View Full Version : Do not buy the TSAR-42

2012-11-22, 08:02 AM
I just bought the TSAR-42 in the infiltrator bundle which costs 700SC, however you cannot even fit a sniper rifle scope to the thing, only a maximum of a 4x scope which the default sniper wont even go as low to. The TSAR IS classed as a sniper rifle as you can see here.


And this is the view i have using 1 of the 2 x4 "scopes"


Is this a bug or intentional?

2012-11-22, 08:07 AM
That doesn't really look 4x :/ Anyway, not all snipers prefer long range sniping. I, for one, like mid-range, with the ability to see more of my peripheral which a 4x would do better to suit over what you consider a sniper rifle scope.

2012-11-22, 08:09 AM
I can see the x4 being useful in certain situations, but the lack of any real rifle scopes for it at all seems rather odd to me

2012-11-22, 08:17 AM
Perhapse they didn't want one package to be an end-all solution for infiltrators, leaving you wanting MOAARR :D

2012-11-22, 08:34 AM
Found out about the scopes after having bought it first... and I also find it strange that a sniper rifle marked as having "very long range" can only zoom 4x.
(Any way to test if it actually has very long range, or is that perhaps a misprint?)

2012-11-22, 09:25 AM
Sure. Shoot someone from far away ;).

I'm thinking some of those sniper rifles are kind of meant to be more like semi-auto battle rifles. Imagine the TSAR-42 as the M14 rifle, when comparing the SV99 to a Barret M95. That's a terrible comparison, but bear with me..

The TSAR-42 is just deadlier up close because you can aim easier at close targets, but at longer range it still works just the same if you can hit something with it.

2012-11-22, 10:17 AM
Its the same with the Vanu ghost sniper rifle that you get with the infantry bundle. It comes with iron sights and you have to buy a scope for it but the max it goes to is 4x and its bolt action, comically enough the description says it has a fast rof lol.

2012-11-22, 11:31 AM
Does itwoble like a sniper rifle?

2012-11-22, 11:51 AM
I got the same problem with a different gun.

I have learned now to check what can be fitted before buying.

You can open up / drill down if you click the locked weapons when you view them in (I think) the certs page, rather than the "store".

You can then see what attachments you will be able to get.

2012-11-22, 11:55 AM
I had one and hadnt used it yet. Its kind of cool with the 3.4 on it. It does one shot kills in the head.

Im going to try it with a 1x as soon as I get some more cert points.

2012-11-22, 12:31 PM
curious what the shadow will be like myself

2012-11-22, 12:48 PM
I have had the Shadow. I sort of liked it in beta and I bought one with Smed bucks.

-3 head shot kills
-worthless when hip fired
-semi-auto and it has fairly high vertical recoil

I think its much more useful than the Stalker.

2012-11-22, 11:12 PM
Well after playing with it some more it seems it cant one a HA. So its interesting but not worth using. Using a bolt action up close that cant do a one shot is not productive.

2012-11-23, 09:00 AM
Using a bolt action up close that cant do a one shot is not productive.
Yeah, having to reload after every shot doesn't make it a very effective short range weapon.

2013-02-13, 09:28 PM
If you are looking for a gun with a 12x scope to sit on a hill with then this isn't the gun you want but I certainly wouldn't say it is a bad gun. It is one of my favorites.

302 Found

2013-02-13, 09:34 PM
It's meant to be more a mid range Sniper. And no you can't one shot a heavy if it's a chest shot. Headshots are instant kill with bolts though.

2013-02-14, 07:14 AM
I don't mind its designed role as a more up close bolt action rifle. They should have at least included the 6x scope (S3) though, even LMG's and AR's have that option.