View Full Version : Seige Warfare. Isolated hexes should be denied resources.

2012-11-22, 03:14 AM
Seige: A military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building cutting off supplies, with the aim of compelling a surrender.

I propose that hexes or areas of the map under control by a faction that is cut off from that factions Warpgate be denied all resources.

Denying resources to the affected areas would disallow access to Aircraft, Ground vehicles, Maxes, grenades, and med kits to everyone in that area.

Now before people start to poo poo this idea lets think about it a bit.

As an attacker if a base such as a biolab is proving to be a problem to overcome, the strategy would be take all the surrounding hexes to cut off said base to deny the enemy its resources to defend said base. Denying grenades and maxes in a biolab would make it much easier to take. There is also added incentive for organizing large scale land sieges to cut off the enemy from large swaths of its land making them easier to conquer. Of course this would require outfit style organizing since it would be hard to surround and hold a lot of land unnoticed or unchallenged.

As a defender you would want to keep your resources available at all costs. Allowing another faction, or both opposing factions to completely surround you would be suicide. You would want to hold on to any hex that has a connection to the warpgate no matter how tenuous the tie. You would have to actually DEFEND the bases that you have conquered. If you are cut off, you would have to attack and reconquer a hex that reconnects the cut off areas to the warpgate.

Of course it is not all bad, I propose that defenders be given some sort of warning that a tie to the warpgate is in the process of being severed, be it through verbal or on screen warning. I also propose that when mousing over a base on the map screen, that bases capture status show up like the hack timer shows up in PS1. Defenders would be given ample warning and time to come up with a counter attack to prevent the base from flipping.

To me this just makes the bases that we capture actually mean something to the overall scope of the game. We will not be able to just ignore them anymore. We will have to defend them as needed. This will bring much needed strategy to this game, both for attackers and defenders. It only makes sense that if you are surrounded you will be cut off from supplies. Not only is is fun, but it would require very little reworking of the game by the devs to implement it.

What do you all think? What can be improved on the idea. I would like to hear constructive criticism.

2012-11-22, 03:17 AM
I think this is somewhat already in effect at least with pulling mbt. I believe, and I"m not 100% on this, if you cut a hex off from the tech plant they can no longer pull their MBT. In this meta game no mbt basically means you lose.

2012-11-22, 03:17 AM
I thought it already cut off resource gain to anywhere not directly linked to the warp gate by friendly territory, if not it used to and should do.

2012-11-22, 03:20 AM
I thought it already cut off resource gain to anywhere not directly linked to the warp gate by friendly territory, if not it used to and should do.

Well cutting off denies all hexes cut off their resources, but I believe he is saying the player should not get the resource gain from the hexes that are still connected if they are in the sieged hex.

2012-11-22, 03:20 AM
What I am saying is that you should not have access to your resources. The resouces are your allowed allotment that your faction has given you. They are not stored on you, they are stored at the warpgate and sent to you as needed. Therefore they can be cut off.

2012-11-22, 03:23 AM
What I am saying is that you should not have access to your resources. The resouces are your allowed allotment that your faction has given you. They are not stored on you, they are stored at the warpgate and sent to you as needed. Therefore they can be cut off.

I like that it puts more emphasis on logistics, but I think it would take some fun out of the game and make it more about who has more players. Last stands are some of the funnest moments I've had in this game.

2012-11-22, 03:27 AM
I like that it puts more emphasis on logistics, but I think it would take some fun out of the game and make it more about who has more players. Last stands are some of the funnest moments I've had in this game.

I agree that last stands are super fun, but remember the last stands that needed an ANT to keep going, and how that ANT showed up at the last second and saved the day? Well this would be the same sort of thing, except saving the day would require denying the enemy surrounding your base or flipping an enemy controlled base that reconnects the base under siege at the last minute.

2012-11-22, 04:37 AM
What I am saying is that you should not have access to your resources. The resouces are your allowed allotment that your faction has given you. They are not stored on you, they are stored at the warpgate and sent to you as needed. Therefore they can be cut off.
But the hexes are the thing that generates the resources.

So if you are in a cut off hex that generates Aircraft resources it's you who gets it but people on the continent who are in other hexes that are you off from you don't.

I think this is fine. Not that I particularly think the whole resrouce idea is good anyway.

2012-11-22, 05:01 AM
I believe pulling off such a move should be rewarded and if that means denying the purchasing of vehicles etc in the isolated hex...so be it.

Ultimately it add's more value to territory and that is one things we need atm.

2012-11-22, 06:23 AM
well you could do what the NC did today on mattherson to the TR...They pushed all the way up and capped all the areas around the warp gate cutting off about 40% of the TR's hexes and therefore denying them on a full scale.

2012-11-22, 07:12 AM
Defending sucks even with all resources, so no, I don't like this idea.

2012-11-22, 08:11 AM
Defending sucks even with all resources, so no, I don't like this idea.

^ this. No need to nerf the defenders even more.