View Full Version : Three characters per account?

2012-11-22, 07:30 PM
I tried making a fourth character and the create character button was not selectable.

Is there a three character limit???

2012-11-22, 11:25 PM
Yes, 3 is max.

2012-11-23, 06:52 AM
I think it was Smed - possibly Radar - that commented that it was a 3 character limit for free accounts.

I took this to assume you could create more if you have the membership although I don't think any official numbers have been released.

2012-11-23, 07:07 AM
I have a membership and I cannot create more than three.

2012-11-23, 10:21 AM
It probably just means they'll sell extra character slots eventually.

2012-11-23, 10:25 AM
It probably just means they'll sell extra character slots eventually.

That would be a great idea, while making an additional slot obtainable through a successfully BRmaxed character.

2012-11-23, 10:28 AM
Eh, I can understand their desire to monetize things, but why sell this? If anything they should encourage more characters, especially if they're not binding purchased equipment per account.

Too many double negatives.

2012-11-23, 12:59 PM
I have 3 characters on 3 different EU servers and I am still able to click on the create character button. That is with a membership.

Sounds like there might be some more inconsistencies then.

2012-11-23, 01:01 PM
Yeah, mine isn't selectable for some reason and I'm premium.

2012-11-23, 08:37 PM
Why would you want more than 3 0_o There's only 3 factions.

2012-11-23, 08:40 PM
What good does more characters do? Every character can play every class, and there are only three factions..

2012-11-24, 06:37 AM
Why would you want more than 3 0_o There's only 3 factions.

This ^

What good does more characters do? Every character can play every class, and there are only three factions..

and this ^

2013-02-25, 10:17 AM
I think it's more the fact that you have people that you really want to play with but you're on different servers/factions and have already put a decent amount of time into the 3 characters you have and don't want to delete any. I have all 3 factions right now on AU servers and have got over 300 certs on each, I discovered that some of my friends are on other servers and also have put too much time into their toons, simply it would just make more sense to increase the slots to 3 per server rather than just 3 global.

2013-02-25, 11:14 AM
Why would you want more than 3 0_o There's only 3 factions.

Because you want to occasionally play on other servers and with other people/friends?

As long as char-transfers aren't available, thats the only way to play with people that didn't immediately know each other at launch.

If I would want to play with AJ or the other streamers, I'd need to find their server for example.

2013-02-25, 06:36 PM
I can't fathom why its 3 chars even for premium subs.

2013-02-25, 10:08 PM
Why would you want more than 3 0_o There's only 3 factions.

I have my main toon (TR) an alt on the same server (TR) who is my cert farmer to test out weapons/cert options so I dont waste certs on my main. Then Ive also got a NC toon that I play but I would like a 4th for VS just so I can test out their new guns when everyone gets one (like the SMGS)

Why buy? It's free to open an account with an email that you can get for free.

Replying to the comment below... Well if you have spent SC on your account and then when unlocks are account wide youll have access to this on the new guys you make, secondly us Alpha squaders wouldnt get our boosts or free guns on that new account either. So unless your a complete f2p player making a new account isnt the answer

2013-02-25, 10:13 PM
It probably just means they'll sell extra character slots eventually.
Why buy? It's free to open an account with an email that you can get for free.