beta, this feels like the beginning.

2012-11-21, 12:04 PM
I'm doing base defense somewhere as a TR Engineer, and a Vanu drop pod lands not 50 meters away. I of course have the jump on the guy, so I fire on him as soon as I see him and kill him with a headshot.

Then I get his name and rank notification and it turns out he was BR1. I literally felt regret burning a hole in my stomach.

I wait a few seconds and then send him some tells explaining that the tutorial sucks, and suggested he respawn at his warp gate and look for a new player squad there.

But no reply from him at all. I get the feeling he ragequit.


The server performance issues are still there. I still saw a lot of warping and lagging and rubberbanding. Also note that all servers (well the 3 I have characters on anyway) went down at 1am PST. Being that it was release day, I'm not surprised. But if that continues every night for some time... well it's no different than beta.

All in all it seems to be a pretty good launch. I was expecting more new players actually, they only had to add one extra server, for the east coast. But they could well add more servers as the week progresses.

Still holding onto my station cash before I buy anything.

Edit: just read Smed's tweets about adding new US and Europe servers. I wonder what the actual server capacity is anyway. Did they really ever reach 2,000 per continent?

Edit again: also the fact that VOIP was down was too bad. My biggest concern for launch is the first impression the game makes on new players, and not having the in-game VOIP for communication was a shame I thought. Apparently they needed to conserve server bandwidth though.

2012-11-21, 12:19 PM
Launch was amazing. 4 platoons of infantry, supported by a platoon of Air and a Platoon of Armor with 2 squads of our Shadow Team shifting behind the lines. Coordination at it's finest. We wrote the book on Combined Arms in PS1, and continue to refine our art. Cooperation brings victory!

2012-11-22, 09:06 AM
Launch was something I won't forget. I made my character and joined in on Connery (US West 1, I think) and then got presented with an awesome video. The only downside was that my comp almost had an aneurysm trying to load in THAT many people as I rocketed down to the surface of an Amp station. I really liked getting thrown into a coordinated squad. It kind of added to that whole briefing video and made things really immersive and fun.

I only fought on Esamir yesterday. That was pretty cool, seeing that we had enough people to fill out every continent nicely. During Beta Esamir was a cold ball of boredom for TR most of the time.

Subject CHANGE~!

One thing.. Has anyone else had trouble with the game not drawing everyone that is near you? I fought at Amp Station Elli last night and the Vanu were riding up in hordes. But the strange part was that some were randomly disappearing and appearing (it didn't matter much, I still had plenty to shoot ;) ) ; however, does anyone know why that is? Perhaps a safeguard to keep the game from crashing? Clientside lag? I didn't see any rubberbanding or warping. Just random "ghosting" of models.

2012-11-22, 12:12 PM
After waiting 10.5 hours for the download to finish, Launch Day turned into Launch Day+1.

Managed to play briefly on Woodman, but warping all over the place; chaos.

Created a new character on Ceres later in the day as Woodman very busy, and played for 4 hours solid; had some lag issues but on the whole went well.

2012-11-22, 02:49 PM
Smoothest mmo launch i've ever seen. Feels good to finally be in the game earning permanent upgrades.

The very first drop was pretty insane though, computer freaked out being chucked into the middle of a huge battle, but after 3 deaths spawned slightly further back with a prowler and went on a killing spree.

Felt kind of bad mowing down players who were obviously new and didn't quite get what was happening yet as they ran across a frozen river on Esamir on foot.. The sheer number of them was awesome though and why I love this game.

2012-11-22, 04:00 PM
Best night of gaming since the first night of Planetside 1 retail release.

2012-11-23, 12:22 PM
Best night of gaming since the first night of Planetside 1 retail release.
Fellow TR vet here. Markov... but I remember your sig from the olden time. Been stuck for two months on hotel wifi, and won't get to play for another week.

Your words give me great hope. Hold down the fort until I get there. LOYALTY UNTIL DEATH!