View Full Version : Thanks for the SC refund and quick response. Also some thoughts.

2012-11-22, 08:35 AM
Like a dick I bought all the visual upgrades for the flash (Hubs, ariel and tyres) and then realised I can only equip one at a time. I sent a ticket yesterday and they replied today refunding me in full. Fwiw just unlock the lot! I want my bad boy flash!

The new player experience still needs work. I've been in since PCgamer wave and there's definite improvement but the first experince of the game should not equate to - land then die - given the option to spawn again right there and prob die again etc. The new player should spawn at the warpgate and be introduced to the various terminals, and only then, ushered into a squad and given the option of squad spawn. Currently the game promotes frustration in everything from its queue system (coming from a subscriber) through the unintuitive cert screens, the awful minimap, why can't games get it right? At least it's better than BF3 and the option to fix the rotation made me smile from ear to ear. It's just too densely populated with coloured boxes and symbols. When I first pressed alt and my mouse pointer appeared I got all excited, it'll be just like Tera, pressing alt will let me interact with the map as well as the chat, zoom, drag, mark. Nope, fixed zoom and no options. Huge miss for me, it hurts even more when added to the fact that it's impossible to look at your map and move at the same time, and STILL no autorun. Poo pie i tell you, poo pie.
Last night though. Before all the warping and chat lag and slightly pissed screen giant polygon auto reverse sort of crashes that fix themselves and happen at the best times and despite the voip sounding for leader and a few others like they are being dragged downstairs whilst talking (who knows, they might!) there were flashes of greatness. A feeling that I noticed at times in late beta where it all just fits into place, and it's pure awesome when it does.

2012-11-22, 08:40 AM
The descriptions in regards to equipping limits across the board isn't obvious nor explained at all. How hard would it be to add a sentence like, "cannot be used with any other X from the same group"? And this extends beyond just visual upgrades.

I've mentioned this before and while it may be intuitive to them, it isn't for a lot of players, including myself at first.

They need to see things from a different perspective and, most importantly, assume nothing.

2012-11-22, 09:01 AM
The descriptions in regards to equipping limits across the board isn't obvious nor explained at all. How hard would it be to add a sentence like, "cannot be used with any other X from the same group"? And this extends beyond just visual upgrades.

I've mentioned this before and while it may be intuitive to them, it isn't for a lot of players, including myself at first.

They need to see things from a different perspective and, most importantly, assume nothing.

Pretty much what I said in my response to them. Obviously people are going to want to kit their chosen rides out. Unfotunately, I'm left to wonder how cool my flash will look with all 3.
Logged in to no SC at all. Massive warping, random deaths, it can't be influx of players on an EU server in early afternoon, but it wasn't present for me in beta. Not a performance issue. I've applied vsync because my frames were in the hundereds and I thought that was causing my crashing. Game runs perfectly. what have they done? :evil:

2012-11-22, 10:40 AM
The descriptions in regards to equipping limits across the board isn't obvious nor explained at all. How hard would it be to add a sentence like, "cannot be used with any other X from the same group"? And this extends beyond just visual upgrades.

I've mentioned this before and while it may be intuitive to them, it isn't for a lot of players, including myself at first.

They need to see things from a different perspective and, most importantly, assume nothing.

A few months of beta and I still don't know what goes where or how some things actually work (like weapons).

2012-11-22, 01:00 PM
Yeah, it's human nature for people to assume that what comes naturally or intuitively to them will apply to everyone else. That's not the case.

It's especially hard from a designer's perspective as they are intimate with everything that they build so of course it's easy and understandable to them. Being able to detach themselves from that and ask themselves, how would a fresh newb, not always wise to certain things, perceive and use this is key to ensuring everyone has an enjoyable experience and not left scratching their head, which can be a turn off.

2012-11-22, 01:38 PM
Also, SOE really needs to have a description next to weapons or something that describes what classes will be able to use something if you buy it. Not a problem for me, but I could see it being an issue for new players. Would also like to see detailed weapon descriptions at the inventory customization screen as I hate having to go back to the marketplace to see if this gun is that one that has better hipfire recoil or whatever.

2012-11-22, 01:52 PM
I agree.

There should be a Class: X next to each weapon.

Also, maybe it's just me, but does it make sense the medic weapons aren't useable by LA or engineers?