View Full Version : constructive feedback

2012-12-06, 11:22 AM
I posted this on the official foruns but good threads get buried there by all the non constructive threads.

Honestly, they can fix most of the balance issues with just a few tweaks.

Skyguard AA and/or AV lockon missiles (ESFs can still detect lock on and run away) This can be a 1000 cert turret with decent reload speed. - may not be an issue now with the upcoming patch.

Maxes slightly more accurate - addresses.

ESFs less missiles or less damage vrs tanks - hopefully addressed with splash damage reduction in next patch.

A2A missiles are slightly slower (easier to outrun and more time to flare longer dogfights)

Tank mines (the anti vehicle part) now only detonate when someone "moves on them" - so you cant use them like C4.

NC get slight buff in damage (like 20% - that's maybe one less bullet so dont freak out, except snipers - keep recoil. They are now a more in your face faction)

Sunderer spawn timers are slower (approx 25% - thats maybe 2-3 extra seconds so dont freak out) so that defence in base spawners re-spawn more often making defence against the zerg a little bit easier.

My wish list of longer term goals:

Cool down timers on all vehicles/Maxes are slower the further away you are from the warp gate. Tech plants can mitigate this effect slightly.
This gives under populated "alamo" players more options to push back the zerg.

More exits out of spawners (under ground exits so that its harder to camp them)

No more explosive damage in spawn rooms. The spawn protection protects against all damage!

A little more added to the metagame - more on that probably in a different post.
Post some easy ideas you have for balance below.

Some simple ground rules:

The idea is to make your ideas both easy to implement and provides the least amount of change to a given weapon/vehicle current use/stats. Also, and I know this is hard, lets try to be constructive so that SOE wants to hear our feedback instead of just hearing complaints (eg. "this sucks" without decent info on why).