View Full Version : SOE, I seriously hope you guys expand upon the length of your music!

2012-11-21, 09:14 PM
Because some of the tracks have some amazing potential

I didn't think I was a fan of techno until I heard these two
PlanetSide 2 OST - Vanu Sovereignty Combat 1 - YouTube
PlanetSide 2 OST - Vanu Sovereignty Combat 3 - YouTube

Holy crap is combat 1 amazing :D

PlanetSide 2 OST - Terran Republic Combat 4 - YouTube ^--- that choir ---^
PlanetSide 2 OST - Terran Republic Combat 1 - YouTube
PlanetSide 2 OST - New Conglomerate Travel 1 - YouTube

These are my all, personal favourites

Seriously, one minute doesn't do these tracks any justice and are a wasted potential D:

Also, has anyone heard any info about Don Ferrone? Because this

PlanetSide 2 Music - Hades Long Tunnel - YouTube

is some amazing Bladerunner-like stuff right here, and I'm disappointed that we haven't heard anything about him. I was hoping there would be some info on the music section of Command Center, as Rodney had said there would be a reveal of the composer who wrote the new Character Selection music in Dons' style, but they only talked about Jeff Broadbent

My final point is that I hope music will eventually return as a background thing rather than just playing at certain key points, like at the end of a base capture. Travel music doesn't play nearly enough, and this is one MMO aspect that I feel is missing here that the original had (continental music... s'all)

2012-11-21, 09:28 PM
PS2 soundtrack is badass ! :D
It needs to be longer !!!

NC combat soundtrack must be replaced whit this ! it sucks IMO :D
Scorpions - HBTE - Freejack video soundtrack ***39;91 - YouTube

Guns N Roses You could be mine music video - YouTube

and this
Streets of Fire - Nowhere Fast - music video - YouTube

NC is complete now :D

2012-11-21, 09:33 PM
I'm actually quite content with NC music, it's a big improvement with live instruments compared to what was leaked with the E3 build. Especially their travel music

However, the main theme itself lacks in quality compared to the rest of their ST
Planetside 2 OST Main Theme and Credits - YouTube
Compare the 2:58 mark to what they have now
New Conglomerate theme - YouTube
Their credits theme just sounds more grandeur, more epic and freedom-ish :P
I think it's the reverb (the echo?) that gives it that extra pinch of awesome and they couldn't replicate it for some reason :/

2012-11-24, 05:00 PM
They did an awesome job on the music in this game.

Don's been involved his name appears in the credits.

2012-11-24, 05:09 PM
They did an awesome job on the music in this game.

Don's been involved his name appears in the credits.


I didn't see

I guess we can only hope that someday they'll find a use for his demos in the game :D There's nothing out there quite like it

Wish they'd bring back the audio section on the official forums since Rodney isn't very active on twitter

2012-11-24, 06:09 PM
I too wish that the background music would make a stronger comeback. That was one of my favorite features about PS1, having music play while running around fighting or just hanging out in a base.

Also, is it just me or does the character creation music seem more bold and epic than the login screen music? I think it would be neat if the current login screen music would cycle to the character creation music once it completed rather than just keep looping, much how the original PlanetSide would cycle between two different songs at login.

2012-11-24, 06:27 PM
Really think they should add some unobtrusive and minimalist ambient music for each continent. The silence feels a bit award at times.

2012-11-24, 08:14 PM
Really think they should add some unobtrusive and minimalist ambient music for each continent. The silence feels a bit award at times.



2012-11-24, 08:24 PM
Really think they should add some unobtrusive and minimalist ambient music for each continent. The silence feels a bit award at times.

agreed, especially when the music when it kicks in is quite awesome.

2012-11-24, 10:14 PM
They also need to change when the awesome battle music kicks in. It starts at like 75% when you've already kicked the enemy out of the base and are just sitting around. They should make it kick in when the enemy's influence is knocked down to 50% and not stop until your faction caps/defends it.

Babyfark McGeez
2012-11-24, 10:31 PM
I like the TR and VS music, but NC makes me want to scream "Waynes World! Party Time! Excellent!". And not in a good way. :p

2012-11-25, 09:26 AM
Really think they should add some unobtrusive and minimalist ambient music for each continent. The silence feels a bit award at times.



agreed, especially when the music when it kicks in is quite awesome.

That's exactly what I'd love to see!
Planetside OST - Arctic Travel - YouTube
@1:50. man

Can you imagine something like this for Esamir? What I love about the PS1 music is that it really set the atmosphere for the entire game, and gave it character

They also need to change when the awesome battle music kicks in. It starts at like 75% when you've already kicked the enemy out of the base and are just sitting around. They should make it kick in when the enemy's influence is knocked down to 50% and not stop until your faction caps/defends it.

Agreed, it starts playing too late and gets cut off quite frequently. I'd also love if they expand on the length of their current tracks as well