View Full Version : OMG the warping

2012-11-21, 12:13 PM
the warping that is going on atm is mad. on miller EU server it is near impossible to fight. yo cant shoot anyone as you dont know their real location.
flying is dangerous aswell lol. near missed a few and 2 or 3 have killed my by warping into me. just nuts.

this needs to be sorted fast.

2012-11-21, 12:54 PM
Yeah. Miller is a mess. Official forums are in meltdown!

2012-11-21, 01:19 PM
We tried changing continents, or going somewhere "quiet".. to no avail. It was warping and heavy lags everywhere almost all day today on Miller. Had to happen at some point, wouldn't be a MMO launch otherwise ;)

2012-11-21, 01:19 PM
I have a friend playing on the other EU server. Apparently it's very well populated but not OVER populated so you might want to try there. "luckily" for me I work during prime time so I miss the main mess.

2012-11-21, 01:20 PM
Server load is bonkers with all the Werner vets trying to get in. :)

Apparently they will need a large amount of Euro servers this time around.

Ah marketing, if only you were there in 2003... :(

2012-11-21, 02:03 PM
they need to sort out the severs their end. the warpin is mad atm. im sure they will sort it but will take time.

2012-11-21, 02:06 PM
Oh yes, it's bad :/

2012-11-21, 03:15 PM
Every server is warping. And I dont have SC on my main character atm, game crashes. They should take it all down patch it and get it back the fuck up

2012-11-21, 04:11 PM
Yup, I've seen worse warping on Miller today than I ever experienced in all of Beta. It makes the game play kinda random. Probably fairly inevitable seeing as the server is most probably running at capacity.

Hopefully they can gain some info off of the server metrics and train the hamsters better...

2012-11-21, 04:41 PM
Seems like Pro7 is having a lot of issues with their servers, judging from the thread over at the official forum.

Babyfark McGeez
2012-11-21, 05:51 PM
Yesterday on launch the game played completely fine and smooth, no crashes or anything.
Tonight the first thing i see is a queue of 500+ people on miller, so i make another char on a different eu server. Then the game regulary glitches out or crashes, and the lag on all eu servers i tried was absolutely abysmal. Weird.

2012-11-21, 05:56 PM
The tech support over at the official forum is referring to the issue being on Pro7's end.

Babyfark McGeez
2012-11-21, 05:58 PM
These TV guys handle all eu servers right?

2012-11-21, 06:02 PM
That's the vibe I've been getting. Without checking the Pro7 threads, were they supposed to be handling the EU servers?
I find the whole thing rather confusing.

Babyfark McGeez
2012-11-21, 06:09 PM
Mbrll, that's what you get when you hire these to take care of your servers:



2012-11-21, 06:26 PM
Well we got a clear answer about who's running the servers. SOE is.

2012-11-21, 06:30 PM
The tech support over at the official forum is referring to the issue being on Pro7's end.

Yea, they do, and i have no idea why the fuck they do that.

ALL servers, both US and EU, are SOEs thing. They host the servers, not Pro7. At leasts thats what was being said several dozen times.

Why does SOEs support then tell us its a Pro7 Issue? Dunno. I guess they just didnt got the memo. :>

Babyfark McGeez
2012-11-21, 06:31 PM
In that case exchange "the cable guys" with "the smed guys".

2012-11-21, 06:33 PM
Sounds like they are swamped perhaps. Passing the buck to spread the support love?

2012-11-21, 06:34 PM
Yea, they do, and i have no idea why the fuck they do that.

ALL servers, both US and EU, are SOEs thing. They host the servers, not Pro7. At leasts thats what was being said several dozen times.

Why does SOEs support then tell us its a Pro7 Issue? Dunno. I guess they just didnt got the memo. :>

A good example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.
Well at least Twist cleared it up. :D

2012-11-21, 06:49 PM
I've made a mental note to skip driving until Miller comes out of warp speed.

I ran over enough invisible people that the guilt made me abandon the vanny and proceed on foot. :) Sniping was also entertaining. Quite liked the gambling element in picking whether to shoot at them, 5 meters in front, or 5 meters behind.

Still, fun fun fun!

2012-11-21, 06:50 PM
last patch seems to have made things better, only a few warps. played for a good few hours then and seems to getting more stable. which is good as it was unplayable before.

2012-11-21, 08:05 PM
I haven't seen much warping lately either. Pleasantly surprised. I see the occasional high pinger, but all in all it's pretty good.

2012-11-22, 06:31 AM
its looking better. logging in soon so we shall see how things are going after the maintenance and fixes.

2012-11-22, 06:47 AM
After the patch today it remained the same. Warping was crazy today, i ran into a room full of tr as infil and they didnt see me. I was unloading my pistol and hip firing the sniper gettin kills like i was invisible.

2012-11-22, 07:14 AM
Why does SOEs support then tell us its a Pro7 Issue? Dunno. I guess they just didnt got the memo. :>

SOE support aren't saying the underlying issue is Pro7's thing, they're saying that providing you with support on issues is Pro7's thing.

Either way the message is: Stop bugging us, we don't have any support obligation to you. Go bug Pro7 for your support needs.

First line support (the people you are contacting) aren't in any position to resolve the issue whether it's SOE or Pro7. When they receive a query, regardless of who 'they' are, they need to push that up the chain to certain people in SOE. In other words, nothing is gained by talking to SOE's first line support over Pro7's first line support. First line support (almost) never has the ability to solve your problem.

2012-11-22, 07:20 AM
Reduce Player Size ?

If a Map like Esamir is full of People is see this Warp Problem happening, more often
that being in a less crowded Indar.

If SOE donĀ“t want to fix this, lets spam them o dead :P

2012-11-22, 07:22 AM
Just sheer player numbers on the server I guess.

Unfortunately at times it seems to also have an effect on things like the medic tool not rezin' people or not quite healing people to 100% etc...

2012-11-22, 07:27 AM
Connery is actually much the same;
-players phasing in and out- being essentially invulnerable as well as untrackable if moving
-players and vehicles not rendering-ie invisible
-vehicles being catapulted into the sky

2012-11-22, 07:27 AM
Just sheer player numbers on the server I guess.

Unfortunately at times it seems to also have an effect on things like the medic tool not rezin' people or not quite healing people to 100% etc...

Yes, i also guess its a "Bandwith Problem"

2012-11-22, 07:30 AM
Yes and engineering tool stops working or instant heals, as well as ammo and ammo towers not working.
But thats pretty minor compared to invisible players and tanks, or players who move randomly around my

2012-11-22, 07:42 AM
I've had some crazy moments on the new EU server (Ceres?); headshotting someone and then 10 seconds later being told that I have got the kill. No idea how this would appear from their perspective; possibly an extremely annoying random death.

2012-11-22, 08:27 AM
Completely unplayable all day today. It just goes from warping madness to straight out lag (pressing E on a vehicle, nothing happens, 20s later you're already far away it puts you back into the vehicle - fun!) to flickering glitch into crash.

Seems like the best bet is to just not log in at all today unless you're looking for frustration.

2012-11-22, 08:32 AM
its killing the EU servers. 300+ in ques for miller yesterday. today not one que yet. at this rate the Us servers will be the only ones populated.

2012-11-22, 09:03 AM
I wonder though, since I still pay through SOE since I was a PS1 vet, does that not mean SOE are still obligated for the standard of goods and services provided to me. Just more thinking out loud more then anything.

Going to be raising ticket hell when I get home regardless.

2012-11-22, 09:52 AM
Seems warping is not an outcome of "huge amounts of players" - was in a base with (4 people in total with nothing even close) 3 vs 1 - we couldn't shoot the guy, because it's freaking impossible....

2012-11-22, 10:26 AM
the warping is a server problem. they need to hurry up and fix it. i see less and less on EU servers every day

2012-11-22, 10:41 AM
The servers are 100% operated by soe, so that is the way to go.

2012-11-22, 11:01 AM
Yea, they do, and i have no idea why the fuck they do that.

ALL servers, both US and EU, are SOEs thing. They host the servers, not Pro7. At leasts thats what was being said several dozen times.

Why does SOEs support then tell us its a Pro7 Issue? Dunno. I guess they just didnt got the memo. :>

Basti mach was!!!!:eek: